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First part preface

<P>1. {%Jones.%} A Catalogue of Sanscrit and other Oriental Manuscripts presented to the Royal Society by
<>Sir William and Lady Jones. Printed in Sir William Jones' Works. London 1807. 8. Vol. XIII, p. 401--15.
<>This is a small collection of MSS., which were all copied for Sir William Jones. It is now being kept in the
<>Library of the India Office. Quoted by pages. This mode of quotation is adopted in all cases where no remark
<>is made to the contrary.
<P>2. {%Mack.%} Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts collected by the
<>late Lieut. Col. Colin Mackenzie. By H. H. Wilson. Calcutta 1828. 8. This collection was made in the South,
<>and the greater part of it is now in the Library of the India Office.
<P>3. {%Copenh.%} Codices Indici Bibliothecae Regiae Havniensis enumerati et descripti a N. L. Westergaard.
<>Havniae 1846. 4. Principally from the collection made by Erasmus Rask. 
[Page1-802+ 42]
<P>4. {%Pet.%} Verzeichniss der auf Indien bezüglichen Handschriften und Holzdrucke im Asiatischen Museum,
<>von Otto Böhtlingk. Printed in Das Asiatische Museum zu St. Petersburg von Dr. Bernh. Dorn. St. Petersburg
<>1846. 8. I was unable to obtain some other lists of Sanskrit Mss., which are extant at St. Petersburg.
<P>5. {%IO.%} The Library of the India Office in London contains the collections of Colebrooke, Wilkins,
<>Taylor, the Gaikawar, Johnson, Fleet, Ballantyne, Burnell, and others. When my work went to press, only the
<>first part of the valuable Catalogue by Professor Eggeling, containing the Vedic Manuscripts, was then published.
<>By the courtesy of the Author I was allowed the use of the proof-sheets of the second part, and those of the
<>third part as far as page 552. My work would have been materially benefited, could I have waited for the
<>completion of the whole. But there is no prospect of this Catalogue being finished for perhaps another ten years.
<>The loss thereby caused has to a small extent been remedied by my having examined about 1150 volumes while
<>residing in England, and afterwards during my occasional visits to London.
<P>6. {%W.%} Verzeichniss der Sanskrit-Handschriften (der Königlichen Bibliothek in Berlin) von A. Weber.
<>Berlin 1853. 4. This is a pattern of what a Catalogue ought to be, and it deals with MSS. which in their
<>bulk are not surpassed in value by any other collection in Europe.
<P>7. {%Oxf.%} Catalogus Codicum Sanscriticorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae. Confecit Th. Aufrecht. Oxonii
<>1864. 4. Since this Catalogue was printed, the Bodleian Library, with the exception of Hultzsch's collection,
<>has not much increased its store of Sanskrit MSS. These additional MSS. I have examined and have, with only
<>a few exceptions, entered in the present book.
<P>8. {%Cambr.%} A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. By
<>Th. Aufrecht. Cambridge 1869. 8. The University Library in Cambridge has collected a considerable number
<>of Sanskrit works, which ought to be made known to the Learned.
<P>9. {%Paris.%} No printed Catalogue is in existence. Fortunately, I was able to avail myself of a written
<>alphabetical Catalogue compiled by S. Munk, of which an abridged copy was made for Lassen by Goldstücker.
<>Mr. Feer was obliging enough to send me in 1886 a list of later additions under the title of ‘Liste des titres
<>de Manuscrits Sanskrits ajoutes au Catalogue de Munk, augmentée des titres des Manuscrits en caracteres autres
<>que le Devanāgari et le Bengali qui ne sont pas donnés dans le Catalogue’. I have great pleasure in recording
<>my thanks to Mr. Féer publicly.--Both lists are unfortunately replete with errors. Burnouf's MSS. are
<>enumerated in the catalogue of sale of his books. They are few and not valuable. The small Catalogue by
<>Hamilton and Lagles, Paris 1807. 8. I could not procure on the Continent.--Quoted by the numbers of
<>entry in the written Catalogue.
<P>10. {%Hall.%} A contribntion towards an Index to the Bibliography of the Indian Philosophical systems.
<>By Fitzedward Hall. Calcutta 1859. 8. It would be presumption on my part to speak in praise of a work
<>which by universal consent is considered to be unique and perfect in its particular department.
<P>11. {%L.%} Notices of Sanskrit MSS. by Rājendralāla Mitra. Calcutta 1871--90. Nine volumes in 8, and
<>the first part of the tenth. This is decidedly the best analysis of Sanskrit Mss., which up to the present time
<>has been made by a Native of India. The copious extracts are very useful, and enable the attentive reader to
<>judge of the contents of a work, even where he is deserted by the English text. The indefatigable industry of
<>the Editor deserves every kind of commendation.--Quoted by numbers.
<P>12. {%Khn.%} A classified alphabetical Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. in the Southern division of the Bombay
<>Presidency. Compiled by F. Kielhorn. Fascicle I. Bombay 1869. 8.
<P>13. {%K.%} A Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. existing in the Central Provinces. Edited by F. Kielhorn.
<>Nagpur 1874. 8. 
[Page1-803+ 43]
