sanskrit-lexicon / GRA

Grassman Wörterbuch zum Rig Veda
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Accent Encoding, key Tag Issues #1

Closed gasyoun closed 3 years ago

gasyoun commented 9 years ago continued.

Now when I want to extract unique words with accents, several issues come to my attention:

1) some have "," after them, some - none. Could not find the difference in book. vahni, vahman vahya vahye-Saya, vA, aBi

Only cases where I understand the necessity are (and even here they are not equal - skamB has a comma, skand has none attached): skad, skand skaB, skamB, tvota, tuota, tuA-Uta,

2) other have ")," after them, some - none. Could not find the difference in book. If key2 is based on b, then I can understand , because "svojas), su-ojas,<_/h><_body>(svo4jas), su-o4jas,</b>" somin, somya), sOkftya, sODanvana, sOBaga, sOBagatva, sOBAgya, sOmanasa, sOmya), sOvaSvya), 3) in other dictionaries has the accents, here is rather useless, because only holds what we are looking for. All I wonder is if there is more than one per entry. Sample:

<_key1_>hiraRyakeSya<_/key1_><_key2_>hiraRya-keSya),<_/key2_><_/h_><_body_>(hi4ran2ya-keçya), 4) I see that yes, there are more than the accented b tag, so we have upasargas bolded as well. The only way around is to search and replace them, I guess: hva1ra4, hva1rya4), hvr3, hru, - a10 - u4pa - pa4ri - vi4 hruta Q.: Please advice, how can I extract the first b in each entry? That way I will have all accents I'm hunting for.
drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

Looking at gra.txt as it stands today, the entry hiraRyakeSya is as follows

({@híraṇya-keśya@})¦, {@híraṇya-keśia,@} a., {%goldmähnig.%} <lbinfo n="9"/>
<div n="P1">-ā hárī 652,29; 702,24.

Therefore, the accent has moved to k2. Therefore, the issue raised by @gasyoun does not survive now. Closing.