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Greek in MW72, part 7 #25

Closed funderburkjim closed 5 years ago

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

This continues work of #24 .

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0860 case = 995, hw = laGizWa, page=0860-a

       <P>{%Laghishṭha, as, ā, am%} (superl. of {%laghu%}), most
       <>quick, very swift; lightest, very light; very small, &c.;
197886 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ἐλάχιστο-ς.</g>]
       <P>{%Laghīyas, ān, asī, as%} (compar. of {%laghu%}), more
       <>quick, very swift; lighter, &c.

case = 996, hw = laNG, page=0860-a

       <>[cf. {%su-lańghita%}]; to speak; to shine: Desid. of
       <>Caus. {%lilańghayishati,%} to intend to step over; [cf.
197963 <>according to some, Gr. <g>λαγγάζω, λογγάζω, λαγχόνω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>longus, lan-</nsi>
       <><nsi>guere;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>langên, ga-lingan, ga-langon;</nsi>

case = 997, hw = laNG, page=0860-a

       <>Caus. {%lilańghayishati,%} to intend to step over; [cf.
       <>according to some, Gr. <g></g>
197964 <><g>λάχος, λόγχν, ἐλέγχω;</g> Lat. <nsi>longus, lan-</nsi>
       <><nsi>guere;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>langên, ga-lingan, ga-langon;</nsi>
       <>Goth. <nsi>laggs;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>lang,</nsi> &c.]

case = 998, hw = laYjikA, page=0860-c

       <P>{%Laṅjikā,%} f. a harlot, prostitute; [cf. perhaps Gr.
198070 <><g>λαγ-αρό-ς,λάγ-νο-ς,</g> Lat. <nsi>langu-e-o,</nsi>
       <><nsi>langu-i-du-s, langu-or, laxus, lac-tes.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#law#}¦ 1. {%laṭ,%} cl. 1. P. {%laṭati,%} &c., to be a

case = 999, hw = laq, page=0860-c

       <>rt. {%lal%}); to stir, coagulate; to harass, annoy; to be
       <>harassed or pained (?); to throw up or out (?) ; to
198106 <>apprise (?); [cf. perhaps Gr. <g>λάλος, λαλέω, λῆρος;</g>
       <>Mod. Germ. <nsi>lallen.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Laḍita = lalita,%} q. v.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0861 case = 1000, hw = lap, page=0861-b

       <>{%yate, lālapti,%} to talk incessantly or excessively,
       <>chatter senselessly, prattle; to bewail, lament; [cf.
198204 <>Gr. <g>ἔ-λακ-ο-ν, λέ-λακ-α, λά-σκ-ω, λακ-ε-ρό-ς, λα-κέρυζα,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably also) <g></g> according to
       <>some also <g></g> (through reduplication, the

case = 1001, hw = lap, page=0861-b

       <>chatter senselessly, prattle; to bewail, lament; [cf.
       <>Gr. <g></g>
198205 <><g></g> (probably also) <g>ὀλοφύρομαι,</g> according to
       <>some also <g></g> (through reduplication, the
       <>final letter of rt. {%lap%} being rejected): Lat. <nsi>loqu-o-r,</nsi>

case = 1002, hw = lap, page=0861-b

       <>Gr. <g></g>
       <><g></g> (probably also) <g></g> according to
198206 <>some also <g>λάλος, λαλέω</g> (through reduplication, the
       <>final letter of rt. {%lap%} being rejected): Lat. <nsi>loqu-o-r,</nsi>
       <><nsi>loquax, loquela, Ajus Locu-ti-us, la-mentum;</nsi>

case = 1003, hw = laB, page=0861-b

       <>strive to obtain, desire to receive or obtain, long for:
       <>Intens. {%lālabhyate, lālambhīti, lālabdhi;%} [cf. Gr.
198269 <><g>λάφυρον, λαμβάνω, εἴληφα, λαῖλαψ,</g> probably
       <><g></g> Old Pruss. <nsi>labba-s,</nsi> ‘goods, posses-
       <>sions;’ <nsi>lab-s,</nsi> ‘good:’ Lith. <nsi>laba-s,</nsi> ‘good,’ <nsi>lobis,</nsi>

case = 1004, hw = laB, page=0861-b

       <>Intens. {%lālabhyate, lālambhīti, lālabdhi;%} [cf. Gr.
       <><g></g> probably
198270 <><g>λέβης, λίπτω:</g> Old Pruss. <nsi>labba-s,</nsi> ‘goods, posses-
       <>sions;’ <nsi>lab-s,</nsi> ‘good:’ Lith. <nsi>laba-s,</nsi> ‘good,’ <nsi>lobis,</nsi>
       <>‘possessions, goods:’ Slav. <nsi>lov-i-ti:</nsi> Hib. <nsi>lamh,</nsi> ‘a
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0864 case = 1005, hw = laz, page=0864-b

