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Hyperlinking Page References (See p. 1182) and Paninian rules #246

Open gasyoun opened 5 years ago

gasyoun commented 5 years ago

In (H2) [p= 1244,3] : sara b &c. See p. 1182, col. 1. [L=251839] we have See p. 1182, col. 1. and that's an obvious page reference. Guess there are more. If we have p= 1244,3 hyperlinked, can we link these as well, is it a tough regex?


funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

Look at the top of the display for 'sara'.


Notice that there is already a link to 1182,1 -- in this case in the first record.

I think that's always the way it will be.

So adding a hyperlink for 'p. 1182, col. 1.' is not necessary.


gasyoun commented 5 years ago

Notice that there is already a link to 1182,1 -- in this case in the first record.



No, because it's a different ID. 1182 is linked from 1244.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

The solution would require identifying and parsing p. 1182, col. 1. so as to turn it into a hypertext link.

As of now, this seems to be more trouble than it is worth.

Let's leave this issue open for now; maybe it can be revisited some other time.

gasyoun commented 5 years ago

As of now, this seems to be more trouble than it is worth.

You're the judge. The parsing seemed easy as compared to the paradigms you've documented lately. We have Rigveda hyperlinked. Next would be the p. 1182, col. 1 type of pages and those 8000 mentions of Panini. There is a good site that we can link to.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

8000 mentions of Panini. There is a good site that we can link to

This looks like a useful task. Please provide a Panini target site, and how to form the link to get to a particular reference.

Currently, RV links only work in GRA dictionary We should be able to make links to RV from MW dictionary.

drdhaval2785 commented 5 years ago

Lately there has been some hot discussions regarding a single repository to correct data regarding Ashtadhyayi commentaries. It was decided to keep one github repo for corrections. is the frontend. If we can link Panini resources from different dictionaries, it would be very helpful.

drdhaval2785 commented 5 years ago is the backend where data of Ashtadhyayi commentaries is stored. As soon as a correction is submitted, the system regenerates github pages. So within 4-5 minutes the change is online on frontend, without human intervention.

gasyoun commented 5 years ago

Please provide a Panini target site, and how to form the link to get to a particular reference.

Dhaval was quicker.

1) sortable, has commentaries. source of list.

Scraped, but it contains not only Panini, but SKD as well.

2) can't sort, but as we link to direct sutra might not be as critical, has commentaries

We should be able to make links to RV from MW dictionary.

We sure would want Panini and Rigveda interlinked, because (compared to rest), these are bulletproof.

drdhaval2785 commented 5 years ago

I insist on using

Reasons -
1.This one is being constantly updated on github.

  1. Rest of the links are frozen far far off in time.
  2. There are many many users of Cologne dictionaries. So if someone interested in grammar lends on Ashtadhyayi page above, we will have increase in the correction submitters. Currently a scarce commodity.
gasyoun commented 5 years ago

I insist on using

You win.

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago has become the best Panini reference in town.

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

Hyperlinking <ls> references still seems a good enhancement idea.

I think we could do it for RV (using same target as used in GRA references to RV).

And we could used Panini link as mentioned above.

In case of GRA/RV links, there is complicated logic in basicadjust.php that parses the text and constructs the appropriate link target. I am dissatisfied with this technique, because the parsing is subject to being fooled (e.g. there are some few AV links that the basicadjust thinks are RV links.)

So, before adding code to basicadjust to handle MW links, we need to develop a better system in general. One possibility would be to offload most of the work to some precomputed data files.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

I think we could do it for RV (using same target as used in GRA references to RV).

Done. It took 5 years for Rigveda Hyperlinking

to measure out, apportion, grant, RV. ;
to help any one (acc.) to anything (dat.),  ib., i, 120, 9 ;
to prepare, arrange, fashion, form, build, make, RV. ;
to show, display, exhibit (amimīta, ‘he displayed or developed himself’,  iii, 29, 11 ),  ib. ; 

Is a good sample of ib., i, 120, 9 and iii, 29, 11