sanskrit-lexicon / ArabicInSanskrit

Arabic words occuring in Sanskrit Dictionaries
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Arabic in Wilson Dictionary #6

Closed funderburkjim closed 9 years ago

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago


I've found only 3 cases in the Wilson dictionary where there is Arabic text. Each of these cases is represented by a comment in this issue.

The comment for a particular case has the format:

The remaining lines show a sample of the digitization

It is intended that Jason edit the comment and put the arabic text within the tag line.

These records were generated by programs that made use of the GitHub API.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 1 headword= aYjIra page = 14 linenum = 2590

derived from this implies the Guava; the term has, possibly, been borrow
ed from

the Persian 

.E. {#aYja#} to make clear, and {#Iran#} aff.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 2 headword= tarambuja page = 368 linenum = 72648

.{#tarambuja#}¦ n. ({#-jaM#}) A watermelon, (most probably borrowed from

<ar>تربز</ar>  [JASON:  just replace this, if Arabic text is present]

.{#tarapaRya#}¦ n. ({#-RyaM#}) Fare, freight.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 3 headword= peroja page = 553 linenum = 108833

.E. {#pA#} to drink, Un'a4di aff. {#ru.#}

.{#peroja#}¦ n. ({#-jaM#}) The turquoise: it is the {%Persian%} word 

.{#pela#}¦ ({#f#}) {#peRf#} r. 1st cl. ({#pelati#}) To go or move.
gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@funderburkjim Not Arabic, but Persian using Arabic script, if we can trust the text. Jim, if we put such hard work in making the etymologies better, maybe it's time to update the language tags as well? To call Persian - Arabic and Old Slavic - Russian is not linguistically correct and there is no need to continue with it. There must be a few more of such kind. It's time, Jim, it's time.

jsonreeder commented 9 years ago

@funderburkjim All Arabic text entered. Note that I have not removed the note in case 2.

@gasyoun On the Arabic front it's not strictly inaccurate to have all of the text I've transcribed as because, though most of it is indeed Persian or [old] Turkish, it's all written in Arabic text. As a language tag it's inaccurate. As an alphabet marker it's fine.

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@jlreeder let's make it a language tag?

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

@jlreeder Found one more Arabic alphabet case, incorrectly marked with <R>.

case = 4 headword= mahallaka page = 648 linenum = 127524

{#mahallaka#}¦ m. ({#-kaH#}) An eunuch employed in a {%Ha4ram.%}
.E. {#mahalla#} said to mean the inner apartments, probably the Arabic word
<R>محل</R>  [Note to Jason I'll change the tag to <A> ... Jim]
and {#kan#} added; otherwise with {#Wak#} added {#mahallika#} m.
jsonreeder commented 9 years ago

@funderburkjim I've input the Arabic for Case 4. I'm happy to help make these tags language tags, as @gasyoun suggests, but will defer to your judgment and directions.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

The Arabic for Wilson (4 cases) has been installed.

Regarding make these tags language tags -- I found interesting the observation that 'A' (similarly) 'R' are currently functioning as alphabet tags, rather than language tags.

I cannot provide an informed opinion as to whether partitioning the 'A' alphabetic into, say 'A' and 'P' (Arabic language, Persian language) is desireable. @jlreeder and @gasyoun should discuss this further in another issue, if they think the tags should be language tags. I would like to see a clear statement of the reasons why language tags are preferable to alphabet 'A' tag in Wilson and the other dictionaries Jason has worked on.

The work of this issue is over, I think.