<P>14. {%Kh.%} Report on the search for Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Presidency during the year 1880--81.
<>By F. Kielhorn. Bombay 1881. 8.
<P>15. {%B.%} A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts contained in the Private Libraries of Gujarāt, Kāṭhiāvād,
<>Kachchh, Sindh, and Khāndeś. Compiled under the Superintendence of G. Bühler. Four fascicles. Bombay
<>1871--73. 8.
<P>16. {%Report.%} Detailed Report of a tour in search of Sanskrit MSS. made in Kāśmīr, Rajputana, and
<>Central India. By G. Bühler. Bombay 1877. 8. This is a publication of great importance. Whole branches
<>of literature, till then scarcely known, were here brought to light and set forth in a masterly manner. The best
<>works published in the Kāvyamālā are printed from MSS. brought by Bühler from this journey, and Sanskrit
<>Scholars in Europe have also eagerly availed themselves of them.
<P>17. {%Ben.%} A Catalogue of MSS. in the Library of the Benares Sanskrit College. Published as a
<>supplement to the Pandit Voll. III--IX. Benares 1864--74.
<P>18. {%Lgr.%} A descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
<>Part first. Grammar. Edited by Rājendralāla Mitra. Calcutta 1877. 8. Written with more pretence than
<P>19. {%Bik.%} A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of His Highness the Mahārāja of Bikāner.
<>Compiled by Rājendralāla Mitra. Calcutta 1880. 8.
<P>20. {%Tüb.%} Verzeichniss Indischer Handschriften der Königlichen Universitāts-Bibliothek in Tübingen.
<>Anhang. Indische Handschriften der Königlichen Oeffentlichen Bibliothek in Stuttgart. Von R. Roth. Tübingen
<>1865. 4.
<P>21. {%Haug.%} Verzeichniss der orientalischen Handschriften aus dem Nachlasse des Professor Dr. Martin
<>Haug in München. München 1876. 4. This Catalogue was hastily compiled by Dr. Georg Orterer.
<P>22. {%Kāṭm.%} List of Sanskrit works supposed by the Nepalese Pandits to be rare in the Napalese
<>Libraries at Khatmandoo. 14 pages in 8, signed R. Lawrence, Resident. Nepal Residency, The 2nd of
<>August, 1868.
<P>23. {%Pheh.%} Phehariśt Saṃskṛtake Pustakoṅkā, 16 pages in 8, without any further statement.
<P>24. {%Rādh.%} Pustakānāṃ Sūcīpatram. 48 pages in 8. At the end we find: likhitaṃ Paṇḍitarājārāma-
<>śāstriṇā Kāśmīravāsinā. This important collection of MSS. belonged to the late Paṇḍit Rādhākṛṣṇa of Lahore,
<>who was famous not only for his enlightened views, but also for his great knowledge of Sanskrit lore.
<P>25. {%NW.%} A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Private Libraries of the North-West Provinces.
<>Part I. Benares 1874. 8.
<P>26. {%Oudh%} 1876. 1877. List of Sanskrit Manuscripts discovered in Oudh during the year 1876.
<>Prepared by John C. Nesfield, assisted by Pandit Devīprasāda. Calcutta 1878. 8. List of Sanskrit Manuscripts
<>discovered in Oudh during the year 1877. Prepared by Pandit Devīprasāda. Allahabad 1878. 8.
<P>27. {%Oudh.%} Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. existing in Oudh. Compiled by Paṇḍit Devīprasāda. Fascicles
<>III--XIII. Subsequent numbers for 1881 (XIV), 1882 (XV), 1883 (XVI), 1884 (XVII), 1885 (XVIII), 1887 (XIX).
<>1888 published in 1890 (XX). 4.
<P>28. {%NP.%} A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Private Libraries of the North-Western Provinces.
<>Parts I--X. Allahabad 1877--86. 8.
<P>29. {%Brl.%} Catalogue of a collection of Sanskrit Manuscripts by A. C. Burnell. Part I. Vedic Manuscripts.
<>London 1870. 8. These MSS. were presented to the India Office, London.
<P>30. {%Burnell.%} A classified Index to the Sanskrit MSS. in the Palace at Tanjore, by A. C. Burnell.
<>London 1880. 8. Any work proceeding from the pen of such a scholar as Burnell may be presumed to be 
[Page1-804+ 41]
<>excellent. We only regret in this Catalogue that the <ab type="pers">author</ab> has comparatively rarely given the beginnings of
<>the works he has described.
<P>31. {%Bl.%} Report on Sanskrit MSS. 1872--73. Seven, and seventeen pages. Bombay 1874. 8.
<P>32. {%BA.%} Report of Sanskrit MSS. 1874--75, by G. Bühler. 21 pages in 8. Girgaum 1875.
<P>33. {%Gu.%} Report on the results of the search for Sanskrit MSS. in Gujrāt, during the year 1871--72.
<>By G. Bühler. Dated, Sūrat, 30th August 1872. 11 pages in folio.
<P>34. {%Mysore.%} A supplementary Catalogue of Sanskrit works in the Sarasvati Bhandaram Library of His
<>Highness the Maharaja of Mysore. Signed by F. Kielhorn. 9 pages in folio.
<P>35. {%Lahore.%} Report on the compilation of the Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts for the year 1879
<>--80. By Paṇḍit Kāṣi Nāth Kunte. Pages 5 und 23 in folio. Lahore.
<P>36. {%Bh.%} A Report on 122 MSS. by R. G. Bhandarkar. Dated Bombay, 7th July 1880. 37 pages
<>in folio. This short but precise list can serve as a model for any catalogue, and it is a matter of regret that
<>we do not possess many more like it.--Quoted by numbers.
<P>37. {%P.%} Lists of the Sanskrit manuscripts purchased for Government during the years 1877--78 and
<>1869--78, and a list of the manuscripts purchased from May to November 1881. By F. Kielhorn. Dated Poona,
<>30th November 1881. 26 pages in folio.
<P>38. {%Bhk.%} A Report on the search for Sanskrit Manuscripts during the year 1881--82 by R. G. Bhandarkar
