sansiaali / mulanatrax

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QuotaExceededError / AbortError with Dexie #3

Open codemann8 opened 2 weeks ago

codemann8 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure why, but after using this for awhile, I'm no longer able to add any additional images, either to the map or as note images. After some research, it sounds like Dexie likes to throw this error when the IndexedDB runs out of quota space. At the time I first got this message, I saw that I was using raw BMP for the screenshots so I thought it was just that the images were too big. After debugging tho, something happened and my IndexedDB got cleared out, so I had to start from scratch sigh. So, then I converted all my screenshots to JPG at a fraction of the filesize, and I begin to rebuild the maps from scratch. I get to around the same spot that I left off and I still continue to get this error, despite the large reduction in filesize, so I really don't know why this error might be occurring. Is there some kind of limit on max number of overall entries? Max tiles per map? One thing I am doing is putting multiple ruins onto one map area, just convenient to scroll over and view the whole thing as opposed to constantly switching between maps. I highly doubt it is a tiles/map issue because it is giving me problems in my "Alternate" map, which is considerably smaller than what I have built out on my "Main" map, which has all of Surface/Guidance/Giants/Sky/Sun/Inferno/Extinction with no issue. Alternate has Moon/Graveyard/Ruin so far.

Let me know if there is any other info I can provide, I would really like to continue using this.

Edit: Error shows at App.tsx line 851

Edit 2: It also doesn't even let me make a new Map, what Quota could it be exceeding that it won't allow making a new map?

Edit 3: Ok, so Dev Tools says IndexedDB has 328MB out of 303MB quota, which is strange for 2 reasons, it exceeds the quota as is, and 2, of all the drives on this computer, the drive with the least mount of space is 109GB remaining, so I'm unsure why I'm being limited to 303MB here. I'm not sure how to get the browser to increase this quota.

sansiaali commented 2 weeks ago

I haven't encountered that problem even after mapping out the whole game and adding a lot of images into the maptiles. For reference my setup was the steam version of the game, 1280x960 resolution windowed, firefox as my browser, screenshots using default steam settings.

Steam automatically saves the screenshots in lowish quality jpgs. You can have the game screenshot folder open while playing and press F12 to automatically save a screenshot into the folder. Then alt-tab and drag the image into the browser.

I can't do much about the IndexedDB quotas as I didn't run into the issue myself and I don't know if quotas have changed during these years. There seem to be tools that can export and import IndexedDB contents between browsers