sanskrit-lexicon / ArabicInSanskrit

Arabic words occuring in Sanskrit Dictionaries
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Another 2 cases in MW72 #12

Closed funderburkjim closed 3 years ago

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Jonathan Migliori finished another batch of Greek from MW72, and in the process noticed another two cases of Arabic script:

106254 old <>{%nakta%} see p. 463, col. 3), = <Arabic></Arabic> N. of the fifth
106254 new <>{%nakta%} see p. 463, col. 3), = <Arabic></Arabic> N. of the fifth


126354 old <>pared; Bengāli {%phalasā;%} Hindūstānī <Arabic></Arabic> ac-
126354 new <>pared; Bengāli {%phalasā;%} Hindūstānī <Arabic></Arabic> ac-


@jlreeder Would you fill in the 'new' lines as needed?

Note: At some later point, we need to replace the 'tag with the` tag in this MW72 dictionary, as we did with MW.

jsonreeder commented 7 years ago

Here's the Arabic for those two cases!

106254 new <>{%nakta%} see p. 463, col. 3), = <Arabic>نقل</Arabic> N. of the fifth 126354 new <>pared; Bengāli {%phalasā;%} Hindūstānī <Arabic>پهالسا</Arabic> ac-

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

@jsonreeder thanks!

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

@jsonreeder Jonathan noticed a few more greek that should be Arabic. Will post these tomorrow for you.

We need to change that <Arabic> markup to the new improved <lang> markup for mw72. Maybe best to wait till Jonathan is done with all the Greek in mw72, as he'll probably find several Arabic instances.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

best to wait till Jonathan is done with all the Greek in mw72,

It might not end till 2018 :o)

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Agree to wait to change to the <lang> markup until Jonathan is done.

Will add the cases for initial Arabic translation as they arise. @jsonreeder can introduce the Arabic as his time permits.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

05-03-2017 -- new case 1

144249 old <>= <Arabic></Arabic>), N. of a prince.
144249 new <>= <Arabic>شاه</Arabic>), N. of a prince.


funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

05-03-2017 -- new case 2

151662 old <>{%+ sāhi%} = <Arabic></Arabic>) {%= prema-nārāyaṇa%}. {%--Premāmṛita%}
151662 new <>{%+ sāhi%} = <Arabic>شاه</Arabic>) {%= prema-nārāyaṇa%}. {%--Premāmṛita%}


funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

05-03-2017 -- new case 3

152899 old <>Kaśmīra (<Arabic></Arabic>). [Page0668-c+ 75]
152899 new <>Kaśmīra (<Arabic>فتح شاه</Arabic>). [Page0668-c+ 75]


funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

05-03-2017 -- new case 4

163109 old <>m. ({%śāha%} = <Arabic></Arabic> ‘the terrible king,’ N. of a king.
163109 new <>m. ({%śāha%} = <Arabic>شاه</Arabic> ‘the terrible king,’ N. of a king.


funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

05-03-2017 -- new case 5

163985 old <>({%sāhi%} = Persian <Arabic></Arabic>), N. of a king. {%--Bhū-putra,%}
163985 new <>({%sāhi%} = Persian <Arabic>شاه</Arabic>), N. of a king. {%--Bhū-putra,%}


jsonreeder commented 7 years ago

I've added in the Arabic for the comments above. Thanks for adding the screenshots - they make the work easy.

I'm happy to add in language tags when you all feel the time is right. I'll hold off for now.