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Greek in MW72, part 6 #24

Closed funderburkjim closed 7 years ago

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

This continues work of #22.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0785 case = 883, hw = muni, page=0785-a

       <>to think or perceive, Uṇādi-s. IV. 122; perhaps
       <>connected with <g>μόνος,</g> alone, whence the Eng. <nsi>monk</nsi>
180237 <>is said to be derived; cf. also <g>μία</g> fr. <g>εἷς</g>), impulse
       <>(Ved. ?); an inspired saint, holy man endowed with
       <>divine inspiration or one who has attained more or

case = 884, hw = murasidAbAda, page=0785-c

       <>the Turushkas.
       <P>.{#murasidAbAda#}¦ {%murasidābāda,%} N. of a city
180397 <>(<g></g>).
       <P>.{#murAda#}¦ {%murāda, as,%} m. a proper N.
       <P>.{#muru#}¦ {%muru, us,%} m., N. of a country; N. of

case = 885, hw = muruRqa, page=0785-c

       <>perma, (also spelt {%murańgī.%})
       <P>.{#muruRqa#}¦ {%muruṇḍa, as,%} m., N. of a king;
180407 <>({%ās%}), m. pl., N. of a people, [cf. <g>Μαροῦνδαι,</g> a
       <>people mentioned by Ptolemy.]
       <P>{%Muruṇḍaka, as,%} m., N. of a mountain in Udyāna.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0786 case = 886, hw = mUrti, page=0786-a

       <>Daksha and wife of Dharma; ({%is%}), m., N. of one
       <>of the sages under the tenth Manu; [cf. perhaps Gr.
180506 <><g>βρέτας, μορφή.</g>] {%--Mūrti-tas,%} ind. from the form,
       <>bodily, substantially. {%--Mūrti-tva, am,%} n. the being
       <>or having a body, corporeity, embodiment, materiality,

case = 887, hw = muSallaha, page=0786-b

       <>See {%musaṭī, musala, musalikā, musalin.%}
       <P>.{#muSallaha#}¦ {%muśallaha%} or {%musallaha,%} an astro-
180536 <>logical term (<g></g>).
       <P>.{#muz#}¦ 1. {%mush,%} cl. 1. P. {%moshati, moshi-%}
       <>{%tum,%} = rt. {%mash,%} to kill, q. v.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0787 case = 888, hw = muhera, page=0787-b

       <P>{%Muhera, as,%} m. {%= muhira,%} a fool, blockhead; [cf.
180798 <>perhaps Gr. <g>μῶρο-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>moru-s, mor-osu-s.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Mūḍha, as, ā, am,%} stupefied, bewildered, per-
       <>plexed, confounded, confused [cf. {%diń-mº%}], uncer-
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0789 case = 889, hw = mUza, page=0789-b

       <>crucible, (said to be also {%as,%} m. and {%ī,%} f.); Lipeo-
       <>cercis Serrata; {%= gavāksha,%} a round window, air-
181244 <>hole; [cf. Gr. <g>μῦς;</g> Lat. <nsi>mus, mus-culu-s, mus-</nsi>
       <><nsi>cip-ula;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>mûs;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>mys-i.</nsi>] {%--Mū-%}
       <>{%shā-karṇī,%} f. an aquatic plant, Salvinia Cucullata.

case = 890, hw = mf, page=0789-b

       <>point of death, face death: Intens. {%memrīyate, mar-%}
       <>{%marti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>mar,</nsi> ‘to die;’ <nsi>mare-ta,</nsi> ‘mortal;’
181312 <><nsi>maretan,</nsi> ‘man:’ Gr. <g>ἄ-μβρο-το-ς, ἀμ-βρόσ-ιο-ς, βρο-τό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>mor- </nsi>[Page0789-c+ 81]
       <><nsi>i-or-r, mor-(ti)-s, mor-tuu-us, mort-âli-s, mor-</nsi>

case = 891, hw = mf, page=0789-b

       <>{%marti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>mar,</nsi> ‘to die;’ <nsi>mare-ta,</nsi> ‘mortal;’
       <><nsi>maretan,</nsi> ‘man:’ Gr. <g></g>
181313 <><g>μορ-τό-ς, μαραίν-ω, μαρα-σ-μό-ς:</g> Lat. <nsi>mor- </nsi>[Page0789-c+ 81]
       <><nsi>i-or-r, mor-(ti)-s, mor-tuu-us, mort-âli-s, mor-</nsi>
       <><nsi>bu-s, mar-c-e-o, marc-e-sc-o, marc-i-du-s:</nsi> Angl.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0790 case = 892, hw = mfga, page=0790-b

       <>or, according to some, third or fifth Nakshatra or
       <>lunar mansion (containing three stars, one of which
181664 <>is <g>λ</g> Orionis and figured by an antelope's head; see
       <>{%nakshatra%}); ({%ās, ās, as%}), born under the Nakshatra
       <>Mṛiga-śiras; ({%ās%}), m., scil. {%hasta,%} a particular posi-
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0791 case = 893, hw = mfj, page=0791-c

       <>{%shṭi,%} to rub or wipe off repeatedly, to keep rubbing
       <>or wiping off; (A.) to be continually cleansing one's
181839 <>self; [cf. Zend <nsi>marez,</nsi> ‘to wipe:’ Gr. <g>ἀμέλγ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> (for

case = 894, hw = mfj, page=0791-c

       <>or wiping off; (A.) to be continually cleansing one's
       <>self; [cf. Zend <nsi>marez,</nsi> ‘to wipe:’ Gr. <g></g>
181840 <><g>ἄμελξις, ἀμολγεύ-ς, ἀμολγαῖο-ς, ἀμέργ-ω, ἀμοργός,</g>
       <><g></g> (for
       <><g></g> (for <g></g>): Lat.

case = 895, hw = mfj, page=0791-c

       <>self; [cf. Zend <nsi>marez,</nsi> ‘to wipe:’ Gr. <g></g>
181841 <><g>ἀμόργη, ὀμόργ-νυ-μι, ὄμοργ-μα, γλάγος</g> (for
       <><g></g> (for <g></g>): Lat.
       <><nsi>mulg-e-o, mulc-tu-s, mulctra, mulctru-m, merg-a,</nsi>

case = 896, hw = mfj, page=0791-c

       <><g></g> (for
181842 <><g>μλάγος), γάλα, γάλακτος </g> (for <g>μλακτο</g>): Lat.
       <><nsi>mulg-e-o, mulc-tu-s, mulctra, mulctru-m, merg-a,</nsi>
       <><nsi>merg-e(t)s, mulier, lac</nsi> (for <nsi>mlac</nsi>): Old Germ.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0792 case = 897, hw = mfq, page=0792-a