<>Dated Poona 1st June 1882. 39 pages in folio.
<P>39. {%Bhr.%} Report on the search for Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Presidency during the year 1882
<>--83 by R. G. Bhandarkar. Bombay 1884. 8. This is an instructive little volume.--Quoted by numbers.
<P>40. {%Poona.%} A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the Deccan College. Part I.
<>Prepared under the Superintendence of F. Kielhorn. Part II and Index prepared under the Superintendence of
<>R. G. Bhandarkar. 1884. 61 pages in folio.--Quoted by numbers.
<P>41. {%Kāśīn.%} Report on Sanskrit Manuscripts 1) for quarter July to September 1880. 2) for quarter
<>Oct. to December 1880. 3) for year 1880--81. 4) for quarter April to June 1881. By Pandit Kāṣi Nāth Kunte.
<>Lahore, 77 pages in folio.
<P>42. {%Lahore%} 1882. Statement showing the old and rare Manuscripts in Gujranwala and Delhi Districts,
<>Punjab, examined during the year 1881--82 by Pandit Kāṣi Nāth Kunte. 4 pages of preface, and 12 pages
<>of text, in folio. This repeats to some extent the description of MSS. given in the preceding list.
<P>43. {%Bonn.%} Catalogi Librorum Manu scriptorum Orientalium a Ioanne Gildemeistero adornati Fasciculus VII.
<>Bonnae 1876. 4.
<P>44. {%Jac.%} Liste der indischen Handschriften im Besitze des Prof. H. Jacobi. Printed in Zeitschrift der
<>Deutschen Morgenländischen Geseilschaft Vol. 33, 693.
<P>45. {%H.%} Über eine Sammlung indischer Handschriften und Inschriften von E. Hultzsch. Printed ibid.
<>Vol. 40, 1. This collection of MSS. has been purchased by the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
<P>46. {%Vienna.%} Über eine kürzlich für die Wiener Universität erworbene Sammlung von Sanskrit- und
<>Prakrit-Handschriften, von Georg Bühler. Wien 1882. 8.
<P>47. {%Taylor.%} A Catalogue raisonnée of Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of the (late) College Fort
<>Saint George, now in charge of the Board of Examiners. By the Rev. William Taylor. Vol. I. Madras 1857.
<>8. This book is almost useless without the assistance derived from the Alphabetical Catalogue of the Oriental
<>Manuscripts in the Library of the Board of Examiners, by T. S. Condaswami Jyer. Madras 1861. 8. 
[Page1-805+ 41]
<P>48. {%Oppert.%} Lists of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Private Libraries of Southern India by Gustav Oppert.
<>Vol. I. Madras 1880. 4. Vol. II. Madras 1885. 8. No German should have lent his name to such bad
<P>49. {%Rice.%} Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Mysore and Coorg. By Lewis Rice. Banglore 1884.
<>8. More trustworthy than the preceding work, it is done in the same unsatisfactory manner.
<P>50. {%Peters.%} From these we turn with pleasure to three volumes published by Professor Peterson.
<>I. Detailed Report of operations in search of Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Circle. August 1882--March 1883.--
<>II. April 1883--March 1884.--III. April 1884--March 1886. Bombay 1883--87. 8.
<P>51. {%W.%} Verzeichniss der Sanskrit und Prākrit Handschriften (der Königlichen Bibliothek in Berlin)
<>von A. Weber. Berlin 1886. 4. This Catalogue, a continuation of 6, describes numbers 1405--1772 in
<>352 pages.
<P>52. {%BP.%} Report on the search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during the year
<>1883--84. By R. G. Bhandarka{??} Bombay 1887. 8.
<P>53. {%Bühler.%} Two lists of Sanskrit MSS. by G. Bühler. Printed in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgen-
<>ländischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 42, 530.
<P>54. {%SB.%} Catalogue of Sanskrit Mss. in the Sanskrit College Library, Benares. Allahabad. 8. Received
<>by me on the 20th of May 1889. This gives a more correct and more complete list than that printed in
<>the Pandit.
<P>55. {%D.%} A Catalogue of the Collections of Manuscripts deposited in the Deccan College. By Ṣridhar
<>R. Bhandarkar. Bombay 1888. 8. This is a useful reprint of 18 previously published lists, only the first out
<>of 19 being new. A careful index enhances the value of this volume.
<P>56. {%Sūcīpattra.%} Thus I have by mistake called the Sūcīpustaka which contains a list of the MSS. of
<>Fort William, the Asiatic Society in Calcutta, etc. Calcutta 1838. 8.
<P>While writing this, I received the 20th part of the Catalogue of Oudh MSS., and the first part of the
<>10th volume of Rājendralāla Mitra's Notices. Not wishing to encumber the Additions, I must leave these two books
<>and any other materials which may hereafter be published for a later opportunity.
<P>The abbreviations used are for the most part quite clear. <ab type="subj">an</ab>. anonymous, <ab type="subj">dh</ab>. dharma, fr. fragmentary,
<>gr. grammatical, <ab type="subj">ny</ab>. nyāya, <ab type="subj">tantr</ab>. tantric. Skm. is the Sūktikarṇāmṛta by Śrīdharadāsa, of which I have copied
<>the only two MSS. which hitherto have been discovered. Sbhv. is the Subhāṣitāvali by Vallabhadeva. With Śp.
<>I refer to my analysis of the Śārṅgadharapaddhati in Vol. 27 (1873) of the Zeitschrift of the German Oriental
<>Society, with Rāyamukuṭa to my Paper on his Padacandrikā, ibid. Vol. 28 (1874) p. 109.

