Closed funderburkjim closed 9 years ago
page = 0236 case = 178, hw = kunta, page=0236-b
<P>.{#kunetraka#}¦ {%ku-netraka, as,%} m., N. of a Muni.
<P>.{#kunta#}¦ {%kunta, as,%} m. a spear, a lance, a
053672 <>barbed dart [cf. Lat. {%contus;%} Gr. <g>κοντός</g>]; a small
<>animal, an insect; a species of grain, Coix Barbata;
<>passion; N. of a mountain.
page = 0237 case = 179, hw = kubja, page=0237-b
<>mitar; a sort of fish, Bola Cuja; the plant Achyran-
<>thes Aspera, {%= apa1ma1rga;%} [cf. {%nyubja%} and {%kanya-
053888 <>kubja;%} cf. also Lith. {%kupra, kupotas;%} Gr. <g>κυφός,</g>
<><g></g> Lat. {%gibbus, gibba, gibber;%} Germ. {%Ho7cker?%}].
<>{%--Kubja-kan2t2aka, as,%} m. a white Mimosa. {%--Kub-
case = 180, hw = kubja, page=0237-b
<>thes Aspera, {%= apa1ma1rga;%} [cf. {%nyubja%} and {%kanya-
<>kubja;%} cf. also Lith. {%kupra, kupotas;%} Gr. <g></g>
053889 <><g>κύπτω</g> Lat. {%gibbus, gibba, gibber;%} Germ. {%Ho7cker?%}].
<>{%--Kubja-kan2t2aka, as,%} m. a white Mimosa. {%--Kub-
<>ja-kira1ta%} or {%kubja-va1mana, am,%} n. a hump-backed
case = 181, hw = kuBA, page=0237-b
<>of water.
<P>.{#kuBA#}¦ {%kubha1,%} f., Ved., N. of a river falling
053911 <>into the Indus, the Kabul river (?); [cf. <g>κωφήν.</g>]
<P>.{#kuBArya#}¦ {%ku-bha1rya, as, a1, am%} (see 1. {%ku%}),
<>having a bad wife; ({%a1%}), f. a bad wife.
case = 182, hw = kumAra, page=0237-b
<>prefixed to denote that the pupil's object is to gain
<>the affections of the master's daughter, e. g. {%kuma1ri1-
053964 <>da1ksha%}); ({%am%}), n. pure gold; [Gr. <g>κόρος, κοῦρος;</g>
<><g></g> ?]. {%--Kuma1ra-gupta, as,%} m., N.
<>of a prince (‘protected by the god of war’). {%--Ku-
case = 183, hw = kumAra, page=0237-b
<>the affections of the master's daughter, e. g. {%kuma1ri1-
<>da1ksha%}); ({%am%}), n. pure gold; [Gr. <g></g>
053965 <><g>μεῖραξ, μειράκιον</g> ?]. {%--Kuma1ra-gupta, as,%} m., N.
<>of a prince (‘protected by the god of war’). {%--Ku-
<>ma1ra-gha1tin, i1,%} m. the slayer of a child. {%--Kuma1ra-
page = 0238 case = 184, hw = kumBa, page=0238-b
<>f. a harlot, a whore; ({%am%}), n. the plant Ipomœa
<>Turpethum; a fragrant resin ({%guggulu%}), or the
054148 <>plant which bears it; [cf. Gr. <g>κύμβη</g> Lat. {%cymba.%}]
<>{%--Kumbha-karn2a, as,%} m., N. of a Ra1kshasa, the
<>gigantic brother of Ra1van2a, who is described in the
page = 0240 case = 185, hw = kula, page=0240-a
<>maintaining a family. {%--Kule-c4ara, as%} or {%am%} (?), m.
<>or n. (?) , a kind of plant. {%--Kules4vara (ºla-i1s4º), as,%}
054682 <>m. the chief of a family or race; the lord <g>κατ᾽ ἐξοχήν,</g>
<>an epithet of S4iva; ({%i1%}), f. an epithet of Durga1. {%--Ku-
<>lotkat2a (ºla-utº), as, a1, am,%} excellent by birth, high-
page = 0244 case = 186, hw = kuhU, page=0244-b
<>dvi1pa; the cry or song of the Kokila or Indian
<>cuckoo. {%--Kuhu1-kan2t2ha%} or {%kuhu1ka, as,%} m. the
055455 <>Kokila or Indian cuckoo, <g>κοκκύ</g> {%--Kuhu1-pa1la, as,%}
<>m. the king of turtles, the tortoise supposed to up-
<>hold the world. {%--Kuhu1-mukha%} or {%kuhu1-rava, as,%}
case = 187, hw = kU, page=0244-b
<>to sound, make a noise, cry out; to move: Caus.
<>{%ka1vayati:%} Desid. {%c4uku1shati, -te:%} Intens. {%c4oku1yate%}
055469 <>or {%koku1yate,%} to cry aloud; [cf. Gr. <g>κωκύω.</g>]
<P>.{#kU#}¦ 2. {%ku1, u1s,%} f. a female Pis4a1c4a or goblin.
<P>.{#kUkuda#}¦ {%ku1kuda, as,%} m. one who gives a girl
page = 0245 case = 188, hw = kUpa, page=0245-a
<>a mast (?); a tree or rock in the midst of a river; a
<>leather oil vessel; ({%i1%}), f. a small well; the navel; a
055623 <>flask, a bottle; [cf. Gr. <g>κύπη.</g>] {%--Ku1pa-kac4c4hapa,
<>as,%} m. a tortoise in a well; (metaphorically) a man
<>without experience, who has seen nothing of the
case = 189, hw = kUrma, page=0245-b
<>of a son of Gr2itsa-mada, author of several hymns of
<>the R2ig-veda; ({%i1%}), f. a female tortoise; [cf. Gr.
055715 <><g>κλέμμυς, χέλυς, χέλώνη.</g>] {%--Ku1rma-c4akra, am,%}
<>n. an astrological diagram. {%--Ku1rma-pitta, am,%} n.
