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Greek in MW72, part 3 of 6 #16

Closed funderburkjim closed 7 years ago

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

@jmigliori Here are the batch of next 100 page instances, continuing #15

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0398 case = 407, hw = daG, page=0398-a

       <>short of [cf. {%a-pas4c4a1-daghvan%}]; cl. 5. P. {%dagh-
       <>noti,%} &c., to hurt, kill; to go, to leap; to protect;
090763 <>[cf. rt. {%dan4gh%} below; cf. also Gr. <g>ταχύς, δέχομαι;</g>
       <>Goth. {%tekan,%} ‘to take;’ Angl. Sax. {%taengan,%} ‘to
       <>hasten;’ Lat. {%tango.%}]
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0399 case = 408, hw = dat, page=0399-b

       <P>.{#dat#}¦ {%dat%} (perhaps fr. rt. {%ad,%} to eat, the initial
       <>being dropped, as in {%kha1dana,%} a tooth, fr. rt. {%kha1d%} and
091096 <><g>φαγόνες</g> fr. <g>φαγ;</g> or according to others fr. rt. 3. {%da1,%}
       <>to cut), optionally substituted for {%danta,%} a tooth, in
       <>the acc. pl. and remaining weak and middle cases (Pa1n2.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0401 case = 409, hw = danta, page=0401-a

       <>of {%danta%} may end in {%a1%} or {%i1;%} [cf. {%ibha-danta1,
       <>kud2mala-danti1, kru1ra-danti1,%} &c.: cf. also Zend
091460 <>{%dan5t-an,%} ‘tooth;’ Gr. <g>ἀ-δούς, ὀ-δοντ</g> Æol. pl.
       <><g></g> Lat. {%dens;%} Lith. {%dant-i-s;%} Goth. {%tunth-
       <>u-s;%} Angl. Sax. {%todh;%} Old Germ. {%zant, zand, zan;%}

case = 410, hw = danta, page=0401-a

       <>kud2mala-danti1, kru1ra-danti1,%} &c.: cf. also Zend
       <>{%dan5t-an,%} ‘tooth;’ Gr. <g></g> Æol. pl.
091461 <><g>ἔδοντες;</g> Lat. {%dens;%} Lith. {%dant-i-s;%} Goth. {%tunth-
       <>u-s;%} Angl. Sax. {%todh;%} Old Germ. {%zant, zand, zan;%}
       <>Cambro-Brit. {%dant;%} Hib. {%de4ad.%}] {%--Danta-kar-
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0402 case = 411, hw = danv, page=0402-a

       <P>.{#danv#}¦ {%danv,%} cl. 1. P. {%danvati,%} &c., to go
       <>or move; [cf. 1. {%du, dhanv, dha1v;%}
091676 <>Gr. <g>δονέω</g> = Caus. {%danvaya1mi.%}]
       <P>.{#daPArabAhlIka#}¦ {%dapha1raba1hli1ka,%} N. of a place
       <>mentioned in the Romaka-siddha1nta.

case = 412, hw = daB, page=0402-a

       <>&c., to hurt, injure, destroy; to go; cl. 10. P.
       <>{%da1bhayati%} or {%dambhayati,%} &c., to send, impel, order,
091683 <>command; [cf. Gr. <g>θάμβος, ἔταφον, τέθηπα;</g> Old
       <>Germ. {%tepyan%} or {%depyan.%}]
       <P>{%Dabdhi, is,%} f., Ved. injury, hurt, damage.

case = 413, hw = dam, page=0402-a

       <>trol, restrain; to quiet, pacify: Pass. {%damyate%} (Aor.
       <>{%adami%}): Caus. P. A. {%damayati, -te,%} &c., to subdue,
091704 <>overpower, conquer; [cf. Gr. <g>δάμνημι, δαμνάω, δαμνάζω</g>
       <><g></g> = Caus. {%da-
       <>maya1mi;%} Lat. {%domare, damnum, damnare;%} Goth.

case = 414, hw = dam, page=0402-a

       <>{%adami%}): Caus. P. A. {%damayati, -te,%} &c., to subdue,
       <>overpower, conquer; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
091705 <><g>δάμ-αρ, δαμάλη-ς, δμώς, δαμάω</g> = Caus. {%da-
       <>maya1mi;%} Lat. {%domare, damnum, damnare;%} Goth.
       <>{%tamyan,%} ‘to tame,’ {%ga-timan;%} Angl. Sax. {%tam, tam-

case = 415, hw = dam, page=0402-a

       <>scholars explained as = ‘the two masters;’ but accord-
       <>ing to Sa1y. and others {%dam%} is here {%= ja1ya1,%} a wife;
091716 <>cf. Gr. <g>δεσπότης.</g>)
       <P>{%Dama, as, am,%} m. n., Ved. house, home, (pro-
       <>perly ‘domain,’ the place of the husband's do-

case = 416, hw = dama, page=0402-a

       <P>{%Dama, as, am,%} m. n., Ved. house, home, (pro-
       <>perly ‘domain,’ the place of the husband's do-
091719 <>minion); the inmates of a house [cf. Gr. <g>δόμος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%domus;%} Goth. {%timryan;%} Angl. Sax.
       <>{%timber, timbrian%}]; ({%as, a1, am%}), (at the end of

case = 417, hw = dama, page=0402-a

       <>perly ‘domain,’ the place of the husband's do-
       <>minion); the inmates of a house [cf. Gr. <g></g>
091720 <><g>δέμω;</g> Lat. {%domus;%} Goth. {%timryan;%} Angl. Sax.
       <>{%timber, timbrian%}]; ({%as, a1, am%}), (at the end of
       <>comp.) taming, subduing, see {%arin-dama; (as),%} m.,

case = 418, hw = day, page=0402-c

       <>terested in, sympathise with, have pity on, love,
       <>protect (with acc. or gen.); to repent; to go, move:
091847 <>Intens. {%dandayyate%} and {%da1dayyate;%} [cf. Gr. <g>δαίομαι</g>
       <><g></g> Hib. {%deidh,%} f. ‘desire, longing;’
       <>{%deidh,%} m. ‘a protector, defender;’ {%deide,%} ‘obedi-

case = 419, hw = day, page=0402-c

       <>protect (with acc. or gen.); to repent; to go, move:
       <>Intens. {%dandayyate%} and {%da1dayyate;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
091848 <><g>δαίνυμι, δαῖς:</g> Hib. {%deidh,%} f. ‘desire, longing;’
       <>{%deidh,%} m. ‘a protector, defender;’ {%deide,%} ‘obedi-
       <>ence, submission.’]
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0404 case = 420, hw = daSan, page=0404-c

       <P>.{#daS#}¦ {%das4.%} See 2. {%dan6s4,%} p. 396, col. 1.
       <P>.{#daSan#}¦ {%das4an, a,%} m. f. n. pl. (said to be fr. rt. 2.
092312 <>{%dan6s4%}), ten; [cf. Gr. <g>δέκα</g> Lat. {%decem;%} Goth. {%taihun%}
       <>for {%tihun;%} Armor. {%dek;%} Hib. {%de4agh, deich;%} Lith.
       <>{%deszimtis, deszim-ts, deszim-t;%} Slav. {%desya-ty.%}]
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0406 case = 421, hw = dah, page=0406-b

       <>‘a wick,’ fr. Caus.: Goth. {%dag-s,%} ‘the day:’ Angl.
       <>Sax. {%daeg:%} Mod. Germ. {%tag:%} Eng. {%day:%} perhaps
092785 <>Gr. <g>τήγανον:</g> Lat. {%lig-nu-m%} for {%dig-nu-m.%}]
       <P>2. {%dah, dhak, k, k,%} burning (at the end of comp.;
       <>cf. {%us4a-dhak%}).

case = 422, hw = dA, page=0406-c

       <>Intens. {%dedi1yate, da1da1ti;%} [cf. rts. {%da1s, ra1, la1:%}
       <>Zend {%da1,%} ‘to give;’ {%da1-tar, da1-ta,%} ‘giver;’ {%da1-na, da1-
092938 <>thra,%} ‘present:’ Gr. <g>δίδομι</g> {%= dada1mi,%} <g>δο-τήρ, δω-τήρ,</g>
       <><g></g> from
       <>the Caus. {%da1payati:%} Lat. {%daÇ-re, daÇ-tor, do1-s, do1-

case = 423, hw = dA, page=0406-c

       <>Zend {%da1,%} ‘to give;’ {%da1-tar, da1-ta,%} ‘giver;’ {%da1-na, da1-
       <>thra,%} ‘present:’ Gr. <g></g> {%= dada1mi,%} <g></g>
092939 <><g>δῶ-τι-ς, δό-τι-ς, δῶ-ρο-ν, δάνος, δαπάνη</g> from
       <>the Caus. {%da1payati:%} Lat. {%daÇ-re, daÇ-tor, do1-s, do1-
       <>nu-m:%} Slav. {%da-miÇ = dad-mi; da-ruÇ,%} ‘present;’
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0407 case = 424, hw = dAtf, page=0407-b