       <>Caus. {%lāshayati, -te, -yitum,%} Aor. {%alīlashat:%} Desid.
       <>{%lilashishati:%} Intens. {%lālashyate, lālashṭi,%} to long
198899 <>for eagerly; [cf. Gr. <g>λά-ω,</g> (Dor. <g>λῶ, λῇς, λῇ,</g> 3rd
       <>pl. <g></g>), <g></g>
       <><g></g> probably <g></g>

case = 1006, hw = laz, page=0864-b

       <>{%lilashishati:%} Intens. {%lālashyate, lālashṭi,%} to long
       <>for eagerly; [cf. Gr. <g></g> (Dor. <g></g> 3rd
198900 <>pl. <g>λῶντι</g>), <g>λῆ-μα, λῆ-σι-ς, λι-λα-ί-ο-μαι, λε-λίη-μαι,</g>
       <><g></g> probably <g></g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>las-c-</nsi>

case = 1007, hw = laz, page=0864-b

       <>for eagerly; [cf. Gr. <g></g> (Dor. <g></g> 3rd
       <>pl. <g></g>), <g></g>
198901 <><g>λία-ν, λαρός, λωΐων, λήλαντος,</g> probably <g>λα-μία,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>las-c-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ivu-s;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>lus-tu-s, lus-to-n;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>lust,</nsi>

case = 1008, hw = laz, page=0864-b

       <>pl. <g></g>), <g></g>
       <><g></g> probably <g></g>
198902 <><g>λάμος, λάρυγξ, λαιμός, λαίτμα;</g> Lat. <nsi>las-c-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ivu-s;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>lus-tu-s, lus-to-n;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>lust,</nsi>
       <><nsi>lyst, lystan;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>las-k-a-ti,</nsi> ‘to flatter;’ Bohem.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0865 case = 1009, hw = lAwa, page=0865-b

       <P>.{#lAwa#}¦ {%lāṭa, ās,%} m. pl. (according to some
       <>formed fr. {%rāshṭra%}), N. of a people and of the
199173 <>district inhabited by them (= <g>Λαρικη</g> of Ptolemy);
       <>({%as%}), m. a king of the Lāṭas; clothes, dress; old or
       <>worn-out clothes, shabby ornaments, &c.; idle or
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0867 case = 1010, hw = lip, page=0867-b

       <>anoint, cover; to cause to be covered or decorated:
       <>Desid. {%lilipsati, -te:%} Intens. {%lelipyate, lelepti;%} [Page0867-c+ 81]
199635 <>[cf. Gr. <g>λίπ-α, λίπ-ος, λιπαρό-ς, λιπ-αρ-ής, λιπαρ-έ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>limpidus, lippus, li-no, li-mus, de-libuo;</nsi> probably

case = 1011, hw = lip, page=0867-b

       <>Desid. {%lilipsati, -te:%} Intens. {%lelipyate, lelepti;%} [Page0867-c+ 81]
       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
199636 <><g>ἀ-λείφ-ω, ἄλειφ-αρ, ἄλειφα, λισσός:</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>limpidus, lippus, li-no, li-mus, de-libuo;</nsi> probably
       <>also <nsi>liquidus, liqueo:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>salba:</nsi> Goth.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0868 case = 1012, hw = liptA, page=0868-a

