sanskrit-lexicon / CORRECTIONS

Correction history for Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon
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SHS corrections, 1 #47

Closed funderburkjim closed 9 years ago

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

These corrections are for a subset of SHS dictionary headwords. The headwords comprise those from AllvsMW (see constructed via faultfinder3a.php and satisfying

  1. word occurs ONLY in dictionary SHS
  2. error pattern does NOT contain rXX or fXX.

There are 131 satisfying these two conditions.

From this filtered list, an html file with links to SHS basic display was made with faultfinder3a-html.php.

Then each was examined. The ones believed to need correction are in the following comments. When all 131 are examined, a list of those NOT considered to be errors will be shown.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

1 Aryyazuva -> Aryyaputra image

2 CandaskFta -> Candaskfta image

3 daSaBUBiga -> daSaBUmiga image

4 nizftA -> nisftA 5 nizfzwa -> nisfzwa 6 nizfzwArTa -> nisfzwArTa image

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

7 prANamuKa -> prANmuKa virAma missing or obscure in print image

8 prAlEyAMSu -> prAleyAMSu print obscure. prAleyAMSu agrees with MW and with SHS etymology. image

9 brahmoJatA -> brahmojJatA image

10 BIgAvalI -> BogAvalI print error image

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

11 yogaruQa -> yogarUQa image

12 sammUCana -> sammUrCana image

13 sOvOryya -> sOvIryya image

14 hfbottara -> hftottara image

15 akAraRItpanna -> akAraRotpanna mfn. (-न्नः-न्ना-न्नं) Born or produced without a cause. E. अकारण and उत्पन्न born.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

16 amftasrUt -> amftasrut ? image

17 ahfmmati -> ahammati Print error image

18 Ipmana -> Ipsana image

19 utmikta -> utsikta image

20 ftumlAtA -> ftusnAtA image

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

21 ekvAntakaruRa -> ekAntakaruRa mfn. (-णः-णा-णं) Very compassionate, weakly charitable. E. एकान्त and करुण charitable.

22 kukvuwa -> kukkuwa 23 kukvuwamaRqapa -> kukkuwamaRqapa 24 kukvuwamastaka -> kukkuwamastaka 25 kukvuwavrata -> kukkuwavrata 26 kukvuwARqa -> kukkuwARqa

image etc.

27 kzIzRAzwakarmman -> kzIRAzwakarmman image

28 gAmmIryya -> gAmBIryya print error image

29 gfRqIba -> gfRqIva image

30 grAmakukvuwa -> grAmakukkuwa See 22-26 above

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

31 jiGatmu -> jiGatsu image

32 dantapuppa -> dantapuzpa Print error. image

33 dorGakoSikA -> dIrGakoSikA image

34 DavalItpala -> Davalotpala image

35 DUBrAwa -> DUmrAwa The fork-tailed shrike. E. धूम्र smoky, and अट who goes.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

36a nAWyokti -> nAwyokti Dramatic phraseology. E. nAWya* and ukti expression

36b nAWyaDarmmika -> nAwyaDarmmika Rules of dramatic representation. E. nAwya acting, Darmma rule, and Wak aff.

36c nAWyaSAlA -> nAwyaSAlA A theatre, a building for dramatic exhibitions; accor- ding to some it should be built near the gate of a palace. E. nAWya * and SAlA a hall.

37 nizweva -> nizWeva image

38 pulraGa -> pulvaGa ? pulvaGa in MW, but with different definition ('doing much evil') How is SHS etymology related to word? image

39 prakIrci -> prakIrtti image

40 pratibimvana -> pratibimbana image

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

41 prAkaWya -> prAkawya ? Change made due to presence of prAkawya in MW with same definition. Print may be 'W'. image

42 prAkkula -> prAkkUla Print error in headword. Etymology shows kUla. MW has prAkkUla. image

43 prAkvAla -> prAkkAla image

44 matsyAScI -> matsyAkzI image

45 marutbat -> marutvat Revised to use'vat' per Dhaval's suggestion (see his comment below) previous marutbat -> marutmat ? Headword appears to be 'vat', but etymology clearly 'matup' (indicating marutmat) MW has both marutmat and marutvat. image

45a marutmaKa -> marutsaKa image

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

46 miTyIttara -> miTyottara A false or prevaricating reply. E. मिथ्या, उत्तर answer.

47 mUDvan -> mUrDvan Print error: 'r' missing. image

48 meGanirGIza -> meGanirGoza The muttering or grumbling of clouds, low or dis- tant thunder. E. मेघ a cloud, and निर्घोष sound, noise.

49 raRatUyya -> raRatUryya A military drum. E. रण war, तूर्य्य a musical instrument.

50 luWyat -> luwyat image

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

51 vIyyAvaDUta -> vIryyAvaDUta image

52 vEktavya -> vEklavya image

53 sumvaluRWa -> sumpaluRWa image

54 sUvyagrasTUlaka -> sUcyagrasTUlaka A sort of grass, (Saccharum cylindricum.) “उलुखड”. E. सूचि a needle, अग्र a point, and स्थूलक thick.