       <>communicating, liberal; a giver, donor, imparter,
       <>lender, creditor, payer; teacher; [cf. {%kanya1-dº,
092967 <>brahma-dº, r2ina-dº;%} Gr. <g>δωτήρ, δοτήρ;</g> Lat.
       <>{%dator.%}] {%--Da1tr2i-ta1,%} f. or {%da1tr2i-tva, am,%} n. the
       <>state of being a giver, liberality. {%--Da1tr2i-niru1pan2a,
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0408 case = 425, hw = dA, page=0408-a

       <>cut, divide; [according to native authorities the
       <>proper form of this rt. is {%do,%} q. v.; cf. rts. {%da1y, dal:%}
093105 <>Gr. <g>δαί-ο-μαι, δαί(τ)-ς, δαιτύ-ς, δαί-τη, δαι-τρό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> (Caus.), <g></g> Lat. {%daps:%}

case = 426, hw = dA, page=0408-a

       <>proper form of this rt. is {%do,%} q. v.; cf. rts. {%da1y, dal:%}
       <>Gr. <g></g>
093106 <><g>δαί-νυ-μι, δαί-νυ-μαι, δαι-τυ-μών, δαΐζω, δατέ-ο-μαι,</g>
       <><g></g> (Caus.), <g></g> Lat. {%daps:%}
       <>Cambro-Brit. {%de,%} ‘to part;’ {%dead,%} ‘a parting.’]

case = 427, hw = dA, page=0408-a

       <>Gr. <g></g>
093107 <><g>δα-σ-μό-ς, δάπτω</g> (Caus.), <g>δεῖπνον:</g> Lat. {%daps:%}
       <>Cambro-Brit. {%de,%} ‘to part;’ {%dead,%} ‘a parting.’]
       <P>2. {%da1ta, as, a1, am,%} cut, divided; reaped; (see

case = 428, hw = dA, page=0408-b

       <P>.{#dA#}¦ 4. {%da1,%} cl. 4. P. {%dyati, da1tum,%} to bind;
       <>(this root does not occur separately, and is
093211 <>not given in the Dha1tu-pa1t2ha); [cf. Gr. <g>δέ-ω, δί-δη-μι,</g>
       <><g></g> Angl.
       <>Sax. {%ti-an,%} ‘to tie.’]

case = 429, hw = dA, page=0408-b

       <>(this root does not occur separately, and is
       <>not given in the Dha1tu-pa1t2ha); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
093212 <><g>δέ-σι-ς, δε-τἠ, δε-σ-μό-ς, διά-δη-μα;</g> Angl.
       <>Sax. {%ti-an,%} ‘to tie.’]
       <P>{%Da1ma%} (at the end of comp.) = 3. {%da1man%} below;

case = 430, hw = dAman, page=0408-b

       <>must end in {%i1,%} e. g. {%dvi-da1mni1,%} having two cords:
       <>it also occurs at the end of proper names, e. g.
093225 <>{%a1s4a1-dº,%} q. v.; [cf. Gr. <g>κρή-δεμνον.</g>] {%--Da1ma-
       <>kan2t2ha, as, a1%} or {%i1, am,%} having a rope round the
       <>neck; ({%as%}), m., N. of a man; ({%a1s%}), m. pl. the
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0410 case = 431, hw = dAru, page=0410-a

       <>sort of pine, Pinus Devada1ru; ore, metal in its
       <>natural state; [cf. {%taru, dru;%} Zend {%da1uru,%} ‘wood;’
093565 <>Gr. <g>δόρυ, δούρατα</g> for <g>δόρϝατα, δορήϊος, δουρ-ειο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth. {%triu,%} ‘tree;’ Old Sax. {%trio,%}
       <>‘timber;’ Eng. {%tree;%} Slav. {%dre†vo,%} ‘tree;’ Russ.

case = 432, hw = dAru, page=0410-a

       <>natural state; [cf. {%taru, dru;%} Zend {%da1uru,%} ‘wood;’
       <>Gr. <g></g> for <g></g>
093566 <><g>δουράτ-εο-ς;</g> Goth. {%triu,%} ‘tree;’ Old Sax. {%trio,%}
       <>‘timber;’ Eng. {%tree;%} Slav. {%dre†vo,%} ‘tree;’ Russ.
       <>{%de4revo, drova;%} Lith. {%derva11;%} Hib. {%doireach,%}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0411 case = 433, hw = dAs, page=0411-b

       <>{%da1sati, -te, dada1sa, -se, da1sita1,%} &c., to give; cl.
       <>5. P. {%da1snoti,%} &c., Ved. to hurt, injure, wound,
093878 <>kill; [cf. perhaps Gr. <g>ληΐη, ληΐς, λεΐζομαι, ληϊστής,</g>
       <>the {%d%} being changed into {%l,%} as in rt. {%la1%} fr. rt. {%da1;%}
       <>probably also Gr. <g></g> Lat. {%la-tro.%}]

case = 434, hw = dAs, page=0411-b

       <>kill; [cf. perhaps Gr. <g></g>
       <>the {%d%} being changed into {%l,%} as in rt. {%la1%} fr. rt. {%da1;%}
093880 <>probably also Gr. <g>λά-τρο-ν, λά-τρις;</g> Lat. {%la-tro.%}]
       <P>1. {%da1sa, as,%} m. a general N. applied in the Veda
       <>to certain evil beings or demons, hostile to the

case = 435, hw = dAsa, page=0411-b

       <>N. of a river; ({%as, i1, am%}), belonging to the
       <>Da1sas, i. e. to demons, barbarians, &c.; consisting
093896 <>of the Da1sas, &c.; [cf. Gr. <g>δοῦλος</g> derived in a
       <>similar manner from <g></g> ‘to give or serve.’] {%--Da1-
       <>sa-jana, as,%} m. a slave; {%= da1si1,%} a female servant.

case = 436, hw = dAsa, page=0411-b

       <>Da1sas, i. e. to demons, barbarians, &c.; consisting
       <>of the Da1sas, &c.; [cf. Gr. <g></g> derived in a
093897 <>similar manner from <g>δοῦν,</g> ‘to give or serve.’] {%--Da1-
       <>sa-jana, as,%} m. a slave; {%= da1si1,%} a female servant.
       <>{%--Da1sa-ji1vana, am,%} n. ‘slave-life,’ the work or

case = 437, hw = dAsa, page=0411-b

       <>Ved. having the demons as masters, being in the
       <>power of the demons; (Sa1y.) having Da1sa, i. e. the
093906 <>destroyer, or Vr2itra as husband; [cf. Gr. <g>δέσποινα.</g>]
       <>{%--Da1sa-pravarga, as, a1, am,%} Ved. (according to
       <>Sa1y.) having a multitude of servants, having a large
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0413 case = 438, hw = div, page=0413-b

       <>given below; cf. {%eka-dyu;%} cf. also {%dyo, di-na, a-dya,
       <>deva:%} Zend {%di1v,%} ‘to shine;’ {%dae10va,%} ‘demon:’ Gr.
094335 <><g>Ζεύς</g> {%= dyaus;%} <g>Διός</g> {%= divas;%} <g>ἔν-δι-ο-ς, εὐ-δί-α,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%Diov-i-s, Jovis,

case = 439, hw = div, page=0413-b

       <>deva:%} Zend {%di1v,%} ‘to shine;’ {%dae10va,%} ‘demon:’ Gr.
       <><g></g> {%= dyaus;%} <g></g> {%= divas;%} <g></g>
094336 <><g>δία-λος, δέελο-ς, δῆλος, Διώνη, πρώϊ-ζος, χθι-ζός,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%Diov-i-s, Jovis,
       <>Ju-piter, deu-s, di1vu-s, sub-dio, Diana, die-s,

case = 440, hw = div, page=0413-b

       <><g></g> {%= dyaus;%} <g></g> {%= divas;%} <g></g>
094337 <><g>ἤδη, δέ-α-το, δο-ά-σσα-το:</g> Lat. {%Diov-i-s, Jovis,
       <>Ju-piter, deu-s, di1vu-s, sub-dio, Diana, die-s,
       <>bi-du-u-m, nu1-diu-s, inter-diu1, nun-dinœ, jam,
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0414 case = 441, hw = diS, page=0414-b

       <>to exhibit exceedingly, show, show one's self, &c.;
       <>(P.) to order or direct urgently; [cf. Zend {%dis4;%}
094629 <>Gr. <g>δείκ-νυ-μι, δείκελος, δείξ-ις, δεῖγμα, δίκ-η,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%in-dic-
       <>are, ju-dex, causi-dic-us, dic-ere;%} Goth. {%teih-an,

case = 442, hw = diS, page=0414-b

       <>(P.) to order or direct urgently; [cf. Zend {%dis4;%}
       <>Gr. <g></g>
094630 <><g>δικ-εῖν, δίκτνον, δειδίσκομαι, δίσκος;</g> Lat. {%in-dic-
       <>are, ju-dex, causi-dic-us, dic-ere;%} Goth. {%teih-an,
       <>taikns, taiknyan;%} Angl. Sax. {%tihian, tihhan,
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0415 case = 443, hw = dih, page=0415-b

       <>yitum,%} Aor. {%adi1dihat:%} Desid. {%didhikshati, -te,%}
       <>Ved. {%dhi1kshate,%} to wish to anoint or to anoint one's
094830 <>self: Intens. {%dedihyate, dedegdhi:%} [cf. Gr. <g>τείχος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%tingere,%} probably {%fingere,
       <>figulus;%} Goth. {%deigan, ga-dikis, daigs;%} Angl.