Second part preface

<P>1. {%ASB.%} Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal.
<P>2. {%Bhau Dāji.%} Catalogue of Manuscripts and Books belonging to the Bhau Dāji Memorial. Bombay
<>1882. 8^0. Quoted according to pages.--This is a mere list, arranged according to the number of MSS. I
<>give a specimen.
<P>165. Pitṛsūktamantra | ... | Veda | 14 leaves.
<>Piṭhorī-Vrata | Vyāsa | Purāṇa | 2 to 7.
<>Kara-Pañchāṅga | Bābbasūri | Jyotiṣa | 4.
<>Kautūhala-Nāṭaka- | Mukteśvara | Purāṇa | 15.
<>Rāmāyaṇa (Bāla-kāṇḍa).
<>Śivaśāstra |...| Nīti | 50.
<>Prayoga |...| Prayoga | 20.
<P>The greater number of Sanskrit works have been extracted.
<P>3. {%BL.%} Lists of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Private Libraries in the Bombay Presidency. Compiled under
<>the Superintendence of R. G. Bhandarkar. Part I. Bombay 1893. 8^0.
<P>4. {%Cs.%} A descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the Calcutta Sanskrit College.
<>Prepared by Hṛṣīkeśa Śāstrī and Śiva Candra Gui. Volume I. Vedic Manuscripts in 4 parts. Calcutta 1895.
<>8^0. First part of Vol. II. Calcutta 1896.
<P>5. {%CU. add.%} A selection of Sanskrit MSS. in the University Library Cambridge.
<P>6. {%Devīpr.%} 79. Lists of Sanskrit MSS. discovered in Oudh. During the year 1879. Prepared by
<>Pandit Devī Prasāda. Allahabad 1879. 8^0. This part is rare. Quoted according to pages.
<P>7. {%Fl.%} Florentine Sanskrit Manuscripts examined by Theodor Aufrecht. Leipzig 1892. 8^0.
<P>8. {%GB.%} Die Sanskrit-Handschriften der Universitāts-Bibliothek zu Göttingen. Beschrieben von Professor
<>F. Kielhorn. 8^0. 150 numbers.
<P>9. {%Goldstücker.%} A few original MSS. now preserved in the University Library of Strassburg.
<P>10. {%Gov. Or. Libr. Madras.%} Alphabetical Index of Manuscripts in the Government Oriental MSS.
<>Library Madras. Madras 1893. Folio. Quoted according to pages. A specimen follows.
<HI1>Nānārtharatnamālā | Nighaṇṭu | Irugapa Daṇḍādhi-
<>nātha | 4 copies.
<HI1>Nānārtharatnākara | Do. |...| 1.
<HI1>Nānārthaśabdaratna | Do. | Kālidāsa | 2.
<HI1>Nānārthaśabdaratnavyākhyā | Do. | Niculakaviyogi-
<>candra | 2.
<HI1>Nānārthasaṃgraha | Do. | Haricandra | 4.
<HI1>Nāmakaraṇa | Prayoga |...| 1.
<HI>Only a selected number of entries could be received. This collection, which contains many important works,
<>deserves to be properly catalogued. 
[Page2-244+ 43]
<P>11. {%Hz.%} Reports on Sanskrit Manuscripts in Southern India by E. Hultzsch. No. 1. Madras 1895. 8^0.
<P>12. {%IO.%} Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office. Part IV. Philesophy
<>and Tantra. By Ernst Windisch und Julius Eggeling. London 1894. 4^0.--Part V. Medicine. Astronomy
<>and Mathematics. Architecture and Technical Science. By Julius Eggeling. London 1896. 4^0.--I an indebted
<>to Professor Eggeling for obliging me with notices of some MSS. which will be described in Part VI.
<P>13. {%L.%} Notices of Sanskrit MSS. Volume X. Calcutta 1892. 8^0.
<P>14. {%Lund.%} De codicibus nonnullis Indicis, qui in Bibliotheca Universitatis Lundensis asservantur,
<>scripsit Hjalmar Edgren. Lunds Univ. Aarskrift Tom. XIX. 4^0.--Altogether 15 MSS.
<P>15. {%Oudh XX.%} A Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. existing in Oudh Province for the year 1888. By
<>Paṇḍita Devī Prasāda. Allahabad 1890. 8^0. -- XXI. For the year 1889. Allahabad 1893. 8^0. -- XXII. For
<>the year 1890. Allahabad 1893. 8^0. -- Quoted by pages.
<P>16. {%Peters.%} A fourth Report of operations in search of Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Circle, April
<>1886--March 1892. By Professor Peters Peterson. Bombay 1894. 8^0.
<P>17. {%Rgb.%} Report on the search for Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Presidency during the years 1884--85,
<>1885--86 and 1886--87. By Ramkriṣna Gopal Bhandarkar. Bombay 1894. 8^0. A mere list without extracts.
<P>18. {%Stein.%} Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Raghunātha Temple Library of his Highness
<>the Maharāja of Jammu and Kashmir. Prepared by M. A. Stein. Bombay 1894. 4^0. A very valuable and
<>accurate work.
<P>19. {%Ulwar.%} Catalogue of the Sanskrit MSS. in the Library of his Highness the Maharāja of Ulwar by
<>Peter Peterson. Bombay 1892. 4^0. This Catalogue is very useful on account of the many extracts given. They
<>fill pages {#1--261#}. It is to be regretted that no distinctive signs have been adopted in the description of the
<>MSS. This causes often great obscurity and puzzles the reader. Thus no. 1254 Asvadanaprayoga, meant for
<>Aśvadānaprayoga; X no. 1846 Purahadipatakacakrantayoga; no. 1990 Saptanadikacakra, etc. A statement of the
<>number of leaves, the character of writing and the probable age of the MSS. would have been welcome.
<P>20. {%Weber.%} Handschriften-Verzeichniss der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. II, 3. Berlin 1892. 4^0.
<>At the end Weber describes a number of additional Sanskrit MSS. (No. 2028--2298). The most important have
<>been noticed.
<P>Finally I would remark that in many instances a full description has been given in the first volume, and
<>that in consequence it should be consulted in using the second. Peterson's Ulwar Catalogue arrived too late to
<>be embodied in the text, and therefore forms the Appendix.

