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PUI - liMgins #373

Open drdhaval2785 opened 7 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

EndraIzwi is a hiatus word. capture

Anhika is not a word. Ahnika (daily) is the word. jahnu is correct word. jAhnavI is correct one. vanhi is wrong. vahni is correct. So these are print errors.

385 incorporated here.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

One observation.

PUI has tendency to use m before h also. Everywhere else it is used as M.

See narasimha, samhitA etc.

also mangala, plavanga etc. ng is also prevalent.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

There is also one more peculiarity.

mAtaMgins liMgins

Here the English plural denoter 's' is retained in headwords. I guess in such cases, it would be advisable to drop terminal s when denoting plurals. I understand that this is a bit difficult. But theoretically I favour to remove these terminal 's'. What is your take and status @funderburkjim ?

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

The headwords, at least, should be standardized: e.g., 'narasimha' should be changed to 'narasiMha'. Also liMgins to liMgin. But it is up to us whether to make this change to the TEXT or just to the meta-data. Given the secondary importance (at least currently) of this dictionary, I would favor making the changes just in the meta-line field.

Since our primary search field is key1, the result would be that narasiMha would be readily findable in PUI under the same spelling as in MW, etc.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

I agree with the proposal, but I have only one catch. What would be the effect of this choice on sanhw1.txt and sanhw2.txt files ? If these files would have those 's'-ending forms, I feel it is not correct to go that path.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Currently, sanhw1/2 have, for example, 'liMgins:PUI'.


After the proposed solution of step1,2 above, we would have


In particular, sanhw1.txt would NOT have those 's'-ending forms.

As mentioned, this solution will be quite easy to implement once the meta-line form of PUI is developed.

Here are some details that illustrate how I think this can work.

Current coding of entry for 'liMgins' in PUI

<P>{%Lim2gins%}--ineligible for s4ra1ddha.
<P>M. 16. 17.

After IAST conversion

<P>{%Liṃgins%}--ineligible for śrāddha.
<P>M. 16. 17.

After meta-line conversion

{%Liṃgins%}¦ --ineligible for śrāddha.
<P>M. 16. 17.

manual change to k1,k2

Now suppose pui.txt is in meta-line form. We can apply a manualByLine change to the meta-line (pretend the line number of the meta line is 123456).

123456 old <L>11967<pc>3-122<k1>liMgins<k2>liMgins
123456 new <L>11967<pc>3-122<k1>liMgin<k2>liMgin

entry after change to meta-line

This entry in meta-line form of pui.txt now will look like:

{%Liṃgins%}¦ --ineligible for śrāddha.
<P>M. 16. 17.


In the meta-line world, We construct puihw.txt directly from pui.txt. The corresponding line there will be:



In the meta-line world, we construct puihw2.txt directly from puihw.txt. The corresponding line there will be:


sanhw1 and sanhw2

These are constructed from the Xhw2.txt files for the various dictionaries X. So, in particular only 'liMgin' will be seen for this entry from PUI.


This is constructed directly from sanhw1. So, again, only 'liMgin' will be see for this entry from PUI.

Moral of story

The meta-line format makes it technically easier to decouple the printed text form of headword (Liṃgins) for an entry from the primary search key (liMgin) for that entry.

This decoupling is also what makes it easier to implement 'alternate search keys' for an entry.

Hope this explanation addresses your concern.