case = 444, hw = dih, page=0415-b

       <>Ved. {%dhi1kshate,%} to wish to anoint or to anoint one's
       <>self: Intens. {%dedihyate, dedegdhi:%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
094831 <><g>τοῖχος, θιγγάνω;</g> Lat. {%tingere,%} probably {%fingere,
       <>figulus;%} Goth. {%deigan, ga-dikis, daigs;%} Angl.
       <>Sax. {%di4c, deag, tigel, tigul;%} Old Germ. {%ziagal,

case = 445, hw = dI, page=0415-b

       <>As4vins and their vehicle): Intens. {%dedi1yate,%} Ved.
       <>inf. of Intens. {%dedi1yitavai,%} to hasten or fly away;
094844 <>[cf. Gr. <g>δίνω, δινέω;</g> perhaps <g>δίω, δίεμαι.</g>]
       <P>.{#dI#}¦ 2. {%di1%} (an anomalous reduplicated rt.
       <>sometimes given in the form {%di1di1%} or {%di1di;%}

case = 446, hw = dI, page=0415-b

       <>to shine upon, bestow by shining; to seem or appear
       <>good or eminent, to please, be admired; [cf. 2. {%div,
094853 <>di1p:%} Gr. <g>δέαται, δέατο;</g> perhaps <g>δῆλος.</g>.]
       <P>{%Di1ti, is,%} f. splendor, brightness; [cf. {%su-dº.%}]
       <P>{%Di1di, is, is, i,%} or {%di1di1, i1s, i1s, i,%} shining. {%--Di1dy-
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0416 case = 447, hw = dInAra, page=0416-a

       <>with 1. {%dha1%}).
       <P>.{#dIna#}¦ {%di1na, as, a1, am,%} See p. 415, col. 3.
094992 <P>.{#dInAra#}¦ {%di1na1ra, as,%} m. (fr. the Gr. <g>δηνάριον,</g>
       <>{%= denarius,%} said to be fr. rt. 3. {%di1%}), a coin, a
       <>gold coin; a weight of gold (variously stated as 2
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0417 case = 448, hw = dIrGa, page=0417-a

       <>N. of the letter {%n; (am),%} n., N. of a Sa1man; ({%am%}),
       <>ind. for a long time, long; far; deeply; [cf. Zend
095209 <>{%dareÇgha:%} Gr. <g>δολιχός, ἐν-δελεχής:</g> Russ. {%dolog,%}
       <>‘long;’ {%dolga = di1rgha1:%} Lith. {%ilga-s, d%} being
       <>dropped; {%isz-drykens, isz-dryke†lis,%} ‘grown long:’
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0418 case = 449, hw = du, page=0418-b

       <>pain: Desid. {%dudu1shati:%} Intens. {%dodu1yate, dodoti;%}
       <>[cf. Lith. {%dowyu,%} ‘I vex,’ = Caus. {%da1vaya1mi;%}
095545 <>Gr. <g>ὀ-δύνη, ὀ-δυνάω, δαύω, δεδανμένος, δαυλός,</g>
       <>probably <g></g> Lat. {%doleo%} fr. {%doveo;%} Angl. Sax.
       <>{%tynan;%} Hib. {%leirim,%} ‘I pain,’ probably = Caus.

case = 450, hw = du, page=0418-b

       <>[cf. Lith. {%dowyu,%} ‘I vex,’ = Caus. {%da1vaya1mi;%}
       <>Gr. <g></g>
095546 <>probably <g>δυή;</g> Lat. {%doleo%} fr. {%doveo;%} Angl. Sax.
       <>{%tynan;%} Hib. {%leirim,%} ‘I pain,’ probably = Caus.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0419 case = 451, hw = dur, page=0419-c

       <>troubled in mind, depressed in spirit, discouraged,
       <>sad, melancholy, meditating sorrowfully; [cf. Zend
096494 <>{%dus-mananh;%} Gr. <g>δυσ-μενής.</g>] {%--Durmana1ya,%}
       <>Nom. A. {%durmana1yate,%} &c., to be or become
       <>troubled in mind or sad, to meditate sorrowfully.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0423 case = 452, hw = duruDarA, page=0423-c

       <>fifteenth Yoga; (also read {%durapha%} and {%durupha.%})
       <P>.{#duruDarA#}¦ {%durudhara1,%} f. (a word borrowed
096804 <>fr. the Gr. <g>δορυφορία</g>), a peculiar position of the
       <P>.{#durodara#}¦ {%durodara, as,%} m. (probably for
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0424 case = 453, hw = dus, page=0424-b

       <>lent to the English prefix {%in-%} or {%un-;%} [cf. rt. 2. {%dush;%}
       <>rt. 1. {%dvish:%} Zend {%dush, dus-mananh, dush-i-ti:%}
096943 <>Gr. <g>δυς</g> e. g. <g>δυσ-μενής:</g> Goth. {%tus%} in {%tuz-veryan:%}
       <>Old Germ. {%zur-:%} Hib. {%do, do-dhail,%} ‘bad luck;’
       <>{%do-dhuine,%} ‘a bad man;’ {%do-dheanta,%} ‘hard to be
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0426 case = 454, hw = duhitf, page=0426-a

       <>from the mother or as milking the cows, ‘the
       <>milk-maid of the family’); [cf. Zend {%dugh-dhar;%}
097339 <>Gr. <g>θύγ-ά-τηρ;</g> Goth. {%dauh-tar;%} Old Germ. {%toh-
       <>tar;%} Slav. {%dush-ti;%} Lith. {%duk-te†%} for {%dukter;%} the
       <>original form must have been {%dhugh-atar.%}] {%--Du-
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0428 case = 455, hw = dfkARa, page=0428-b

       <P>.{#dfka#}¦ {%dr2ika, am,%} n. a hole, opening.
       <P>.{#dfkARa#}¦ {%dr2ika1n2a%} or {%dr2ikka1n2a%} or {%drekka1n2a%} or
097887 <>{%dreshka1n2a, as,%} m. (fr. the Gr. <g>δέκανος</g>), the third
       <>part of a sign of the zodiac or a demi-god presiding
       <>over it.

case = 456, hw = dfti, page=0428-b

       <>(Ved.); skin, hide; a pair of bellows; a fish; N.
       <>of a man with the patronymic Aindroti or Aindrota;
097911 <>[cf. {%da1rteya;%} cf. also rt. {%dr2i1;%} Gr. <g>δέρ-ω, δείρ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Angl. Sax. {%teld,%} ‘a tent;’ Old Germ. {%gi-
       <>zelt%} = Mod. Germ. {%zelt,%} ‘a tent.’] {%--Dr2iti-dha1raka,

case = 457, hw = dfti, page=0428-b

       <>of a man with the patronymic Aindroti or Aindrota;
       <>[cf. {%da1rteya;%} cf. also rt. {%dr2i1;%} Gr. <g></g>
097912 <><g>δέρ-μα;</g> Angl. Sax. {%teld,%} ‘a tent;’ Old Germ. {%gi-
       <>zelt%} = Mod. Germ. {%zelt,%} ‘a tent.’] {%--Dr2iti-dha1raka,
       <>as,%} m. a kind of plant, {%= a1nandi1,%} commonly {%a1ka-

case = 458, hw = dfp, page=0428-c

       <>to be vain or proud; to be wildly delighted: Caus.
       <>{%darpayati, -yitum2,%} to make mad or proud or arro-
097940 <>gant; [cf. rt. {%tr2ip;%} Gr. <g>δόρπος.</g>]
       <P>{%Dr2ipta, as, a1, am,%} mad, wild, proud, arrogant.
       <>{%--Dr2ipta-ba1la1ki, is,%} m., Ved., N. of a man with

case = 459, hw = dfS, page=0428-c

       <>thing belonging to one's self: Desid. A. {%didr2ikshate,%}
       <>&c., to wish to see, desire to see: Intens. {%dari1-
098001 <>dr2is4yate, dardarsht2i;%} [cf. Gr. <g>δέρκ-ω, ἔ-δρακ-ο-ν,</g>
       <>Goth. {%ga-tarh-yan:%} Angl. Sax. {%torht:%} Old Germ.

case = 460, hw = dfS, page=0428-c

       <>&c., to wish to see, desire to see: Intens. {%dari1-
       <>dr2is4yate, dardarsht2i;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
098002 <><g>δέ-κορκ-α, δράκος, ὑπό-δραξ, ὑπο-δρα, δράκων:</g>
       <>Goth. {%ga-tarh-yan:%} Angl. Sax. {%torht:%} Old Germ.
       <>{%zorht-yan,%} ‘to manifest:’ Hib. {%dearcaim,%} ‘I see;’
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0430 case = 461, hw = deva, page=0430-a

       <>taki1, = atasi1; (am),%} n. an organ of sense; [cf. Old
       <>Pruss. {%deiwas;%} Lith. {%diewas,%} ‘a god;’ Lat. {%deus;%} Gr.
098323 <><g>θεός;</g> Hib. {%dia,%} ‘a god.’] {%--Deva-r2ishabha, as,%} m. ‘a
       <>bull among the gods,’ N. of a son of Dharma and [Page0430-b+ 81]
       <>Bha1nu. {%--Deva-r2ishi, is,%} m. ‘a R2ishi among the gods,
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0434 case = 462, hw = devara, page=0434-a