Third part preface

<P>1. {%Adyar Library.%} ‘A partial list of rare MSS. belonging to the Adyar Library’. Contains the names
<>of 60 works.
<P>2. {%AK.%} Report for the search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during the years
<>1891--1892, 1892--93, 1893--94, and 1894--95. By Abaji Viṣnu Kathavate. Bombay 1901. 8^0.
<P>3. {%AS.%} Catalogue of printed books and Manuscripts in Sanskrit belonging to the Oriental Library of
<>the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Compiled by Paṇḍit Kunja Vihāri Nyāyabhūṣaṇa under the supervision of Mahāmaho-
<>pādhyāya Haraprasād Ṣāstrī. 3 Fascicles. Calcutta 1899--1901. 4^0. It does not appear how this supervision
<>was exercised. This is an alphabetical list, and the consequence is that works belonging to the same class or the
<>same <ab type="pers">author</ab> are separated. Constant repetitions swell the work unnecessarily. I have not taken those works
<>already treated in Lālmitras Notices.
<P>4. {%Ashburner.%} 14 MSS. preserved in the India Office Library.
<P>5. {%BC.%} A collection of MSS. belonging to the modern Sanskrit Literature, presented to the Library of
<>the India Office by A. C. Burnell. I had copied an alphabetical list, but without the aid of Mr. F. W. Thomas
<>I should have made some mistakes. I take this opportunity of thanking him publicly for this assistance.
<P>6. {%Bd.%} Report on the search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during the years
<>1887--88, 1888--89, 1889--90, and 1890--91. By Ramkriṣna Gopal Bhandarkar. Bombay 1897. 8^0. This
<>and the Report for 1884--87. Bombay 1894 are less accurate than the previous of the same <ab type="pers">author</ab>. I give a
<>selection of some inaccuracies in the last Report: 53. Anukramaṇikāsūtra by Kātyāyana. Is Ṛgveda meant or
<>Vājasaneyisaṃhitā?--1351. Anekārthadhvanimañjarī by Amarasiṃha. The <ab type="pers">author</ab> is the Kāśmirian Mahākṣa-
<>paṇaka.--593. Dhvanyālocana by Ānandavardhana.--429. Bilvamaṅgala by Bopadeva. This is quite obscure.--
<>504. Bodhasāra by Narahari. Under poems, plays etc.--708. Vedāntagrantha--476--478. Saṃskṛtamālā
<>and Saṃskṛtamañjarī. Under poems, plays etc.
<P>7. {%Cr.%} Dr. P. Cordier has sent me from Pondicherry a list of non-medical MSS., collected in Bengal
<>January 1898 and June 1900. A list of medical MSS. he was by urgent business prevented from forwarding to me.
<P>8. {%CS.%} A descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the Calcutta Sanskrit College.
<>By Hṛṣikeśa Ṣāstrī and Śiva Candra Gui. Vol. I. Vedic Manuscripts. Calcutta 1895. 8^0.--Vol. II. Smṛti
<>and Nīti Manuscripts. Calcutta 1898. 8^0.--Vol. III. Philosophy Manuscripts. Calcutta 1900. 8^0.--Vol. IV.
<>Purāṇa Manuscripts. Calcutta 1902. 8^0.--Vol. V. Fasciculus 1. Tantra MSS. The authors follow Lāmitra's
<>example in giving extracts. Whether successfully I take the liberty of doubting. I had to correct many of their
<>statements. The principle is new to describe the MSS. according to the place they occupy in the Library. In
<>consequence the same work or works are mentioned under various numbers. 
[Page3-166+ 36]
<P>9. {%Edinburgh University Library%} (marked by Edinburgh University or Edinburgh Un.). Professor
<>Eggeling has at my request sent a list of 15 MSS. preserved there.