<>the bilious humor of a tortoise. {%--Ku1rma-pura1n2a,
case = 190, hw = kUl, page=0245-c
<P>.{#kUl#}¦ 1. {%ku1l,%} cl. 1. P. {%ku1lati, -litum,%} to
<>cover, hide, screen, protect; to enclose;
055733 <>to keep off, obstruct; [cf. Gr. <g>κωλύω.</g>]
<P>{%Ku1la, am,%} n. a declivity, slope; a shore, a
<>bank; a heap, a mound; a pond or pool; the rear
case = 191, hw = kf, page=0245-c
<>wan,%} ‘to prepare;’ Mod. Germ. {%gar,%} ‘prepared (as
<>food);’ Lat. {%creo, cœremonia, ars%} (for {%cars%}); Gr.
055927 <><g>κραίνω, κρόνος.</g>]
<P>1. {%kr2it, t, t, t,%} making, doing, performing, accom-
<>plishing, effecting, manufacturing, acting; one who
page = 0248 case = 192, hw = kft, page=0248-c
<>&c.: Desid. {%c4ikartishati%} and {%c4ikr2itsati:%} Intens.
<>{%c4ari1kr2ityate, c4ari1kartti;%} [cf. Lith. {%kertu,%} inf. {%kirsti,%}
056503 <>‘to cut;’ Gr. <g>κείρω, κάρσις</g> Slav. {%korju10,%} ‘to split;’
<>Lat. {%curtus, culter;%} Hib. {%ceartaighim,%} ‘I prune,
<>trim, cut;’ {%cuirc,%} ‘a knife.’]
page = 0249 case = 193, hw = kfp, page=0249-a
<>on; cl. 10. P. {%kr2ipayati%} or {%kr2ipa1payati, -yitum,%}
<>to be weak; to pity; to mourn, grieve, lament;
056570 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ἔλπω</g>]
<P>{%Kr2ipa, as,%} m., N. of a man described in the Veda
<>as a friend of Indra; ({%as%}), m. and ({%i1%}), f., N. of the
case = 194, hw = kfmi, page=0249-b
<>{%cruimh;%} Cambro-Brit. {%pryv;%} Goth. {%vaurms,%}
<>Them. {%vaurmi%} for {%hvaurmi;%} Lat. {%vermi-s%} for
056641 <>{%quermi-s;%} perhaps Gr. <g>ἕλμινς</g> for <g>ἕρμινς.</g>] {%--Kr2i-
<>mi-kan2t2aka, am,%} n. several plants efficacious in
<>destroying worms, Ficus Glomerata; another plant,
case = 195, hw = kfS, page=0249-c
<>to make thin or lean, to attenuate, emaciate, to keep
<>short of food; [cf. perhaps Lat. {%parco, parcus,
056707 <>parum, parvus, paucus;%} Gr. <g>παῦρος</g> Goth.
<>{%favai;%} Eng. {%few.%}]
<P>{%Kr2is4a, as, a1, am,%} lean, emaciated, thin, spare,
page = 0250 case = 196, hw = kfz, page=0250-a
<>-te:%} Intens. {%c4ari1kr2ishyate, c4ari1karsht2i%} or {%c4ari1-
<>krasht2i;%} [cf. Lith. {%karszu, pleszau;%} Russ. {%c4eshu;%}
056770 <>Lat. {%verro, vello;%} Gr. <g>κόρος, ἕλκω</g> ? Goth. {%falh.%}]
<P>{%Karsha, karshan2a,%} &c. See s. v. at p. 210.
<P>{%Kr2ishaka, as, a1, am,%} attractive, drawing, who or
page = 0251 case = 197, hw = kF, page=0251-c
<>to strew, pour over, fill with, cover with: Caus.
<>{%ka1rayati:%} Desid. {%c4ikarishati:%} Intens. {%c4eki1ryate,
057207 <>c4a1karti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>κεράω, κεράννυμι, κίρνημι.</g>]
<P>{%Ki1rn2a, ki1rn2i,%} &c. See s. v. at p. 231.
<P>.{#kF#}¦ 2. {%kr2i1%} (or sometimes written {%kr2i%}), cl. 5.
page = 0252 case = 198, hw = kendra, page=0252-c
<>a species of tar, Diospyros Glutinosa.
<P>.{#kendra#}¦ {%kendra, am,%} n. (a word borrowed from
057435 <>the Gr. <g>κέντρον</g>), the centre of a circle; the equation
<>of the centre; the argument of a circle; the argu-
<>ment of an equation; the distance of a planet from
page = 0253 case = 199, hw = kemadruma, page=0253-a
<>{%kamp%}), trembling, shaking (?).
<P>.{#kemadruma#}¦ {%kemadruma%} in astronomy = the
057452 <>Gr. <g>χρηματισμός</g>
<P>.{#kemuka#}¦ {%kemuka, as,%} m., N. of a plant, =
page = 0255 case = 200, hw = koRa, page=0255-b
<>staff, a club; a N. of Man4gala, the planet Mars; a
<>N. of the planet Saturn (in this sense fr. the Gr.
058004 <><g>κρόνος</g>). {%--Kon2a-kun2a, as,%} m. a bug; [cf. {%kola-
<>kun2a, utkun2a, matkun2a.%}] {%--Kon2a-va1din, i1,%} m. an
<>epithet of S4iva. {%--Kon2a-spr2ig-vr2itta, as%} or {%am,%} m.
page = 0256 case = 201, hw = kola, page=0256-a
<>fruit of the jujube; black pepper; the weight of one
<>Tola; [cf. Lith. {%kuilys, kiaule;%} Hib. {%cullach;%} Gr.
