sanskrit-lexicon / CORRECTIONS

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`o` vs `O` Corrections in MW, Part 2 #129

Closed gasyoun closed 9 years ago

gasyoun commented 9 years ago continued. I continue to explore chaotically, 1 st table, Highest probability (One dictionary in first word and more dictionaries in second word).

1. hemakUWya -> hemakUwya (MW print error) kUwa means horn, kUWya means nothing, and = -kuqya makes only sense with kUwya


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

2. himAlayAsutA -> himAlayasutA OCR error. In same entry pārvati -> pārvati


zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

1. hemakUWya -> hemakUwya I vote for this correction. It preserves the dictionary word-order and is appropriate for a toponym: हेमकूट्य hemakUwya, meaning “golden peak” or “golden peaked” (from कूट kUwa n. horn; summit, peak), as another name of हेमकुड्य hemakuqya (another toponym), which could be translated as “golden walled” or “golden stronghold”, from कुड्य kuqya n. a wall (perhaps from कुट kuwa?, m. a fort, stronghold; a mountain). These various forms could be explained by the phonetic closeness of ड् and ट्

2 himAlayAsutA -> himAlayasutA Possibly a bug in the program, which assumes (correctly in the majority of cases) that the last form of the word in the MW article (in this case f. ā) is the form used in the next subentry. By this example it seems this rule does not apply throughout the dictionary.

@gasyoun In same entry pārvati -> pārvati, I get it correctly pArvatI

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

329. hariSmasAru -> hariSmaSAru OCR error.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

327. svaruh - everything is fine, as per MW, but how come a word end on h and not become a visarga?


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

326. m vs M - no mistake, different orthography. For my reverse dictionary I would want to keep PW and ignore MW, as it's secondary source. svayamBUkzetramAhAtmya:MW svayaMBUkzetramAhAtmya:PW

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

325. svayamprasIrRa -> svayaMpraSIrRa, or at least svayampraSIrRa Print, factual error.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

324. sTUlaSAwI seems better as the marked as wrong by Boethlingk himself sTUlaSAwi


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

323. sUpesARa -> sUpeSARa Print, factual error. Even in the translation it's sūpa + ś° and not sūpa + s° (copycat from PWG sūpa + śāṇa).


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

322. sumadaMsu -> sumadaMSu Print, factual error.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

321. sahasrakalasABizekaprayoga -> sahasrakalaSABizekaprayoga OCR error.


zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

327. svaruh

ह् (h) and ः (ḥ, Visarga) are different phonetic phenomena. ह् does not change to ः at the end of a word. ह् is a voiced fricative glottal (v. Wikipedia). Visarga is a voiceless “allophone of /r/ and /s/ in pausa (at the end of an utterance)” (Wikipedia). स्वरुह् is formed with the verbal root रुह्. As to the declension of such words, v. Whitney 391.f.

zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

325. svayamprasIrRa -> svayaMpraSIrRa

sIrRa and SIrRa are alternative forms: sIrRa [p= 1246] : mfn. = SIrRa, hurt, injured L. [L=252039] (MW)

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

330 false positive, different meanings 328 w.r. = wrong reading 324 bad reading as per PWG 318 false positive, different meanings 317 false positive, different meanings 316 false positive, different meanings

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

315 saprasAva -> saprasava OCR error.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

314 sanAjUr -> sanAjur MW print error. Rigveda text is for sanAjur जिव्री यत सन्ता पितरा सनाजुरा पुनर युवाना चरथाय तक्षथ


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

313 satrAsAh should not become satrAsah PWG print error in satrAsah. MW and PWG quote Ṛv. 1, 79, 8 both.

1.079.08b satrāsā́haṃ váreṇiyam


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

312 satyaraTA in MW is correct, but is satyaratA in PE,PUI? PE,PUI print error, but maybe intentionally?

aśaṭhā ṛjavaśca ye narāḥ śucayaḥ satyaratā jitendriyāḥ VS. tasya satyarathā nāma patnī kaikeyavaṃśajā


drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago

satyaratA may be a valid word- indulging in truth.. original reference may have to be checked

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

310 zaqaMsa -> zaqaMSa MW print error.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@drdhaval2785 satyaraTA f. N. of the wife of tri-śaṅku Hariv. in MW is close to meaning in PE.