<P>10. {%Hpr.%} Notices of Sanskrit MSS. Second Series, by Mahāmahopādhyāya Haraprasād Śāstrī. Vol. I
<>and II. Calcutta 1898. 8^0. On the whole a laudable work. A few particulars are wrong. I remark only the
<>following in Vol. I: No. 56. Kārakapādaṭīkā. ‘Viṣayaḥ: Kātantravyākaraṇasya Kārakapādasya vyākhyānam’. This
<>treatise belongs to the Saṃkṣiptasāra Grammar. See Lālmitra's work on Saṃskṛt Grammars p. 142.--No. 144.
<>Tājikasāra by Keśavabhaṭṭa. Read by Haribhaṭṭa and see Catal. IO. No. 3058.--No. 305. Ratnakoṣavicāra by
<>Ratneśvara Nyāyālaṃkāra. The <ab type="pers">author</ab> is Harirāma. Ulwar Extracts 157.--No. 353. Śabdavivṛti by Raghu-
<>nandanaśiromaṇi. The real title is Kalāpatattvārṇava. Lālmitra Notices No. 2353. Catal. IO. No. 759.
<P>11. {%Hz.%} Reports on Sanskrit Manuscripts in Southern India. By E. Hultzsch. No. II. Numbers
<P>12. {%IL.%} Indian Institute in Oxford. Mr. A. Berridale Keith of Balliol College had the kindness of
<>sending me alphabetical lists of MSS. kept in the Library. At the same time he supplied me where necessary
<>with the beginnings of a number of rare works.
<P>13. {%Jl.%} MSS. in the possession of Professor Julius Jolly at Würzburg. A great many of these were
<>generously forwarded for my examination. The Würzburg University Library has also 3 Sanskrit MSS.
<P>14. {%Lz.%} Katalog der Sanskrit-Handschriften der Universitäts-Bibliothek in Leipzig von Theodor Aufrecht.
<>Leipzig 1901. 8^0.
<P>15. Notices of Sanskrit MSS. by Haraprasād Śāstrī. Volume XI. Calcutta 1895. 8^0. Preface p. 1--20.
<P>16. {%Peters.%} A fifth Report of operations in search of Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Circle. April
<>1892--March 1895. By P. Peterson. Bombay 1896. 8^0.--A sixth Report etc. April 1895--March 1898.
<>By the same. Bombay 1899. 8^0.
<P>17. {%Rep.%} Report for the search of Sanskrit Manuscripts (1895--1900). By Hariprasād Ṣāstrī.
<>Pages 1--25. Fol.
<P>18. {%Tb.%} Verzeichniss der Indischen Handschriften der Königlichen Universitäts-Bibliothek. (Zuwachs
<>der Jahre 1865--1899) von Richard Garbe. Tübingen 1899. 4^0.
<P>19. F. W. Thomas. Appendix at the end of the Catalogue by Winternitz.
<P>20. {%Cg.%} Report on a search for Sanskrit and Tamil Manuscripts for the year 1896--97. By
<>M. Śeṣagiri Śāstrī. No. 1. Madras 1898. 8^0. -- No. 2 for the year 1893--94. Madras 1899. 8^0.
<P>21. {%Tod.%} The Tod MSS. in the Royal Asiatic Society London. Examined by myself during a short
<>sojourn in 1900.
<P>22. {%Whish.%} A Catalogue of South Indian Sanskrit MSS. (especially those of the Whish Collection) in
<>the Royal Asiatic Society London. Compiled by M. Winternitz. London 1902. 8^0.
drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

This is the current analysis of 96 + 4 entries in the above mentioned lines. By unambiguous_catalogue_tags - I mean the combinations which is highly not likely to occur in any Sanskrit text and therefore global replace will serve the purpose. No need to dig deeper. Ambiguous_catalogue_tags - I mean the tags which are not that easy to extract and which will require some disambiguation manually. The reason thereof is also noted below.

This is comment part of pywork/correctionwork/issue-cologne-148/ script.