058127 <><g>χοῖρος.</g>] {%--Kola-kanda, as,%} m. a sort of bulbous
<>plant, used as a remedy for worms; [cf. {%kr2imi-ghna,
<>pan3jala,%} &c.] {%--Kola-karkat2ika1,%} f., N. of a plant,
case = 202, hw = koSa, page=0256-b
<>river; ({%i1%}), f. a bud; a seed-vessel; the beard of corn;
<>a shoe, a sandal; [cf. Hib. {%gucog,%} ‘a bud, a sprout;’
058221 <>Gr. <g>κόκκος</g>] {%--Kos4a-ka1ra, as,%} m. one who makes
<>scabbards, cases, boxes, &c.; the compiler of a diction-
<>ary, a lexicographer; the silk-worm or the insect
page = 0258 case = 203, hw = kOrpya, page=0258-a
<>being at the elbow.
<P>.{#kOrpya#}¦ {%kaurpya, as,%} m. (a word borrowed from
058621 <>the Gr. <g>σκοπρίος</g>), the sign of the zodiac Scorpio.
<P>.{#kOrma#}¦ {%kaurma, as, i1, am%} (fr. {%ku1rma%}), belong- [Page0258-b+ 75]
<>ing or relating to a tortoise, connected with a tortoise,
page = 0259 case = 204, hw = kratu, page=0259-b
<>son of U1ru and A1gneyi1; N. of the author of
<>a Dharma-s4a1stra; [cf. {%a-kratu, adbhuta-kratu,
058909 <>abhi-kratu,%} &c.; cf. also Gr. <g>κράτος</g>] {%--Kratu-
<>karman, a,%} n. a sacrificial ceremony. {%--Kratu-
<>c4c4hada, as,%} m. one skilled (?) in sacrifice; a Jina;
page = 0260 case = 205, hw = kramela, page=0260-c
<>phala, am,%} n. the Areca-nut.
<P>.{#kramela#}¦ {%kramela%} or {%kramelaka, as,%} m. the
059168 <>camel; [cf. Gr. <g>κάμηλος</g> Lat. {%camelus.%}]
<P>.{#kraya#}¦ {%kraya,%} &c. See under rt. {%kri1.%}
<P>.{#krayaSIrza#}¦ {%krayas4i1rsha, am,%} n. {%= kapi-s4i1rsha,%}
case = 206, hw = kravis, page=0260-c
<P>.{#kravis#}¦ {%kravis, is,%} n., Ved. (or {%kravi%} in the
<>comp. {%a-kravi-hasta,%} q. v.), raw flesh, carrion; [cf.
059175 <>Gr. <g>κρέας;</g> cf. also {%kru1ra.%}]
<P>{%Kravishn2u, us, us, u,%} desirous of raw flesh.
<P>{%Kravya, am,%} n. flesh, raw flesh, carrion; [cf.
case = 207, hw = kravya, page=0260-c
<P>{%Kravya, am,%} n. flesh, raw flesh, carrion; [cf.
<>Lith. {%krauja-s,%} ‘blood;’ Russ. {%krovj;%} Hib. {%cru;%}
059179 <>Old Germ. {%hreo;%} Gr. <g>κρέας;</g> Lat. {%cruor, cruentus,
<>cru10dus, caro.%}] {%--Kravya-gha1tana, as,%} m. a deer, an
<>antelope; (killed for its flesh.) {%--Kravya-bhuj, k, k,
case = 208, hw = kriya, page=0260-c
<>See under {%kr2imi.%}
<P>.{#kriya#}¦ {%kriya, as,%} m. (a word borrowed from
059216 <>the Gr. <g>κριός</g>), the sign of the zodiac Aries.
<P>.{#kriyamARa#}¦ {%kriyama1n2a.%} See rt. 1. {%kr2i.%}
<P>.{#kriyA#}¦ {%kriya1,%} f. (fr. rt. 1. {%kr2i%}), doing, per-
page = 0261 case = 209, hw = krI, page=0261-b
<>krapat:%} Desid. {%c4ikri1shati, -te:%} Intens. {%c4ekri1yate,
<>c4ekrayi1ti, c4ekreti;%} [cf. Hib. {%creanaim,%} ‘I buy, I pur-
059329 <>chase;’ Gr. <g>πρίαμαι, πέρνημι</g> Lith. {%prekis, perku%} (?);
<>Lat. {%pretium;%} Eng. {%hire.%}] {%--Kry-a1di, ayas,%} m.
<>pl. the roots beginning with {%kri1,%} i. e. those of the
case = 210, hw = kruD, page=0261-c
<>Desid. {%c4ukrutsati:%} Intens. {%c4okrudhyate, c4okroddhi;%} [Page0262-a+ 78]
<>[cf. Lith. {%rus-tus,%} ‘angry;’ {%rus-tybe10,%} ‘anger;’ Lat.
059460 <>{%crudelis%} (?); Gr. <g>κότος;</g> Germ. {%groll;%} Hib. {%cor-
<>ruidhe,%} ‘anger, wrath, motion;’ {%corruigh,%} ‘fury,
page = 0262 case = 211, hw = kruS, page=0262-a
<>c4okrus4i1ti;%} [cf. Lith. {%klykiu,%} ‘to cry;’ {%kryksztauju;%}
<>Hib. {%cruisigh,%} ‘music, song;’ Lat. {%crocis, crocito;%}
059523 <>Gr. <g>κρώζω, κράζω, κραγγή;</g> Goth. {%krukya.%}]
<P>{%Krus4van, a1,%} m. a jackal; [cf. {%krosht2u.%}]
<P>{%Krusht2a, as, a1, am,%} calling out, crying out,
page = 0263 case = 212, hw = kland, page=0263-a
<>{%klandate%} or {%kladate%} &c., to be confounded or
<>troubled; to grieve; [cf. Hib. {%glaodhaim,%} ‘I call,
059746 <>bawl, roar, shout;’ Gr. <g>κλάζω.</g>]
<P>{%Klanda, as, a1, am%} (fr. {%kland%} for {%krand?%}), Ved.
