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Request for digitized frontmatter and endmatter #391

Open drdhaval2785 opened 2 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 2 years ago

Currently the csl-doc gives PDF / PNG files of prefaces. @funderburkjim Do we have digitized prefaces ? If yes, we should put them in github. Maybe in csl-orig/v02/mw/mw_frontmatter.txt and csl-orig/v02/mw/mw_endmatter.txt.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

I think the relevant part of csl-doc is this directory:

In this directory, there appears to be one or more .rst files for each dictionary. For some dictionaries (for example accpref.rst, there is digitized material, in the '.rst' format. For other dictionaries (for example bhspref.rst) there are references to images in subfolders -- thus bhs and similar dictionaries don't have digitized front/end matter.

It would be useful to separate the dictionary codes into two groups based on whether csl-doc has digitized front/endmatter. For those with digitized material, this could be copied to csl-orig as you suggest. Those without digitized material (the majority) could be taken as candidates for digitization.

It is also possible (I am not sure) that dictionary xxx has digitized front/back matter within the csl-orig/v02/xxx/xxx.txt digitization but that csl-doc only has images.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Many of the CDSL 2nd phase digitised works have the full cover-to-cover texts, as a single file in csl-orig repo.

As I was looking at them, I had split them to relevant 'section' parts; and some of them have already been posted. Few of these (not all!) were 'handled' by @funderburkjim too, when he worked on them subsequently.

I had posted the bhs front material from the vol.1 of the work (Grammar) already; the vol.2 (Dictionary) having been considered as a continuum, doesn't contain its own front matter.

The major works remaining to have the front matter digitised are SKD, PWG, VCP, PWK, MW; and I had already done a majority work in the SKD and VCP cases.