sanskrit-lexicon / ArabicInSanskrit

Arabic words occuring in Sanskrit Dictionaries
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PWG Arabic words, part 2 #5

Closed funderburkjim closed 9 years ago

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

These are the rest of the cases for Arabic text in PWG.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 111 headword= sAhi page = 07.0970 linenum = 234760

<H1>000{sAhi}1{sAhi}¦ •m. = 2. {#sAha#} =

 in {#candra°, prema°, BUpAla°, maDukara°, rAma°, saMgrAma°, siMha°#} .

<H1>000{sAhiqa}1{sAhiqa}¦ •m. N. pr. eines Volkes ¯{¤Verz. d. Oxf. H. 34
0¤}, {%a%}, 32.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 112 headword= sidDamAtfkA page = 07.0990 linenum = 235475

<H1>000{sidDamAtfkA}1{sidDamAtfkA}¦ •f. ³1) Bez. {%eines best. Alphabets

<A>سد مانرك</A>
 ¯{¤REINAUD¤}, Me4m. sur I'Inde 297. -- ³2) N. pr. einer Göttin ¯{¤Verz.
 d. Oxf. H. 19,a,36.¤}

<H1>000{sidDamAnasa}1{sidDamAnasa}¦ •adj. {%befriedigten Herzens%} ¯{¤R.
 GORR. 1, 67, 19.¤}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 113 headword= sekaMDara page = 07.1183 linenum = 242160

<H1>000{sekaMDara}1{sekaMDara}¦ •m. N. pr. =

 ¯{¤Verz. d. Oxf. H. 166, N.¤} {#°purI#} ¯{¤166, 5. 6.¤}

<H1>000{sekapAtra}1{sekapAtra}¦ •n. {%ein Geschirr zum Ausschöpfen von W
asser%} ¯{¤AK. 1, 2, 3, 13. TRIK. 3, 3, 139. H. 878. MED. d2. 34.¤}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 114 headword= svarRakzIrI page = 07.1451 linenum = 248664

<H1>000{svarRakzIrI}1{svarRakzIrI}¦ •f. {%eine best. Pflanze%}, vulgo {#
pisorA, pisoLA#}, welche durch ihren Geruch Fliegen

 vertreibt, ¯{¤MOLESW. AK. 2, 4, 5, 3. RA10G4AN. 5, 53. RATNAM. 80. DHAN
V. 1, 90.¤} -- Vgl. {#suvarRakzIrI#} .

<H1>000{svarRaKaRqa}1{svarRaKaRqa}¦ •m. •n. {%ein Stück Gold%}; davon de
nom. {#°KaRqAy, °yate#} {%dazu werden%}: {#varRamAtreRa rItyaMSaH svarRa
KaRqAyate kaTam#} ¯{¤4te RA10G4A-TAR. 12.¤} [Page07.1452]
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 115 headword= himA page = 07.1620 linenum = 252647

<H1>000{himA}1{hi/mA}¦ (vgl. {#hima#}) •f. {%die kalte Zeit, Winter%},

: hundert {%Winter%} (nur in dieser Verbindung) ¯{¤R2V. 1, 64, 14. 2, 33
, 2. 5, 54, 15. 6, 48, 8. VS. 2, 27. AV. 2, 28, 4. 12, 2, 28.¤} -- Vgl. 
{#Satahima#} und unter {#hima#} .

<H1>000{himAMSu}1{himAMSu}¦ ({#hima + aMSu#}) •m. {%der Mond (kaltstrahl
ig%}) ¯{¤AK. 1, 1, 2, 15. MEGH. 87. RAGH. 5, 16. 6, 47. 14, 80. Spr. (II
) 6896. VARA10H. BR2H. S. 33, 13. 34, 9. NAISH. 22, 54.¤}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 116 headword= hfdayasAhi page = 07.1645 linenum = 253401

<H1>000{hfdayasAhi}1{hfdayasAhi}¦ •m. N. pr. eines {%Fürsten%}

 ¯{¤Verz. d. Oxf. H. 140,b, No. 285.¤}

<H1>000{hfdayasTa}1{hfdayasTa}¦ •adj. {%im Herzen ruhend%}: {#manoraTAH#
} ¯{¤PAN4K4AT. 46, 19.¤} {%im Herzen --, im Innern des Körpers befindlic
h%}: {#kfmayaH#} ¯{¤SUC2R. 2, 466, 6.¤}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 117 headword= hEdaraSAha page = 07.1661 linenum = 253971

<H1>000{hEdaraSAha}1{hEdaraSAha}¦ •m.