       <P>{%Devara%} or {%devaraka, as,%} m. a husband's brother,
       <>especially his younger brother; a beloved person; a
099230 <>husband; [cf. Lith. {%de†weris;%} Gr. <g>δαήρ;</g> Lat. {%levir%}
       <>for {%devir;%} Slav. {%dever;%} Angl. Sax. {%tacur, tacor;%}
       <>Old Germ. {%zeihur.%}]
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0439 case = 463, hw = dram, page=0439-a

       <>move, run about: Caus. {%dramayati, -yitum:%} Desid.
       <>{%didramishati:%} Intens. {%dandramyate%} or {%dandran-
100396 <>ti,%} to run to and fro; [cf. rt. 2. {%dru;%} Gr. <g>δρέμ-ω,</g>
       <P>.{#dramiwa#}¦ {%dramit2a%} or {%dramita, as,%} m., N. of a

case = 464, hw = dram, page=0439-a

       <>{%didramishati:%} Intens. {%dandramyate%} or {%dandran-
       <>ti,%} to run to and fro; [cf. rt. 2. {%dru;%} Gr. <g></g>
100397 <><g>ἔ-δραμ-ο-ν, δέ-δρομ-α, δρόμος.</g>]
       <P>.{#dramiwa#}¦ {%dramit2a%} or {%dramita, as,%} m., N. of a

case = 465, hw = dramma, page=0439-a

       <>of a lexicographer [cf. {%drimila%}]; ({%a1s%}), m. pl., N.
       <>of a school.
100403 <P>.{#dramma#}¦ {%dramma%} (fr. Gr. <g>δραχμή</g>), a drachma.
       <P>.{#drava#}¦ {%drava, as, a1, am%} (fr. rt. 2. {%dru%}), run-
       <>ning (as a horse); flowing, fluid; dropping, dripping,

case = 466, hw = drA, page=0439-c

       <>adidrapat,%} to cause to run: Intens. {%da1dra1yate,
       <>da1dra1ti, da1dreti;%} Old Intens. {%daridra1ti,%} see {%da-
100577 <>ridra1;%} [cf. rt. 2. {%dru,%} rt. {%dram:%} Gr. <g>ἀπο-δρᾶ-ναι,</g>
       <>fr. Caus. {%dra1-p-aya-ti.%}]

case = 467, hw = drA, page=0439-c

       <>da1dra1ti, da1dreti;%} Old Intens. {%daridra1ti,%} see {%da-
       <>ridra1;%} [cf. rt. 2. {%dru,%} rt. {%dram:%} Gr. <g></g>
100578 <><g>δι-δρά-σκ-ω, δρα-σ-μό-ς, ἄ-δρα-σ-το-ς; δρᾱ-π-έτη-ς</g>
       <>fr. Caus. {%dra1-p-aya-ti.%}]
       <P>{%Dra1k,%} ind. (fr. rt. 2. {%dra1 + an3c4%}), quickly, speedily,
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0440 case = 468, hw = dru, page=0440-c

       <>cup or an oar; ({%us%}), m. (said to be fr. rt. 2. {%dru,%} to
       <>go or grow), a tree; a branch; [cf. 2. {%da1ru;%} Zend
100752 <>{%dru, da1uru,%} ‘wood, spear;’ Gr. <g>δρῦ-ς, δρῠ-μά, δρῡ-μό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth. {%triu, triv-ein-s,%}

case = 469, hw = dru, page=0440-c

       <>go or grow), a tree; a branch; [cf. 2. {%da1ru;%} Zend
       <>{%dru, da1uru,%} ‘wood, spear;’ Gr. <g></g>
100753 <><g>δρυ-τόμο-ς, δέν-δρε-ο-ν, δρία, δόρυ, δούρειος,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth. {%triu, triv-ein-s,%}
       <>‘wooden;’ Old Sax. {%trio,%} ‘wood, tree;’ Eng. {%tree;%}

case = 470, hw = dru, page=0440-c

       <>{%dru, da1uru,%} ‘wood, spear;’ Gr. <g></g>
100754 <><g>δουράτ-εο-ς, δρύτη, δροίτη;</g> Goth. {%triu, triv-ein-s,%}
       <>‘wooden;’ Old Sax. {%trio,%} ‘wood, tree;’ Eng. {%tree;%}
       <>Slav. {%dre†vo,%} ‘tree;’ Lith. {%derva.%}] {%--Dru-kilima,
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0441 case = 471, hw = drE, page=0441-b

       <>{%dris4%} for rt. 1. {%dr2is4%}), visible, {%= dr2is4ya.%}
       <P>.{#drE#}¦ {%drai,%} cl. 1. P. {%dra1yati,%} &c., to sleep;
100922 <>[cf. 1. {%dra1;%} cf. also Gr. <g>δαρθ-άν-ω, ἔ-δραθ-ο-ν;</g>
       <>Lat. {%dor-mi-o;%} Slav. {%dre†-m-a-ti,%} ‘to sleep;’ Old
       <>Sax. {%drom;%} Eng. {%dream;%} Mod. Germ. {%traum.%}]
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0442 case = 472, hw = dvA, page=0442-b

       <>({%i1%}), f., scil. {%ra1tri%} or {%tithi,%} the 12th day of the half
       <>month; ({%am%}), n. a collection or aggregate of 12;
101160 <>[cf. Gr. <g>δώ-δεκα;</g> Lat. {%duo-decim;%} Hib. {%da-deug;%}
       <>Hindu1st. {%ba1-rah%} through change of {%d%} into {%r;%} Lith.
       <>{%dwy-lika%} through change of {%d%} into {%l;%} Goth. {%tva-lif%}

case = 473, hw = dvAr, page=0442-c

       <>means, opportunity; {%dva1ra1,%} inst. c., at the end of a
       <>comp. = by means of, by; [cf. 1. {%dur,%} 2. {%dura;%} Zend
101273 <>{%dvara-m,%} ‘gate, palace;’ Gr. <g>θύρα, θύρ-ε-τρο-ν,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%for-e1-s, foris,
       <>foras;%} Umbr. {%vero,%} ‘gate,’ for {%dvero;%} perhaps also

case = 474, hw = dvAr, page=0442-c

       <>comp. = by means of, by; [cf. 1. {%dur,%} 2. {%dura;%} Zend
       <>{%dvara-m,%} ‘gate, palace;’ Gr. <g></g>
101274 <><g>θύρασι, θυρί-ς, θυρ-εό-ς, θαιρό-ς;</g> Lat. {%for-e1-s, foris,
       <>foras;%} Umbr. {%vero,%} ‘gate,’ for {%dvero;%} perhaps also
       <><g></g> and {%porta, d%} being dropped and {%v%} changed

case = 475, hw = dvAr, page=0442-c

       <><g></g> Lat. {%for-e1-s, foris,
       <>foras;%} Umbr. {%vero,%} ‘gate,’ for {%dvero;%} perhaps also
101276 <><g>πύλη</g> and {%porta, d%} being dropped and {%v%} changed
       <>into {%p,%} as in Zend {%aspa%} = <g></g> from Sanskr2it {%as4va;%}
       <>Goth. {%daur;%} Angl. Sax. {%duru, dyr;%} Old Germ.

case = 476, hw = dvAr, page=0442-c

       <>foras;%} Umbr. {%vero,%} ‘gate,’ for {%dvero;%} perhaps also
       <><g></g> and {%porta, d%} being dropped and {%v%} changed
101277 <>into {%p,%} as in Zend {%aspa%} = <g>ἵππος</g> from Sanskr2it {%as4va;%}
       <>Goth. {%daur;%} Angl. Sax. {%duru, dyr;%} Old Germ.
       <>{%tor;%} Slav. {%dveriÇ,%} ‘gate, door;’ Lith. {%du11r-ys,%} ‘door;’
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0443 case = 477, hw = dvi, page=0443-a