       <>col. 3), united, joined, connected, embraced.
       <P>.{#liptA#}¦ {%liptā%} or {%liptikā,%} f. a minute, the
199724 <>sixtieth part of a degree; [cf. Gr. <g>λεπτός.</g>] {%--Liptī-%}
       <>{%kṛi,%} cl. 8. P. {%-karoti,%} &c., Ved. to reduce to minutes.
       <P>.{#lipsA#}¦ {%lipsā, lipsu, lipsya,%} &c. See p. 862,

case = 1013, hw = liS, page=0868-a

       <>{%leshṭum,%} to be small, lessen, become small [cf. rts.
       <>{%kṛiś, kliś%}]: Caus. {%leśayati, alīliśat:%} Desid. {%li-%}
199741 <>{%likshate:%} Intens. {%leliśyate, leleshṭi;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ὀλί-γος,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps also <g></g> Lith. <nsi>lesas.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%liś, ṭ, ṭ, ṭ,%} (probably) one who tears off or

case = 1014, hw = liS, page=0868-a

       <>{%kṛiś, kliś%}]: Caus. {%leśayati, alīliśat:%} Desid. {%li-%}
       <>{%likshate:%} Intens. {%leliśyate, leleshṭi;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
199742 <><g></g> perhaps also <g>λίγδος;</g> Lith. <nsi>lesas.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%liś, ṭ, ṭ, ṭ,%} (probably) one who tears off or
       <>injures, &c.

case = 1015, hw = lih, page=0868-a

       <>{%lelihyate, leleḍhi,%} to lick frequently, be constantly
       <>licking, play with the tongue, dart out the tongue;
199781 <>[cf. Gr. <g>λείχ-ω, λιχ-μά-ω, λιχ-μά-ζ-ω, λιχ-ανό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>li-n-g-o, lig-uri-o, pol-lex;</nsi> Goth.
       <><nsi>bi-laigô-n;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>lecchôn;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>liccian;</nsi>

case = 1016, hw = lih, page=0868-a

       <>licking, play with the tongue, dart out the tongue;
       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
199782 <><g>λίχ-νο-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>li-n-g-o, lig-uri-o, pol-lex;</nsi> Goth.
       <><nsi>bi-laigô-n;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>lecchôn;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>liccian;</nsi>
       <>Slav. <nsi>liz-a-ti;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>lez-iu, liz-u-s;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>lighim,</nsi>

case = 1017, hw = lI, page=0868-b

       <>Desid. {%lilīshati, -te:%} Intens. {%lelīyate, lelayīti,%}
       <>{%leleti%} (for {%lelāyati,%} which some consider an intensive
199846 <>form of a rt. {%lī,%} see {%lelāya%}); [cf. Gr. <g>λεῖμαξ:</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>līmus, po-lire, linere;</nsi> according to some, <nsi>liqueo,</nsi>
       <><nsi>liquo:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>lim, leim:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>lime,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0869 case = 1018, hw = lup, page=0869-c

       <>{%sati, -te, lulopishati,%} &c.: Intens. {%lolupyate, lo-%}
       <>{%lopti,%} to confound, disturb, bewilder, perplex; [cf.
200139 <>Gr. <g>λυπ-ρό-ς, λυπ-ή, λυπ-έ-ω, λυπη-ρό-ς,</g> perhaps
       <>also <g></g> Lat. <nsi>rump-o:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>raubon:</nsi>
       <>(probably) Goth. <nsi>raupjan,</nsi> ‘to pull out:’ Angl. Sax.

case = 1019, hw = lup, page=0869-c

       <>{%lopti,%} to confound, disturb, bewilder, perplex; [cf.
       <>Gr. <g></g> perhaps
200140 <>also <g>Ὄλυμπος:</g> Lat. <nsi>rump-o:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>raubon:</nsi>
       <>(probably) Goth. <nsi>raupjan,</nsi> ‘to pull out:’ Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>reaf, reafian:</nsi> Old Norse <nsi>rŷf:</nsi> Lith. <nsi>rup-e-ti,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0870 case = 1020, hw = lopASa, page=0870-a

       <>female of this jackal.
       <P>{%Lopāśa, as,%} m. a jackal, fox, or a similar animal;
200206 <>[cf., according to some, Gr. <g>ἀλώπηξ</g>.]
       <P>{%Lopāśaka, as,%} m. a jackal; a proper N.; ({%ikā%}),
       <>f. the female of a jackal, a female fox.

