sanskrit-lexicon / CORRECTIONS

Correction history for Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon
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sch.xml - an abberrant entry #360

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 7 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

In sch.xml, no letter was given a special treatment except 'E'. See

<H1><h><key1>E</key1><key2>Ai</key2></h><body></body><tail><info seq="9422" n="1"/><L>9300</L><pc>128-1</pc></tail></H1>
<H1><h><key1>E</key1><key2>ai</key2></h><body>Interj. Maitr. S. 4 , 9 , 21. </body><tail><info seq="9423" n="1"/><L>9300.1</L><pc>128-1</pc></tail></H1>

screenshot from 2017-06-21 11-32-27

This has given rise to problem in stardict generation. Actually the letter 'E' (9300) is not a headword and included in <H1> tag wrongly. No other letter is. And subsequent to it E which is a headword (currently shown as 9300.1) is sent to alternate headword category. Needs correction.

For proof, see O where letter is not given headword status.

<H1><h><key1>EhilOkika</key1><key2>aihilaukika</key2></h><body>Adj. = <i>aihalaukika</i> , Hem. Par. 3 , 184. </body><tail><info seq="9462" n="2"/><L>9338</L><pc>128-3</pc></tail></H1>
<H1><h><key1>ogaRa</key1><key2>ogaṇá</key2></h><body>, vgl. Pāli <i>ogaṇa</i> , gewaltig , -x- groß. </body><tail><info seq="9463" n="2"/><L>9339</L><pc>128a-1</pc></tail></H1>

screenshot from 2017-06-21 11-33-00

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

Needs correction.

Hercule Poirot, nothing less.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

@funderburkjim, This is a small error. Kill it so that I can also regenrate this dict too.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

I will take this opportunity to introduce the 'meta-line' format to SCH. Then will kill the unneeded line.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

I will take this opportunity to introduce the 'meta-line' format to SCH.

The grand master's wish is our command.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

meta-line restructuring finished for sch.txt.

Errroneous record deleted.

xml file ready for stardict retry.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

It seems that meta line reconstruction is now very fast. Initial teething problems with ACC are not that evident now. May I request for conversion of all dictionaries this way? Then generic application may be possible partially for important information.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

May I request for conversion of all dictionaries this way?

Hmm, we will loose Jim for months, no?

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Yes, the metaline conversion does seem to go well. The main bottleneck is IAST conversion. My approach has been to do meta-line conversion as a 2nd step to be done after IAST conversion. The table in this issue aims to show progress.

Probably I should focus next on doing the meta-line conversion step for those dictionaries that have already had IAST conversion, and for SKD, VCP which have no IAST conversion to worry about.