       <>[the original form was {%dva,%} as shown in nom. du.
       <>{%dvau:%} Zend {%dva,%} ‘two;’ {%bi-%} in comp., e. g. {%bi-tya,%}
101361 <>‘the second:’ Gr. <g>δύο, δύω, δυάκις, δοιοί, δί-τυλος,</g>
       <><g></g> for <g></g> ‘twice;’ <g></g> from {%dva-tara-s;%}
       <><g></g> ‘doubt;’ <g></g> ‘double;’ <g></g>

case = 478, hw = dvi, page=0443-a

       <>{%dvau:%} Zend {%dva,%} ‘two;’ {%bi-%} in comp., e. g. {%bi-tya,%}
       <>‘the second:’ Gr. <g></g>
101362 <><g>δίς</g> for <g>δϝίς,</g> ‘twice;’ <g>δεύ-τερο-ς</g> from {%dva-tara-s;%}
       <><g></g> ‘doubt;’ <g></g> ‘double;’ <g></g>
       <>Lat. {%duo, bis%} for {%dvis; bi-%} in comp., e. g. {%bi-farius; [Page0443-b+ 81]

case = 479, hw = dvi, page=0443-a

       <>‘the second:’ Gr. <g></g>
       <><g></g> for <g></g> ‘twice;’ <g></g> from {%dva-tara-s;%}
101363 <><g>δοιή,</g> ‘doubt;’ <g>δί-α, δίζω, δισσός,</g> ‘double;’ <g>δώ-δεκα:</g>
       <>Lat. {%duo, bis%} for {%dvis; bi-%} in comp., e. g. {%bi-farius; [Page0443-b+ 81]
       <>ve1-%} in comp., e. g. {%ve1-sanus; dis-%} in comp., e. g. {%dis-

case = 480, hw = dvi, page=0443-a

       <>twofold manner, in two parts, of two kinds or sorts,
       <>in two ways, in two directions, divided; [cf. Gr.
101565 <><g>δίχα, διχθά, δισσός.</g>] {%--Dvidha1-karan2a, am,%} n.
       <>the act of making twofold, dividing into two parts,
       <>splitting, arranging in two ways, &c. {%--Dvidha1ka1ra

case = 481, hw = dvi, page=0443-a

       <>tively; ({%t, t, t%}), consisting of two Padas; m. a
       <>metre of two Padas; ({%padi1%}), f. a kind of Pra1kr2it
101601 <>metre; [cf. Lat. {%bi-pes;%} Gr. <g>δί-πους.</g>] (According
       <>to Pa1n2. IV. 1, 9, the fem. must be {%dvi-pada1%} when
       <>agreeing with {%r2ic4,%} e. g. {%dvi-pada1 r2ik,%} ‘a verse con-
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0445 case = 482, hw = dvis, page=0445-b

       <P>{%Dviti1yin, i1, ini1, i,%} standing in the second place
       <>or rank; [cf. {%triti1yin.%}]
101903 <P>{%Dvis,%} ind. twice; [cf. Gr. <g>δίς;</g> Zend {%bis;%} Lat.
       <>{%bis, dis-%} in {%dis-cedo%} &c.; probably also Goth.
       <>prefix {%mis-%} and {%missa-%} in {%missa-de1ths, missa-

case = 483, hw = dvitA, page=0445-c

       <>[cf. {%dvaidha%} and {%dvaidham.%}]
       <P>.{#dvitA#}¦ 2. {%dvita1,%} ind. (a particle of affirma-
101938 <>tion or emphasis = the Greek <g>δή, δῆτα,</g> and occurring
       <>only in the R2ig-veda), Ved. indeed, certainly, ex-
       <>actly, really, precisely, surely, especially; (native

case = 484, hw = dviz, page=0445-c

       <>sht2i, dedvishi1ti;%} [cf. rt. 2. {%dush, dus; dvis,%} im-
       <>plying division: Zend {%d2bish,%} ‘to hate:’ Gr. base
101952 <><g>ὀδυς, οδ-ώδυς-ται, ὠδυσ-ά-μην, ὀδυσσά-μενο-ς, ὠδυ-σίν,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps also <g></g> = Caus. {%dve-
       <>shaya1mi, d%} being dropped and {%v%} changed to {%m.%}]

case = 485, hw = dviz, page=0445-c

       <>plying division: Zend {%d2bish,%} ‘to hate:’ Gr. base
101953 <><g>Ὀδυσ-εύ-ς;</g> perhaps also <g>μισέω</g> = Caus. {%dve-
       <>shaya1mi, d%} being dropped and {%v%} changed to {%m.%}]
       <P>2. {%dvish, t2, t2, t2,%} hostile, hating, disliking; ({%t2%}), m.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0447 case = 486, hw = Dana, page=0447-a

       <>tive quantity or plus (in arithmetic, opposed to
       <>{%r2in2a, kshaya, vyaya, ha1ni%}); (in astrology) N. of
102247 <>the second mansion; [cf. probably Gr. <g>εὐ-θενής.</g>]
       <>{%--Dhana-ka1ma%} or {%dhana-ka1mya, as, a1, am,%}
       <>desirous of money, avaricious, covetous. {%--Dhana-

case = 487, hw = DanizWa, page=0447-c

       <>N. of the Nakshatra S4ravisht2ha1 or twenty-third
       <>lunar mansion, (it comprises four stars, apparently
102452 <><g>α, β, γ,</g> and <g>δ</g> Delphini, and is figured by a drum
       <>or tabor.)
       <P>{%Dhani1ka1,%} f. {%= dhanika1,%} f. a young woman.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0448 case = 488, hw = Danu, page=0448-a

       <>{%piya1la,%} Semecarpus Anacardium; ({%us%}), f. a dry
       <>sandbank, a sandy shore; [cf. {%dhanus, dhanvan;%}
102492 <>Gr. <g>θίς; θινός.</g>] {%--Dhanu-ketaki1,%} f. a kind of flower.
       <>{%--Dhanu-gupta, as,%} m., N. of a tree. {%--Dhanu-
       <>ra1ja, as,%} m., N. of one of the ancestors of S4a1kya-

case = 489, hw = Danvan, page=0448-b

       <>ground, shore; the plant Alhagi Maurorum which
       <>grows in a dry soil; (Sa1y.) the sky, rain-water; [cf.
102603 <>Gr. <g>θέναρ:</g> Old Germ. {%ten-ar:%} Angl. Sax. {%denu,%}
       <>‘valley:’ Mod. Germ. {%tenne,%} ‘thrashing-floor;’ {%duene,%}
       <>‘down.’] {%--Dhanva-c4ara, as, a1, am,%} Ved. going
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0452 case = 490, hw = Dav, page=0452-a

       <P>.{#Dav#}¦ {%dhav%} (connected with rts. 1. {%dha1v%}
       <>and {%dhanv%}), cl. 1. A. {%dhavate,%} &c., Ved.
103461 <>to run, flow; [cf. Gr. <g>θέ-ω, θεύσομαι, θοός, βοη-θέ-ω,</g>
       <P>.{#Dava#}¦ 1. {%dhava, as,%} m. the plant Grislea

case = 491, hw = Dav, page=0452-a

       <>and {%dhanv%}), cl. 1. A. {%dhavate,%} &c., Ved.
       <>to run, flow; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
103462 <><g>νω-θής.</g>].
       <P>.{#Dava#}¦ 1. {%dhava, as,%} m. the plant Grislea
       <>Tomentosa ({%= madhura-tvac4a%}).

case = 492, hw = DA, page=0452-b

       <>Intens. {%dedhi1yate, da1dha1ti;%} [cf. Zend {%da1,%} ‘to [Page0452-c+ 81]
       <>put, make;’ {%da1-ta-m,%} ‘law;’ {%da1-man,%} ‘creature:’
103575 <>Gr. <g>τί-θη-μι, θέ-μα, θέ-σι-ς, θε-σ-μός, θέ-μι-ς</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%faÇmulus, familia, -do%} in

case = 493, hw = DA, page=0452-b

       <>put, make;’ {%da1-ta-m,%} ‘law;’ {%da1-man,%} ‘creature:’
       <>Gr. <g></g>
103576 <><g>θεμός, θε-μέ-λιο-ν, θέ-με-θλο-ν, θής, θῆσσα, θή-κη,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%faÇmulus, familia, -do%} in
       <>{%ab-do, con-do, per-do, ven-do, pessum-do, cre-do

case = 494, hw = DA, page=0452-b

       <>Gr. <g></g>
103577 <><g>θῶκος, θᾶκος:</g> Lat. {%faÇmulus, familia, -do%} in
       <>{%ab-do, con-do, per-do, ven-do, pessum-do, cre-do
       <>= s4rad-dadha1mi:%} Osc. {%faa-ma,%} ‘house (?),’ {%fam-
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0453 case = 495, hw = DAman, page=0453-c

       <>fetter, (wrong reading for 3. {%da1man%}); ({%a1%}), m., N.
       <>of one of the Saptarshis in the fourth Manv-antara;
103845 <>[cf. Gr. <g>θέ-μα;</g> Lat. {%do-mu-s;%} Osc. {%faa-ma;%} Hib.
       <>{%dai-m,%} ‘a house, church, people;’ Old Germ. {%do-m;%}
       <>Angl. Sax. and Eng. {%dom =%} Mod. Germ. {%thum%} as
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0455 case = 496, hw = DAv, page=0455-a

       <>run, make run, drive, impel, push on; {%dha1vayati
       <>rathena,%} he drives in a chariot: Desid. {%didha1vi-
104189 <>shati, -te:%} Intens. {%da1dha1vyate:%} [cf. Gr. <g>θέ-ω, θεύ-σομαι,</g>
       <><g></g> Hib. {%deifir,%} ‘haste.’]
       <P>1. {%dha1vaka, as, a1, am,%} running, flowing, going

case = 497, hw = DAv, page=0455-a

       <>rathena,%} he drives in a chariot: Desid. {%didha1vi-
       <>shati, -te:%} Intens. {%da1dha1vyate:%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
104190 <><g>θο-ό-ς, θοάζ-ω, βοη-θό-ος;</g> Hib. {%deifir,%} ‘haste.’]
       <P>1. {%dha1vaka, as, a1, am,%} running, flowing, going
       <>quickly, running in advance, expeditious; ({%as%}), m.,
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0457 case = 498, hw = DU, page=0457-a