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

309 SAvAsOca SAvASOca "śāvāsauca" and "śāvāśauca ·n. impurity on account of a dead body seem" to have similar meaning, but śāvāśauca looks more legitim. Non OCR error.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

308 SalalIpisaNga -> SalalIpiSaNga MW print error. There is piSaNga entry in MW, but no pisaNga.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

307 SaratparvaSasin -> SaratparvaSaSin MW print error. There is only one SaSin in the wild.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

306 SamBUnATa SaMBunATa - m vs M, false positive, orthography 305 SAmbava SaMBava - false positive 304 SaWI SawI - wrong reading, variant

303 SaNkukarResvara -> SaNkukarReSvara MW print error.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

302 vyomamAYjara -> vyomamaYjara MW print error. There is maYjara entry in MW, but no mAYjara.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

301 vividvAs -> vividvas MW OCR error. There is accent, not dIrgha.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

300 viraktiratnAvalI -> viraktiratnAvali MW OCR error.


zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

312 satyaraTA MW / satyaratA in PE,PUI?

It is perhaps worth observing that satyaratA in PUI is given as derived from satyavrata (MW: सत्य-व्रत [p= 1136] : n. a vow of truthfulness Hariv. Kāv. [L=230057]; mf(आ)n. devoted to a vow of truth, strictly truthful ṠāṅkhṠr. MBh. Hariv. &c [L=230058]; m. N. of an ancient king Pañcat. …). Observe also that the cited passages are different in satyaraTA MW (Hariv.) and satyaratA in PE,PUI (Br. III. 63. 115: Vā. 88. 117), which may point to different forms (and different etymological interpretations) of the same word in those different passages.

zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

309 SAvAsOca SAvASOca

@gasyoun I agree with your observation. A print error. The word comes clearly from SAva + a-SOca (MW: अशौच n. impurity, contamination, defilement).

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@zaaf2 what's your opinion about the other cases? Your way of dealing with possible errors makes my screenshots valuable.

zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

I have remained silent where I though my opinion would not add anything valuable, either because your arguments and the evidence you provided were already decisive and sometimes self-evident (especially in the case of OCR errors) or because I myself remained in doubt and was waiting for somebody else’s more informed opinion.

Here are some of the cases not yet commented which I think are certain:

Here are some cases I am still in doubt:

zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

302 vyomamAYjara -> vyomamaYjara is not a print error, but an OCR error.

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@zaaf2 what do you think about taking one dictionary for yourself? Or some smaller list like - just 80 cases in the first, most important table. Or something German, like - 477 cases - it has many new additions, including buddhist, or - the dictionary that MW based on, so only 182 words to consider first. I'll alone hardly will ever finish the cleaning of the headwords, let's try together.

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

299 viBUtvasamarTana -> viButvasamarTana MW OCR error.


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

298 viBUtA -> viButA 297 viBUkratu -> viBukratu MW OCR error. As there are variants - Vedic and non-Vedic headword for same entry, so the wrong (Vedic) is taken. Apte approves.


zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

@gasyoun I wish I had time! But I will take a look into the PWG file to see how it works and how long it would take to go through it, and then I will let you know if I can help.

zaaf2 commented 9 years ago


Why not preserve both readings (with u and ū) since they are both correct, especially in the case of viBUkratu / viBukratu, where the RV is the source?

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

both readings is not a bad idea, when RV is the source, otherwise would not makes sense, I guess. Too many artificial words are not good as well. Please do consider PWK, PWG, SCH - they are the most important ones.

zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

I will try the PWG. Should I open a new issue as o vs O Corrections in PWG, labeled “bug”. Should I include an assignee? As I am not well familiarized with SLP1, may I use Devanagari instead?