<>crying, noisy (?).
case = 213, hw = klam, page=0263-a
<>kla1ma, klamishyati, klamitum,%} to be or become
<>fatigued, to be weary or tired or exhausted; to be de-
059757 <>pressed; [cf. Gr. <g>κάμνω;</g> Lat. {%lentus%} for {%clentus%} (?);
<>Germ. {%lahm;%} Old Germ. {%lam;%} Lith. {%lumas.%}]
<P>{%Klama, as,%} m. fatigue, exhaustion, languor,
case = 214, hw = klid, page=0263-b
<>damp: Caus. P. {%kledayati, -yitum,%} to bedew, wet,
<>moisten: Desid. {%c4ikledishati c4iklidishati, c4iklit-
059783 <>sati:%} Intens. {%c4eklidyate, c4ekletti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>κλύζω.</g>]
<P>{%Klinna, as, a1, am,%} moistened, wet; running (as
<>an eye). {%--Klinna-netra, as, a1, am,%} having moist
page = 0265 case = 215, hw = kzan, page=0265-a
<>or wounded: Caus. {%ksha1n2ayati, -yitum:%} Desid.
<>{%c4ikshan2ishati, -te:%} Intens. {%c4an4kshan2yate, c4an4k-
060167 <>shanti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>καίνω, κανῶ; καίνυται</g> {%= kshan2ute;%}
<><g></g> perhaps also <g></g> for <g></g>]
<P>{%Kshan2atu, us,%} m. a wound or sore.
case = 216, hw = kzan, page=0265-a
<>{%c4ikshan2ishati, -te:%} Intens. {%c4an4kshan2yate, c4an4k-
<>shanti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g> {%= kshan2ute;%}
060168 <><g>ξαίνω;</g> perhaps also <g>σίνομαι</g> for <g>ξίνομαι.</g>]
<P>{%Kshan2atu, us,%} m. a wound or sore.
<P>{%Kshan2ana, am,%} n. hurting, injuring; killing,
case = 217, hw = kzap, page=0265-b
<>equivalent to a whole day of twenty-four hours;
<>darkness; water; {%kshapah2%} or {%kshapa1,%} ind. at
060225 <>night; [cf. Lat. {%crepus-culum;%} Gr. <g>κνέφος, κνέφας.</g>]
<>{%--Kshapotyaya (ºpas-atº), as,%} m. the end of night.
<P>2. {%kshapan2a, as, a1, am,%} destructive, one who
case = 218, hw = kzam, page=0265-b
<P>2. {%ksham,%} f. (making {%ksha1s%} in the nom. case),
060269 <>Ved. the ground, the earth, <g>χθών;</g> [cf. <g>χαμαί.</g> &c.]
<>{%--Ksha-pa1vat, a1n,%} m., Ved. an earth-protector,
<>a ruler, a governor.
case = 219, hw = kzamA, page=0265-c
<P>{%Kshama1%} (inst. case of 2. {%ksham%}), on the earth, on
<>the floor (included by Pa1n2ini among the indeclinables
060310 <>with {%svar, diva1,%} &c.); [cf. Gr. <g>χαμαί, χαμᾶ-ζε,</g>
<><g></g>] {%--Kshama1-c4ara, as, a1, am,%}
<>Ved. being in the ground or under the earth.
case = 220, hw = kzamA, page=0265-c
<>the floor (included by Pa1n2ini among the indeclinables
<>with {%svar, diva1,%} &c.); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
060311 <><g>χαμά-θεν, χθαμαλός.</g>] {%--Kshama1-c4ara, as, a1, am,%}
<>Ved. being in the ground or under the earth.
<P>{%Kshama1paya,%} nom. P. A. {%-payati, -te, -yitum,%}
case = 221, hw = kzamya, page=0265-c
<>indulgent; capable, able.
<P>{%Kshamya, as, a1, am,%} Ved. being in the earth,
060322 <>terrestrial; <g>χθόνιος.</g>
<P>{%Ksha1nta, as, a1, am,%} borne, endured; patient,
<>enduring; ({%as%}), m., N. of a man; of a hunter; epi-
page = 0266 case = 222, hw = kzi, page=0266-c
<>yitum,%} to destroy, ruin, make an end of, finish; to
<>weaken: Desid. {%c4ikshi1shati:%} Intens. {%c4ekshi1yate,
060581 <>c4ekshayi1ti, c4eksheti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>κτίννυμι?</g>].
<P>2. {%kshaya, as,%} m. (for 1. see under 2. {%kshi%} last
<>col.), loss, waste, wane, diminution, destruction, decay
page = 0267 case = 223, hw = kzip, page=0267-a
<>injure: Desid. {%c4ikshipsati, -te:%} Intens. {%c4ekship-
<>yate, c4ekshepti;%} [cf. Lat. {%sipo, dissipo,%} for {%xipo;%}
060685 <>Gr. <g>ῥίπτω</g> for <g>κρίπτω</g> Cambro-Brit. {%hipiaw,%} ‘to
<>cast or dash suddenly;’ Goth. {%vairpa;%} Germ.
<>{%werfe ?%}]. [Page0267-b+ 81]
case = 224, hw = kzipra, page=0267-b
<>immediately, directly; ({%a1t%}), ind. shortly afterwards,
<>thereupon; ({%e%}), ind. directly, immediately; [cf. Gr.
060741 <><g>κραιπνός.</g>] {%--Kshipra-ka1rin, i1, in2i1, i,%} acting or work-
<>ing quickly, skilful. {%--Kshipra-dhanvan, a1, a1, a,%} Ved.
<>armed with an elastic bow or one which flies back
page = 0268 case = 225, hw = kzud, page=0268-b
<>{%kshodayati, -yitum,%} to crush, pound, comminute,
<>pulverize, reduce to powder, diminish; shake or
061006 <>agitate by stamping; [cf. Gr. <g>ξύω, ξέω,</g> for <g>ξεύω,</g>
<><g></g> Lith. {%skausti?%}].
<P>{%Kshun2n2a, as, a1, am,%} pounded, bruised, crushed,
case = 226, hw = kzud, page=0268-b
<>pulverize, reduce to powder, diminish; shake or
<>agitate by stamping; [cf. Gr. <g></g> for <g></g>
061007 <><g>ξυστός, ξεστός;</g> Lith. {%skausti?%}].
