sanskrit-lexicon / CORRECTIONS

Correction history for Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon
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INM Corrections and Additions #438

Open gasyoun opened 4 years ago

gasyoun commented 4 years ago

The "Corrections and Additions" starting at page 791 till 807 were never implemented, right? @funderburkjim


funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

Actually, pages 791 ff. ARE in the digitization (inm.txt). For example:

[Page791-a+ 57]
<HI>{@Abhibhū@}¦ {%(b),%} read: = Viṣṇu (Nārāyaṇa, Kṛṣṇa): III,
<>12984 (B. {%Avibhū%}); XII, 1509 (B. {%Atibhū%}).

However, these are not currently accessible via the displays. For example, the instances of aBiBU that IS accessible is:

{@Abhibhū,@}¦ {%(a)%} king of Kāśi. § 599 (Jayadrathavadhap.):
<div n="lb">VII, {@95,@} 3528? {%(Kāśyasyābhibhuvaḥ putraṃ)%} (cf. VII, 976,
<div n="lb">where B. has {%Kāśyasyābhibhuvaḥ putraṃ,%} whilst C. has
<div n="lb">{%Kāśyasyābhimukhaṃ putraṃ%}). § 604 (Karṇap.): VIII, {@6,@}
<div n="lb">173 ({%Kāśirājaḥ,%} killed by the son of Vasudāna); cf. Vibhu.—
<div n="lb">{%(b)%} = Kṛṣṇa, XII, 1508.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

The 'CONCORDANCE' (on p. 790), is hard to know how to interpret.

The material on pages 791ff appears, at a first glance, to be largely amenable to inclusion. For instance, the aBiBU example could be altered as the next entry after the last entry L=12655 yuyutsu as

<HI>{@Abhibhū@}¦ {%(b),%} read: = Viṣṇu (Nārāyaṇa, Kṛṣṇa): III,
<>12984 (B. {%Avibhū%}); XII, 1509 (B. {%Atibhū%}).
{@Abhibhū@}¦ {%(b),%} read: = Viṣṇu (Nārāyaṇa, Kṛṣṇa): III,
<>12984 (B. {%Avibhū%}); XII, 1509 (B. {%Atibhū%}).

The main obstacle would be to construct the meta-lines, such as <L>12656<pc>791-a<k1>aBiBU<k2>aBiBU

and to insert them as needed.

gasyoun commented 4 years ago

However, these are not currently accessible via the displays.

Oh, would never guess that.

The 'CONCORDANCE' (on p. 790), is hard to know how to interpret.

I'm working on it, see!topic/bvparishat/wcwoAICmC98