<A>حيدر شاه</A>
 ¯{¤Verz. d. Oxf. H. 147,a,27.¤} {#hEdDara°#} ¯{¤Verz. d. B. H. 166, 3.¤

<H1>000{hEma}1{hEma}^1¦ (von {#hima#}) ³1) •adj. ²a) {%von Schnee%} oder
 {%Eis herrührend%}: {#uparAga#} ¯{¤RAGH. 16, 7. Wasser RA10G4AN. 14, 63
. MADAN. 8, 19.¤} {%mit Schnee bedeckt%}: {#himavataH pAdaH#} ¯{¤MBH. 7,
 2172.¤} -- ³2) {%vom%} †{Hima10laja} {%kommend%}: Perlen ¯{¤VARA10H. BR
2H. S. 81, 2. 5.¤} {%zum%} ¯{¤H.¤} {%in Beziehung stehend%}: †{C2iva} ¯{
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 118 headword= parpawa page = 07.1768 linenum = 260734

<H1>000{parpawa}1{parpawa}¦ ³1) ²b) {%ein in Schmalz gebratener bröcklic
her Kuchen aus Reis- oder Erbsenmehl mit Gewürzen%} ¯{¤MOLESW. SHAKESP.¤
} ({#pApaqa#},

) ¯{¤MADAN. 11, 26. BHA10VAPR. 5.¤} -- ³2) ²b) ¯{¤Z. 3 lies¤} {#raYjanI#
} st. {#raYjalI#} .

<H1>000{paryaNka}1{paryaNka}¦ Bez. {%einer best. Art des Sitzens%} ¯{¤HE
M. JOGAC2. 4, 123. fg.¤}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

@jlreeder Thanks for confirming that the format is ok. I see you solved cases 1-5 already.

I've now posted all the known cases of Arabic text in PWG:

So the cases are ready for you.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

@jlreeder Hi, Jason - I'm finally getting to installing the Arabic from these issues. Issue 4 seems fine.

HOWEVER, I don't see the Arabic in this issue 5 for cases 64-118.

jsonreeder commented 9 years ago

@funderburkjim Case 115 is not Arabic. It appears to be Cyrillic screenshot

jsonreeder commented 9 years ago

@funderburkjim All cases on this issue are ready to go!

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@jlreeder indeed it's Old Russian зима, but as it's not Russian, the font should be old styled.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

For case 115, I put in the Cyrllic that @gasyoun provides above, and changed to <R> tag. Am reluctant to introduce the display complication of adding an addition 'old styled' Russian font to PWG for this one word.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

The Arabic additions are now installed.

As a temporary measure, the display is changed so that Arabic text is shown with a yellow background. @jlreeder Maybe you should check (by clicking on the headwords in the cases in issues 4/5) that no errors were introduced in the installation process -i.e., that the Arabic displayed looks right. You could do this for all, or just for some, as you see fit. Probably no need to compare against scans, so this check shouldn't be too time-consuming.

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@funderburkjim, what do you mean when you say "reluctant to introduce the display complication of adding an addition 'old styled' Russian font to PWG for this one word"? There are not less than 50-70 and I've told you many times about them. Russian is written in Cyrillic letters. Part of what is marked as is indeed Russian. The other, half of all cases is in a different language and needs a different font presentation - is Old Slavic.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

@gasyoun I said 'this one word' because I thought your comment was saying that this particular word зима requires an 'Old Russian' font, whereas the other Russian words you have entered did not require an Old Russian Font. Obviously, I don't understand the distinctions among Russian, Old Russian,Old Slavic; and thus likely did not properly understand your comment.

The introduction of web fonts (which I have done in several parts of PWG display at your suggestion) IS complicated (for me, anyway), and I would rather not try to discover the programming changes required to use other web fonts in these displays for PWG unless there is a very strong case for doing so. If you think there IS a strong case for using specialized web fonts for Russian text in PWG display, let's open another issue under that subject.

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@funderburkjim I value your time and efforts a lot. That's why I think thrice before I ask. As we want to make the digital version close to the original book, we do want to pay attention to correct representation. I'll try to find out the state of fonts and let you know. We do need it - PWG and PWK are the most scientific dictionaries of them all and deserve it. Old Slavic is like Old German to American English.

jsonreeder commented 9 years ago

@funderburkjim I've reviewed all of the the paged linked to the headwords here. There appear to be no errors in the installation of the Arabic!

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

@jlreeder Thanks, Jason. The yellow background coloring now removed.

Since there aren't that many cases, maybe you could do a similar check for the PW cases.