<P>{%Kshun2n2a, as, a1, am,%} pounded, bruised, crushed,
<>stamped or trampled upon; broken to pieces, pul-
page = 0269 case = 227, hw = kzudraka, page=0269-a
<>Prasenajit; title of a collection of Buddhist works,
<>{%= vinaya-kshudraka-vastu; (a1s),%} m. pl., N. of a
061153 <>people living by warfare, the <g>Ὀξυδρακοι.</g>
<P>{%Kshudrala, as, a1, am,%} minute, small, unimportant
<>(applied especially to animals and diseases).
case = 228, hw = kzuB, page=0269-b
<>shati, -te,%} or {%c4ukshobhishati, -te:%} Intens. {%c4okshu-
<>bhyate, c4okshobdhi;%} [cf. Cambro-Brit. {%hwbiau,%} ‘to [Page0269-c+ 78]
061241 <>make a sudden push;’ Gr. <g>κοῦφος;</g> Mod. Germ.
<P>{%Kshubdha, as, a1, am,%} agitated, shaken, tossed,
case = 229, hw = kzura, page=0269-c
<>lines or furrows.
<P>{%Kshura, as,%} m. (connected with the preceding,
061278 <>perhaps related to {%kshar ?;%} cf. Gr. <g>ξυρόν</g>), a razor;
<>a razor-like barb or sharp blade attached to an arrow;
<>N. of several plants, Asteracantha Longifolia; also
page = 0271 case = 230, hw = kzoRI, page=0271-a
<>du. may then mean ‘the two sets of people,’ i. e. the
<>inhabitants of heaven and earth; sometimes a form
061583 <>{%kshon2i%} occurs); [cf. Gr. <g>χθών.</g>] {%--Kshon2i1-maya,
<>as, i1, am,%} containing the earth in himself, ‘the
<>source of everything in the earth;’ an epithet of
case = 231, hw = Ka, page=0271-c
<>the tenth from any given constellation or the sun's
<>entrance into it; talc; Brahma, the supreme spirit;
061721 <>({%a1%}), f. a fountain, a well; [cf. Gr. <g>χάος;</g> Lat.
<>{%halo.%}] {%--Kha-ka1mini1,%} f. the female of the Falco
<>Cheela ({%c4illa%}); an epithet of Durga1 {%(c4arc4ika1).
page = 0272 case = 232, hw = KaYj, page=0272-b
<P>.{#KaYj#}¦ 1. {%khan3j,%} cl. 1. P. {%khan3jati, c4a-
<>khan3ja, khan3jitum,%} to limp, halt, walk
061865 <>lame; [cf. Gr. <g>σκάζω;</g> Germ. {%hinke.%}]
<P>2. {%khan3j, khan, n, n,%} probably {%= khan3ja,%} limping.
<P>{%Khan3ja, as, a1, am,%} limping, lame, crippled; ({%a1%}),
page = 0273 case = 233, hw = Kan, page=0273-c
<>tum,%} to cause to dig or dig up: Desid. {%c4ikhanishati,
<>te:%} Intens. {%c4an4khanyate, c4a1kha1yate, c4an4khanti;%}
062181 <>[cf. Gr. <g>χαίνω, χανῶ;</g> Old Germ. {%gine10m, gino10m;%}
<>Mod. Germ. {%ga7hne;%} Angl. Sax. {%cina, cinan;%} Lat.
<>{%cuniculus, canalis.%}]
page = 0274 case = 234, hw = Kalina, page=0274-c
<P>{%Khalina, as, a1, am,%} covered with sediment,
<>covered with oil-dregs (?); ({%as, am%}), m. n. the bit
062452 <>of a bridle; see {%khali1na;%} [cf. Gr. <g>χαλινός.</g>]
<P>{%Khali1-kr2i,%} cl. 8. P. A. {%-karoti, -kurute, -kartum,%}
<>to reduce to sediment, to crush; to hurt, injure; to
page = 0276 case = 235, hw = Kid, page=0276-a
<>dayati, -yitum,%} to press down, molest, disturb, make
<>tired or exhausted: Desid. {%c4ikhitsati, -te:%} Intens. {%c4e-
062716 <>khidyate, c4ekhetti;%} [cf. Lith. {%zeidziu;%} Gr. <g>κῆδος?</g>].
<P>{%Khidira, as,%} m. an ascetic, a penitent; a pauper;
<>the moon; an epithet of Indra.
page = 0277 case = 236, hw = Kola, page=0277-a
<>be lame.
<P>{%Khola, as, a1, am,%} limping, lame; ({%am%}), n. a
062927 <>helmet; [cf. Gr. <g>χωλός.</g>] {%--Khola-s4iras, a1s, a1s, as,%}
<>furnished with a helmet or armour for the head.
<P>{%Kholaka, as,%} m. a helmet, armour for the head; an
page = 0281 case = 237, hw = ganDarva, page=0281-c
<>a kind of deer, according to some, the musk deer;
<>({%i1%}), f. Gandharvi1, a daughter of Su-rabhi and mother
064087 <>of the race of horses; [cf. Gr. <g>κένταυρος.</g>] {%--Gan-
<>dharva-khan2d2a,%} one of the nine divisions of Bha1rata-
<>varsha. {%--Gandharva-gr2i1hi1ta, as, a1, am,%} Ved. pos-
page = 0283 case = 238, hw = gam, page=0283-b
<>ratha, as,%} m. a car drawn by oxen; [cf. {%mat2ha.%}]
<P>2. {%gam%} (occurring only in gen. and abl. {%gamas%}), Ved.