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

Yes, new. And as PWG is big, make several topics, not all in 1. Label "bug". Assignee is not that important, but let it be Jim. He's the judge.

zaaf2 commented 9 years ago


gasyoun commented 9 years ago

296 vidUragamana vidurAgamana - false positive 295 viduh viduH - orthography issues 294 viDI vidi - false positive 293 vikAsaBft vikASaBft - orthography issues ? 292 vallisUraRa -> valliSUraRa - MW orthography variant. In sUraRa he refers to "also written śūr°". 291 vallABeSvara -> vallaBeSvara - vallābheśvara has no other quotes other than MW clones online, but vallabheśvara - has. MW OCR error.


zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

293 vikAsaBft ― vikASaBft Perhaps these extracts can confirm that those are alternative forms:

MW: वि-कास-भृत् [p= 954] : mfn. expanded, blown Kāv. [L=193894.1] वि-कास a [p= 954] : m. expanding, budding, blowing (of flowers) Kum. Ṡiṡ. [L=193890]

PWG: विकाश [L=90865] 2 ungenaue Schreibart für विकास

SHS: विकाशभृत् mfn. (-भृत्) 1. Expanding, being full. 2. Blown, budded.

WIL: `` [L=34724] [p= 759] विकासिन् mfn. (-सी-सिनी-सि) Expanding, opening, budding, blowing. ― E. वि before कस to go, aff. घिनुण्; also with कश or कष the same, विकाशिन्, and विकाषिन् as above.

As regards the other issues (296 - 291) I think you are right.

zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

Now I see this is not an orthography issue. It is a false positive. These are different words (h is not equivalent to H!). Dictionaries such as AP90 give the nominative form of a word (e.g. with -uH at the end in the case of m. words ending in u, instead of -u as MW).

MW: वि-√दुह् [p= 966] : P. -दोग्धि, to milk out, drain, exploit RV. AV. ṠBr. [L=196146] विदु [p= 963] : mfn. intelligent, wise Gal. [L=195663] m. the hollow between the frontal globes of an elephant L. [L=195664]

AP90: विदुः 1 The middle of the frontal globes on an elephant's forehead — 2 A hippopotamus.

PWG ``विदु 1) m. die zwischen den beiden Erhöhungen auf der Stirn des Elephanten befindliche Gegend Ak. 2, 8, 2, 5 (विडु fälschlich Lois.). H. 1226. Auch विदू Comm. zu Ak. nach Çkdr.― 2) m. oder f. N. pr. einer Gottheit des Bodhi- Baumes Lalit. ed. Calc. 421, 16. — 3) m. N. pr. eines Brahmanen Târan. 62.

@gasyoun I think it is better when you give the reasons and (when needed) reproduce the evidences upon which your conclusions are based (as in the majority of cases you do!). Otherwise a reviewer is forced do the same amount of work to confirm those conclusions.

zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

@gasyoun Please forget what I said above. I was referring to cases 296, 295, 294. They are almost self-evident. As to case 295: it is perhaps indifferent how one labels it. It is enough that a correction here is not justified. As I see now, the facts you provide are enough to reach a conclusion, and perhaps it is better to be succinct than to lose time adding further elements which a knowledgeable person could supply without much trouble.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

I'm finally catching up with all the good work done here. I've been busy making some old grammar work useable .

Since there are a few differences of opinion, I've made notes for the changes (and non-changes) that seem right when weighing the evidence. Here are the notes.

@gasyoun and @zaaf2 might take a look at the notes. Unless you have objections, I'll install these changes as indicated, probably on Tuesday.

@gasyoun I suggest you put further items in a new issue, as this seems a good break point for this batch.

Then I'll close the issue after installation.

Note: the items marked in the notes file with 'print error' will be mentioned in the corrections_factual file for MW.

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@zaaf2 I must excuse myself when the logic behind my screenshots is not self evident. I very much like the way you document, but I understand that in most cases it's an overkill. I choose to submit more words than to document them fully. Must be wrong, still not much choice left. @funderburkjim good to see you come back. I've seen the notes, have nothing to add for now. Let's make a new one, agreed. One more note, I guess in my language 'print error' = factual error. Agree?

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

@gasyoun Re 'print error' = factual error. Agree? Agree

zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

@funderburkjim I have read your notes and I agree with them. A question: Why am I not receiving notifications in my e-mail anymore? I suppose I should, since in my screen I find: image (this applies also to all other issues)

zaaf2 commented 9 years ago

I think I got an answer: e-mail blocker. I will fix it.