       <>out, shake down from; to be shaken violently, totter
       <>exceedingly (A.); [cf. Zend {%dun-man,%} ‘mist, fog:’
104626 <>Gr. <g>θύ-ω, θύ-ν-ω, θυά-ω, θυά-ζω, θῦ-νο-ς, θύ-ελλα,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%fu1-mu-s, sub-fi1-o, sub-fi1-

case = 499, hw = DU, page=0457-a

       <>exceedingly (A.); [cf. Zend {%dun-man,%} ‘mist, fog:’
       <>Gr. <g></g>
104627 <><g>θυά-(δ)-ς, θυι-ά-ς, θυ-μό-ς, θῦ-μα, θυ-σία, θύ-ος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%fu1-mu-s, sub-fi1-o, sub-fi1-
       <>men:%} Goth. {%daun-s,%} ‘smell:’ Old Iceland. {%du-s-t%}

case = 500, hw = DU, page=0457-a

       <>Gr. <g></g>
104628 <><g>θυή-εις, θύ-μο-ν:</g> Lat. {%fu1-mu-s, sub-fi1-o, sub-fi1-
       <>men:%} Goth. {%daun-s,%} ‘smell:’ Old Iceland. {%du-s-t%}
       <>= Eng. {%dust:%} Old Germ. {%tun-s-t,%} ‘storm;’ {%tou-m,%}

case = 501, hw = DUpaya, page=0457-b

       <>to fumigate, perfume, incense, make fragrant; (in
       <>astron.) to obscure with mist, to be about to eclipse;
104690 <>to speak; to shine; [cf. Gr. <g>τύφ-ω, τῦφ-ο-ς, τυφ-ών,</g>
       <><g></g> Old Germ. {%dimpf-en,%} ‘to

case = 502, hw = DUpaya, page=0457-b

       <>astron.) to obscure with mist, to be about to eclipse;
       <>to speak; to shine; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
104691 <><g>τυφώς, τυφεδών, Τυμφρηστός (?), τυφλό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Old Germ. {%dimpf-en,%} ‘to
       <>smoke:’ Lith. {%dump-iu11,%} ‘I fan or blow a fire;’

case = 503, hw = DUpaya, page=0457-b

       <>to speak; to shine; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
104692 <><g>τυφεδανός, τυφεδών:</g> Old Germ. {%dimpf-en,%} ‘to
       <>smoke:’ Lith. {%dump-iu11,%} ‘I fan or blow a fire;’
       <>{%du11mp-les,%} ‘bellows.’]

case = 504, hw = DUma, page=0457-b

       <>man; ({%a1%}), f. a kind of plant ({%= dhi1ra1vi1%}); [cf. {%go-dhº,
       <>c4arishn2u-dhº, tr2isht2a-dhº:%} cf. also rt. 1. {%dhma1;%} Gr.
104716 <><g>θῡ-μό-ς;</g> Lat. {%fu1-mu-s;%} Old Germ. {%daum, toum,%}
       <>‘fume;’ Lith. {%du1-mai,%} ‘smoke;’ Slav. {%du7-muÇ,%}
       <>‘smoke;’ Hib. {%dluimh,%} ‘cloud, darkness.’] {%--Dhu1-
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0458 case = 505, hw = Df, page=0458-c

       <>very fast, lay hold of firmly, bear firmly, &c.; [cf.
       <>1. {%dharma, dhi1ra, dhruva, dhur, dhurya;%}
105064 <>Zend {%dar,%} ‘to hold;’ Gr. <g>θρή-σα-σθαι, θρᾶ-ν-ος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat.
       <>{%fre1-tu-s, fre1-nu-m, fir-mu-s, for-ma;%} Angl. Sax.

case = 506, hw = Df, page=0458-c

       <>1. {%dharma, dhi1ra, dhruva, dhur, dhurya;%}
       <>Zend {%dar,%} ‘to hold;’ Gr. <g></g>
105065 <><g>θρῆν-υ-ς, θρόνο-ς, θέρ-μα, θέλ-ω, ἐ-θέλ-ω;</g> Lat.
       <>{%fre1-tu-s, fre1-nu-m, fir-mu-s, for-ma;%} Angl. Sax.
       <>{%drag-an, dreog-an;%} Old Germ. {%trag-an;%} Mod.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0459 case = 507, hw = Dfz, page=0459-b

       <>Desid. {%didharshishati:%} Intens. {%dari1dhr2ishyate,
       <>dari1dharsht2i;%} [cf. Zend {%daresh,%} ‘to dare;’ {%darshi,%}
105219 <>‘strong:’ Gr. <g>θρασ-ύ-ς, θράσ-ος, θάρσ-ος, θαρσ-έ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%fortis:%} Goth.
       <>{%ga-daurs-an,%} ‘to dare:’ Slav. {%driÇz-a-ti, driÇz-na-ti,%}

case = 508, hw = Dfz, page=0459-b

       <>dari1dharsht2i;%} [cf. Zend {%daresh,%} ‘to dare;’ {%darshi,%}
       <>‘strong:’ Gr. <g></g>
105220 <><g>θαῤῥέω, θαρσ-ύνω, Θερσ-ίτη-ς:</g> Lat. {%fortis:%} Goth.
       <>{%ga-daurs-an,%} ‘to dare:’ Slav. {%driÇz-a-ti, driÇz-na-ti,%}
       <>‘to dare:’ Lith. {%dras-u11-s,%} ‘courageous;’ {%dras-a11,%}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0460 case = 509, hw = De, page=0460-a

       <>suckle, nourish: Desid. {%dhitsati,%} to wish to suck;
       <>[cf. {%dadhi, dha1tri1,%} 2. {%dha1yas, dha1ru,%} 2. {%dha1si:%}
105310 <>Zend {%dae1nu,%} ‘female:’ Gr. <g>θῆ-σθαι, θη-λή, θη-λώ,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%fi1-liu-s, fi1-

case = 510, hw = De, page=0460-a

       <>[cf. {%dadhi, dha1tri1,%} 2. {%dha1yas, dha1ru,%} 2. {%dha1si:%}
       <>Zend {%dae1nu,%} ‘female:’ Gr. <g></g>
105311 <><g>θηλα-μών, τήθη, τι-θή-νη, τί-τθο-ς, θῆ-λυ-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%fi1-liu-s, fi1-
       <>li-a, fe1-la1-re, fe1-mina:%} Umbr. {%fe-liu = filius:%}

case = 511, hw = De, page=0460-a

       <>Zend {%dae1nu,%} ‘female:’ Gr. <g></g>
105312 <><g>γαλα-θη-νό-ς, Τη-θύ-ς, ϴέ-τι-ς:</g> Lat. {%fi1-liu-s, fi1-
       <>li-a, fe1-la1-re, fe1-mina:%} Umbr. {%fe-liu = filius:%}
       <>Goth. {%dadd-ya%} = Old Germ. {%ta1-u,%} ‘I suck;’ {%tila,%}

case = 512, hw = DmA, page=0460-c

       <>dhma1yate),%} to be blown violently; [cf. Lat. {%fla1-
       <>re;%} Old Germ. {%blayan, bla1han, bla1san,%} ‘blow;’
105503 <>Gr. <g>σμώ-νη, σμώ-ς ?</g>].
       <P>{%Dhma, as, a1, am,%} blowing; [cf. {%tu1n2ava-dhº%} and
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0461 case = 513, hw = DyE, page=0461-a

       <>to call to mind, recollect: Caus. {%dhya1payati, -yitum:%}
       <>Desid. {%didhya1sati:%} Intens. {%da1dhya1yate, da1dhya1ti,
105549 <>da1dhyeti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>θέα, θεά-ο-μαι,</g> related to {%dhyai,%}
       <>as Lat. {%vid-ere%} to Sanskr2it {%vid,%} ‘to know;’ or as
       <>Zend {%budh,%} ‘to see,’ to Sanskr2it {%budh,%} ‘to know.’]

case = 514, hw = DraR, page=0461-b

       <P>.{#DraR#}¦ {%dhran2,%} cl. 1. P. {%dhran2ati,%} &c., to
       <>sound (as a drum or other instrument);
105636 <>[cf. rt. {%dhan2,%} 2. {%dhvan,%} 3. {%dha1ra1;%} Gr. <g>θρέ-ο-μαι,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth.

case = 515, hw = DraR, page=0461-b

       <>sound (as a drum or other instrument);
       <>[cf. rt. {%dhan2,%} 2. {%dhvan,%} 3. {%dha1ra1;%} Gr. <g></g>
105637 <><g>θρό-ο-ς, θρῆ-νο-ς, θρῦ-λο-ς, θρύλλος, θόρυ-βο-ς, τεν-θρη-δών,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth.
       <>{%drun-yu-s,%} ‘voice;’ Angl. Sax. {%dran,%} ‘a drone;’

case = 516, hw = DraR, page=0461-b

       <>[cf. rt. {%dhan2,%} 2. {%dhvan,%} 3. {%dha1ra1;%} Gr. <g></g>
105638 <><g>ἀν-θρη-δών, τον-θρύ-ς, τον-θορύζω;</g> Goth.
       <>{%drun-yu-s,%} ‘voice;’ Angl. Sax. {%dran,%} ‘a drone;’
       <>Mod. Germ. {%dro7nen.%}]
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0462 case = 517, hw = DrE, page=0462-a

