sanoojes / Spicetify-Lucid

A Dynamic, Highly Customizable Spicetify theme inspired by Bloom and Microsoft Fluent Design.
MIT License
69 stars 2 forks source link

Merged Window Controls on MacOS #9

Closed AlexanderDotH closed 2 months ago

AlexanderDotH commented 2 months ago

Do you have the latest versions of Spicetify, Spotify and Better Bloom?

Is there already an issue for your problem?

Is your problem definitely caused by the theme?

Environment & Computer Info

- Spotify version: Mac OS Latest
- Installed from: (Windows Store, Spotify site, Flatpak, etc)
- Spicetify version: spicetify v2.36.11
- Color scheme: All
- Extensions: -
- Custom apps: Marketplace
- Better Bloom installation method: (Spicetify Marketplace/PowerShell script/Bash script/Manual)


Window decorations are merged with the spotify content on macos which results an undraggable window


image image
sanoojes commented 2 months ago

ohh soory for the issue i dont have access to a mac i will try to fix it

AlexanderDotH commented 2 months ago

No Problem, I can test it for you If you want. Add me on discord. Tag: alexdoth

sanoojes commented 2 months ago

Thankss ! it would be nice if you can do it for me i will tag you on discord my id:

sanoojes commented 2 months ago

can you check the new update i think it should fix the issue