sanskrit-lexicon / CORRECTIONS

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WIL corrections from alphabetical misorderings, part 3 #65

Closed funderburkjim closed 9 years ago

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

This issue looks for headword spelling errors drawn from a list of alphabetical misorderings in the Wilson dictionary.

This part 3 deals with cases 202-300 from a list of 417 cases.

See part 1 for description of the 417 cases.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

202 pAdArDya -> pAdArGya A donation to Brahmans, or venerable persons. E. पाद foot, अर्ध्य a respectful offering. [arGya here also]

203 pAnIla -> pAnila A drinking vessel. E. पान drinking, and इलच् aff.

204 pupaqraka -> puRqraka 1 A creeper, (Gærtnera racemosa.) 2 A sort of sugarcane: see the last. E. कन् added to the preceding. [preceding = puRqra]

205 purumAtra -> puruzamAtra print error - missing 'za'. image

206 pUrvvaMlakzaRa -> pUrvvalakzaRa Indication of something about to occur, as sickness, &c. E. पूर्व्व, and लक्षण sign.

207 pfyaktvacA -> pfTaktvacA A plant, commonly Múrva, (Sanseviera zeylanica.) E. पृथक् separately, त्वच् skin; having a fibrous bark from which bow-strings are made.

208 pfzwya -> pfzWya Relating or belonging to the back. m. (-ष्ठ्यः) A pack horse. n. (-ष्ठ्यं) A multitude of back bones. E. पृष्ठ the back, यत् aff.

209 potrAyuGa -> potrAyuDa A hog. E. पोक्ष a snout, आयुध a weapon. [pokza -> potra also]

210 pocidaMzwrAja -> potridaMzwrAja A gem, supposed to be found in the tooth of a hog. E. पोत्रि a hog, दंष्ट्रा a tooth, and ज born.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

211 prakavara -> prakKara image

212 praGAja -> praGAna image

213 pracaca -> pracaya 1 A heap, a quantity, a number. 2 Gathering, (as fruit or flowers, but especially by means of a stick or other implement.) 3 Slight union or aggregation. E. प्र before चि to gather, aff. अच्; also with घञ् aff., प्रचाय

214 prajAGarmma -> prajADarmma The duty of children or of subjects. E. प्रजा, and धर्म्म duty.

215 praRavfvinaya -> praRazwavinaya Uncivil, uncomplaisant, rude. E. प्रनष्ट, and विनय decorum.

216 praRuw -> praRud mfn. (-णुत् or णुट्) Enjoining, directing, who or what commands or enjoins. E. प्र before णुट् to command, क्विप् aff. [Ruw -> Rud here also]

217 pratacintana -> praticintana Thinking repeatedly, considering, meditating upon. E. प्रति, and चिति to think, aff. ल्युट्।

218 pratipattiparAMNmuKa -> pratipattiparANmuKa Obstinate, unyielding. E. प्रतिपत्ति, and पराङ्मुख averse.

219 pratipaw -> pratipad f. (-पट् or पत्) [paw->pad here also] 1 The first day of a lunar fortnight, the first of the moon's increase or wane. 2 Understanding, intellect. 3 Rank, consequence. 4 A kettle drum. E. प्रति severally, पद to go, and क्विप् aff.

220 pranipAlaka -> pratipAlaka print error 'n' -> 't' image

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

221 pravizidDasevin -> pratizidDasevin Following or doing what is forbidden. E. प्रतिसिद्ध, and सेविन् who serves.

222 pratyakzarSana -> pratyakzadarSana A witness, an eye-witness. E. प्रत्यक्ष what is present, and दर्शन seeing.

223 praGUpita -> praDUpita 1 Heated, burnt. [etc.] E. प्र before धूप to heat, aff. क्त।

224 praScAntacezwa -> praSAntacezwa (-ष्टः-ष्टा-ष्टं) Resting. E. प्रशान्त, and चेष्टा effort.

225 prasabanDana -> prasavabanDana The footstalk of a leaf or flower, the petiole or peduncle. E. प्रसव a flower, and बन्धन a binding.

