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PWG reference markup #350

Open gasyoun opened 7 years ago

gasyoun commented 7 years ago aja


In ; vgl. 2. aja 3. Colebr. Misc. Ess. I, 348. Ind. St. I, 428 , N. the 3. is marked as part of the reference, but it is not. Is Colebr. Misc. Ess. I, 348. Ind. St. I, 428 not recognized as a quote because of that?


Why is Sûrjas. 2, 45. 13, 11. a hyperlinked reference and Sâmavidh. Br. 1, 1, 17; vgl. Ṛv. Anukr. is not? vgl. should be demarked in all such cases, it's just = compare, vide. In that case will Sâmavidh. Br. 1, 1, 17 and Ṛv. Anukr. be found?

gasyoun commented 6 years ago

@funderburkjim can we touch it and still not kill everything?

funderburkjim commented 6 years ago

There are two kinds of problems:

Also, I am unsure whether Rv.anukr. is two literary sources or one.

I'll probably tackle the meta-line/iast conversion of PWG in a couple of weeks.

SergeA commented 6 years ago

"Sāmav.Br." = Sāmavidhāna- (Sāmavidhi-) Brāhmaṇa "Ṛv.Anukr." = Ṛgveda- Anukramaṇī (Anukramaṇikā)

funderburkjim commented 6 years ago

"Ṛv.Anukr." = Ṛgveda- Anukramaṇī (Anukramaṇikā)

In the PWG bibliography, there is an entry for Anukr.

And of course there is an entry for Ṛv.

However, the entry for the word Anukramaṇikā in MW suggests that this word is a generic name for a particular kind of document (rather than the name of a specific document):

anu-kramaṇikā [p= 31] : f. a table or chapter of contents, index to a collection of Vedic hymns (giving the first word of each hymn, the number of verses, name and family of poets, names of deities and metres). [L=6160]

There is no bibliographic entry for Ṛv.Anukr. (which I would take to be the anu-kramaṇikā particular to the Ṛgveda.)

So there are two ways to interpret Ṛv.Anukr.

Which is the better solution?

"Sāmav.Br." = Sāmavidhāna- (Sāmavidhi-) Brāhmaṇa

That solution looks fine, and we should fill the gap of the printed Bibliography for this case.

gasyoun commented 6 years ago

Ṛv.Anukr. (without space), which would mean an undocumented bibliographic entry
