Open srkline-igor opened 4 years ago
I have versions that work correctly and quickly, but are based on information in the file label. These functions are intended to work from the NICE-GUI-generated metatdata.
Need to define a second set of functions to identify files based on the expected data in the file headers. 1) define which read functions to use 2) either use these directly (slow) 3) or-- when in Polarized beam mode, read these extra columns in when doing a file catalog. then the lookup is fast, and the columns could be added to a table for better identification of files.
List all of the different types of Pol Beam files: for decay (He in/out), for supermirror, for the scattering measurement (and transmission).
Then with the list of all of the different types, be able to identify each from the metadata conditions.
Then the files could be presented in a logical grouping and used to fill in the different tables. Lists of qualifying files could be presented in drop-down menus to fill in table cells. Entire tables could be filled in after "scanning" the files, (what about during an experiment, as new data is being collected? Don't want to waste time re-scanning and re-calculating...)