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Change dictionary display order #2

Closed gasyoun closed 10 years ago

gasyoun commented 10 years ago

Why is "Monier-Williams Dictionary" above "Boehtlingk Dictionaries"? Why is "Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary" bellow "Puranic Encyclopedia"? One can see, that had mixed order of dictionaries, no logic behind it (is it by dated added to website?). Now it's: 1) Mixed, no logic (by dated added to website?) Monier-Williams Dictionary Boehtlingk Dictionaries Boehtlingk + Schmidt Sanskrit-German Dictionary Boehtlingk & Roth Sanskrit-German Dictionary Apte English-Sanskrit Dictionary Wilson Sanskrit-English Dictionary Dictionnaires sanscrit-français Stchoupak, etc. Sanskrit-French Dictionaries, Stchoupak, etc. Index to the Names in the Mahabharata (2013 edition) Puranic Encyclopedia (2013 edition) Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary (2013 edition) Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum (2013 edition) Purana Index (2013 edition) Vedic Index (2013 edition) Sabda-kalpadruma Dictionary (2013 edition) Monier-Williams English-Sanskrit Dictionary (2013 edition) That order does not makes much sense. I can hardly guess why a Sanskrit-Sanskrit dictionary is where it is, or which of these are dictionaries to (and not from) Sanskrit. Even 2) Alphabetical, English (or be it Devanagari) Apte English-Sanskrit Dictionary Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum (2013 edition) Boehtlingk & Roth Sanskrit-German Dictionary Boehtlingk + Schmidt Sanskrit-German Dictionary Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary (2013 edition) Dictionnaires sanscrit-français Stchoupak, etc. Index to the Names in the Mahabharata (2013 edition) Monier-Williams Dictionary Monier-Williams English-Sanskrit Dictionary (2013 edition) Purana Index (2013 edition) Puranic Encyclopedia (2013 edition) Sabda-kalpadruma Dictionary (2013 edition) Sanskrit-French Dictionaries, Stchoupak, etc. Vedic Index (2013 edition) Wilson Sanskrit-English Dictionary would more sense. Possible sorting would be 3) By language English, Sanskrit, German, French. 4) Chronological (publishing date) 5) By abbreviations. 6) By genre Non-Dictionary • Purana Index (2013 edition) • Puranic Encyclopedia (2013 edition)

To Sanskrit • Apte English-Sanskrit Dictionary • Monier-Williams English-Sanskrit Dictionary (2013 edition) From Sanskrit

Bilingual • Boehtlingk & Roth Sanskrit-German Dictionary • Boehtlingk + Schmidt Sanskrit-German Dictionary

Monolingual • Sabda-kalpadruma Dictionary (2013 edition) • Vachaspatyam Dictionary

7) By size, number of words So several ways. If I've met PWK abbreviation in a book, I can hardly follow which dictionary corresponds to it here. Because "Boehtlingk + Schmidt Sanskrit-German Dictionary" is not how it's named in the academic print. It can be called (as it is in Russia) even the Small Petersburg Dictionary, abbreviated as pw (vs. PW) but never ever Boehtlingk + Schmidt. Every time I read I think which one I actually need to open, because the main words are not included, grosses or kleines. Let's make it at least alphabetical, for now.

funderburkjim commented 10 years ago

Good point. The ordering of the new dictionaries has essentially been ' add a new dictionary to the bottom of the list'; i.e., by method (1). No systematic attention to a conceptually useful ordering has been made.
Both (3) 'by language' and (6) 'by genre' seem interesting. Not sure any one ordering is perfect. In any case, it might be interesting to note the original publication dates, since in the case of several dictionaries, the author states how his dictionary relates to one or more preceding dictionaries. It might be useful to have a document which reviewed the prefatory material of each dictionary.
Thinking about (4) and (7), it might be useful to have a page providing comparison statistics among the dictionaries; such statistics might include publication date, number of headwords, number of pages.

gasyoun commented 10 years ago

Comparison statistics is a huge field of great interest. Not just pure numbers, but more in-depth details like It was never done before, but it's not part of the dictionaries, it's meta data and research based on them. As per now the homepage has become a real mess. It's a treasure, but combined with a hard to use one. There is no logic behind and "new dictionaries has essentially been ' add a new dictionary to the bottom of the list'" does not looks like a logic to all. So many years of hard labor of so many people and such a display?

Monier-Williams Dictionary Boehtlingk Dictionaries Apte English-Sanskrit Dictionary (2014 edition) Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary Goldstücker Sanskrit-English Dictionary Dictionnaires sanscrit-français Stchoupak, etc. Sanskrit-French Dictionaries, Stchoupak, etc. Index to the Names in the Mahabharata Puranic Encyclopedia Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum Bopp Glossarium Sanscritum Purana Index Vedic Index Sabda-kalpadruma Dictionary Vacaspatya Dictionary Monier-Williams English-Sanskrit Dictionary (2013 edition) Names in the Gupta Inscriptions

funderburkjim commented 10 years ago

"As per now the homepage has become a real mess." I thought of you when I just put 'Gupta' at the bottom :wink: . My focus now is on installing the dictionaries, and dealing with correction issues. Here is a list of dictionaries remaining to be installed: Thomas has provided the data ieg = INDIAN EPIGRAPHICAL GLOSSARY mci = MAHA1BHA1RATA--CULTURAL INDEX shs = SHABDA-SAGARA snp = MA1DHAVANIDA1NA (Sanskrit Names of Plants =? snp) yat = Yates Sanskrit Dictionary Data not yet available. Ap90 = Apte Sanskrit-English Dictionary of 1890 mw72 = Monier Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary of 1872

mcd = Macdonell dictionary. Thomas digitized this several years ago. He promised to send this to me.

PW : Only the 'old' version exists, sort of like the old PWG. I want to make a new version.

Other things on my todo list The alternate correction approach (#26) The 'headword-only' search for PWG, perhaps for other dictionaries. A site search ( FAQs, people, dictionary info, help) . There is a Google Search Appliance circa 2010 which is available at Cologne for this task; the GSA is essentially a site-version of Google search engine. The main task is to get a good set of documents for it to crawl. Do you have some ideas in this regard? I've recently learned how to use Lucene search on Cologne web-site, even though it is Java based and Cologne server doesn't support Tomcat. I would like to make a multi-dictionary word-search based on this. First experiments with GSA suggest GSA is not a good fit for this. A good implementation would address most of the Advanced Search issues which have been raised in this forum. Within MW, it should be possible to make many hyperlinks, based on the word-segmentation present in MW. Work done last year on MW should be helpful in this regard.

So, my focus is not on the home page design right now. I think you should develop an alternate home-page design - I'll be glad to install it as an alternate on Cologne site, so we can see what you have in mind, and so you can experiment with the design and get feedback.