       <>{%marḍayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%amīmṛiḍat%} or {%amamar-%}
       <>{%ḍat:%} Desid. {%mimarḍishati:%} Intens. {%marīmṛiḍyate,%}
181897 <>{%marīmarṭṭi;%} [cf. Gr. <g>μείλ-ια, μείλιχο-ς, μειλίχ-ιο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>blan-</nsi>
       <><nsi>dus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>mild-s,</nsi> ‘affectionate:’ Old Germ. <nsi>mil-</nsi>

case = 898, hw = mfq, page=0792-a

       <>{%ḍat:%} Desid. {%mimarḍishati:%} Intens. {%marīmṛiḍyate,%}
       <>{%marīmarṭṭi;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
181898 <><g>μει-λιχ-ίη, μειλίσσω, μειλ-εῖν:</g> Lat. <nsi>blan-</nsi>
       <><nsi>dus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>mild-s,</nsi> ‘affectionate:’ Old Germ. <nsi>mil-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ti,</nsi> ‘mild:’ Slav. <nsi>mil-ŭ,</nsi> ‘pitiable;’ <nsi>mil-ovati,</nsi> ‘to

case = 899, hw = mfR, page=0792-a

       <P>.{#mfR#}¦ {%mṛiṇ%} (connected with rts. {%mṛi,%}
       <>{%mṛī%}), cl. 6. P. {%mṛiṇati, mamarṇa,%}
181931 <>{%mṛiṇitum,%} to kill, slay; [cf. Gr. <g>μάρναμαι.</g>]
       <P>.{#mfRAla#}¦ {%mṛiṇāla, as, am,%} m. n. (said to be
       <>also {%ī,%} f.), the edible fibrous root of some kinds of

case = 900, hw = mfd, page=0792-b

       <>&c.: Desid. {%mimardishati,%} to desire to crush, wish
       <>to pound; to be about to crush, &c.: Intens. {%marī-%}
181980 <>{%mṛidyate, marīmartti,%} &c.; [cf. Gr. <g>ἀ-μέρδ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>mord-</nsi>
       <><nsi>e-o, mand-o, mol-o, mol-a, malleus</nsi> (for <nsi>mar-</nsi>

case = 901, hw = mfd, page=0792-b

       <>to pound; to be about to crush, &c.: Intens. {%marī-%}
       <>{%mṛidyate, marīmartti,%} &c.; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
181981 <><g>μύλ-η, μέλδ-ω, ἀ-μαλδ-ύν-ω, ἄ-μαλο-ς:</g> Lat. <nsi>mord-</nsi>
       <><nsi>e-o, mand-o, mol-o, mol-a, malleus</nsi> (for <nsi>mar-</nsi>
       <><nsi>deus</nsi>): Goth. <nsi>malvja,</nsi> ‘I pound;’ <nsi>mala,</nsi> ‘I grind;’

case = 902, hw = mfdu, page=0792-c

       <>N. of a king; ({%vī%}), f. a vine with red grapes [cf. {%mṛi-%}
       <>{%dvīkā%}]; ({%u%}), n. softness, mildness, gentleness; [cf.
182054 <>Gr. <g>βραδύς</g> (fr. <g>μραδύς</g> like <g>βροτό-ς</g> fr. <g>μροτό-ς</g>);
       <>Lat. <nsi>bardus, mollis</nsi> (fr. <nsi>molvis</nsi> for <nsi>modvis</nsi> or
       <><nsi>morvis</nsi>), <nsi>mollities, mollīre, blandus;</nsi> Old Germ.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0793 case = 903, hw = mfdaNgaka, page=0793-a

       <>{%linī,%} f. {%= mṛidańgī.%}
       <P>{%Mṛidańgaka, am,%} n. a kind of metre, four times
182138 <><g>¯ ¯ ˘ ¯ ˘ ˘ ˘ ¯ ˘ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯.</g>
       <P>.{#mfdara#}¦ {%mṛidara, as, ā, am%} (perhaps fr. rt. 1.
       <>{%mṛid,%} said to be fr. rt. {%mṛi%}), sporting, sportive;

case = 904, hw = mfD, page=0793-a

       <>to contemn, neglect, forget, disregard, be disgusted
       <>with (with acc.); to be moist; to moisten; [cf. pro-
182150 <>bably Gr. <g>μαλθακός;</g> Goth. <nsi>maurthr;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>mordher, mordhor;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>multjan.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%mṛidh, t,%} f., Ved. (according to Sāy.) combat,

case = 905, hw = me, page=0793-b

       <>Caus. {%māpayati, -yitum,%} to cross over, (perhaps fr.
       <>rt. 3. {%mā%}): Desid. {%mitsate:%} Intens. {%memīyate,%}
182255 <>{%māmeti, māmāti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ἀ-μείβ-ω, ἀμείβ-ο-μαι,</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>me-a-re, mov-e-o, mô-tu-s, mô-tio, mô-men-</nsi>

case = 906, hw = me, page=0793-b

       <>rt. 3. {%mā%}): Desid. {%mitsate:%} Intens. {%memīyate,%}
       <>{%māmeti, māmāti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
182256 <><g>ἀ-μεύ-σα-οθαι, παρ-αμείβ-εινμ ἀμοιβή, μοῖ-το-ς:</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>me-a-re, mov-e-o, mô-tu-s, mô-tio, mô-men-</nsi>
       <><nsi>tu-m, mu-ta-re, mû-tuu-s, communis, munus:</nsi>

case = 907, hw = meGa, page=0793-c

       <>fifth Arhat of the present Ava-sarpiṇī; of a poet,
       <>(also read {%meća%}); of a mountain; ({%am%}), n. talc;
182317 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ὀ-μίχ-λη;</g> Goth. <nsi>milh-ma,</nsi> ‘a cloud;’
       <>Lith. <nsi>mig-la,</nsi> ‘a mist.’] {%--Megha-kapha, as,%} m.
       <>‘cloud-phlegm,’ hail. {%--Megha-karṇā,%} f., N. of one
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0795 case = 908, hw = medas, page=0795-a

       <>vigour, energy (Ved.); corpulence; excessive fatness,
       <>morbid or unnatural corpulence ({%= meda-dosha%}); a
182599 <>mystical term for the letter {%v;%} [cf. perhaps Gr. <g>μῡε-λό-ς</g>
       <><g></g> for <g></g> Lat. <nsi>medulla</nsi> for <nsi>medusla</nsi> or
       <><nsi>medurla.</nsi>] {%--Medaḥ-puććha%} or {%medaḥ-puććhaka,%}

case = 909, hw = medas, page=0795-a

       <>morbid or unnatural corpulence ({%= meda-dosha%}); a
       <>mystical term for the letter {%v;%} [cf. perhaps Gr. <g></g>
182600 <><g></g> for <g>μεδυλό-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>medulla</nsi> for <nsi>medusla</nsi> or
       <><nsi>medurla.</nsi>] {%--Medaḥ-puććha%} or {%medaḥ-puććhaka,%}
       <>{%as,%} m. the fat-tailed sheep. {%--Medaḥ-sāra, as, ā,%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0796 case = 910, hw = mela, page=0796-a