case = 1021, hw = luB, page=0870-a

       <>entice, entice away, seduce, attract; to disturb, de-
       <>range: Desid. {%lulubhishati, lulobhishati:%} Intens.
200232 <>{%lolubhyate, lolobdhi;%} [cf. Gr. <g>λίψ, λιψ-ουρία,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>lub-et, lib-et, lib-ī-do,</nsi>
       <><nsi>lib-er, Libentina:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>liub-s,</nsi> ‘dear;’ <nsi>brothra-</nsi>

case = 1022, hw = luB, page=0870-a

       <>range: Desid. {%lulubhishati, lulobhishati:%} Intens.
       <>{%lolubhyate, lolobdhi;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
200233 <><g>λίπ-τ-ομαι, ἐλευθερός:</g> Lat. <nsi>lub-et, lib-et, lib-ī-do,</nsi>
       <><nsi>lib-er, Libentina:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>liub-s,</nsi> ‘dear;’ <nsi>brothra-</nsi>
       <><nsi>lub-o, us-laubjan:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>liub-an, môt-luba,</nsi>

case = 1023, hw = luzaBa, page=0870-c

       <P>.{#luzaBa#}¦ {%lushabha, as,%} m. (according to
       <>Uṇādi-s. III. 124. fr. rt. 1. {%rush%}), an elephant in
200373 <>rut; [cf. Gr. <g>λύσσα.</g>]
       <P>.{#luh#}¦ {%luh%} (connected with rt. {%lubh%}), cl.
       <>1. P. {%lohati,%} &c., to covet.

case = 1024, hw = lU, page=0870-c

       <>of Caus. {%lilāvayishati:%} Desid. {%lulūshati, -te:%}
       <>Intens. {%lolūyate, loloti,%} to cut completely off: Desid.
200387 <>of Intens. {%lolūyishate;%} [cf. Gr. <g>λύ-ω, λύ-α, λύ-σι-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>re-lu-o,</nsi>
       <><nsi>so-lv-o</nsi> (for <nsi>se-lu-o</nsi>), <nsi>so-lu-tu-s, lu-o, lucrum;</nsi> Goth.

case = 1025, hw = lU, page=0870-c

       <>Intens. {%lolūyate, loloti,%} to cut completely off: Desid.
       <>of Intens. {%lolūyishate;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
200388 <><g>λυ-τήρ, λύ-τρο-ν, ἀπο-λαύω;</g> Lat. <nsi>re-lu-o,</nsi>
       <><nsi>so-lv-o</nsi> (for <nsi>se-lu-o</nsi>), <nsi>so-lu-tu-s, lu-o, lucrum;</nsi> Goth.
       <><nsi>lau-s-j-a, laus, us-laus-ein-s, fra-lius-an;</nsi> Angl.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0871 case = 1026, hw = leya, page=0871-a

       <P>.{#lepa#}¦ {%lepa, lepana, lepya,%} &c. See p. 867,
       <>col. 3.
200480 <P>.{#leya#}¦ {%leya, as,%} m. (fr. Gr. <g>λέων</g>), Ved. the
       <>sign of the zodiac Leo.
       <P>.{#lelayA#}¦ {%lelayā.%} See col. 2.

case = 1027, hw = lok, page=0871-b

       <>see, perceive, be aware of, know; to shine; to
       <>speak, ({%bhāshārtha%} being a various reading for
200525 <>{%bhāsārtha%}); [cf. Gr. <g>λεύσσ-ω,</g> Old Germ. <nsi>luog-</nsi>
       <><nsi>e-m;</nsi> Eng. <nsi>look;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>lauk-i-u;</nsi> Lett. <nsi>lûkô-t,</nsi>
       <>‘to see.’]
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0873 case = 1028, hw = loc, page=0873-a

       <>shine (?) : Caus. {%loćayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%aluloćat,%}
       <>to cause to see: Desid. {%luloćishate:%} Intens. {%loloć-%}
200908 <>{%yate%}; [cf. Gr. <g>λεύσσ-ω;</g> Old Germ. <nsi>luog-e-m;</nsi>
       <>Lith. <nsi>lauk-i-u;</nsi> Lett. <nsi>luko-t,</nsi> ‘to see.']
       <P>{%Loća, as,%} m. sight?; ({%am%}), n. tears; [cf. {%lota,%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0877 case = 1029, hw = vakz, page=0877-a

       <>{%vakshayati,%} &c., Ved. to make grow, cause to
       <>increase, cause to be strong; [cf. Zend <nsi>ukhs,</nsi> ‘to
201835 <>grow:’ Gr. <g>αὔξ-ω, αὐξ-άν-ω, αὔξ-η, αὔξ-η-σι-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>vas-tus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vahs-ja, vahs-tu-s:</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>weaxan:</nsi> Lith. <nsi>augu, auks-tas:</nsi> Hib.