064421 <>the earth; [cf. {%ksham:%} cf. also Gr. <g>γῆ;</g> Zend {%zem;%}
<>Lith. {%zemie;%} Slav. {%zemlje;%} Russ. {%zemlu.%}]
<P>{%Gama, as, a1, am,%} (at the end of a comp.) going
page = 0284 case = 239, hw = garBa, page=0284-c
<>gº, kr2ishn2a-gº, mu1d2ha-gº, vis4va-gº, hiran2ya-gº:%}
<>cf. also Hib. {%cilfin,%} ‘the belly;’ Angl. Sax. {%hrif;%}
064759 <>Germ. {%kalb (?);%} Eng. {%calf;%} Gr. <g>δελφός.</g>] {%--Garbha-
<>kara, as, i1, am,%} producing impregnation, procrea-
<>tive, fecundatory, impregnatory; ({%as%}), m. the plant
page = 0287 case = 240, hw = gA, page=0287-a
<>approach; to come into any state or condition,
<>undergo, obtain: Pass. {%gi1yate:%} Desid. {%jiga1sati%} or
065266 <>{%jigi1shati%} (?): Intens. {%jegi1yate:%} [cf. Gr. <g>βίβημι, ἔβην;</g>
<>Old Germ. {%ga10m, ga10s, ga10t,%} &c.; Goth. {%ga-tvo;%} Eng.
<>{%to go;%} Germ. {%gehen;%} Lith. {%gaju.%}]
page = 0289 case = 241, hw = gir, page=0289-b
<>Br2ihaspati, regent of the planet Jupiter); a N. of
<>Sarasvati1, the goddess of speech; fame, celebrity;
065776 <>[cf. Hib. {%gair,%} ‘an outcry, a shout;’ Gr. <g>γῆρυς.</g>]
<>--1. {%gir-i1s4a, as,%} m. an epithet of Br2ihaspati; [cf.
<>{%gi1sh-pati.%}] {%--Gir-van2as, a1s, a1s, as,%} Ved. delighting
page = 0292 case = 242, hw = guD, page=0292-c
<>envelop, cover, conceal, clothe [cf. {%gun2t2h%}];
<>cl. 9. P. {%gudhna1ti,%} to be angry; cl. 1. A. {%godhate,%}
066573 <>to play, sport; [cf. Gr. <g>κεύθω;</g> Germ. {%haut;%} Old
<>Germ. {%hu10t;%} Angl. Sax. {%hyde, hyd;%} Lat. {%cutis?%}].
<P>{%Gudhita, as, a1, am,%} surrounded, enclosed.
page = 0293 case = 243, hw = guru, page=0293-b
<>epithet of Dron2a, the teacher of the Pa1n2d2us; N. of
<>a son of San4kr2iti; ({%vi1%}), f. pregnant, a pregnant
066724 <>woman; the wife of a teacher; [cf. Gr. <g>βαρύς;</g>
<>Lat. {%gravis;%} Goth. {%kauriths;%} Lith. {%gie4ras.%}]
<>{%--Guru-ka1ra, as,%} m. worship, adoration. {%--Guru-
page = 0296 case = 244, hw = gF, page=0296-b
<>invoke; to call; to announce, proclaim; to pro-
<>mulgate, relate; to mention with praise, praise,
067386 <>extol; [cf. Hib. {%goirim;%} Gr. <g>γηρύω, γλώσσα;</g> Old
<>Germ. {%quar, quir,%} &c.; Old Pruss. {%gerbu,%} ‘to
<>speak;’ Angl. Sax. {%gale;%} Germ. {%gal%} in {%Nachti-
case = 245, hw = go, page=0296-c
<>or N. of the daughter-in-law of S4uka; or N. of a
<>daughter of Kakut-stha and wife of Yaya1ti; {%gava1m2
067493 <>vratam,%} N. of a Sa1man; [cf. Gr. <g>βοῦς;</g> Lat. {%bos;%}
<>Old Germ. {%chuo;%} Mod. Germ. {%kuh;%} Eng. {%cow;%}
<>Lett. {%gohw;%} cf. also Gr. <g></g> Goth. {%gavi;%}
case = 246, hw = go, page=0296-c
<>vratam,%} N. of a Sa1man; [cf. Gr. <g></g> Lat. {%bos;%}
<>Old Germ. {%chuo;%} Mod. Germ. {%kuh;%} Eng. {%cow;%}
067495 <>Lett. {%gohw;%} cf. also Gr. <g>γαῖα, γῆ;</g> Goth. {%gavi;%}
<>and Mod. Germ. {%gau.%}] {%--Go-agra, as, a1, am,%} Ved.
<>headed by cows, having cows or milk &c. as the
case = 247, hw = go, page=0296-c
<>us,%} m. a sacrificial cow. {%--Go-pa1la, as,%} m. a cowherd;
<>a protector of the earth, a king; cowherd and king;
067769 <>the cowherd <g>κατ᾽ ἐξοχήν,</g> i. e. Kr2ishn2a; an epithet [Page0298-a+ 81]
<>of S4iva; N. of an attendant of S4iva; N. of a Na1ga;
<>N. of a minister of king Bimbi-sa1ra, also of a king,
page = 0302 case = 248, hw = gras, page=0302-b
<>Desid. {%jigrasishate, -ti:%} Intens. {%ja1grasyate, ja1-
<>grasti;%} [cf. Lat. {%gra-men;%} Germ. {%gras, grasen;%}
068834 <>Eng. {%grass;%} Gr. <g>γραίνω</g>].
<P>2. {%gras, as, as, as,%} (at the end of compounds) seizing
<>with the mouth, devouring, swallowing (e. g. {%pin2d2a-
case = 249, hw = grah, page=0302-c
<>gre10bju;%} Slav. {%grablju10;%} Hib. {%grabaim,%} ‘I devour, [Page0303-a+ 81]
<>stop, interrupt, disturb;’ {%gabhaim,%} ‘I take, receive,
068932 <>conceive;’ Gr. <g>γρῖφος, γρῖπος:</g> cf. also Lat. {%gero;%}
<>Pol. {%garniac4.%}]
<P>{%Gr2ih, gr2iha,%} &c. See s. v. at p. 295.
page = 0304 case = 250, hw = grAhaka, page=0304-a
<>enclosing; perceiving, observing; taking away, per-
<>suading; ({%as%}), m. a police-officer, a constable, a
069188 <>bailiff; a hawk, a falcon [cf. Gr. <g>γρύφ;</g> Germ. {%greif%}];
<>a kind of vegetable, {%= sita1vara;%} N. of an attendant
<>of S4iva.