       <>or hilarity by noise; [cf. {%drek.%}]
       <P>.{#DrE#}¦ {%dhrai,%} cl. 1. P. {%dhra1yati,%} &c., to be
105792 <>satisfied or pleased; [cf. probably Gr. <g>τρέφ-ω</g>
       <>= Caus. {%dhra1paya1mi,%} <g></g>]
       <P>.{#DvaMs#}¦ {%dhvan6s%} (sometimes written {%dhvas%}),

case = 518, hw = DrE, page=0462-a

       <P>.{#DrE#}¦ {%dhrai,%} cl. 1. P. {%dhra1yati,%} &c., to be
       <>satisfied or pleased; [cf. probably Gr. <g></g>
105793 <>= Caus. {%dhra1paya1mi,%} <g>θρέψις, τρόφις, ταρφύς.</g>]
       <P>.{#DvaMs#}¦ {%dhvan6s%} (sometimes written {%dhvas%}),
       <>cl. 1. A. {%dhvan6sate%} (ep. also {%-ti%}), {%da-
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0463 case = 519, hw = Dvf, page=0463-a

       <>Angl. Sax. {%thwer, thweorh, thwir, thwur, dwelian,
       <>dol, dweorg, for-dwilman;%} Old Germ. {%dwer-an,
106050 <>ga-dwor, twar-o1n, dwerh;%} Goth. {%dvals;%} Gr. <g>θόλ-ο-ς,</g>
       <P>{%Dhvaras, a1s,%} m. f., Ved. ‘destructive, hurtful,

case = 520, hw = Dvf, page=0463-a

       <>dol, dweorg, for-dwilman;%} Old Germ. {%dwer-an,
       <>ga-dwor, twar-o1n, dwerh;%} Goth. {%dvals;%} Gr. <g></g>
106051 <><g>θάλ-α-μο-ς.</g>]
       <P>{%Dhvaras, a1s,%} m. f., Ved. ‘destructive, hurtful,
       <>injurious,’ N. of certain female demons or noxious

case = 521, hw = na, page=0463-b

       <>3. {%a,%} which also in a few instances = ‘like’); it is also
       <>found in this sense in the later artificial poems; [cf.
106123 <>Lat. {%ne, non;%} Gr. <g>νη</g> in <g>νη-κηδής;</g>
       <>Lith. {%ne;%} Slav. {%ne;%} Goth. {%ni, ne, nei;%} Angl. Sax.
       <>{%na;%} Old Germ. {%ni;%} Hib. {%ni.%}]

case = 522, hw = nakta, page=0463-c

       <>A1ku1ti1; ({%am%}), ind. by night, at night; [cf. 2. {%nis4,
       <>nis4a1;%} Zend {%nakhturu%} or {%nakhtru,%} ‘nocturnal;’
106157 <>Gr. <g>νύξ, νύκτωρ, νύκτερο-ς, νυκτερ-ινό-ς, νύχιο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%nox, noctu, nocturnu-s, noctua;%}
       <>Goth. {%nahts;%} Angl. Sax. {%naht, niht;%} Mod. Germ.

case = 523, hw = nakta, page=0463-c

       <>nis4a1;%} Zend {%nakhturu%} or {%nakhtru,%} ‘nocturnal;’
       <>Gr. <g></g>
106158 <><g>νυκτερί-ς;</g> Lat. {%nox, noctu, nocturnu-s, noctua;%}
       <>Goth. {%nahts;%} Angl. Sax. {%naht, niht;%} Mod. Germ.
       <>{%nacht;%} Eng. {%night;%} Slav. {%noshtiÇ;%} Russ. {%noc4yi;%}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0464 case = 524, hw = nakta, page=0464-a

       <>destroy, kill, annihilate.
       <P>.{#nakta#}¦ 2. {%nakta%} or {%nakla%} (?), {%am,%} n. (for 1.
106254 <>{%nakta%} see p. 463, col. 3), = <g></g> N. of the fifth
       <>Yoga (in astronomy).
       <P>.{#naktaka#}¦ {%naktaka, as,%} m. dirty or ragged

case = 525, hw = naKa, page=0464-c

       <>table perfume different from the above though known
       <>by the same name, {%nakhi1;%} [cf. Lith. {%naga-s,%}
106447 <>‘nail;’ Slav. {%noguÇ-tiÇ%} = Russ. {%nogotiÇ;%} Gr. <g>ἔ-νυξ;</g>
       <>Lat. {%unguis, ungula;%} Old Germ. {%nagal;%} Angl.
       <>Sax. {%naegel;%} Hib. {%ionga,%} perhaps for {%nionga.%}]
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0468 case = 526, hw = napAt, page=0468-b

       <>[cf. {%tanu1-napa1t, pra-napa1t:%} Zend {%naptar, napat,%}
       <>‘descendant;’ {%napt-i,%} ‘kindred;’ {%naptya,%} ‘a family:’
107281 <>Gr. <g>ἀ-νεψιό-ς</g> for <g>ἁ-νεπτιό-ς,</g> quasi {%con-nepot-iu-s,%}
       <><g></g> Lat. {%nepo1(t)-s,%} f. {%nept-i-s:%} Old Iceland.
       <>{%nefi,%} ‘brother;’ {%nift,%} ‘sister:’ Old Germ. {%nefo,%}

case = 527, hw = napAt, page=0468-b

       <>‘descendant;’ {%napt-i,%} ‘kindred;’ {%naptya,%} ‘a family:’
       <>Gr. <g></g> quasi {%con-nepot-iu-s,%}
107282 <><g>νέπ-ο-δες:</g> Lat. {%nepo1(t)-s,%} f. {%nept-i-s:%} Old Iceland.
       <>{%nefi,%} ‘brother;’ {%nift,%} ‘sister:’ Old Germ. {%nefo,%}
       <>‘grandson, cousin;’ {%niftila,%} ‘female cousin:’ Goth.

case = 528, hw = naBa, page=0468-c

       <>d2ari1ka [cf. {%nabhas%}]; ({%a1%}), f. a spitting-pot (for
       <>{%nabha1s?%}); N. of the city of the Sun; [cf. Zend
107335 <>{%nap-ta,%} ‘moist, wet;’ Gr. <g>νέφ-ος, νεφ-έλη, ξυν-νέ-νοφε,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%nu1b-e1-s, nu1bilu-s, ne1bula,%} probably {%Nep-

case = 529, hw = naBa, page=0468-c

       <>{%nabha1s?%}); N. of the city of the Sun; [cf. Zend
       <>{%nap-ta,%} ‘moist, wet;’ Gr. <g></g>
107336 <><g>νεφό-ω,</g> probably <g>δνόφος, ἰο-δνέφής,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%nu1b-e1-s, nu1bilu-s, ne1bula,%} probably {%Nep-
       <>tu1-nu-s, nimbu-s%} for {%nembu-s;%} Old Iceland. {%nifl-

case = 530, hw = naBa, page=0468-c

       <>{%nap-ta,%} ‘moist, wet;’ Gr. <g></g>
107337 <><g>γνό-φος;</g> Lat. {%nu1b-e1-s, nu1bilu-s, ne1bula,%} probably {%Nep-
       <>tu1-nu-s, nimbu-s%} for {%nembu-s;%} Old Iceland. {%nifl-
       <>heim-r;%} Old Germ. {%nib-ul;%} Mod. Germ. {%neb-el;%}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0469 case = 531, hw = nam, page=0469-a

       <>sati:%} Intens. {%nannami1ti, nannanti, nannamyate,%}
       <>to bow, be bent, bend very low; [cf. Zend {%nemanh
107482 <>= namas, nim-ata,%} ‘grass:’ Gr. <g>νέμ-ω, νέμ-ο-μαι,</g>

case = 532, hw = nam, page=0469-a

       <>to bow, be bent, bend very low; [cf. Zend {%nemanh
       <>= namas, nim-ata,%} ‘grass:’ Gr. <g></g>
107483 <><g>νωμά-ω, νομ-ή, νέμ-η-σι-ς, νεμ-έ-τωρ, νομ-εύ-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%NuÇma, NuÇm-i-tor, nuÇm-e-ru-s,

case = 533, hw = nam, page=0469-a

       <>= namas, nim-ata,%} ‘grass:’ Gr. <g></g>
107484 <><g>νέμ-ε-σι-ς, νόμο-ς, νομίζ-ω, νόμισ-μα, νέμ-ος, Νε-μέα,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%NuÇma, NuÇm-i-tor, nuÇm-e-ru-s,
       <>Numerius, neÇm-us:%} Goth. and Angl. Sax. {%nim-an,%}

case = 534, hw = nam, page=0469-a

107485 <><g>νομ-ό-ς:</g> Lat. {%NuÇma, NuÇm-i-tor, nuÇm-e-ru-s,
       <>Numerius, neÇm-us:%} Goth. and Angl. Sax. {%nim-an,%}
       <>‘to take,’ originally ‘to subdue:’ Old Germ. {%na1m-a,%}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0470 case = 535, hw = nara, page=0470-a