case = 1030, hw = vakz, page=0877-a

       <>increase, cause to be strong; [cf. Zend <nsi>ukhs,</nsi> ‘to
       <>grow:’ Gr. <g></g>
201836 <><g>αὔξ-η-μα:</g> Lat. <nsi>vas-tus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vahs-ja, vahs-tu-s:</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>weaxan:</nsi> Lith. <nsi>augu, auks-tas:</nsi> Hib.
       <><nsi>fasaim,</nsi> ‘I grow;’ <nsi>fasamhuil,</nsi> ‘growing.’]

case = 1031, hw = vaNk, page=0877-b

       <>identical; cf. also rt. {%vańg%}), cl. 1. A. {%vańkate, vańki-%}
       <>{%tum,%} to go or proceed crookedly, be crooked; to go;
201890 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ἀγκή, ἄγκος, ἀγκών, ἀγκύλος, ἄγκυρα,</g>
       <>(probably) <g></g> Lat. <nsi>angulus; vacillare, vacare,</nsi>
       <><nsi>vacuus:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>winkil, waga, wagon, waga,</nsi>

case = 1032, hw = vaNk, page=0877-b

       <>{%tum,%} to go or proceed crookedly, be crooked; to go;
       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
201891 <>(probably) <g>ὄκνος:</g> Lat. <nsi>angulus; vacillare, vacare,</nsi>
       <><nsi>vacuus:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>winkil, waga, wagon, waga,</nsi>
       <><nsi>wank, wankon:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>vincel, wœg, woh, wog,</nsi>

case = 1033, hw = vac, page=0877-b

       <>pronounced, to read; to say, tell, declare; to promise:
       <>Desid. {%vivakshati,%} &c., to desire to say or speak,
201982 <>&c.: Pass. of Desid. {%vivakshyate;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ἐπ</g> (for
       <><g></g> for <g></g>) in <g></g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>vŏc-are, vox, vôc-is,</nsi>

case = 1034, hw = vac, page=0877-b

       <>Desid. {%vivakshati,%} &c., to desire to say or speak,
       <>&c.: Pass. of Desid. {%vivakshyate;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g> (for
201983 <><g>ϝεπ</g> for <g>ϝεκ</g>) in <g>εἶπ-ο-ν, ἔπ-ος, ὄψ, ὄσσα, ἐν-οπ-ή,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>vŏc-are, vox, vôc-is,</nsi>
       <><nsi>in-vī-tare, con-viciu-m;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>wah-an, ga-</nsi>

case = 1035, hw = vac, page=0877-b

       <>&c.: Pass. of Desid. {%vivakshyate;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g> (for
       <><g></g> for <g></g>) in <g></g>
201984 <><g>θεό-προπος, πέπρωται:</g> Lat. <nsi>vŏc-are, vox, vôc-is,</nsi>
       <><nsi>in-vī-tare, con-viciu-m;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>wah-an, ga-</nsi>
       <><nsi>wah-anian, gi-wah-t:</nsi> Mod. Germ. <nsi>er-wähnen:</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0878 case = 1036, hw = vaj, page=0878-c

       <>{%vājaya%}); to prepare the way; to trim or feather an
       <>arrow, to prepare, make; to go; [cf. Zend <nsi>vaz,</nsi>
202213 <><nsi>vaz-y-ant, vaz-d-vare;</nsi> Gr. <g>ὑγι-ής, ὑγιη-ρό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>veg-e-o, vig-e-o,</nsi>
       <><nsi>veg-e-tu-s, vig-or, vig-il, aug-eo, aug-men-tu-m,</nsi>

case = 1037, hw = vaj, page=0878-c

       <>arrow, to prepare, make; to go; [cf. Zend <nsi>vaz,</nsi>
       <><nsi>vaz-y-ant, vaz-d-vare;</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
202214 <><g>ὑγίε-ια, ὑγιαίν-ω, ὑγιάζ-ω;</g> Lat. <nsi>veg-e-o, vig-e-o,</nsi>
       <><nsi>veg-e-tu-s, vig-or, vig-il, aug-eo, aug-men-tu-m,</nsi>
       <>(perhaps) <nsi>vagarī;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>auka, vokrs;</nsi> Old Germ.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0880 case = 1038, hw = vaYc, page=0880-a

