sanskrit-lexicon / COLOGNE

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A good web frontend to Cologne and Mobile apps #417

Open drdhaval2785 opened 5 months ago

drdhaval2785 commented 5 months ago

Dear friends, the following announcement may be of immense importance to us. I have checked iOS app and it works just fine. Good news us that it uses data from csl-orig repository and can have updated data via a pipeline periodically. Give it a try and let us know your feedback here.


नमः सदसे !

I'd like to introduce this group to a recently launched website and app: It provides a user-friendly interface for convenient access to over 50 koshas at your fingertips.

Besides using it as a standalone website, you can also install the app on both Android and iOS by following the instructions at

The kosha data is sourced from various GitHub repositories maintained by scholars worldwide. I express my sincere gratitude to these invaluable contributors who played a crucial role in curating these dictionaries.

This app shares the same framework as, ensuring that the navigation should already feel familiar and comfortable.

युगपत्सर्वकोषाणां यथावद्योजनं कृतम् । समेषामुपकाराय भवेदत्र न संशयः ॥

Feel free to give it a go!

इति सादरं नीलेशः


funderburkjim commented 5 months ago

First thoughts:

how did they do that?

drdhaval2785 commented 5 months ago

@neeleshb may be able to answer these technical questions. As far as I understand, there is no private data directory. The website and app runs some pipeline which takes data from the current sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig/, sanskrit-kosha/kosha and indic-dict/stardict-sanskrit repositories and presents them in a user friendly way. I am nog sure what is the frequency of fetching updated data from github repos.

neeleshb commented 5 months ago

Answers to the questions

  • What is the relation between Cologne data and the data displayed at Sanskrit-kosha?

The app pulls the data from 3 different github repos (see for details). Specifically talking about the Cologne data, most of the files in the csl-orig/ are being processed.

  • relation between headword spellling and dictionaries are not obvious. Maybe should be examined further.

The headwords present in the source files are taken. The app does not create many "variations" at the moment. This is easy to implement, however.

  • hosted at ? How funded?

Domain and hosting are on namecheap. Funded personally by me.

  • Who is the development team?

Myself (

  • view-page-source obscure.

Oh that's because the CSS and JS are obfuscated to reduce the size.

  • No idea how developed. Is it based on react - is it node-js on the server?

It's a "Progressive Web App" (PWA) . Plain vanilla HTML-CSS-JS with a few libraries like JQuery and Bootstrap.

Correct. All the data is hosted here.

  • except for the data repository, this seems to be a PRIVATE repository

No, everything is public. All data is hosted on github.

  • Why is the code private? This privacy bothers me. Maybe I should just enjoy the fruits and not worry about the hidden parts.

LOL :) What is not published is just the HTML/CSS/JS code that renders the UI. I would assume that's not a big issue? As soon as code is made public I will get numerous pull requests for features which I don't want to clutter the app with ! And another reason to not open up the source is that it shares a lot of code with (Another of my website) which is too popular to be touched !!

neeleshb commented 5 months ago

The website and app runs some pipeline which takes data from the current sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig/, sanskrit-kosha/kosha and indic-dict/stardict-sanskrit repositories and presents them in a user friendly way.

Yes, that's exactly what the website does.

I am not sure what is the frequency of fetching updated data from github repos.

As of now I fetched it just once a few days ago. We can fetch it as frequently as we want. I am thinking once a month or so.

mediabuff commented 3 months ago

thanks for the details. Could you please describe the technical architecture a little bit? do you use search engine ? how is it indexed ? are the headwords normalized across dictionaries ? stem form or nominative singular form. I see bunch of json files actually hosted in