# Segregated manually from catalogue_names.txt (output of
# `Copenh` is written as `Cop` in references.
# `Pet` competes with `Peters`.
# Kh, K compete with Khn.
# Bik competes with Bikzu - Common appendage to names
# Rādh occurs in name Rādhā...
# There are three Oudh in the list. Need to make some sense out of it to tag them properly. - There is nothing to be gained by separating them, after a long thought.
# BA competes with SLP1 'BA' as in BAskara.
# Gu competes with SLP1 as in 'laGu'
# Bh competes with Bhk and Bhr.
# Kāśīn competes with Kāśīnātha.
# There are two Lahore in the list. One is Lahore and another is Lahore 1882.
# SB clashes with ASB
# Devīpr competes with Devīprasāda.... - Common name
# Hz clashes with catuHzazwivAda
# Adyar Library is used like Adyar Libr in practice.
# AK competes with SLP1 AKyA etc.
# AS competes with SLP1 ASA etc
# BC has some abnormal patterns like ABC, ABCD, ABCE etc. Not sure of importance.
# Cr competes with SLP1 kfcCra...
# Edinburgh University Library is used with different short forms like Edinburgh Univ., Edinburgh Un. etc. Only 6-8 such items.
# Hpr competes with CandaHprakASa.
# Rep competes with Report and gaRepaSaYcANga.
# Śg is wrongly written as Cg in the preface.
# Tod competes with arToddyotanikA
# Additional short forms from prefaces - 
    1. Skm - Sūktikarṇāmṛta by Śrīdharadāsa, 
    2. Sbhv - Subhāṣitāvali by Vallabhadeva, 
    3. Śp - Śārṅgadharapaddhati in Vol. 27 (1873) of the Zeitschrift of the German Oriental Society, 
    4. Rāyamukuṭa - author's Paper on his Padacandrikā, ibid. Vol. 28 (1874) p. 109
unambiguous_catalogue_tags = [u'Jones',u'Mack',u'Cop',u'Peters',u'IO',u'Oxf',u'Cambr',u'Paris',u'Hall',u'Khn',u'Report',u'Ben',u'Lgr',u'Tüb',u'Haug',u'Kāṭm',u'Pheh',u'NW',u'NP',u'Brl',u'Burnell',u'Bl',u'Mysore',u'Bhk',u'Bhr',u'Poona',u'Lahore 1882',u'Bonn',u'Jac',u'Vienna',u'Taylor',u'Oppert',u'Rice',u'BP',u'Bühler',u'ASB',u'Sūcīpattra',u'Bhau Dāji',u'BL',u'Cs',u'CU. add',u'Fl',u'GB',u'Goldstücker',u'Gov. Or. Libr. Madras',u'Lund',u'Oudh',u'Rgb',u'Stein',u'Ulwar',u'Weber',u'Adyar Libr',u'Ashburner',u'Bd',u'CS',u'IL',u'Jl',u'Lz',u'Tb',u'Śg',u'Whish',u'Skm',u'Sbhv',u'Śp',u'Rāyamukuṭa',]
#ambiguous_catalogue_tags = [u'Pet',u'W',u'L',u'K',u'Kh',u'B',u'Bik',u'Rādh',u'BA',u'Gu',u'Bh',u'P',u'Kāśīn',u'Lahore',u'H',u'SB',u'D',u'Devīpr',u'Hz',u'AK',u'AS',u'BC',u'Cr',u'Edinburgh',u'Hpr',u'Tod']
drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

Statistics as on 29 May 2017

Total 64480 literary resources tagged. Even if we discount some 480 odd accidental taggings, there are 64000 taggings which are of fairly good quality.


Analyse the ambiguous_catalogue_tags categorywise. I see three major categories.

  1. Single letter abbreviations e.g. L
  2. Substring of some other abbreviations e.g. Pet is subset of Peters
  3. Clash with some Sanskrit string e.g. Cr - global replace will replace kfcCra.. too.

The tentative paths for solutions

  1. Search for \W+[letter]\W+ [0-9pIVXLC] or something of that sort. This will reduce accidental tagging mostly.
  2. Keep the longer tag first. When the shorter tag comes, See that the already tagged part is invisible to it.
  3. Ignore the Sanskrit part from tagging.

These codes need to be deviced yet. Just thinking loud.

@funderburkjim and @gasyoun I will like to see your repsonses.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

Just to show you the current output to elicit some response

[Page1-001-a+ 36]
{#aMSadaSA#}¦ <ab type="subj">jy</ab>. <ls>Rice</ls> 28.
{#aMSuDara#}¦ <ab type="pers">poet</ab> <ls>Skm</ls>.
{#aMSumatkASyapIya#}¦ <ab type="subj">archit</ab>. <ls>Taylor</ls> 1, 314.
{#aMSumadBedasaMgraha#}¦ <ab type="subj">vedānta</ab>, ascribed to Kaśyapa. <ls>Oppert</ls> 5875.
{#aMSumAnakalpa#}¦ <ab type="subj">śilpa</ab>. <ls>Burnell</ls> 62^b.
{#akaqamacakracitra#}¦ <ab type="subj">tantr</ab>. B. 4, 252.
{#akArAdiniGaRwu#}¦ <ab type="subj">vocabulary</ab>. <ls>Oppert</ls> 4969.
{#akAlajalada#}¦ <ab type="pers">poet</ab>, great grandfather of Rājaśekhara. <ls>Śp</ls>.
<>p. 4. <ls>Peters</ls>. 2, 63.
{#akAlaBAskara#}¦ <ab type="subj">dh</ab>. composed in 1715, by Śambhunātha.
<>L. 2269.
{#akulAgamatantra#}¦ <ab type="subj">tantra</ab>. B. 4, 252. <ls>Peters</ls>. 3, 399.
<HI1>Akulāgamatantre Yogasārasamuccaya. <ls>Bhr</ls>. 396.
{#akzatAdilakzapUjAviDi#}¦ <ab type="subj">dh</ab>. <ls>Burnell</ls> 146^b.
{#akzapAda#}¦ or {#akzacaraRa,#} a name of Gautama, the <ab type="pers">philo-
<>sopher</ab>, <ls>Hall</ls> p. 20.
{#akzamAlApratizWA#}¦ <ab type="subj">dh</ab>. <ls>Burnell</ls> 148^b.
{#akzamAlikopanizad#}¦ <ls>IO</ls>. 3183. L. 436. <ls>Brl</ls>. 59. <ls>Haug</ls>
<>44. <ls>Bhr</ls>. 487.
{#akzayatftIyAvratakaTA#}¦ from Bhaviṣyottarapurāṇa. <ls>Ben</ls>. 55.
drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

Single letter abbreviations e.g. L

Done now. 78555 tags now.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

No need to dig deeper.