       <>number; any black substance used for writing, ink-
       <>powder, ink, (in this and the following senses pro-
182861 <>bably connected with Gr. <g>μέλας</g>); antimony, eye-
       <>salve; the indigo plant. {%--Melā-nanda, as, ā,%} m. f.
       <>an ink-bottle; [cf. {%melā-mandā%} below.] {%--Melā-%}

case = 911, hw = mezUraRa, page=0796-b

       <P>{%Meshāyita, as, ā, am,%} acting like a ram or goat.
       <P>.{#mezUraRa#}¦ {%meshūraṇa, am,%} n. (a word bor-
182930 <>rowed fr. the Gr. <g>μεσουράνημα</g>), epithet of the
       <>tenth astrological house.
       <P>.{#meha#}¦ {%meha, as,%} m. (according to some also)

case = 912, hw = meha, page=0796-b

       <>{%haṃ kṛi,%} to make water; {%a-meha,%} retention of
       <>urine); urinary disease, excessive flow of urine, dia-
182936 <>betes; a ram ({%= mesha%}); a goat; [cf. Gr. <g>μοιχός.</g>]
       <>{%--Meha-ghnī,%} f. ‘curing diabetes,’ Indian saffron.
       <>{%--Meha-hāṭa,%} N. of a place; [cf. {%meda-pāṭa.%}]
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0800 case = 913, hw = mlE, page=0800-c

       <>be dispirited or downcast; to be sad: Caus. {%mlāpa-%}
       <>{%yati, -yitum,%} to cause to wither or fade; to enfeeble,
183917 <>make languid or dispirited, emaciate; [cf. Gr. <g>βλάπτω</g>
       <>= Caus. {%mlāpayati,%} <g></g>]
       <P>{%Mlāta, as, ā, am,%} faded, withered; made white

case = 914, hw = mlE, page=0800-c

       <>{%yati, -yitum,%} to cause to wither or fade; to enfeeble,
       <>make languid or dispirited, emaciate; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
183918 <>= Caus. {%mlāpayati,%} <g>μῶλυς, μωλυρύς.</g>]
       <P>{%Mlāta, as, ā, am,%} faded, withered; made white
       <>by tanning (said of leather).
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0801 case = 915, hw = yakft, page=0801-a

       <>{%kṛidbhyām%} or {%yakabhyām, yakṛidbhis%} or {%yaka-%}
       <>{%bhis,%} see Pāṇ. VI. 1, 63, Vopa-deva III. 39, III. 165,
183986 <>Gram. 144), the liver; [cf. Gr. <g>ἧπαρ;</g> Lat. <nsi>jecur;</nsi>
       <>(perhaps) Angl. Sax. <nsi>lifer;</nsi> Lett. <nsi>ak-ni-s;</nsi> Bohem.
       <><nsi>jatra,</nsi> ‘the liver.’] {%--Yakṛit-kośa, as, am,%} m. n.

case = 916, hw = yaj, page=0801-c

       <>to sacrifice or worship, wish to make an offering:
       <>Intens. {%yāyajyate, yāyajīti, yāyashṭi;%} [cf. Zend
184198 <><nsi>yaz,</nsi> ‘to honour, worship;’ Gr. <g>ἅζ-ο-μαι, ἅγ-ιο-ς,</g>
       <P>{%Yakshya, as, ā, am,%} Ved. to be sacrificed or wor-

case = 917, hw = yaj, page=0801-c

       <>Intens. {%yāyajyate, yāyajīti, yāyashṭi;%} [cf. Zend
       <><nsi>yaz,</nsi> ‘to honour, worship;’ Gr. <g></g>
184199 <><g>ἅγ-νό-ς, ἅγίζω, ἕναγίζω, ἅγ-ος.</g>.]
       <P>{%Yakshya, as, ā, am,%} Ved. to be sacrificed or wor-
       <>shipped, &c., (according to Sāy. on Ṛig-veda VIII.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0804 case = 918, hw = yat, page=0804-b

       <>harass, distress, torture, vex, annoy; to reprehend,
       <>despise: Desid. {%yiyatishate:%} Intens. {%yāyatyate,%}
184823 <>{%yāyatti;%} [cf. according to some Gr. <g>ζητέω.</g>]
       <P>{%Yatat, an, antī, at,%} exerting one's self, striving
       <>after, &c., (in Ṛig-veda V. 48, 5. {%yatat = uddha-%}

case = 919, hw = yatas, page=0804-c

       <>from any place whatever; {%yataḥ-prabhṛiti,%} whence- [Page0805-a+ 76]
       <>forward, from which time forward, from what time;
184911 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ὅ-θε-ν;</g> Slav. <nsi>jundu-se.</nsi>] {%--Yato-jā, ās,%}
       <>{%ās, am,%} or {%yatodbhava (ºtas-udº), as, ā, am,%}
       <>produced from which. {%--Yato-mūla, as, ā, am,%} ori-
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0807 case = 920, hw = yad, page=0807-c

       <>‘or else’): in philosophical writings {%yaḥ%} is said to
       <>be used as a synonymn for {%purushaḥ:%} [cf. Zend
185690 <><nsi>ya:</nsi> Gr. <g>ὅ-ς, ἥ, ὅ, ἵνα, ὡς:</g> Goth. <nsi>ja-bai,</nsi> ‘if;’ <nsi>jau,</nsi>
       <>‘whether:’ Lith. <nsi>ji-s,</nsi> ‘he;’ <nsi>ji,</nsi> ‘she;’ <nsi>ju,</nsi> ‘it:’
       <>Slav. <nsi>i, ja, je.</nsi>] {%--Yać-ćhandas, ās, ās, as,%} having
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0809 case = 921, hw = yam, page=0809-a

       <>check, keep in order, control; to offer, give, present,
       <>serve with (food, &c.); Desid. {%yiyaṉsati:%} Intens.
185904 <>{%yaṉyamyate, yaṉyamīti, yaṉyanti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ζημία,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>jejunus, frœna, emo</nsi> (for
       <><nsi>sumo</nsi>), <nsi>sub-imo, demo</nsi> (for <nsi>de-imo</nsi>): Lith. <nsi>immu,</nsi>

case = 922, hw = yam, page=0809-a

       <>serve with (food, &c.); Desid. {%yiyaṉsati:%} Intens.
       <>{%yaṉyamyate, yaṉyamīti, yaṉyanti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
185905 <><g>ἡνία, ἥμερος:</g> Lat. <nsi>jejunus, frœna, emo</nsi> (for
       <><nsi>sumo</nsi>), <nsi>sub-imo, demo</nsi> (for <nsi>de-imo</nsi>): Lith. <nsi>immu,</nsi>
       <>‘to take:’ Slav. <nsi>imami:</nsi> Russ. <nsi>imaju:</nsi> Hib. <nsi>iomai-</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0811 case = 923, hw = yava, page=0811-b