226 prastavaRa -> prasravaRa 1 A pool of water formed by dripping of springs in the mountains. [etc.] E. प्र before स्रु to drop, aff. ल्युट्; also प्रश्रबण।

226a prastAva -> prasrAva [2nd prastAva] 1 Flowing, dropping. 2 Urine. E. प्र forth, स्रु to ooze, aff. घञ्।

227 prakkAla -> prAkkAla [print missing first 'A'] Former age or time. E. प्राच्, and काल time.

228 prANgivAka -> prAqvivAka image

229 praRaDAraRa -> prARaDAraRa Sustenance, supporting life. E. प्राण, and धारण upholding.

230 prAtaBAjana -> prAtaBojana (-नं) Breakfast, the morning meal. E. प्रातर् morning, and भाजन food. [BA -> Bo here also]

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

231 pratipadika -> prAtipadika A crude noun, a noun before any of its inflections are formed with appropriate affixes. m. (-कः) Fire. E. प्र and अति before पद an inflected word, ठक् aff.

231a pratipaTika -> prAtipaTika [By alph. ordering, should be prAti... MW has pratipaTika and prAtipaTika with simillar meaning.] mfn. (-कः-की-कं) Hostile, opposing. E. प्रतिपथ, and ठक् aff.

232 prAwus -> prAdus ind. 1 Evidently, apparently, manifestly. [etc] E. प्र before अद to go, or eat, Un'ádi aff. उस्।

233 prABItya -> prAmItya Debt. E. प्र and आङ् before मा to measure, क्यप् aff., and तुक aug.; also read प्राणीत्य।

234 baRigvanDu -> baRigbanDu The indigo plant, (Indigofera tinctoria.) E. बणिज् a trader, and बन्धु the friend.

235 baDvA -> baDvA NO CHANGE ind. 1 Having tied or bound. 2 Having killed. E. बन्ध to tie, or बध to kill, and क्त्वाच् aff.

236 bahubAra -> bahuvAra A fruit, (Cordia myxa.) E. बहु much, वॄ to nourish, aff. अण्; also with कन् added, बहुवारक m. (-कः)

237 budDavajYAna -> budDyavajYAna Disregard of or contempt for one's understanding. E. बुद्धि, and अवज्ञान disrespect.

238 bahmajanman -> brahmajanman Second or spiritual birth, investiture. E. ब्रह्म the Védas, and जन्मन् birth.

239 BahmakAra -> BasmakAra A washerman. E. भह्मन् ashes, and कार agent; using the ashes of wood in place of soap or ley. [Bahman -> Basman here also]

240 BAgAnuvanDajAti -> BAgAnubanDajAti Assimilation of fractional increase. E. भाग, अनुवन्ध accession, जाति kind. [vanDa -> banDa here also]

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

241 Biw -> Bid mfn. (-भिद् or भित) Who or what breaks, divides, severs, destroys, &c. f. (-भिट् or भित्) 1 Kind, sort, difference. 2 Breaking, dividing. E. भिद to break, and aff. क्विप्।

242 BImacikrAnta -> BImavikrAnta A lion. E. भीम formidable, विक्रान्त power, valour.

243 Bamara -> Bramara What whirls or goes round. m. (-रः) 1 A large black bee. 2 A lecher, a lover. n. (-रं) Vertigo, epilepsy. E. भ्रम to go round, aff. करन्।

244 BraBarAlaka -> BramarAlaka Hair curled upon the forehead. E. भ्रमर a bee, and अलक a curl.

245 maWasPawi -> mawasPawi image

246 mawara -> maWara print error image

247 manimat -> matimat mfn. (-मान्-मती-मत्) Sensible, clever, intelligent. E. मति, and मतुप् aff.

248 matsyaGAnI -> matsyaDAnI मत्स्यघानी¦ f. (-नी) A fish basket, [etc] E. मत्स्य a fish, धा to have or hold, aff. ल्युट्; also with आङ् prefixed, मत्स्याधानी।

249 maDukama -> maDukrama 1 Tippling. 2 The honeycomb. E. मधु wine or honey, and क्रम order, arrangement.

