sanskrit-lexicon / CORRECTIONS

Correction history for Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon
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Better handling of reference to another headword #428

Open drdhaval2785 opened 5 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 5 years ago

When the subheadword / headword refers to only the next / some other entry, it is really frustrating to see only "See next".

Reported by Caujolle.

Case 24422: 06/10/2019 dict=MW, L= 162406, hw=mAtRka, user=Caujolle
old = 
new = 
comment = strangely "mātṛkā a f. See next [ID=162408]" appears, but not mātṛkā b, which is the most important one, ("the next"); whereas usually, in these cases, the feminine, if treated separatly, is also included in the display.
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

It is hard to know how to get around this, even though one can understand a user's frustration in getting only part of the story for mAtfkA when looking up mAtfka.


gasyoun commented 5 years ago

It is hard to know how to get around this

Wander if see next is the usual way to link.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

User 'sugpa' made a similar suggestion (in regards to AP90 dictionary).

Hello, this is just suggestion.
Your work is excellent and unbeliveable, thank you so much. 
Could you make something helpful next? 
I mean under Sanskrit headword are often links to lot of some next others Sanskrit words, 
could you make as real link, like after click opened in the new tab?
comment = Is not an error, just logical next step for faster and more useful work with the dictionary. Thank you very much again for bringing the God language to these days.