sanskrit-kosha / kosha

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Typo in Śivakoṣa of Śivadatta #22

Closed Harunaga-Isaacson closed 4 years ago

Harunaga-Isaacson commented 4 years ago

The line पीतपुष्पी तु देवार्हात्रपुसीवारुणिशणे ॥ २९७ ॥ has a typo: it should end -वारुणीशणे ॥

The edition seems to have a rather consistent idiosyncracy; it prints छ where we should usually, because of internal sandhi, have च्छ. Thus for instance the plant called मणिच्छिद्रा appears here (in 429a) as मणिछिद्रा. In some cases this affects the metre. I am not sure whether it might be better to 'normalize' the orthography in this regard, rather than to follow the edition.

With many thanks,

Harunaga Isaacson

drdhaval2785 commented 4 years ago

I incline towards not disturbing the editor choice. I would note this peculiarity in the metadata file. This would caution the user about this peculiarity.