sanskrit-lexicon / GreekInSanskrit

Provide missing Greek text for the Cologne digitizations of Sanskrit dictionaries.
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Few unresolved Greek cases left in MW #18

Closed gasyoun closed 8 years ago

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

@jmigliori calling for your help for again. Few cases are not yet updated by @funderburkjim or never fixed before - no idea of what statement is true.


<H2A><h><hc3>000</hc3><key1>akzitavya</key1><hc1>1</hc1><key2>akzitavya^</key2></h><body> <ab>cf.</ab> <s>azwa</s>-<s>karRa</s> and <ab>Gk.</ab> $, <ls>MaitrS.</ls></body><tail><pc>1308,2</pc><L supL="300530.3">550.3</L></tail></H2A>


<H2B><h><hc3>100</hc3><key1>aNkuSI</key1><hc1>2</hc1><key2>aNkuSI</key2></h><body> <lex>f.</lex> <c>one_of_the_twenty-four_<as0>Jaina</as0><as1><s>jEna</s></as1>_goddesses</c> <ls>L.</ls> <p><b><ab>cf.</ab>~<c><ab>Gk.</ab>_$_;_<ab>Germ.</ab></c>~<etym>Angel</etym></b></p>. </body><tail><MW>000971</MW> <pc>7,2</pc> <L>1476.1</L></tail></H2B>


<H1A><h><hc3>000</hc3><key1>aha</key1><hc1>1</hc1><key2>aha</key2></h><body> 1 (also) a particle answering to <s>ha</s> in a preceding sentence (<s>ha</s>-<s>aha</s> = $), <ls>Gan2ar.</ls></body><tail><pc>1318,3</pc><L supL="317450">21634.1</L></tail></H1A>



<H2><h><hc3>000</hc3><key1>ema</key1><hc1>2</hc1><key2>e/ma</key2><hom>a</hom></h><body> <s>am</s> <lex>n.</lex> <c>course_,_way</c> <ls>RV.</ls> <ls>VS.</ls>; <p><b><ab>cf.</ab>~<c><ab>Gk.</ab>_$_,_$_<ab>Lith.</ab></c>~<etym>eisme</etym>.</b></p> </body> <tail><mul/><MW>027507</MW> <pc>231,3</pc> <L>40093</L></tail></H2>


<H1><h><hc3>110</hc3><key1>gArBa</key1><hc1>1</hc1><key2>gArBa</key2></h><body> <lex>mfn.</lex> <p>fr._$</p> <c>_,_born_from_a_womb</c> <ls>BhP._iii_,_7_,_27</ls> </body><tail><pc>354,2</pc> <L>64957</L></tail></H1>



<H3B><h><hc3>110</hc3><key1>janitrI</key1><hc1>3</hc1><key2>ja/n<sr1/>itrI</key2></h><body>  <lex>f.</lex> <c>a_mother_,_$</c> <etym>genitrix</etym> <ls>RV.</ls> <ls>AV.</ls> <ls>TS._iv</ls> <ls>Gobh.</ls> <ls>MBh.</ls> <ls>VarBr2S.</ls>  </body><tail><mul/> <MW>050123</MW> <pc>411,1</pc> <L>76961.1</L></tail></H3B>



<H2B><h><hc3>100</hc3><key1>varUtri</key1><hc1>2</hc1><key2>va/rUtri</key2></h><body> <ORSL><pL>186745</pL></ORSL> <lex>f.</lex> <c>a_female_protector_,_guardian_goddess_<p>applied_to_a_<ab>partic.</ab>_class_of_divine_beings</p></c> <ls>RV.</ls> <ls>TS.</ls> <ls>VS.</ls> <ls>S3Br._<b><ab>cf.</ab>_<ab>Gk.</ab>_$_for_$.</b></ls> </body><tail><mul/> <MW>119110</MW> <pc>921,3</pc> <L>186745.1</L></tail></H2B>


jmigliori commented 8 years ago

Hello, @gasyoun and @funderburkjim! I’ve been very busy since the school year began and have fallen a bit behind in my Greek-related duties. How exactly can I go about fixing these cases?

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

@jmigliori not a big issue at all. I guess editing my message and adding the right words under would be the way to go if @funderburkjim does not mind.

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

@gasyoun Please pardon the eagerness of neophyte. Does this helps, perhaps?

1 ὀξύς 2 ἄγκιστρον 3 μὲν - δέ 4 οἶμος, οἴμη 5 gárbhω 6 γενέτειρα 7 ῥύτωρ for ϝερυτωρ (I find under वरूत्री ρ῾ύτωρ for ϝερυτωρ. This should be corrected to ῥύτωρ for ϝερυτωρ.) image

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

@zaaf2 oh sure it might, if Jim agrees, thanks. The only question I have is - are you sure about ῥύτωρ for ϝερυτωρ - maybe it's some dialectical form?

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@jmigliori Hi! Glad to hear from you again. @gasyoun 's suggestion is fine, just put a note here when you're done, so I'll know its time for me to install.

ALSO, as you probably recall, the MW system for Greek is a little different, because it involves a 'BETA' form. So, if you could supply the BETA form, that would be a help.

Probably @zaaf2 has supplied the right text, so you could just check his work, and add the BETA. That should be all that is required.

jmigliori commented 8 years ago

Thanks @funderburkjim ! @zaaf2 ’s suggestions were all correct. Here they are in BETA:

1 O)CU/S2 2 A)/GKISTRON 3 ME\N - DE/ 4 OI)=MOS2, OI)/MH 5 gárbhW 6 GENE/TEIRA 7 P(U/TWR for VERUTWR

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@jmigliori Ah- I see you beat me to it re BETA. Thanks. That should be all I need.

BTW: are you still planning to get back to Greek in MW72 when your time permits?

Just for information, here is a link describing how Greek is handled in MW.

Within that document are several other links; this link, when you press the 'alphabet' button, shows the correspondence between BETA and Unicode, as I understood it.

I also added the 'mwgreek' folder to the part of the MW downloads.

Oh, I just noticed that 5 5 gárbhW 5 gárbhω doesn't look right - Surely this isn't Greek?

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

gárbhω looks bad but it is what is in the book. I guess the Greek letter does not belong there. Greek in MW72 sounds way better anything @jmigliori Jonathan might have wished for Christmas :cactus:

jmigliori commented 8 years ago

I will be getting back to the Greek in MW72 before too long. And just to clarify, should I be using Unicode or BETA for input? I think I did the last two sections in Unicode.

I thought the last letter in garbhw may have been in a lowercase omega, but, on second look, I’m not so sure.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

garbhw may have been in a lowercase omega - sure it looks so, but does not make sense to have 1 Greek letter in an otherwise Sanskrit word.

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

@funderburkjim Thanks for the links! Now I see how it works. gárbhω I though was some kind of phonetic notation, now I see it is a typographycal error in the printed edition. It must be gárbha (गर्भ).

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@jmigliori Re MW72 Greek - Input in Unicode, as you have been doing.

It's only the MW dictionary (specifically, this is the 1899 edition) that involves BETA. The one we call MW72 is an earlier edition (1872), and input of Greek should be in Unicode for that one.

Thanks again for the help.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

I vote for gárbha (गर्भ) as well. Must be ω->a. Similar.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Greek now installed (1-7, except 5).

gárbha changed, but not yet fully installed. Will get installed later.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

I give you my thanks.