sanskrit-lexicon / CORRECTIONS

Correction history for Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon
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Hyphen at end of line #431

Open funderburkjim opened 5 years ago

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

There is logic in the display of AP90 that aims to handle line-breaks with hyphens. But sometimes this logic gives the wrong result. This user correction gives such a case. In headword vid . Here is the scan in AP90 (hard to read): image

Better image occurs in the 1957 version: image

So Apte is giving perfect (viveda) and periphrastic perfect (vidAMcakAra), separated by a hyphen. In AP90, this '-' occurs at the end of a line.

In the display of AP90, the words before and after the line-ending dash are joined as one word with no dash. In our example this results in (vivedavidAMcakAra); but this is inappropriate here since the dash is used to separate two perfect forms rather than to continue a samAsa across the line break.

I fiddled with the placement of the '-' so the display now shows viveda vidAMcakAra with a space (the dash is still absent). It would be better to retain the dash, but at least the display doesn't look like a single word here.

This shows the peril of doing automatic adjustments -- sometimes a misleading output is the result. I'm labeling this as a bug. I see no way at the moment to do a perfect rendition of '-' at end of lines in AP90.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

Here is the text in digitization:

{#vid#}¦ I. 2 P. ({#vetti#} or {#veda, viveda-#}
<>{#vidAMcakAra, avedIt, vetsyati, vettuM, vidita;#}
{#vid#}¦ I. 2 P. ({#vetti#} or {#veda, viveda #} -         <<< note there is space before/after '-'
<>{#vidAMcakAra, avedIt, vetsyati, vettuM, vidita;#}
gasyoun commented 5 years ago

I see no way at the moment to do a perfect rendition of '-' at end of lines in AP90.

If even you do not, will never find a way out of it. Guess there are hundreds of such or smaller bugs.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

The only way would be to add special markup in digitization. To do this perfectly would not be impossible but would be labor intensive.