250 maDuBiw -> maDuBid m. (-भिट् or -भित्) A name of KRǏSHN'A or VISHN'U. E. मधु the Daitya, and भिट् destroyer.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

251 manalApa -> manastApa Mental distress. E. मनस्, and ताप sorrow.

251a manalAla -> manastAla The lion of DURGÁ. E. मनस् the mind, तल to depress, aff. घञ्।

252 mantvagaRqaka -> mantragaRqaka (-कः) Knowledge, science. E. मन्त्र advice, गडि to be a part of, aff. वुन्।

253 mandahmita -> mandasmita A smile, a gentle laugh. E. मन्द slowly, gently, स्मित smiling.

254 mammaviw -> marmmavid m. (-विट् or -वित्) A learned and intelligent man or Brahman. [viw -> vid] E. मर्म्म secret meaning (of the S'ástras), and विट् who knows. [viw -> vid]

255 mamikUpI -> masikUpI An inkstand. E. मसि ink, कूपी a little well; also with कन् added मसिकूपिका।

256 mahASudra -> mahASUdra The cowherd. f. (-द्री) The milk-woman, either wife of a cowherd or a woman of that caste. E. महा great, शूद्र S'údra.

257 mahAmAntapana -> mahAsAntapana A sort of penance; [etc] E. महा great, and सान्तपन a penance.

258 mAwya -> mAWya image

259 mAtfzvameya -> mAtfzvaseya A mother's sister's son. f. (-यी) A mother's sister's daughter. E. मातृ a mother, ष्वसृ a sister, and ढक् aff.

260 muKawUzaRa -> muKadUzaRa The onion. E. मुख the mouth, and टूषण fouling.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

261 muKaGOtA -> muKaDOtA A plant, (Siphonanthus Indica.) E. मुख the mouth, and घौत cleansed, (by it.) [GOta -> DOta also]

262 muKarikaraRa -> muKarIkaraRa image

263 mukzasrAva -> muKasrAva Spittle, saliva. E. मुख the mouth, स्रु to drop, aff. अण्।

264 mUtrADAta -> mUtrAGAta Suppression of urine. E. मूत्र, and आधात impediment.

265 mfgAw -> mfgAd m. (-ट् or -त्) A tiger. [w -> d also] E. मृग a deer, अद to eat, aff. क्विन्।

266 mfw -> mfd f. (मृट् मृत्) [mfw -> mfd also] 1 Earth, soil, clay. 2 A fragrant earth. E. मृद to trample on, aff. क्विप्।

267 mevadIpa -> meGadIpa Lightning. E. मेव a cloud, and दीप inflamer. [meva -> meGa also]

268 medulA -> mewulA A tree, (Spondias mangifera.) E. मेट to be mad, उलच् aff.

269 medoGarA -> medoDarA A membrane in the abdomen, containing the fat, the omentum. E. मेदस्, and धरा what has.

270 mruMca -> mruMca NO CHANGE or mruYca image

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

271 mleCa -> mleCa NO CHANGE 1st and 10th cls. (म्लेछति म्लेछयति) 1 To speak inarticulately or incorrectly, to use a provincial or barbarous dialect. 2 To speak.

272 yakziqumbaraka -> yakzoqumbaraka image

273 yajYavawa -> yajYavAwa A place prepared and enclosed for a sacrifice. E. यज्ञ a sacrifice, and वाट inclosure.

274 yaw -> yad mfn. relative pronoun (-यः-या-यत्) Who, which, what. E. यज to worship, Un'ádi aff. अदि, with the power of डित्।

275 yantragIla -> yantragola Common pea. E. यन्त्र a machine, and गोल। round.

276 yamawUta -> yamadUta An infernal spirit, the messenger or minister of YAMA, [etc] E. यम YAMA, and टूत a messenger.

276a yamawUtaka -> yamadUtaka 1 A crow. 2 A messenger or minister of YAMA. f. (-का) The tamarisk tree. E. कन् pleonasm or aff. of comparison, added to the last.

277 yapraBaginI -> yamaBaginI The YAMUNÁ or Jumná river. E. यम YAMA, and भगिनी sister.