page = 0305 case = 251, hw = glOcukAyanaka, page=0305-c
<P>.{#glOcukAyanaka#}¦ {%glauc4uka1yanaka, as, ika1, am,%}
<>belonging to Gluc4uka1yani [cf. {%gluc4uka%}], a worship-
069591 <>per of Gluc4uka1yani; [cf. the Gr. <g>Γλαυκανῖκαι.</g>]
<P>.{#gva#}¦ {%gva%} (at the end of a compound) in
<>{%atithi-gva, eta-gva, das4a-gva, nava-gva,%} q. v.
case = 252, hw = Ga, page=0305-c
<P>.{#Ga#}¦ 2. {%gha,%} ind. (a particle used to lay stress
<>on a word), at least, surely, verily, indeed, (cor-
069602 <>responding to the Gr. <g>γε.</g>) This word occurs often
<>in the R2ig-veda, elsewhere rarely; the final vowel is
<>generally lengthened in the Sam2hita1, but the original
page = 0307 case = 253, hw = Garma, page=0307-b
<>beverage offered as an oblation, especially to the
<>As4vins; N. of a son of Anu and father of Ghr2ita;
070003 <>{%gharma-tanu1,%} du., N. of a Sa1man; [cf. Gr. <g>θέρμη;</g>
<>Zend {%gareÇma;%} Goth. {%varmja;%} Germ. {%warm.%}]
<>{%--Gharma-c4arc4ika1,%} f. eruptions caused by heat and
case = 254, hw = Gas, page=0307-c
<>consume, devour, eat: Desid. {%jighatsati,%} to wish to
<>consume or devour, wish to eat; [cf. rt. {%jaksh%} and
070055 <>{%gras;%} cf. also Gr. <g>γαστήρ;</g> Lat. {%gustus.%}]
<P>{%Ghasa, as,%} m. the eater or devourer; N. of a
<>kind of demon; also of a Ra1kshasa; [cf. {%maha1-ghasa%}
page = 0310 case = 255, hw = GrA, page=0310-a
<>{%ja1ghri1tas;%} [cf. Lat. {%fra-grare;%} Hib. {%gros,%} ‘a
<>snout (?);’ Germ. {%riechen;%} Old Germ. {%riuhu;%} Lith.
070605 <>{%kwepju, kwapas;%} Gr. <g>ἄρωμα; ῥίς, ῥιν-ος.</g>]
<P>{%Ghrati, is,%} f. the nose (?).
<P>{%Ghra1n2a, as, a1, am,%} smelled; ({%as%} or {%am%}), m. n.
case = 256, hw = ca, page=0310-b
<>usually translateable by) and, both, also, moreover,
<>as well as. This conjunction, like the Lat. {%que%} and
070652 <>Gr. <g>τε,</g> is usually placed as an enclitic after the word
<>which it connects with what precedes, and when used
<>with the personal pronouns these must appear in
case = 257, hw = ca, page=0310-c
<>tara%}), and aggregation ({%sam-uc4c4aya%}). For the
<>meaning of {%c4a%} after an interrogative see 2. {%ka,%}
070729 <>2. {%katha1,%} &c.; [cf. Gr. <g>τε;</g> Lat. {%que, pe%} (in {%nempe,%}
<>&c.); Goth. {%uh;%} Zend {%c4a;%} Old Pers. {%c4a10.%}]
<P>.{#ca#}¦ 3. {%c4a, as, a1, am,%} seedless; bad, vile,
case = 258, hw = cakra, page=0310-c
<>will end in {%a1;%} [cf. {%a-c4akra, uc4c4a1-c4º, eka-c4º, ka1la-
<>c4º, ku1-c4º, dan2d2a-c4º, dharma-c4º, sa-c4º,%} &c.; cf.
070820 <>also Gr. <g>κύκλος.</g>] {%--C4akra-ka1raka, am,%} n. a kind
<>of perfume, apparently a dried shell-fish, see {%nakhi1.
<>--C4akra-kulya1,%} f., N. of a plant [cf. {%c4itra-parn2i1%}]
page = 0313 case = 259, hw = cat, page=0313-b
<>ask, beg, solicit [cf. {%c4ad%}]: Caus. P. A. {%c4a1tayati, -te,
<>yitum,%} to cause to hide; to scare, frighten away;
071385 <>[cf. Gr. <g>χατέω, χατίζω.</g>]
<P>{%C4atat, an, anti1, at,%} hiding one's self; (Sa1y.)
<>going, residing in, being in.
case = 260, hw = catur, page=0313-b
<>the penultimate or on the last syllable. A Vedic form
<>of the gen. pl. fem. {%c4atasr2i1n2a1m%} for {%c4atasr2in2a1m%}
071406 <>occurs sometimes in Epic poetry; [cf. Gr. <g>τέσσαρες,</g>
<><g></g> Æol. <g></g> Goth. {%fidvor;%} Cambro-
<>Brit. {%pedwar, pedair;%} Lat. {%quatuor;%} Lith. {%keturi;%}
case = 261, hw = catur, page=0313-b
<>of the gen. pl. fem. {%c4atasr2i1n2a1m%} for {%c4atasr2in2a1m%}
<>occurs sometimes in Epic poetry; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
071407 <><g>τέτταρες;</g> Æol. <g>πίσυρες;</g> Goth. {%fidvor;%} Cambro-
<>Brit. {%pedwar, pedair;%} Lat. {%quatuor;%} Lith. {%keturi;%}
<>Slav. {%c4etyrje;%} Hib. {%ceathair, ceteora;%} Zend {%c4athru.%}]
case = 262, hw = catur, page=0313-b
<>vartin, i1,%} m. the sovereign of the four Dvi1pas.
<>{%--C4atur-dha1,%} ind. in four parts, four-fold; [cf. Hib.