64480 literary resources tagged

Holy macaroni!

The tentative paths for solutions

Agree, had thought about same. And keep the longer tag first works well, tested so many times.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago
  1. Substring of some other abbreviations e.g. Pet is subset of Peters

Done. Total 80150 items tagged.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Interesting work, Dhaval, to add the 'ls' tagging.

One distinction from other such tagging (MW, PW, PWG) is the scope of the tag.

{#aMSadaSA#}¦ <ab type="subj">jy</ab>. <ls>Rice</ls> 28.
{#aMSuDara#}¦ <ab type="pers">poet</ab> <ls>Skm</ls>.
{#aMSumatkASyapIya#}¦ <ab type="subj">archit</ab>. <ls>Taylor</ls> 1, 314.

ALTERNATE MARKUP (includes information pertaining to location with source)
{#aMSadaSA#}¦ <ab type="subj">jy</ab>. <ls>Rice 28</ls>.
{#aMSuDara#}¦ <ab type="pers">poet</ab> <ls>Skm</ls>.
{#aMSumatkASyapIya#}¦ <ab type="subj">archit</ab>. <ls>Taylor 1, 314</ls>.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

From the printed material shown above, generate a list of the officially sanctioned literary source abbreviations like {%Rice%}. Make these into a file acc_ls.txt, and generate official abbreviations from this.

Do one phase where you restrict attention to literary source patterns which only match abbreviations from the official list --- Maybe you've already done this, it wasn't clear to me. Develop statistics for these : Rice 55, Taylor 27, or whatever the instance frequencies turn out to be.

Then ask what likely literary source patterns remain unmarked (e.g., you mentioned 'Pet' as shortening of Peters). How many of these are there?

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

Then ask what likely literary source patterns remain unmarked (e.g., you mentioned 'Pet' as shortening of Peters). How many of these are there?

It started as a game and now it's the middle of a swamp :sake:

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

Catalogue tagging over. Added orig/acc5.txt. Only official abbreviations are added as of yet. Pending to analyse the occurrence of these resources.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

table of 'expansions'

Regarding my comment above about scope of ', I think your choice of scope is fine. In contrast to normal dictionaries where we might want the specific verse available from Rig Veda for linking, there is no possibility of digital linking for the catalogues of ACC that are being marked with`.

It would be useful to have a table, perhaps of form


for each of the X appearing in <ls>X</ls>. As with subject/person abbreviations, such a table would permit tooltips in current displays, and perhaps have other uses also. At least for the X that occur in the preface, it should be possible to make an abbreviated expansion.

Another possibility would be to recode the above listing {%Jones%} .etc as an HTML file with anchors <a name="Jones"/> and have display logic to open the html file at the anchor, as is done if <ls> links in MW, PW.

Still another possibility would be to have the table to be of form `X:count:pdfpage', and have displays link to the scanned image containing the page, eg for 'Jones' have a link to

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Regarding official catalogue codes

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Pet competes with Peters.

This seems like a red-herring, since both abbreviations occur in the official list

<P>4. {%Pet.%} Verzeichniss der auf Indien bezüglichen Handschriften und Holzdrucke im Asiatischen Museum,
<>von Otto Böhtlingk. 
<P>50. {%Peters.%} From these we turn with pleasure to three volumes published by Professor Peterson.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Given your TODO list, I am uncertain whether you view acc5 as ready to install at Cologne.

My impression is that:

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

duplicate references in different volumes

Peters appears in the lists for all three volumes, but with a different meaning in each.
Thus in volume 2

{#akzaracintAmaRi#}¦ <ab type="subj">jy</ab>. <ls>Peters</ls>. 4, 33. <ls>Stein</ls> 156.

Peters refers to a different catalog than in volume 1

{#akAlajalada#}¦ <ab type="pers">poet</ab>, great grandfather of Rājaśekhara. <ls>Śp</ls>.
<>p. 4. <ls>Peters</ls>. 2, 63.

And similarly for volume 3

{#akzaracintAmaRi#}¦ <ab type="subj">jy</ab>. <ls>AK</ls> 847. <ls>AS</ls> p. 1. <ls>Peters</ls>. 6, 401.

These could be distinguished by adding an attribute to ls, but only in the case like Peters, which are duplicates.

I don't know whether there are any other duplicates besides Peters.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

Some details about tags as requested above

New tags added (Above official catalogue)

Wilson Cordier Burnouf Proceed. ASB Sbhv Skm Hr. Notices Hultzsch Edinburgh Pandit Colebrooke Misc. Essays Hr Würzburg Lahore 1882 Cop Kāvyamālā Catal. IO Bendall Kielhorn Thomas Adyar Libr Śg H. H. Wilson Vs Rāyamukuṭa Gov. Or. Libr.Madras Śp Colebrooke

Missed tags from official catalogue

Oudh XX Rep Cg Edinburgh University Library Adyar Library Copenh

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

Edinburgh Würzburg Copenh

All in 1 list? Places and people together?

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

I think, I will call it a day. If new catalogues come to notice, a new issue can be raised.