278 yAYcA -> yAcYA image

279 yuGazWira -> yuDizWira The elder of the five Pán'd'ava princes [etc.] E. युधि in war or battle, and ष्ठिर for स्थिर firm; it is also sometimes read युद्घस्थिर।

280 rakavindu -> raktavindu 1 A red spot forming a flaw in a gem. 2 A drop of blood. E. रक्त fed, and विन्दु a drop. [NOTE: WIL uses vindu rather than binud]

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

281 raktamajYa -> raktasaMjYa Saffron. E. रक्त red or blood, and संज्ञा appellation; also similar compounds, as रक्तनामन्, रक्तनामक, &c.

282 raktAGAra -> raktADAra m. (-रः) The skin. E. रक्त blood, आघार receptacle. [AGAra -> ADAra]

283 rAlaDana -> rAjaDana [Print error 'l' ->'j'] Royal revenue or right to property. E. राज, and धन wealth.

284 ruksawnan -> ruksadman (-ट्न) Excrement, fæces. [wn -> dm] E. रुज् disease, सट्नन् abode. [wn -> dm]

285 laNGanI -> laNKanI The bit of a bridle.

286 liNgArccaRa -> liNgArccana ? WIL clearly has 'Ra'. Is 'Ra' a grammatically acceptable form? image

287 lesvaka -> leKaka A writer, a scribe, a clerk, a copyist, &c. E. लिस्व to write, aff. ण्वुल्। [st -> K]

288 lesvanIya -> leKanIya To be written. n. (-यं) An accusation or defence in law, which are required to be given in writing. E. लिख to write, अनीयर् aff.

289 lepamAgin -> lepaBAgin An ancestor in the 4th, 5th, and 6th degrees. E. लेप, and भागिन् who shares.

290 lozwaledana -> lozwaBedana A harrow. E. लोष्ट a clod, and भेदन what breaks.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

291 vaYcula -> vaYjula 291a vaYculapriya -> vaYjulapriya image

292 vaGUjana -> vaDUjana m. (-नः) A woman. E. वधू a female, and जन person.

292a vaGUwI -> vaDUwI 1 A son's wife. 2 A young woman living in her father's house, whether married or unmarried. E. वह to bear, कूटट् aff., and ह changed to घ। [G -> D]

292b vaGUSayana -> vaDUSayana [MW has vaDUwISayana] A lattice, a loop-hole.

293 vanaCiw -> vanaCid m. (-ट्) A wood-cutter. [w -> d] E. वन, and छिट् who cuts.[w -> d]

294 vanapaMSula -> vanapAMSula A hunter, a deer-killer. E. वन a wood, and पांशुल a low man.

295 varacA -> varatrA 1 An elephant's or horse's leather girth. 2 A thong, a strip of leather. E. वृञ् to cover or surround, Un'ádi aff. अत्रन।

296 varabarRinI -> varavarRinI 1 An excellent woman. [etc] E. वर best, बर्ण class or colour, aff. इनि and ङीष्। [b -> v]

297 vararoha -> varAroha 1 An elephant-driver. [etc] E. वर excellent, आरोह mounting, &c.

298 varRawUta -> varRadUta A letter, an epistle. E. वर्ण a letter of the alphabet, &c., and टूत sent. [w -> d]

298a varRawUzaka -> varRadUzaka Disturbing or violating the distinctions of caste. E. वर्ण, and टूषक what violates. [w -> d]

299 valBika -> valmika 299a valBiki -> valmiki 299b valBIka -> valmIka image

300 vahniSisva -> vahniSiKa 1 Safflower, (Carthamus tinctorius.) 2 Saffron. f. (-खा) A potherb, (Echites dichotoma.) E. वह्नि fire, and शिखा crest; also अग्निशिस्वा।

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

This completes the corrections for this issue.

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
234 baRigvanDu -> baRigbanDu
The indigo plant, (Indigofera tinctoria.)
E. बणिज् a trader, and बन्धु the friend.

First b is also v. So vaRigbanDu is my take.

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago

Rest is OK

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Regarding 234 baRigvanDu -> baRigbanDu I left as 'baRi' since Wilson has 'baRij' (among the b's) but not 'vaRij'. In a unified multidictionary, these variants would be 'equivalent'.