55 sUvyAsya -> sUcyAsya A rat. E. sUcI a needle, and Asya face.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Several where 'sn' should be 'sr' 56a snugdAru -> srugdAru 56b snuDnI -> sruDnI 56c snuc -> sruc 56d snuta -> sruta 56e snuti -> sruti 56f snuva -> sruva 56g snuvAvfkza -> sruvAvfkza 56h snU -> srU 56i snek -> srek 56j snE -> srE image etc.

57 agyra -> agrya image

58 aDostrapitta -> aDosrapitta 'astra' is print error. asrapitta is a headword.

59 anuddDaraRa -> anudDaraRa image

60 asmmoha -> asammoha Steadiness, calmness, composure. E. अ neg. सम्मोह fas- cination.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

61 ahinirsmoka -> ahinirmmoka The slough of a snake. E. अहि and निर्म्मोक the same.

62 AcaturTya -> Acaturyya image

63 kfzRArjka -> kfzRArjaka image

64 guqaSarkvarA -> guqaSarkkarA image

65 jagatkftmna -> jagatkftsna The universe. E. जगत्, and कृत्स्न whole.

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago

1-37 agree. 38 - it is puru+aGa -> puru+aGa -> pulvaGa. So suggestion is correct. 39-40 - I agree. 41 - It is prAkawya. Suggestion is correct. 42-44 - I agree. 45 - It is marutvat. 46-65 - I agree.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

66 dalanirmBoka -> dalanirmmoka The Bhurjapatra, a tree of which the bark is used, for hookah snakes, &c. E. दल a leaf, and निर्म्मोक shedding, casting off.

67 pArSvIdarapriya -> pArSvodarapriya A crab. E. पार्श्व the side, उदर the belly, and प्रिय fond of; going sidelong.

68 pratijYAsanryAsa -> pratijYAsannyAsa Abandonment of the original proposition, (in logic.) 2. Breaking a promise. E. प्रतिज्ञा, and सन्न्यास quitting.

69 BaRqka -> BaRqUka Print obscure. Long 'U' inferred from etymology. Could be BaRquka. cf. MW image

70 Bogondra -> BogIndra The serpent ANANTA. 2. The serpent VÁSUKÍ. E. भोगि a snake, इन्द्र a sovereign; also भोगीश

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

71 laGumittra -> laGumitra REVISED: NOT ERROR . See discussion in later comment

print error. image

72 visprardDamAna -> vispardDamAna image

73 veRukarkvara -> veRukarkkara image

74 SIGyra -> SIGrya MW has SIGriya with this defn (fighting of cats). image

75 SunDya -> SunDyu image

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

76 SEGyra -> SEGrya image

77 sannivfttri -> sannivftti image

78 sorAzwvika -> sorAzwrika 79 sAlluRWa -> solluRWa image

80a kAtrsna -> kArtsna 80b kAtrsnya -> kArtsnya image image

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

81 RqaKaSas -> KaRqaSas print error image

82 makv -> makk image

83 zamj -> zasj image

84 snanm -> sranB Revised to sramB (see Dhaval comment below) image

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

The error submissions for this SHS list is completed.

I changed correction 45 to marutvat per @drdhaval2785

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Here is the sublist of headwords considered to be ok. There were a few 'duplicates' (matched by more than one letter pattern), and this list excludes those duplicates. There were a few with a '?' .

dOdivi -> dOdivi ok
raktaJAvuka -> raktaJAvuka ok
iRyInTa -> iRyInTa ok ?
uYJa -> uYJa ok = MW ujJ, ujJa
kroDoYJita -> kroDoYJita ok. See uYJa above
KONkAha -> KONkAha ok? = MW KoNgAha
GarGUrGA -> GarGUrGA ok? called m. If so, how declined. = MW GarGurGA f.
tiRWI -> tiRWI  ok.  = MW tiRwI
raTakaWyA -> raTakaWyA ok
vEDrAtaka -> vEDrAtaka  ok? = MW vEnAtaka vessel for ghee
sayuTya -> sayuTya ok? = MW sayUTya
snEgDa -> snEgDa ok
svedamaloYJitadeha -> svedamaloYJitadeha ok refer uYJa above
Asajjra -> Asajjra ok?  related to MW=AsaYj ?
CancCana -> CancCana  ok
pAYcArSrika -> pAYcArSrika ok ?
hayasaNgrahaRa -> hayasaNgrahaRa ok  (MW hayasaMgrahaRa)
zRas -> zRas ok = what in MW
BranS -> BranS ok
manj -> manj ok = MW maYj
larvv -> larvv ok = MW larb
lAcC -> lAcC ok = MW lAYC
vardD -> vardD ok = MW varD
vAcC -> vAcC ok = MW vAYC
Sarbb -> Sarbb ok = MW Sarb
Sarvv -> Sarvv ok = MW Sarv
sarbb -> sarbb ok = MW sarb
sarvv -> sarvv ok = MW sarv (v.l. for Sarv)
spardD -> spardD ok = MW sparD
svardd -> svardd ok = MW svard
haryy -> haryy ok = MW hary
hrIcC -> hrIcC ok = MW hrIC
varcc -> varcc ok = MW varc
Svartt -> Svartt ok = MW Svart
zarjj -> zarjj ok = MW sarj?
sarjj -> sarjj ok = MW sarj
sPUrjj -> sPUrjj ok = MW sPUrj
drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago

71 - It seems fine to have 'ttra'. Gramattically laGumitra and laGumittra both are fine. So let's keep what is in the scan. 84 - SHS has the tendency to use verbs in their used forms e.g. sramB (and not sranB like SKD / VCP). The same was verified in stamB (if SHS used standards of SKD/VCP - it should have been stanB. So in my opinion the reading should be sramB and not sranB. See stamB here.

