sanskrit-lexicon / CORRECTIONS

Correction history for Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon
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AP90, correction of loose IAST nasal spellings #328

Open funderburkjim opened 7 years ago

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

In the conversion to modern IAST discussed in #327 , an ambiguity was noticed in some aspects of the italicized IAST. For instance, under headword संज्ञा :


Here the italicized n represents the palatal nasal ञ् (or maybe it should be anusvAra, since part of prefix सम् )

By contrast, italic n usually represents the cerebral nasal ण् .

In the change to modern IAST, ALL italic n were changed to n-with-underdot.

So this word is now spelled (incorrectly) as Saṇjnā .

In other words, to get an accurate, modern IAST, we would need to make a further examination of cases. For instance, the correct IAST spelling in this case is likely Saṃjñā

This issue is opened to identify this as an area requiring further work.

When anyone wants to tackle this, the findiast12_transcoded.txt file (field 4) will be a good starting point.