       <>tenth mansions and the unfavourable ones in the first
       <>and seventh); speed, velocity (?); a double convex
186459 <>lens (?); [cf. Zend <nsi>yava;</nsi> Gr. <g>ζεά;</g> Lith. <nsi>jawa-s.</nsi>]
       <>{%--Yava-krī, īs,%} m. a buyer or purchaser of barley;
       <>a proper N.; [cf. {%yava-krīta.%}] {%--Yava-krīta, as,%}

case = 924, hw = yava, page=0811-b

       <>mixed with barley; ({%ān%}), m., N. of a Gandharva;
       <>of the author of a Vedic hymn; ({%atī%}), f. a kind of
186498 <>metre, twice <g>¯ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ ˘, ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ ˘ </g>
       <><g></g> ({%at%}), n. abundance of grain (Ved.).
       <>{%--Yava-madhya, as, ā, am,%} having the middle

case = 925, hw = yava, page=0811-b

       <>of the author of a Vedic hymn; ({%atī%}), f. a kind of
       <>metre, twice <g></g>
186499 <><g>¯ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ ¯;</g> ({%at%}), n. abundance of grain (Ved.).
       <>{%--Yava-madhya, as, ā, am,%} having the middle
       <>like a barely-corn, i. e. stout or broad in the centre
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0812 case = 926, hw = yaSas, page=0812-b

       <>handsome, splendid, resplendent; worthy, excellent;
       <>renowned, honoured, respected, venerated; pleasant,
186688 <>pleasing, agreeable, estimable; [cf. Gr. <g>δοκ-έ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>dec-et, decus, dignu-s, doceo;</nsi> probably Angl. Sax.

case = 927, hw = yaSas, page=0812-b

       <>renowned, honoured, respected, venerated; pleasant,
       <>pleasing, agreeable, estimable; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
186689 <><g>δόξα, δόγμα, δοκεύω, διδάσκω, δάκτυλος;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>dec-et, decus, dignu-s, doceo;</nsi> probably Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>ta, tah;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>zeha.</nsi>] {%--Yaśaḥ-karṇa, as,%} m.,
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0813 case = 928, hw = yas, page=0813-a

       <>great effort or exertion, strive, endeavour, labour,
       <>preserve, trouble one's self; to strive after (with
186844 <>dat.); [cf. Gr. <g>ζέ-ω, (ζέν-νυμι, ἔ-ζεσ-μαι, ζέσ-σε-ν),</g>
       <><g></g> Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>jes-an, ger-ja-n.</nsi>]

case = 929, hw = yas, page=0813-a

       <>preserve, trouble one's self; to strive after (with
       <>dat.); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
186845 <><g>ζέα-μα, ζέ-μα, ζέ-σι-ς, ζεσ-τό-ς, ζῆ-λο-ς;</g> Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>jes-an, ger-ja-n.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Yasitvā%} or {%yastvā,%} ind. making effort, endeavour-

case = 930, hw = yA, page=0813-a

       <>Desid. {%yiyāsati,%} to wish or intend to go, to desire
       <>to proceed, &c.: Intens. {%yāyāyate, yāyeti, yāyāti,%}
186932 <>to go frequently, &c.; [cf. Gr. <g>ἰάπτω</g> (= Caus. {%yā-%}
       <>{%payāmi%}), <g></g> ({%= yāsyāmi%}), perhaps also some
       <>forms like <g></g> Lat. <nsi>jacio; Janus, janua.</nsi>]

case = 931, hw = yA, page=0813-a

       <>to proceed, &c.: Intens. {%yāyāyate, yāyeti, yāyāti,%}
       <>to go frequently, &c.; [cf. Gr. <g></g> (= Caus. {%yā-%}
186933 <>{%payāmi%}), <g>ἵημι, ἥ-σω</g> ({%= yāsyāmi%}), perhaps also some
       <>forms like <g></g> Lat. <nsi>jacio; Janus, janua.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%yā, ās, ās, am%} [cf. 4. {%ya,%} p. 801, col. 1],

case = 932, hw = yA, page=0813-a

       <>to go frequently, &c.; [cf. Gr. <g></g> (= Caus. {%yā-%}
       <>{%payāmi%}), <g></g> ({%= yāsyāmi%}), perhaps also some
186934 <>forms like <g>ἰέναι:</g> Lat. <nsi>jacio; Janus, janua.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%yā, ās, ās, am%} [cf. 4. {%ya,%} p. 801, col. 1],
       <>going, proceeding, moving, &c. (at the end of a
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0814 case = 933, hw = yAc, page=0814-b

       <>{%ćāmahe%}): Intens. {%yāyāćyate, yāyākti%} (1st sing.
       <>{%yāyāćmi%}), to ask repeatedly, importune; [cf. Gr.
187224 <><g>αἰτέω,</g> which however may be connected with rt.
       <>{%arth;%} cf. also, according to some, <g></g>].
       <P>{%Yāćaka, as, ī, am,%} asking, one who asks or

case = 934, hw = yAc, page=0814-b

       <>{%yāyāćmi%}), to ask repeatedly, importune; [cf. Gr.
       <><g></g> which however may be connected with rt.
187225 <>{%arth;%} cf. also, according to some, <g>ζητέω.</g>].
       <P>{%Yāćaka, as, ī, am,%} asking, one who asks or
       <>solicits, a petitioner, asker, beggar; ({%ī%}), f. a female
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0816 case = 935, hw = yAdfkza, page=0816-a

       <>which, what like, which like, as like, of which sort
       <>or nature, (used correlatively to {%tādṛiksha,%} q. v.: cf.
187535 <>Gr. <g>ἥλιξ, ἡλίκος;</g> Lat. <nsi>qualis.</nsi>)
       <P>{%Yādṛiś, k, k, k%} (Ved. nom. {%yādṛiń%}), or {%yādṛiśa,%}
       <>{%as, ī, am%} (see 2. {%dṛiś, dṛiśa%}), which like, what

case = 936, hw = yAmAtf, page=0816-b

       <P>.{#yAmAtf#}¦ {%yāmātṛi, tā,%} or {%yāmātṛika, as,%} m.
       <>{%= jāmātṛi,%} a daughter's husband, son-in-law; [cf.
187618 <>Gr. <g>εἰνάτερ-ες;</g> Lat. <nsi>janitr-i-c-es;</nsi> Old Germ.
       <><nsi>eidum;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>adhum.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#yAmAyana#}¦ {%yāmāyana, as,%} m. (fr. {%yama%}), a

case = 937, hw = yAvat, page=0816-c

       <>as long as; up to, until; as soon as, the moment
       <>that; {%yāvati,%} ind. (i. e. loc. c. used adverbially),
187710 <>as far as, as long as, &c.; [cf. Gr. <g>ἧμος;</g> Lat. <nsi>quan-</nsi>
       <><nsi>tus?</nsi>]. {%--Yāvać-ćhakyam,%} ind. (i. e. {%yāvat + śak-%}
       <>{%yam%}), as far as possible, according to ability. {%--Yā-%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0817 case = 938, hw = yu, page=0817-b