       <>kings of Kas4mi1ra; ({%i1%}), f. a woman, {%= na1ri1; (am),%}
       <>n. a kind of fragrant grass, {%= ra1ma-karpu1ra;%} [cf.
107737 <>Gr. <g>ἀνήρ;</g> Lat. {%Nero, Neriene;%} probably Hib.
       <>{%naoi,%} ‘a man,’ but see {%nr2i.%}] {%--Nara-kapa1la, as,
       <>am,%} m. n. a man's skull. {%--Nara-ki1laka, as,%} m. the
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0472 case = 536, hw = nava, page=0472-b

       <>since, just, (the crude {%nava%} is prefixed to a past pass.
       <>part. in this sense, see {%nava-baddha%}); [for 2. {%nava%}
108217 <>see p. 473, col. 1: cf. Zend {%nava:%} Gr. <g>νέο-ς,</g>
       <>for <g></g>

case = 537, hw = nava, page=0472-b

       <>part. in this sense, see {%nava-baddha%}); [for 2. {%nava%}
       <>see p. 473, col. 1: cf. Zend {%nava:%} Gr. <g></g>
108218 <>for <g>νέϝο-ς, νεός, νειός, νε-αρό-ς, νε-ᾱν, νεᾱν-ία-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%novu-s, Noviu-s,

case = 538, hw = nava, page=0472-b

       <>see p. 473, col. 1: cf. Zend {%nava:%} Gr. <g></g>
       <>for <g></g>
108219 <><g>νέ-ᾱξ, νε-οσσό-ς, νε-οττ-ία, νε-οχ-μό-ς, νε-βρό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%novu-s, Noviu-s,
       <>nov-i1ciu-s, nov-a1li-s, nov-ellu-s, nov-a1re, nov-er-ca,

case = 539, hw = nava, page=0472-b

       <>for <g></g>
108220 <><g>νέ-ατο-ς, νεί-αιρα, νει-ρό-ν:</g> Lat. {%novu-s, Noviu-s,
       <>nov-i1ciu-s, nov-a1li-s, nov-ellu-s, nov-a1re, nov-er-ca,
       <>nu1-nt-iu-s, de-nuo, nu1-per:%} Osk. {%Nuv-la, Nuceria:%}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0473 case = 540, hw = navan, page=0473-a

       <>cloth; a cover, blanket, wrapper.
       <P>.{#navan#}¦ {%navan,%} m. f. n. pl. (said to be fr. rt.
108358 <>4. {%nu%}), nine; [cf. Zend {%navan,%} ‘nine:’ Gr. <g>ἐννέα,</g>

case = 541, hw = navan, page=0473-a

       <P>.{#navan#}¦ {%navan,%} m. f. n. pl. (said to be fr. rt.
       <>4. {%nu%}), nine; [cf. Zend {%navan,%} ‘nine:’ Gr. <g></g>
108359 <><g>ἔνα-το-ς, ἔννα-το-ς, εἴνατο-ς, ἐννά-κις, ἐνάκις,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%novem, no1nu-s, nov-iens, no1na1-ginta,

case = 542, hw = navan, page=0473-a

       <>4. {%nu%}), nine; [cf. Zend {%navan,%} ‘nine:’ Gr. <g></g>
108360 <><g>εἰνάκις, ἐνα-κόσιοι, ἐννα-κόσιοι, ἐνενή-κοντα,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%novem, no1nu-s, nov-iens, no1na1-ginta,
       <>non-genti:%} Goth. {%niun,%} ‘nine;’ {%niun-da,%} ‘the

case = 543, hw = navan, page=0473-a

108361 <><g>ἐννή-κοντα:</g> Lat. {%novem, no1nu-s, nov-iens, no1na1-ginta,
       <>non-genti:%} Goth. {%niun,%} ‘nine;’ {%niun-da,%} ‘the
       <>ninth:’ Angl. Sax. {%nigan,%} ‘nine:’ Old Germ. {%niun:%}

case = 544, hw = naS, page=0473-c

       <>nan4kshati:%} Intens. {%na1nas4yate, na1nan6sht2i;%} [cf.
       <>Zend {%nas4u,%} ‘a corpse;’ {%nas4-ista,%} ‘very destructive:’
108519 <>Gr. <g>νέκ-υ-ς, νέκυ-ια, νεκ-ρό-ς,</g> probably <g>νόσο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> for <g></g> like <g></g> for <g></g> Lat. {%nex, nec-
       <>are, noc-e1re, noxa, per-nicies, ve-ne-nu-m%} for {%ve-

case = 545, hw = naS, page=0473-c

       <>Zend {%nas4u,%} ‘a corpse;’ {%nas4-ista,%} ‘very destructive:’
       <>Gr. <g></g> probably <g></g>
108520 <><g>νοῦσο-ς</g> for <g>νοξο-ς,</g> like <g>συν</g> for <g>ξυν:</g> Lat. {%nex, nec-
       <>are, noc-e1re, noxa, per-nicies, ve-ne-nu-m%} for {%ve-
       <>nec-nu-m:%} Goth. {%nau-s, navi-s,%} ‘a corpse,’ for {%nag-
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0474 case = 546, hw = nas, page=0474-a

       <>join; to copulate (especially as husband and wife);
       <>(said to mean also) to be crooked or curved; to bend;
108603 <>to be fraudulent; [cf. Gr. <g>νέ-ο-μαι, νίσ-σ-ο-μαι,</g>
       <><g></g> probably also <g></g> for <g></g>

case = 547, hw = nas, page=0474-a

       <>(said to mean also) to be crooked or curved; to bend;
       <>to be fraudulent; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
108604 <><g>νόσ-το-ς,</g> probably also <g>ναίω</g> for <g>νασ-_y_-ω, ἔ-νασ-σα,</g>
       <P>.{#nas#}¦ 3. {%nas,%} f. (probably fr. rt. {%sna1,%} to

case = 548, hw = nas, page=0474-a

       <>to be fraudulent; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
       <><g></g> probably also <g></g> for <g></g>
108605 <><g>ἐ-νάσ-θη-ν.</g>]
       <P>.{#nas#}¦ 3. {%nas,%} f. (probably fr. rt. {%sna1,%} to
       <>bathe, or {%snu,%} to flow, the initial {%s%} being dropped;

case = 549, hw = nah, page=0474-b

       <>to bind or tie together, to cause to put on: Desid.
       <>{%ninatsati, -te:%} Intens. {%na1nahyate, na1naddhi;%} [cf.
108661 <>Gr. <g>νέ-ω, νή-θ-ω, νῆ-μα, νῆ-σι-ς, νῆ-τρο-ν, νέ-ω,</g>
       <>Intens. <g></g> Lat. {%ne-o, ne-men, ne-
       <>tu-s, nec-t-o, nexu-s:%} Old Germ. {%na1-an, na1w-an,

case = 550, hw = nah, page=0474-b

       <>{%ninatsati, -te:%} Intens. {%na1nahyate, na1naddhi;%} [cf.
       <>Gr. <g></g>
108662 <>Intens. <g>νη-νέ-ω, νη-έ-ω:</g> Lat. {%ne-o, ne-men, ne-
       <>tu-s, nec-t-o, nexu-s:%} Old Germ. {%na1-an, na1w-an,
       <>na1h-an,%} ‘to sew;’ {%na1-dal,%} ‘needle;’ {%nah,%} ‘near:’
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0477 case = 551, hw = nABi, page=0477-c

       <>R2ishabha, first Arhat of the present Ava-sarpin2i1; [cf.
       <>{%na1bha,%} 2. {%nabhya, anya-nº, ghana-nº,%} &c.: cf.
109519 <>also Gr. <g>ὀμφ-αλό-ς, ὅμφαξ:</g> Lat. {%umb-il-i1cu-s,
       <>umbo:%} Old Germ. {%nab-a,%} ‘nave;’ {%nabulo,%} ‘navel:’
       <>Angl. Sax. {%nafu, nafela:%} Mod. Germ. {%nabe, na-
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

page = 0478 case = 552, hw = nAman, page=0478-b

       <>lexicographers {%na1ma%} implies certainty, possibility,
       <>anger, reproach, consent, promise, recollection, sur-
109633 <>prise, pretence, &c.; [cf. Zend {%na1man:%} Gr. <g>ὄνο-μα(τ),</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%co-gno1-men, i-gno1-min-ia, no1-men,

case = 553, hw = nAman, page=0478-b

       <>anger, reproach, consent, promise, recollection, sur-
       <>prise, pretence, &c.; [cf. Zend {%na1man:%} Gr. <g></g>
109634 <><g>ἀν-ώνυ-μο-ς, νώνυμν-ο-ς, ὀνομαίνω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. {%co-gno1-men, i-gno1-min-ia, no1-men,
       <>no1min-a1-re, nam, quis-nam, quem-nam%} = Sanskr2it

case = 554, hw = nAman, page=0478-b

       <>prise, pretence, &c.; [cf. Zend {%na1man:%} Gr. <g></g>
109635 <><g>ὀνο-μάζω:</g> Lat. {%co-gno1-men, i-gno1-min-ia, no1-men,
       <>no1min-a1-re, nam, quis-nam, quem-nam%} = Sanskr2it
       <>{%kam2 na1ma, nem-pe%} = Sanskr2it {%na1ma api:%} Umbr.