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Add a Three Language Sanskrit reader Dictionary #387

Open gasyoun opened 2 years ago

gasyoun commented 2 years ago


In 2015 I reprinteda book which I now want to prepare for Cologne.

Санскритская хрестоматия Т. 2. Словарь. - Москва, 2015.; ISBN 978-5-906564-06-1

It contains translation to English, Chech and Russian, total 8172 entries. Frish's son gave me the right to do so.

aṃsa m. | aṃsa m.; бедра, плечи | bedra, ramena | бедра, плечи | the shoulder


What to do next with my .XLS table @funderburkjim ?

Time for adding some Sanskrit Russian dictionaries.


funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

1) Make up a dictionary code - I'll pretend it is 'FRI'. 2) make a file fri.txt conformant to the files in csl-orig. For instance, like stc.txt. 3) provide pdf pages so servepdf will work.

Sample entry in fri.txt might look like:

<L>4<pc>1<k1>aMSa<k2>aMSa      <<< k1 and k2 need to be in SLP1 spelling.  
                                                                  L is sequence number (Cologne ID)
                                                                 pc is page number in the printed book; 
                                                                     used by servepdf. may not be in your spreadsheet yet.
aṃśa¦ m.    <<< from column E.   There might be markup such as {@aṃśa@}  [bold]  <ab>m.</ab>
1. (Chech) ....
2. (Russian) ...
3. (English) ...

Since the dictionary appears to have a nice simple form, you could generate fri.txt from your spreadsheet. If you have a programmer to do this, the only part he might not know is how to get the slp1 spelling, but we have Python subroutines for that transcoding.

There would be some steps to get it fully part of the Cologne set of dictionaries (such as front matter), but the above outline indicates the main points.

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

make a file fri.txt conformant to the files in csl-orig. For instance, like stc.txt.

Oldřich Friš Санскритская хрестоматия = [Текст] : Sanskrit reader = Sanskrtská čítanka / Олдржих Фриш


Will it do?

I ask to add a new section:

Sanskrit-Russian Dictionaries

Name of the first dictionary:

Friš Sanskrit Reader Vocabulary 1956

provide pdf pages so servepdf will work.

Let it come as next step, can't find the cleaned files for almost a year now.

There would be some steps to get it fully part of the Cologne set of dictionaries (such as front matter)

I'll be able to provide the front matter together with the split scans of pages, @funderburkjim

gasyoun commented 6 months ago

@funderburkjim is anything else as the scanned pages missing?

funderburkjim commented 6 months ago

Have taken a look at fri.txt.
This looks like a good start, but there will need to be some changes in order to fit the cdsl system.

Please provide the scanned images -- I need to know how fri.txt relates to the print.

I'll work with you to revise fri.txt into cdsl-ready form.

gasyoun commented 6 months ago

Please provide the scanned images

@funderburkjim quallity ready for print, as I've twice printed the book in Russia

Andhrabharati commented 6 months ago


Please provide the scanned images -- I need to know how fri.txt relates to the print.

I had a quick look at the text file, and seen that a VERY LARGE portion of the entries are not in the FRI 1956 print. Is it revised at a later date? If so, that needs to be provided along with the text, and accordingly the year has to be changed from 1956!!

gasyoun commented 6 months ago

I had a quick look at the text file, and seen that a VERY LARGE portion of the entries are not in the FRI 1956 print.

There is only one edition, the 1956 edition. Name me 2 entries missing, so I can comment @Andhrabharati