       <>Desid. {%yiyavishati, yuyūshati,%} to wish to unite or
       <>join; to yoke: Intens. {%yoyūyate, yoyavīti, yoyoti,%}
187895 <>to unite very closely; [cf. Gr. <g>ζώ-ννυ-μι</g> (perhaps
       <>for <g></g> Lat. <nsi>juvare, jus,</nsi>
       <><nsi>juro, jubere.</nsi>] [Page0817-c+ 75]

case = 939, hw = yu, page=0817-b

       <>join; to yoke: Intens. {%yoyūyate, yoyavīti, yoyoti,%}
       <>to unite very closely; [cf. Gr. <g></g> (perhaps
187896 <>for <g>ζωσνυμι), ζώ-νη, ζῶστρον;</g> Lat. <nsi>juvare, jus,</nsi>
       <><nsi>juro, jubere.</nsi>] [Page0817-c+ 75]
       <P>3. {%yāvana, am,%} n. (fr. the Caus.; for 1. see

case = 940, hw = yuj, page=0817-c

       <>intend to fix (the mind) on; to wish to be absorbed
       <>in: Intens. {%yoyujyate, yoyujīti, yoyokti;%} [cf. Gr.
188007 <><g>ζεύγ-νυ-μι (ἐ-ζύγ-η-ν), ζεῦγ-μα, ζεῦγ-ος, ὁμό-ζυξ,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>ju-n-g-o, ju-men-</nsi>
       <><nsi>tu-m, con-jux, jug-u-m, jugeru-m, juxta;</nsi> Goth.

case = 941, hw = yuj, page=0817-c

       <>in: Intens. {%yoyujyate, yoyujīti, yoyokti;%} [cf. Gr.
188008 <><g>σύ-ζυξ, ζυγ-ό-ς, ζυγ-ό-ν;</g> Lat. <nsi>ju-n-g-o, ju-men-</nsi>
       <><nsi>tu-m, con-jux, jug-u-m, jugeru-m, juxta;</nsi> Goth.
       <><nsi>juk, ga-juk;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>joh, joch;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>geo-</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0818 case = 942, hw = yuga, page=0818-b

       <>all the planets are situated in two houses); a species
       <>of drug or medicinal plant ({%= vṛiddhi%}); [cf. Gr.
188166 <><g>ζυγόν;</g> Lat. <nsi>jugum;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>ioc, iuc, geoc.</nsi>]
       <>{%--Yuga-kīlaka, as,%} m. the pin of a yoke. {%--Yuga-%}
       <>{%kshaya, as,%} m. the end of a Yuga, destruction of
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0819 case = 943, hw = yuD, page=0819-b

       <>Desid. {%yuyutsayati,%} to make desirous of fighting,
       <>make eager for battle: Intens. {%yoyudhyate, yoyod-%}
188370 <>{%dhi;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>yud:</nsi> Gr. <g>ὑσ-μλιην, ὑσ-μίν:</g> Hib.
       <><nsi>iodhna,</nsi> ‘spears, arms’ (= {%ā-yudha%}); <nsi>iodnach,</nsi>
       <>‘valiant;’ <nsi>iodhlan,</nsi> ‘a hero:’ (perhaps also) Angl.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0820 case = 944, hw = yusmad, page=0820-c

       <>{%kaika%} for {%yushmākam eka%}); {%yushmāsu%} (Ved. also
       <>{%yushme%}), loc. in you, cf. Ṛig-veda VIII. 47, 8;
188664 <>[cf. Zend <nsi>yūs;</nsi> Gr. <g>ὑμεῖς, Æol. ὔμμες</g> (fr. <g>ὔσμες</g>);
       <>Goth. and Lith. <nsi>ju-s.</nsi>] {%--Yushmad-artham,%} ind.
       <>for you, on your account. {%--Yushmad-āyatta, as,%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0821 case = 945, hw = yUza, page=0821-b

       <>pease-soup, the water in which pulse of various kinds
       <>has been boiled; ({%as%}), m. the Indian mulberry tree;
188787 <>[cf. probably Gr. <g>ζωμός, ζύθος;</g> Lat. <nsi>jus;</nsi> Slav.
       <P>{%Yūshan,%} a form optionally substituted for {%yūsha%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0825 case = 946, hw = raMh, page=0825-a

       <>urge on; to cause to flow; to go; to speak; to
       <>shine, (in the last two senses a various reading for
189628 <>rt. {%vaṉh%}); [cf. perhaps Gr. <g>τρέχ-ω;</g> Goth. <nsi>thrag-</nsi>
       <P>{%Raṉha = raṉhas%} below.

case = 947, hw = rakz, page=0825-a

       <>Desid. {%rirakshishati,%} to wish to guard, intend to pro-
       <>tect from (with abl.): Intens. {%rārakshyate, rārāshṭi,%}
189672 <>to protect very carefully; [cf. probably Gr. <g>ἀρκ-έ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>arc-e-o, arx;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>ga-rehsns.</nsi>]

case = 948, hw = rakz, page=0825-a

       <>tect from (with abl.): Intens. {%rārakshyate, rārāshṭi,%}
       <>to protect very carefully; [cf. probably Gr. <g></g>
189673 <><g>ἄρκιο-ς, ἀλκτήρ, ἀλαλκτήρ, ἀλκή, ἀλέξω;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>arc-e-o, arx;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>ga-rehsns.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%raksh, ṭ, ṭ, ṭ,%} guarding, watching, protecting,

case = 949, hw = rakzas, page=0825-c

       <>and in I. 36, 20. {%rakshas = balam,%} ‘strength’);
       <>‘the injurer,’ (according to some a kind of euphe-
189806 <>mism fr. rt. 1. {%raksh,%} like <g>Εὐμενίδες</g>); an evil
       <>being or demon, an ogre, malignant spirit, a
       <>Rākshasa, (these beings play an important part in
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0826 case = 950, hw = raYj, page=0826-c

       <>Desid. {%rirańkshati, -te:%} Intens. {%rārajyate, rā-%}
       <>{%rańkti,%} to be greatly affected or excited; to be
190055 <>intensely attached or devoted; [cf. Gr. <g>ῥέζ-ω, ῥαγ-εύ-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> probably Angl. Sax. <nsi>ge-regnian,</nsi>

case = 951, hw = raYj, page=0826-c

       <>{%rańkti,%} to be greatly affected or excited; to be
       <>intensely attached or devoted; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
190056 <><g>ῥηγ-εύ-ς, ῥεγ-εύ-ς, ῥέγ-ος, ῥέγ-μα, ῥήσσω,</g>
       <><g></g> probably Angl. Sax. <nsi>ge-regnian,</nsi>
       <>‘to colour.’]

case = 952, hw = raYj, page=0826-c

       <>intensely attached or devoted; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
190057 <><g>ῥῆγ-ος, λέγ-νον:</g> probably Angl. Sax. <nsi>ge-regnian,</nsi>
       <>‘to colour.’]
       <P>{%Rakta, as, ā, am,%} coloured, dyed, painted, tinged,

case = 953, hw = rakta, page=0826-c

       <>musical mode; ({%am%}), n. blood; copper; saffron;
       <>the fruit of the Flacourtia Cataphracta; vermilion;
190073 <>cinnabar; {%= padmaka;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ῥόδον;</g> Hib. <nsi>rot.</nsi>]
       <>{%--Rakta-kańgu, us,%} m. Panicum Italicum. {%--Rakta-%}
       <>{%kaṇṭa, as,%} m. a species of Celastrus. {%--Rakta-%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0828 case = 954, hw = rajata, page=0828-b