Rest of the corrections are OK.

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago

Will look at the OK word list later.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Re 71 laGumittra. Agree to keep mittra.
Some further observations: Under hw 'mitra' SHS observation confirms Dhaval:

 E. {#mid#} to be affectionate, aff.
   <>{#kta;#} hence more properly {#mittra |#}'   

It is also true that 'mitra' occurs 80+ times in shs.txt, while 'mittra' only twice, so SHS generally prefers one 't'.

Re 84 snanm -> sranB Agree to use sramB. In fact, after looking at the scan under higher magnification, it seems that the scan may actually have mB .

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago

@funderburkjim Starting my comments on the OK list.

dOdivi -> dOdivi ok

This is dIdivi. Look at the order. capture

uYJa -> uYJa ok = MW ujJ, ujJa
kroDoYJita -> kroDoYJita ok. See uYJa above
svedamaloYJitadeha -> svedamaloYJitadeha ok refer uYJa above

jJ is the proper one.

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
KONkAha -> KONkAha ok? = MW KoNgAha

Look at this data from sanhw1.


The scan also is between KE and Ko. So can't be KO. Let's change to KoNkAha.

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
GarGUrGA -> GarGUrGA ok? called m. If so, how declined. = MW GarGurGA f.

Derivation not clear to me. Let's keep it as it is.

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
tiRWI -> tiRWI  ok.  = MW tiRwI

The data favours tiRwI, because every other dictionary is having tiRwI. But scan is definitely tiRWI.


drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
raTakaWyA -> raTakaWyA ok

raTakawyA is correct. capture

When I look for this affix for multitude in Harkare pratyaya koSa I get this. capture

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
sayuTya -> sayuTya ok? = MW sayUTya

sayUTya is correct reading.

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
snEgDa -> snEgDa ok

snEgDa and snEgDya both seem to be intended readings by looking at the scan. capture

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
Asajjra -> Asajjra ok?  related to MW=AsaYj ?

Asajjya. 'ya' being added by 'lyap' suffix. capture

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
CancCana -> CancCana  ok

This is an imitative sound. So many variants are there. Whatever is in dict, we keep it

CanacCan:AP,AP90,BEN,MW72,PWG CanacCaniti:MD,MW,PW,STC CancCan:WIL CancCana:SHS CanCan:YAT

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
pAYcArSrika -> pAYcArSrika ok ?

pAYcArTika is correct reading. Other dicts have that with the same meaning. 'Sr' and 'T' are difficult to differentiate in bad scan.


drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
zRas -> zRas ok = what in MW
BranS -> BranS ok
manj -> manj ok = MW maYj
larvv -> larvv ok = MW larb
lAcC -> lAcC ok = MW lAYC
vardD -> vardD ok = MW varD
vAcC -> vAcC ok = MW vAYC
Sarbb -> Sarbb ok = MW Sarb
Sarvv -> Sarvv ok = MW Sarv
sarbb -> sarbb ok = MW sarb
sarvv -> sarvv ok = MW sarv (v.l. for Sarv)
spardD -> spardD ok = MW sparD
svardd -> svardd ok = MW svard
haryy -> haryy ok = MW hary
hrIcC -> hrIcC ok = MW hrIC
varcc -> varcc ok = MW varc
Svartt -> Svartt ok = MW Svart
zarjj -> zarjj ok = MW sarj?
sarjj -> sarjj ok = MW sarj
sPUrjj -> sPUrjj ok = MW sPUrj

These verbs seem OK. This is about conventions followed by different dictionaries. We will note down the difference in conventions at later stage. Not our cup of tea now.

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago

The rest on which I have not commented explicitly - I agree that they are OK

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@drdhaval2785 list of verbs of greatest interest, interesting reading.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Regarding uYJa -> ujJa

I have thus far left unchanged as uYJa. Reasons: Scan clearly shows 'Y'. Preceding words in scan are 'uYCa' etc. and the words preceding uYCa are ujj... So alphabetical ordering favors 'Y'.

KONkAha -> KoNkAha . Agree . Confirm this restores SHS alphabetical order

tiRWI will leave unchanged for now.

raTakaWyA -> raTakawyA Agree. Also found 'raTakawyA' in MW.

sayuTya -> sayUTya Will change. Consider as SHS print error.

Asajjra -> Asajjya Agree

pAYcArSrika -> pAYcArTika Agree

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

These corrections have been processed. Closing issue.