071523 <>{%ceathardha;%} Gr. <g>τέτραχα.</g>] {%--C4aturdha1-bhu1,%} cl. 1.
<>P. {%-bhavati, -vitum,%} to be divided into four parts.
<>{%--C4aturdha1-s4a1nti, is,%} f. a religious ceremony per-
page = 0314 case = 263, hw = caturTa, page=0314-b
<>({%as, a1, am%}), constituting the fourth part; ({%am%}), n.
<>a quarter; [cf. Lith. {%ketwirtas;%} Slav. {%c4etvertyi,
071668 <>c4etvertaja;%} Gr. <g>τέταρος;</g> Lat. {%quartus;%} Goth.
<>{%fidvorda%} (?); Germ. {%vierter.%}] {%--C4aturtha-karman,
<>a,%} n. the ceremonies performed on the fourth day of
case = 264, hw = catvAriMSat, page=0314-c
<P>{%C4atva1rin6s4at, t,%} f. (said to be fr. {%c4atva1ri,%} n. pl.
<>+ {%das4at,%} a decad), 40; [cf. Lat. {%quadraginta;%}
071718 <>Gr. <g>τεσσαράκοντα.</g>]
<P>{%C4atva1rin6s4ati, is,%} f. = the preceding (in {%dva1-c4atva1-
page = 0315 case = 265, hw = candra, page=0315-b
<>a mountain; also of a prince. {%--C4andra-gupta, as,%}
<>m. ‘moon-protected,’ N. of a renowned king, the
071878 <><g>Σανδο-κυπτος</g> or <g>Σανδρο-κοττος</g> of the Greeks, who
<>is supposed to have reigned at Pa1t2ali-putra, or the mo-
<>dern Patna, about 315 B. C., (he was installed by the
page = 0317 case = 266, hw = cay, page=0317-b
<>sacrificial ladle.
<P>.{#cay#}¦ {%c4ay,%} cl. 1. A. {%c4ayate,%} &c., to go, go
072309 <>to or towards, move; [cf. Gr. <g>κίω, κινέω;</g>
<>Lat. {%cieo, cio, citus;%} Hib. {%cai,%} ‘a way, a road;’
<>Lith. {%koja,%} ‘foot;’ {%kettur-kojis,%} ‘quadruped.’]
case = 267, hw = car, page=0317-b
<>coquettishly; [cf. Lat. {%curro, currus; properus%} (?):
<>Hib. {%cara,%} ‘a leg or haunch;’ {%carachadh,%} ‘moving;’
072358 <>{%carachd,%} ‘motion:’ Gr. <g>κύρω, κυρέω:</g> Goth. {%fara:%}
<>Germ. {%fahren:%} Old Germ. {%hor-sc:%} Eng. {%horse:%} Lith.
<>{%kiela4uju, kielias, kielione:%} Old Pers. {%c4artanay.%}]
case = 268, hw = caraRa, page=0317-c
<>ing; a particular high number; [cf. {%dvi-c4aran2a,
<>puras4-c4aran2a, ratha-c4º;%} cf. also Gr. and Lat.
072433 <><g>πέρνα,</g> {%perna;%} Goth. {%fairzna;%} Germ. {%Ferse;%}
<>Lith. {%kulnis;%} Hib. {%cairine;%} Lat. {%crus ?%}]. {%--C4ara-
<>n2a-kamala%} or {%c4aran2a-kis4alaya, am,%} n. a lotus-
page = 0318 case = 269, hw = carman, page=0318-c
<>bed by the religious student; a shield; [cf. {%gala-c4ar-
<>man, dus4-c4arman,%} &c.; cf. also Lat. {%corium, cal-
072648 <>ceus%} (?); Hib. {%croicionn;%} Gr. <g>πέλμα.</g>] {%--C4arma-
<>karan2a, am,%} n. working in skins or leather. {%--C4ar-
<>ma-kas4a1%} or {%c4arma-kasha1%} or {%c4arma-kasa1,%} f. ‘skin-
page = 0319 case = 270, hw = cal, page=0319-b
<>foster, (wrong form for {%bal%}): Pass. of Caus. {%c4a1lyate,%}
<>to be moved: Desid. {%c4ic4alishati:%} Intens. {%c4an3alyate%}
072797 <>or {%c4a1c4alyate, c4a1c4alti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>κέλω, κέλλω, ὀ-</g>
<><g></g> Lat. {%celer, pro-cello, ex-cello, prœ-
<>cello; calco, calc-s, calcar;%} Hib. {%caill,%} ‘a path;’
case = 271, hw = cal, page=0319-b
<>to be moved: Desid. {%c4ic4alishati:%} Intens. {%c4an3alyate%}
<>or {%c4a1c4alyate, c4a1c4alti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
072798 <><g>κέλλω, κέλης;</g> Lat. {%celer, pro-cello, ex-cello, prœ-
<>cello; calco, calc-s, calcar;%} Hib. {%caill,%} ‘a path;’
<>Germ. {%falle;%} Gr. <g></g> Lat. {%pello.%}]
case = 272, hw = cal, page=0319-b
<><g></g> Lat. {%celer, pro-cello, ex-cello, prœ-
<>cello; calco, calc-s, calcar;%} Hib. {%caill,%} ‘a path;’
072800 <>Germ. {%falle;%} Gr. <g>πάλλω, πέλω;</g> Lat. {%pello.%}]
<P>{%C4ala, as, a1, am,%} moving, trembling, tremulous,
<>movable, shaking, loose, unfixed, unsteady, fickle,
case = 273, hw = cazwAna, page=0319-c
<>fr. {%c4aksh ?%}), spoken, asked.
<P>.{#cazwAna#}¦ {%c4asht2a1na, as,%} m., N. of a prince,
072885 <>(= <g>Τιαστανος</g> ?).
<P>.{#cah#}¦ {%c4ah%} [cf. {%c4ap%}], cl. 1. 10. P. {%c4ahati,
<>ac4ahi1t, c4ahayati, -yitum,%} to be wicked,
Here are the batch of next 100 page instances, continuing #14