       <>or necklace; blood; ivory; N. of a particular moun-
       <>tain (perhaps of Kailāsa); of a particular lake; an [Page0828-c+ 81]
190492 <>asterism, constellation; [cf. Gr. <g>ἀργό-ς, ἀργ-ή-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>arg-entu-m;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>airgiod.</nsi>]
       <>{%--Rajata-kumbha, as,%} m. a silver jar. {%--Rajata-%}

case = 955, hw = rajata, page=0828-b

       <>tain (perhaps of Kailāsa); of a particular lake; an [Page0828-c+ 81]
       <>asterism, constellation; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
190493 <><g>ἄργυ-ρο-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>arg-entu-m;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>airgiod.</nsi>]
       <>{%--Rajata-kumbha, as,%} m. a silver jar. {%--Rajata-%}
       <>{%kūṭa,%} N. of a peak on the Malaya mountains.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0830 case = 956, hw = raTa, page=0830-c

       <>{%= paurusha;%} pleasure, delight, desire [cf. {%mano-%}
       <>{%ratha, ratha-jit%}]; ({%ī%}), f. a small carriage; [cf.
191054 <>probably Gr. <g>ῤέθος;</g> Lat. <nsi>rota;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>rad;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>rad, lidh;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>lithus;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>ratas;</nsi>
       <>Hib. <nsi>roth.</nsi>] {%--Ratha-kaṭyā%} or {%ratha-kaḍyā,%} f. a
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0832 case = 957, hw = raB, page=0832-c

       <>{%rabhyate, arambhi:%} Caus. {%rambhayati, -yitum,%}
       <>Aor. {%ararambhat:%} Desid. {%ripsate:%} Intens. {%rāra-%}
191491 <>{%bhyate, rārambhīti, rārabdhi;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ῥώννυμι,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>rabies, robur:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>arbaiths, li-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ban:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>earfedh, earfodh, leofian, lifian,</nsi>

case = 958, hw = raB, page=0832-c

       <>Aor. {%ararambhat:%} Desid. {%ripsate:%} Intens. {%rāra-%}
       <>{%bhyate, rārambhīti, rārabdhi;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
191492 <><g>λαμβάνω:</g> Lat. <nsi>rabies, robur:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>arbaiths, li-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ban:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>earfedh, earfodh, leofian, lifian,</nsi>
       <><nsi>lybban,</nsi> (perhaps also) <nsi>a-refian,</nsi> ‘to bear;’ <nsi>a-rœfnan,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0833 case = 959, hw = ram, page=0833-a

       <>{%raṉranti, raṉramīti%} (Ved. {%rārandhi,%} according to
       <>Sāy. {%= ramasva,%} cf. Pāṇ. VI. 4, 103); [cf. Zend
191589 <><nsi>ram, rām-a, airi-ma;</nsi> Gr. <g>ἠρέμα, ἠρεμα-ῖο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth. <nsi>rim-is;</nsi> Old Germ.

case = 960, hw = ram, page=0833-a

       <>Sāy. {%= ramasva,%} cf. Pāṇ. VI. 4, 103); [cf. Zend
       <><nsi>ram, rām-a, airi-ma;</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
191590 <><g>ἠρεμ-ία, ἡρεμ-έ-ω, ἠρεμίζω, ἔρη-μο-ς, ἐρημ-ία,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth. <nsi>rim-is;</nsi> Old Germ.
       <><nsi>rawa, ruowa, rawen, resti, rastjan;</nsi> Angl. Sax.

case = 961, hw = ram, page=0833-a

       <><nsi>ram, rām-a, airi-ma;</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
191591 <><g>ἐρημ-ό-ω, νω-λεμ-ές;</g> Goth. <nsi>rim-is;</nsi> Old Germ.
       <><nsi>rawa, ruowa, rawen, resti, rastjan;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>rest, restan;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>ram-a-s, rom-u-s, rim-ti,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0835 case = 962, hw = rasa, page=0835-a

       <>folia; Boswellia Thurifera; Panicum Italicuml; a
       <>vine or grape; {%= kākolī; (am),%} n. myrrh; milk;
192084 <>taste; [cf. according to some, Gr. <g>δρόσος;</g> Lat. <nsi>ros,</nsi>
       <><nsi>ror-is</nsi> (for <nsi>ros-is</nsi>); Lith. <nsi>rassa;</nsi> Russ. <nsi>rosa.</nsi>]
       <>{%--Rasa-karpūra, am,%} n. sublimate or muriate of
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0836 case = 963, hw = rah, page=0836-c

       <>{%yati, ararahat%} or {%arīrahat (?), rahayitum,%} to
       <>leave, quit, relinquish, abandon, desert, give up,
192441 <>surrender, resign; [cf. Gr. <g>λανθάνω, ἔλαθον, λάθρα,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably) <g></g> perhaps also <g></g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>lates; lectum, lego:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>ligan,</nsi>

case = 964, hw = rah, page=0836-c

       <>leave, quit, relinquish, abandon, desert, give up,
       <>surrender, resign; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
192442 <><g>ἀλήθης;</g> (probably) <g>ἔρημος;</g> perhaps also <g>λόχος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>lates; lectum, lego:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>ligan,</nsi>
       <><nsi>lagjan:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>lecgan, licgan:</nsi> Lith. <nsi>leidmi,</nsi>

case = 965, hw = rah, page=0836-c

       <>surrender, resign; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
       <><g></g> (probably) <g></g> perhaps also <g></g>
192443 <><g>λέχος:</g> Lat. <nsi>lates; lectum, lego:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>ligan,</nsi>
       <><nsi>lagjan:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>lecgan, licgan:</nsi> Lith. <nsi>leidmi,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0837 case = 966, hw = rAga, page=0837-c

       <>grain (commonly called Rāggy, much cultivated in
       <>the south of India); N. of the second daughter of
192666 <>Ańgiras; [cf. according to some, Gr. <g>ὀργή,</g> perhaps
       <>for <g></g>] {%--Rāga-khāḍava,%} see {%rāga-shāḍava.%}
       <>{%--Rāga-khāṇḍava, am,%} n. a kind of sweetmeat;

case = 967, hw = rAga, page=0837-c

       <>the south of India); N. of the second daughter of
       <>Ańgiras; [cf. according to some, Gr. <g></g> perhaps
192667 <>for <g>ῥογή.</g>] {%--Rāga-khāḍava,%} see {%rāga-shāḍava.%}
       <>{%--Rāga-khāṇḍava, am,%} n. a kind of sweetmeat;
       <>[cf. {%rāga-shāḍava.%}] {%--Rāga-khāṇḍavika, as,%} m. a
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0842 case = 968, hw = rAD, page=0842-a

