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RV. viii, 26, 21 f. and x, 17, 1 f. #382

Open gasyoun opened 2 years ago

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

RV. viii, 26, 21 f.] in MW tvaṣṭṛ links to only, but ends at 25 hymn, not reaching 26, that is mentioned in the dictionary, @funderburkjim

The next entry is not full x, 17, 1 f., but is Rigveda related. Was there at any time a regex solution for the most obvious cases?

RV. iii f. in same entry - can we link to full books as well?


gasyoun commented 2 years ago


bhagavat has 3 things wrong: 1) See p. 743, col. 3. unlinked 2) Vārtt. 2 - 2 remains unmarked 3) Pat., and viii, 3, 17 - and should not be marked

To @funderburkjim , our grandfather

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

RV. x, 130, 5 and 6; 2nd


gasyoun commented 2 years ago

rv in mw missing