       <>Caus. {%vaṅćyate,%} to be deceived: Desid. {%vivaṅći-%}
       <>{%shate:%} Intens. {%vanīvaćyate, vanīvaṅćīti;%} [cf. pro-
202550 <>bably  Gr. <g>ἄτη, ἀτάω, ἀπάτη, ἀτάσθαλος, ἀτύξομαι;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>vafer.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Vaktvā%} or {%vaćitvā,%} ind. {%= vaṅćitvā%} below.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0881 case = 1039, hw = vatsa, page=0881-b

       <>({%vatse,%} voc. c. ‘my dear child,’ used as a term of
       <>endearment); ({%am%}), n. the breast, chest, (according
202871 <>to some authorities also {%as,%} m.); [cf. Gr. <g>ἰτ-αλό-ς</g>
       <>(for <g></g>); Lat. <nsi>vitulu-s, vitula;</nsi> Osk. <nsi>Viteliu</nsi>
       <><nsi>(= Italia);</nsi> Slav. <nsi>tel-ici;</nsi> Bohem. <nsi>tel-e;</nsi> Lith.

case = 1040, hw = vatsa, page=0881-b

       <>endearment); ({%am%}), n. the breast, chest, (according
       <>to some authorities also {%as,%} m.); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
202872 <>(for <g>ϝιταλός,</g>); Lat. <nsi>vitulu-s, vitula;</nsi> Osk. <nsi>Viteliu</nsi>
       <><nsi>(= Italia);</nsi> Slav. <nsi>tel-ici;</nsi> Bohem. <nsi>tel-e;</nsi> Lith.
       <><nsi>telycza.</nsi>] {%--Vatsa-kāma, as, ā, am,%} child-loving,

case = 1041, hw = vatsara, page=0881-c

       <>year; the Year personified as a son of Dhruva and
       <>Bhrami; N. of Vishṇu; of a Sādhya; of a son of
202946 <>Kaśyapa; [cf. Gr. <g>ἔτος (ϝέρος), ἐτήσιο-ς, ἐτησίαι,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>vetus, vetus-tu-s, vetulu-s;</nsi> Lith.
       <><nsi>wasara;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>vetuchu.</nsi>] {%--Vatsarādi (ºra-ādi), is,%}

case = 1042, hw = vatsara, page=0881-c

       <>Bhrami; N. of Vishṇu; of a Sādhya; of a son of
       <>Kaśyapa; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
202947 <><g>δυσετηρία;</g> Lat. <nsi>vetus, vetus-tu-s, vetulu-s;</nsi> Lith.
       <><nsi>wasara;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>vetuchu.</nsi>] {%--Vatsarādi (ºra-ādi), is,%}
       <>m. the first month of the Hindū year, the month

case = 1043, hw = vad, page=0881-c

       <>{%shati, -te,%} to desire to speak: Intens. {%vāvadyate,%}
       <>{%vāvatti, vāvadīti,%} to speak aloud; to sound loudly;
203015 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ὕδ-ω, ὑδ-έ-ω, ὕδ-η-ς, ἀ(ϝ)είδ-ω, ἀοιδό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> (according to some) <g></g>
       <>(perhaps also) <g></g> (probably) Lat. <nsi>vas</nsi>

case = 1044, hw = vad, page=0881-c

       <>{%vāvatti, vāvadīti,%} to speak aloud; to sound loudly;
       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
203016 <><g>ἀοιδή, ἀηδών,</g> (according to some) <g>αὐδή, αὐδάω,</g>
       <>(perhaps also) <g></g> (probably) Lat. <nsi>vas</nsi>
       <><nsi>(vad-is):</nsi> (perhaps) Old Germ. <nsi>far-wāzan:</nsi> Old

case = 1045, hw = vad, page=0881-c

       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
       <><g></g> (according to some) <g></g>
203017 <>(perhaps also) <g>φράζω, φραδάω:</g> (probably) Lat. <nsi>vas</nsi>
       <><nsi>(vad-is):</nsi> (perhaps) Old Germ. <nsi>far-wāzan:</nsi> Old
       <>Sax. <nsi>for-wātan:</nsi> Lith. <nsi>vad-i-n-u,</nsi> ‘I call:' Slav.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0883 case = 1046, hw = van, page=0883-a