       <>pitiate; {%ritsati,%} to wish to injure, destroy, hurt
       <>(Pāṇ. VII. 4, 54, Vārt.): Intens. {%rārādhyate, rā-%}
193737 <>{%rādhi;%} [cf. according to some, Gr. <g>ἱλάσκομαι,</g> [Page0842-b+ 81]
       <><g></g> &c.; according to others, <g></g>
       <>Goth. <nsi>rêda, ga-rêda, und-rêda.</nsi>]

case = 969, hw = rAD, page=0842-a

       <>(Pāṇ. VII. 4, 54, Vārt.): Intens. {%rārādhyate, rā-%}
       <>{%rādhi;%} [cf. according to some, Gr. <g></g> [Page0842-b+ 81]
193738 <><g>ἵληθι, ἱλάομαι,</g> &c.; according to others, <g></g>
       <>Goth. <nsi>rêda, ga-rêda, und-rêda.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Rāddha, as, ā, am,%} propitiated, conciliated; ac-

case = 970, hw = rADa, page=0842-b

       <>success; N. of the twenty-first Nakshatra Vi-śākhā
       <>(containing four stars in the shape of a festoon; the
193761 <>stars are supposed to be <g>α, ι, ν</g> Libræ, and <g>γ</g> Scor-
       <>pionis, cf. {%nakshatra%}); a later form for {%anu-rādhā;%}
       <>lightning; a particular attitude in shooting (standing
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0845 case = 971, hw = riHPa, page=0845-c

       <P>.{#ri#}¦ 3. {%ri%} (a contraction of {%ṛishabha%}), the
       <>second note of the Hindū gamut.
194527 <P>.{#riHPa#}¦ {%riḥpha, am,%} n. (fr. Gr. <g>ῥιφή</g>), Ved.
       <>epithet of the twelfth astrological house.
       <P>.{#rikta#}¦ {%rikta, riktha,%} &c. See below and

case = 972, hw = riK, page=0845-c

       <>the original form of rt. {%likh,%} cl. 6. {%likhati,%} q. v.),
       <>to scratch, scrape, write; [cf. {%rekhā;%} cf. also Gr.
194542 <><g>ἐρείκω, ἐρέχθω.</g>]
       <P>.{#riNK#}¦ {%rińkh%} (connected with rts. {%rikh,%}
       <>{%rakh, rańkh, rińg, rańg%}), cl. 1. P.

case = 973, hw = ric, page=0845-c

       <>breath); to abandon, give up: Desid. {%ririkshati,%}
       <>{%-te:%} Intens. {%rerićyate, rerekti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>ric;</nsi> Gr.
194585 <><g>λείπ-ω, λιμπάν-ω, λεῖμμα, λείψανο-ν, λοιπός;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>linqu-o, re-linqu-o, re-liqu-u-s, lic-e-t</nsi> (Osc. <nsi>lik-i-</nsi>
       <><nsi>tud = lice-to</nsi>), <nsi>lic-e-o-r;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>laib-a, bi-laib-jan,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0846 case = 974, hw = riB, page=0846-c

       <>or speak aloud, shout with joy, rejoice [cf. rt. {%rih%}];
       <>to praise, glorify, worship (Ved. P.): Pass. {%ribhyate,%}
194762 <>to be praised or glorified; [cf. Gr. <g>ῥοίβδην, ῥοῖβδος,</g>
       <P>{%Ribhvan, ā,%} m., Ved. (according to Naigh. III.

case = 975, hw = riB, page=0846-c

       <>to praise, glorify, worship (Ved. P.): Pass. {%ribhyate,%}
       <>to be praised or glorified; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
194763 <><g>ῥοιβδέω.</g>]
       <P>{%Ribhvan, ā,%} m., Ved. (according to Naigh. III.
       <>24) a thief; [cf. {%rihvan.%}]
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0847 case = 976, hw = riz, page=0847-a

       <>{%shishati, rireshishati,%} (according to some also {%ri-%}
       <>{%rikshati%}): Intens. {%rerishyate, rereshṭi;%} [cf. pro-
194852 <>bably Gr. <g>ῥαίω, ῥαιστός;</g> Lat. <nsi>lœdo.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%rish, ṭ,%} f. injury; ({%ṭ, ṭ, ṭ%}), injuring, an injurer.
       <P>{%Risha, as, ā, am,%} injuring, destroying, &c.; [cf.

case = 977, hw = ru, page=0847-b

       <>{%roravīti, roroti,%} to cry out loudly, bellow or roar
       <>loudly, yelp loudly, scream aloud, to vociferate; [cf.
194974 <>Gr. <g>ὠρύ-ω, ὠρυ-θ-μό-ς, ὀρυ-μαγδό-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>rû-mor,</nsi>
       <><nsi>rûm-i-to, râvi-s, rau-cu-s;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>ryn;</nsi> Slav.
       <><nsi>rev-a, rju-ti,</nsi> ‘to roar.’]

case = 978, hw = ruc, page=0847-c

       <>or good, to find pleasure in, like, approve, choose (A.);
       <>to resolve: Pass. of Caus. {%roćyate,%} to be agreeable:
195045 <>Desid. {%rurućishate, ruroćishate;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ἀμφι-λύκ-η,</g>
       <><g></g>]; Lat. <nsi>luc-eo,</nsi>
       <><nsi>lux, lu-men, lucidu-s, lu-na, Leucesius, di-luc-</nsi>

case = 979, hw = ruc, page=0847-c

       <>to resolve: Pass. of Caus. {%roćyate,%} to be agreeable:
       <>Desid. {%rurućishate, ruroćishate;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
195046 <><g>λύχ-νο-ς, λευκό-ς, λοῦσσο-ν:</g>]; Lat. <nsi>luc-eo,</nsi>
       <><nsi>lux, lu-men, lucidu-s, lu-na, Leucesius, di-luc-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ulu-m:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>liuh-ath,</nsi> ‘light;’ <nsi>lauhmoni,</nsi> ‘light-
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0848 case = 980, hw = ruj, page=0848-c

       <>{%jat,%} to cause to break, to injure, hurt, kill: Desid.
       <>{%rurukshati:%} Intens. {%rorujyate, rorokti;%} [cf. Gr.
195233 <><g>λυγ-ρό-ς, λευγαλέο-ς, λοιγό-ς, λοίγιο-ς,</g> perhaps
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>lug-e-o,</nsi>
       <><nsi>lug-u-bri-s, luc-tu-s, lu-e-s;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>luz-ti,</nsi> ‘to

case = 981, hw = ruj, page=0848-c

       <>{%rurukshati:%} Intens. {%rorujyate, rorokti;%} [cf. Gr.
       <><g></g> perhaps
195234 <><g>ὀ-ρύσσω, ὄ-ρυγμα, ὀ-ρυκτή, ὀ-ρυχή;</g> Lat. <nsi>lug-e-o,</nsi>
       <><nsi>lug-u-bri-s, luc-tu-s, lu-e-s;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>luz-ti,</nsi> ‘to
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0849 case = 982, hw = rud, page=0849-a

       <>{%tum,%} Aor. {%arūrudat,%} to cause to weep or lament:
       <>Desid. {%rurudishati:%} Intens. {%rorudyate, rorotti,%} to
195320 <>weep very much; [cf. perhaps Gr. <g>ὀῤῥωδέω;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>rud-o;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>riuzan;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>reotan;</nsi>
       <>Lith. <nsi>raudoju;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>rudajun.</nsi>]

case = 983, hw = rudra, page=0849-a

       <>N. of a wife of Vasu-deva; of a daughter of Rau-
       <>drāśva; {%= rudra-jaṭā; (ī),%} f. a kind of lute or
195420 <>guitar; [cf. {%rudra-vīṇā;%} cf. perhaps also Gr. <g>λύρα.</g>]
       <>{%--Rudra-kalaśa, am,%} n. ‘Rudra's vessel,’ a parti-
       <>cular kind of pot or vessel used in making oblations
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0850 case = 984, hw = ruDira, page=0850-b

