sanskrit-lexicon / CORRECTIONS

Correction history for Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon
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PW 'ls' tag corrections, cmbsub Deutsch words #210

Open gasyoun opened 8 years ago

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

Started from end of file Weeding out German only words. Rarely non-German too. German text removal from 'ls', to help Dhaval help Jim make a better bibliography. After will try to learn submission in standard format ( See first 100 entries in

Sitzungsberichte -> Sitzungsberichte der Phil-hist. Kl. der Wiener Ak. (full form Sitzungsberichte der Phil-hist. Kl. der Wiener Ak.106,483. for साध्य [L=123830])

Burnell.t.richtig -> Burnell.T. Richtig (for श्रावणकर्मसर्पबलिप्रयोग [L=114986] )

Richtig -> Richtig means Correct, so it's not ab abbreviation at all (for पुक्कश [L=67508])

Südindische -> Südindische Hdschrr. (South Indian manuscripts), but that is a bad reference, a better one is near by Bâlar.139,5 (for विडोजस् [L=102367])

P.w. -> P.W. (the PWG is meant) (for यजुस् [L=89441])

Abschiedskuss -> Abschiedskuss means a fareweell kiss, so it's not ab abbreviation at all (विसर्गचुम्बन [L=105633])

Auprecht -> Aufrecht ( सनायन्त् [L=118825])

Bhrnell.t. -> Burnell.T. (मन्त्रदेवताप्रकाश [L=83099])

HüHler -> Bühler केवलाद्वैतवादकुलिश [L=30733]

Llit -> Lalit काषायग्रहण [L=27600]

BaläR -> Bālar लुण्ठाक [L=96368]

Fritze.vermuthet -> Fritze vermuthet प्रतिस्नेह [L=71682]

Roth.vermuthet -> Roth vermuthet वरुणशेषस् [L=98592]

Sv.fur -> Sv. für, so it's not ab abbreviation at all वनप्रक्ष [L=97975]

Gal.richtig -> Gal. Richtig (Gal. only source, Richtig non-LS) *मलवैशम्य [L=83845]

Ârjabh.einl. Ix. -> Ârjabh. Einl. IX. लगडाचार्य [L=95415]

neue Ausg. -> neue Ausg. = new Edition, that's not a real LS, is it? कराट [L=24728]

BüHlhr -> Bühler कारकपरीक्षा [L=26771]

Schol. -> Schol.[ien] - no such work, just general name for Ḱaraka? शङ्खिन् [L=109653]

Çam̄k.füR: Çam̄k für ततम [L=44168]

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

Çâṇḍ.einl.S.1,2,9 -> Çâṇḍ. Einl. S.1,2,9 साहजिक [L=124769]

ÂÂ :Auch - ordinary German "as well" संस्तोभ [L=117036]

Ṛv.nachmals:ṚV : Nachmals - ordinary German "after" वसिष्ठ [L=99394]

BüHe.rep.:Bühler. Rep. प्रद्युम्नशिखर [L=72354]

Bunellt.:Burnell. T. श्यामलादण्डक [L=114695]

Nîlak.fasst:Nîlak. fasst जपता [L=41677]

Suçr.nicht: Suçr. nicht कपीतन [L=24314]

Sâj.als:Sâj. als प्राच्यपाञ्चाली [L=74023]


¯Verz.d.Pet.H.No:¯Verz.d.Pet.H. or ¯ - I would go for 42, as a MSS is meant and hinting to a collection of MSS is no help


¯ZIMMER.Altind.Leben:¯ZIMMER Altind Leben 112816

¯A7RSHvr:¯A7RSH Br,82100

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

schwer zugänglicher Ort , ein ungern besuchter Ort. -> add italics; Ort is not an abbreviation, remove tags दुर्ग [L=51083]

¯NI7LAK.ALS:¯NI7LAK,54561: ¯NI7LAK. als

¯Hdschr:Hdschr.3,90 45664, just MSS is not enough, number is important when dealing with MSS, because it is not the chapter, but the MSS itself

Thranen:Thränen,73678 not an abbreviation and Umlaut lost




64874 ¯FLUSS: no abbreviation at all

76157 ¯MBH.FüR:¯MBH.

53390 ¯Copula: no abbreviation at all

63310 ¯RüHLER.REP:Bühler. Rep.

75146 ¯ARSH:¯


10837 ¯St:¯Ind. St. (need to change first Ins. St. -> Ind. St.)

23253 ¯PAIPP.HAT:¯PAIPP. (¯PAIPP. hat)

37847 ¯A7RSH.BR.STATT:¯A7RSH.BR. (¯A7RSH.BR. statt)


66246 ¯NILAK.SEHR:¯NILAK. (¯NILAK. sehr)

29434 ¯GUT:¯GAUT

30047 ¯VIER:¯VIKR


119745 ¯NILAR:¯NILAR. UP.

108077 ¯A7PAST.AUSNAHMSWEISE:¯A7PAST. (¯A7PAST. ausnahmsweise)

37314 ¯Blutegel: no abbreviation at all

23316 ¯BHüHLER.REP:Bühler. Rep.

72422 ¯Varde:¯Vardh (Romb.:Bomb. in 72422 as well)

88026 ¯N0:Bühler. Rep. (N0:No)


10721 ¯J:¯B.A.J.

52699 ¯No::Bühler. Rep.

3121 ¯Nj:¯Nj. K.

130308 ¯KIEL:¯Kielhorn's

64605 ¯BÜHLER.'s:¯BÜHLER's

118694 ¯Mel:¯Mel.asiat

55070 ¯WRBER:¯WEBER:

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

91372 ¯BU10ELER:Bühler

867 122448 ¯SCHÖNBERG,KSHEM: two different sources


135445 ¯Monatsberichte:¯Monatsberichte d. Kön. Pr. Ak. d. Ww.

27844 ¯I: no abbreviation at all (but Kṛt-Suffix I.238,15. -> Kṛt-Suffix इ 238,15.)

97667 ¯KIELHORN'S.AUSG:¯Kielhorn's Ausg.

2567 ¯BüHL.GUJ:¯Bühl. Guj.

119017 ¯&PAST: no abbreviation at all

70193 ¯BHAT2T2.PARTIC:¯BHAT2T2. (¯BHAT2T2. Partic)

67239 ¯A.V.Paric:¯A.V.Pariç

47759 ¯BüLHLER:Bühler

133798 ¯BHU10LER,:Bühler

28059 ¯PASS: no abbreviation at all

134979 ¯XIV: Only roman numerals given. Not sure what to do in such cases. To kill at all does not makes sense. Without metadata - no use.

47766 ¯PAST:¯Āpast.

131635 ¯DELBRU1CK:¯Delbrück



75942 ¯DU: no abbreviation at all


24946 ¯ISE:¯WISE


102394 ¯G:¯Z.d.d.m.G. (Z4. d.d.m. G. -> Z.d.d.m.G.)

110439 ¯BüLLER.REP:Bühler. Rep.


34591 ¯A: no abbreviation at all

20905 ¯WISH:¯WISE

67280 ¯CAUS: no abbreviation at all

70713 ¯Eitel.Ch:¯Ertel Ch. B.

76898 ¯AV.WOHL:¯AV.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Probably most of these observations have been taken into account via #57, so the correction submission tag is probably not quite right.

There are some useful comments on German that might find a place elsewhere, so I am reluctant to close this issue entirely.

I am (provisionally) relabeling as Documentation, and leaving open.