sanskrit-lexicon / CORRECTIONS

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`o` vs `O` Corrections in MW, Part 4 #134

Closed gasyoun closed 8 years ago

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

127, #129, #131 continued. I explore, 1st table, Highest probability (One dictionary in first word and more dictionaries in second word), where I look for possible OCR and print errors in

246 nAvapraBrAMSana:MW => nAvapraBra/MSana:PW,PWG MW OCR error. I do not know how to mark MW accents in MW, so I used a/


gasyoun commented 8 years ago

245 navasasyezwi navaSasyezwi No idea.



gasyoun commented 8 years ago

244 nAr nar False positive.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

243 DananAsa -> DananASa MW OCR error.


gasyoun commented 8 years ago

242 dvAdaSAMsa -> dvAdaSAMSa MW print error. Though MW has aMsa and aMSa, 2nd is the original one.


gasyoun commented 8 years ago

241 drumavAlka -> drumavalka MW OCR error.


gasyoun commented 8 years ago

240 dyAvAkzAmA -> dyAvAkzamA MW print error. There is kzamA, but no kzAmA in MW.



gasyoun commented 8 years ago

239 dOhitrAyARa => dOhitrAyaRa MW OCR error.


gasyoun commented 8 years ago

238 dEvAhOrAtra => dEvAhorAtra MW OCR error. Question to Jim. cf. daityā*ho- in dEvAhOrAtra should be as per original cf. daityâ*ho-. And what about ō in MW? We downgraded it to o?


gasyoun commented 8 years ago

237 dURAsa => dURASa MW print error. fr. √1. नश् and स at end? Impossible.


gasyoun commented 8 years ago

236 diDIzu diDizU MW variant, cross-linked to diDizU.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

235 dAvikAkUla => dAvikakUla MW print error.



zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

Re 235. dAvikAkUla ― dAvikakUla MW72,PWG दाविकाकूल ― दाविककूल It is rather a print error in PWG (transcribed by MW72): PWG: image

Pāṇini 7.3.1 (Böhtlingk’s edition, Leipzig 1887): image

The adj. दाविक (with -ă) is correct, as the headword has the m. form (n. दाविकम् , f. दाविका). V. Whithey 1208.g: 1208. अ a. With this suffix (…) g. From primitives in ā, which in like manner disappears: yāmuná of the Yamúnā, sāraghá honey etc. (sarághā bee), kānīná natural child (kanī́nā girl).

Although here we do not have a secondary derivation, but a dependent compound, perhaps the following applies also to this case. Whithey 1208.g:

d. In general, the masculine form of a primitive stem is that from which a further secondary derivative is made. But there are not very rare cases in which the feminine is taken instead; examples are satītva, bhāryātva, pranītātvá, bhāratīvant, rakṣāvant, priyāvant.

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

Re 240. dyAvAkzAmA ― dyAvAkzamA SHS,VCP,WIL,YAT (द्यावाक्षामा ― द्यावाक्षमा) No change. क्षामा is the dual of क्षम् f. ‘earth’: image

RV (PDF page 47): image

For the formation of the Vedic Dvandva compounds, v. discussion at #130 (re 14. ऐन्द्रवरुण → ऐन्द्रावारुण)

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

Re 245. नवसस्येष्टि ― नवशस्येष्टि No change. Variant forms. The word is formed from नव + सस्य + इष्टि सस्य 1 [p= 1192] : n. (of unknown derivation ; also written शस्य ; ifc. f(आ).) corn, grain, fruit, a crop of corn (also pl.) AV. &c &c [L=239928] इष्टि 3 [p= 169] : f. sacrificing, sacrifice [L=29650]

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

2 137525 praSAntaviniScayapratihAryanirdeSa praSAntaviniScayaprAtihAryanirdeSa प्रशान्तविनिश्चयप्रतिहार्यनिर्देश प्रशान्तविनिश्चयप्रातिहार्यनिर्देश MW BHS,SCH No idea.

MW: prasantaviniscayapratiharyanirdesa

It's a buddhist word and BHS: Praśāntaviniścayaprātihāryanirdeśa, m., n. of a work Mvy 1377; (same?) °prātihārya-sūtra (om. nirdeśa), Śikṣ 16.2 (here printed °pratihārya°) Shows that °pratihārya° is treated as a mistake. So MW is a mistake as per BHS, the supreme source on buddhist words.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

3 185871 vanaBojanapuRyAhavacanaprayoga -> vanaBojanapuRyAhavAcanaprayoga MW OCR error.


gasyoun commented 8 years ago

6 144334.1 bADabudDipratiBanDakatAvicAra bADabudDipratibanDakatAvicAra MW OCR error.


funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@gasyoun Are the cases in this list ready for me to install?

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

If @zaaf2 has nothing against, yes.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@gasyoun re 238 dEvAhOrAtra => dEvAhorAtra I have not noticed an 'o-macron' before. I suppose it should be interpreted as a plain 'o', as you suggest. I don't know the significance of the macron in this case.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

re 235 dAvikAkUla => dAvikakUla I will leave as no change for now, per @zaaf2 's comment. @drdhaval2785 : Would you look at Panini 7,3,1 and confirm that 'dAvikA-kUla . It may be that 7.3.1 only pertains to why 'devikA' becomes 'dAvikA'. If so, I'm not sure of the reason why, in the compound, 'dAvika' + kUla', becomes 'dAvikA-kUla.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

re 6 144334.1 bADabudDipratiBanDakatAvicAra bADabudDipratibanDakatAvicAra This was already corrected in #131.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

re : dyAvAkzamA. Added to mwlexnorm's DualPlural list as f1d with stem dyAvAkzam.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

installation complete. Also recomputed sanhw1,2. and updated corrections_nochange.txt

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago gives that दाविकाकूल is correct.


Therefore it is NO change for MW. PWG may have to be changed to दाविकाकूल.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

There is nothing unusual with o-macron. Actually all o are indeed with a macron, because all o are pronounced long (there is no short e or o in Sanskrit). So significance is the same as in other cases. To lessen the burden of diacritics most scientists, including authors of IAST have abandoned it. But the Kalkutta transliteration system still has them.

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

Perhaps the commentary I posted at #130 may further clarify the origin of the word दाविकाकूल :

देविका f. is the name of the river. दाविक is the adjective, “(water) coming from the river देविका”. दाविकाकूल itself is also an adjective, “(rice etc.) coming from the banks (कूल) of the देविका”. I was not sure about the change because I thought the first member of the compound was the adj. दाविक, and I could not explain the second ā in दाविकाकूल. Now I see my doubt is unfounded. As one can see in the commentary to Pāṇini’s rule, the adj. दाविकाकूल comes directly from the Tatpuruṣa compound देविकाकूल n. (which may be translated as “bank of the देविका river”). When देविकाकूल as a whole is transformed into the adjective by an (absorbed) -a suffix (v. Whithey 1208.h), then the special rule in question takes effect, and दे- is changed to दा-, the rest of the word remaining unchanged. image

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

I have nothing to add regarding the other cases.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

@funderburkjim your turn.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

We have 'dAvikAkUla' as the MW headword, so by my reading of @zaaf2's latest comment, everything is copacetic.

@zaaf2 that was interesting that you found a Grammar reference explicitly to dAvikUla. Which commentary is that (the one in German)?

It seems safe to close this issue.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

@funderburkjim it is

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

@gasyoun Thanks!

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@gasyoun Thanks for pdf link!

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

learnt a new word 'copacetic'.