       <>planet, i. e. Mars; a kind of precious stone [cf. {%ru-%}
       <>{%dhirākhya%}]; ({%am%}), n. blood; saffron; N. of a
195689 <>town; [cf. {%śoṇita-pura:%} cf. also Gr. <g>ἐρεύθ-ω,</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>ruber, rufu-s, rutilu-s</nsi> (for old <nsi>ruthilus</nsi>),

case = 985, hw = ruDira, page=0850-b

       <>{%dhirākhya%}]; ({%am%}), n. blood; saffron; N. of a
       <>town; [cf. {%śoṇita-pura:%} cf. also Gr. <g></g>
195690 <><g>ἐρυθ-ρός, ἔρευθ-ος, ἐρυθρ-ιά-ω, ἐρυσίβη, ῥούσιος:</g>]
       <>Lat. <nsi>ruber, rufu-s, rutilu-s</nsi> (for old <nsi>ruthilus</nsi>),
       <><nsi>rob-igo:</nsi> Old Norse <nsi>riod-r,</nsi> ‘ruddy;’ <nsi>rioda:</nsi> Goth.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0851 case = 986, hw = ruSat, page=0851-a

       <>to be regarded as a participle connected with rt.
       <>1. {%ruć%}), Ved. brilliant, bright, light-coloured, white;
195777 <>[cf. Gr. <g>λευκός</g>] {%--Ruśat-paśu, us, us, u,%} Ved. having
       <>white cattle; (Sāy.) having brilliant rays or blazing
       <>with the oblation ({%= ruśad-raśmi%} or {%prakāśita-%}

case = 987, hw = ruz, page=0851-a

       <>to enrage, exasperate: Desid. {%rurushishati, ruroshi-%}
       <>{%shati:%} Intens. {%rorushyate, roroshṭi;%} [cf. probably
195809 <>Gr. <g>λύσσα, λυσσάω, λυσσαίνω,</g> (perhaps also) <g>ἀλυσταίνω,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth. <nsi>in-rauht-</nsi>

case = 988, hw = ruz, page=0851-a

       <>{%shati:%} Intens. {%rorushyate, roroshṭi;%} [cf. probably
       <>Gr. <g></g> (perhaps also) <g></g>
195810 <><g>ἀλυκταίνω, ἀλαλὐκτημαι;</g> Goth. <nsi>in-rauht-</nsi>
       <P>2. {%rush, ṭ,%} f. anger, wrath, rage, fury, passion.

case = 989, hw = ruh, page=0851-b

       <>cause to grow, cause to grow over or heal: Desid.
       <>{%rurukshati:%} Intens. {%roruhyate, roroḍhi;%} [cf. per-
195871 <>haps Gr. <g>λαό-ς, βασι-λεύ-ς:</g> perhaps Lat. <nsi>rus, rur-</nsi>
       <><nsi>is:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>liugan, jugga-lauths; liudith,</nsi> ‘it
       <>grows;’ <nsi>lauths,</nsi> ‘a man’ (gen. <nsi>laudi-s</nsi>): Old
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0855 case = 990, hw = romanTa, page=0855-c

       <>cud, ({%gagaṇa-romantha, as,%} m. ‘ruminating on
       <>the sky, ‘nonsense, absurdity); chewing; frequent
196890 <>repetition; [cf. Gr. <g>ἐρεύγομαι, ἐρυγγάνω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>rūmen</nsi> (for <nsi>rug-men</nsi>), <nsi>ruminare,</nsi>
       <><nsi>ructare;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>ita-ruchjan;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>roc-</nsi>

case = 991, hw = romanTa, page=0855-c

       <>the sky, ‘nonsense, absurdity); chewing; frequent
       <>repetition; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
196891 <><g>ὀρυγγἀνω;</g> Lat. <nsi>rūmen</nsi> (for <nsi>rug-men</nsi>), <nsi>ruminare,</nsi>
       <><nsi>ructare;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>ita-ruchjan;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>roc-</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0856 case = 992, hw = rohiRI, page=0856-a

       <>Moon, called ‘the Red one,’ from the colour of the
       <>star Aldebaran or principal star in the constellation;
196970 <>the Nakshatra contains five stars, probably <g>α, β, γ, δ, ε,</g>
       <>Tauri, and according to Hindū notions is figured by
       <>a wheeled carriage or sometimes by a temple or a

case = 993, hw = rohiRI, page=0856-a

       <>gious observance. {%--Rohiṇīśa (ºnī-īśa), as,%} m. the
       <>lord or husband of Rohiṇī, i. e. the Moon. {%--Rohiṇī-%}
197004 <>{%śakaṭa, as, am,%} m. n. an asterism, probably <g>α, β,</g>
       <><g></g> Tauri. {%--Rohiṇī-sheṇa, as,%} m. a proper N.;
       <>[cf. {%rohiṇi-sheṇa.%}] {%--Rohiṇī-suta, as,%} m. ‘son of

case = 994, hw = rohiRI, page=0856-a

       <>lord or husband of Rohiṇī, i. e. the Moon. {%--Rohiṇī-%}
       <>{%śakaṭa, as, am,%} m. n. an asterism, probably <g></g>
197005 <><g>γ, δ, ε, </g> Tauri. {%--Rohiṇī-sheṇa, as,%} m. a proper N.;
       <>[cf. {%rohiṇi-sheṇa.%}] {%--Rohiṇī-suta, as,%} m. ‘son of
       <>Rohiṇī, ‘the planet Mercury. {%--Rohiṇy-ashṭamī,%} f.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0858 case = 995, hw = lag, page=0858-c

       <>to taste; to obtain, (in these senses = rts. {%lak, rak%}):
       <>Caus. {%lagayati,%} &c., to cause to adhere, &c.; [cf.
197579 <>perhaps Gr. <g>λήγω</g> and, according to some, possibly
       <>Lat. <nsi>ligare.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Laganīya, as, ā, am,%} to be attached, to be
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0859 case = 996, hw = laGu, page=0859-a

       <>Kāshṭhās = (1/15) Nāḍikā); Agallochum, a particular
       <>kind of Agallochum; the root of Andropogon Muri-
197683 <>catus; [cf. Gr. <g>ἐλαχύ-ς, ἐλαφρός, λαγώς:</g> Lat. <nsi>lev-</nsi>
       <><nsi>i-s, levi-ta-s, levare, lepus</nsi> (for old <nsi>lephus</nsi>): Goth.
       <><nsi>leihts:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>lîhti:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>lîght:</nsi> Slav.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

@jmigliori Now ready for you when your time permits.

46 pages. 114 cases.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

46 pages. 114 cases.


jmigliori commented 7 years ago

These are all done. 884 and 887 were Arabic.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

These are all done