       <>also means ‘to confide,’ ‘believe in,’ but in this sense
       <>is a various reading for rt. 2. {%tan,%} q. v.); [cf. per-
203281 <>haps Gr. <g>ὀνίνημι, ὀνήσω, ὄνειαρ;</g> Lat. <nsi>Ven-us, ve-</nsi>
       <><nsi>nustas, veneror;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vens;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>wini,</nsi>
       <><nsi>winia, wunna;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>wyn, ge-wenian, to-</nsi>

case = 1047, hw = van, page=0883-a

       <><nsi>nustas, veneror;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vens;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>wini,</nsi>
       <><nsi>winia, wunna;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>wyn, ge-wenian, to-</nsi>
203284 <><nsi>wenan;</nsi> (according to some also) Gr. <g>φένω, φόνος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>funus;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>bana,</nsi> ‘death.’]
       <P>2. {%vata, as, ā, am%} (for 1. see p. 881, col. 2), sounded,

case = 1048, hw = van, page=0883-a

       <><nsi>winia, wunna;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>wyn, ge-wenian, to-</nsi>
       <><nsi>wenan;</nsi> (according to some also) Gr. <g></g>
203285 <><g>φονεύς;</g> Lat. <nsi>funus;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>bana,</nsi> ‘death.’]
       <P>2. {%vata, as, ā, am%} (for 1. see p. 881, col. 2), sounded,
       <>spoken, uttered; asked, begged; killed, hurt.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0885 case = 1049, hw = vap, page=0885-c

       <>(Ved.); to cause to be shorn (Ved. A.); to sow,
       <>put in the ground, plant: Desid. {%vivapsati, -te:%}
203939 <>Intens. {%vāvapyate, vāvapti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ὀπυίω, οἴφω,</g>
       <><g></g> (perhaps also) <g></g> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>wif, wœpen;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vepn.</nsi>]

case = 1050, hw = vap, page=0885-c

       <>put in the ground, plant: Desid. {%vivapsati, -te:%}
       <>Intens. {%vāvapyate, vāvapti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
203940 <><g>οἰφέω,</g> (perhaps also) <g>ὅπλοω, ὑφαίνω;</g> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>wif, wœpen;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vepn.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Vapa, as,%} m. shaving, shearing; one who sows, a
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0886 case = 1051, hw = vam, page=0886-b

       <>to vomit, sicken: Desid. {%vivamishati:%} Intens. {%vaṉ-%}
       <>{%vamyate, vaṉvanti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>vam,</nsi> ‘to vomit;’
204077 <>Gr. <g>ἐμ-έ-ω, ἔμ-ε-το-ς, ἔμ-εσι-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>vom-o, vom-</nsi>
       <><nsi>i-tu-s, vom-i-tio;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vamm, ana-vammjan;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>wemman;</nsi> Old Norse <nsi>vom-a, vœma;</nsi>

case = 1052, hw = vamra, page=0886-c

       <>to be also {%ā,%} f.); ({%as%}), m. a proper N., (Vamra
       <>Vaikhānasa is the author of the hymn Ṛig-veda X.
204110 <>99); [cf. Gr. <g>μύρμο-ς, μύρμ-ηξ;</g> Lat. <nsi>form-ica.</nsi>]
       <>{%--Vamrī-kūṭa, am,%} n. an ant-hill.
       <P>{%Vamraka, as,%} m., Ved. a small ant; ({%as, ā, am%}),
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0888 case = 1053, hw = varas, page=0888-b

       <>({%ā%}), f. a goose; ({%ī%}), f. {%= varaṭā.%}
       <P>{%Varas, as,%} n., Ved. width, breadth, room, space;
204554 <>[cf. Gr. <g>εὖρος.</g>]
       <P>{%Varasāna,%} Ved. {%= dārika%} (according to Uṇādi-s.
       <>II. 86).

case = 1054, hw = varizWa, page=0888-c

       <>Ćākshusha; of one of the seven sages in the eleventh
       <>Manv-antara; of a Daitya; ({%ā%}), f. Polanisia Icosan-
204630 <>dra; ({%am%}), n. copper; pepper; [cf. Gr. <g>ἄριστος;</g>
       <>Lith. <nsi>wrausas,</nsi> ‘noblest, oldest.’] {%--Varishṭhāśra-%}
       <>{%ma (ºṭha-āśº), as,%} m., N. of a place.

case = 1055, hw = varIyas, page=0888-c

       <>divisions of the ecliptic, the eighteenth astronomical
       <>Yoga; of a son of Manu Sāvarṇa; of a son of
204649 <>Pulaha by Gati; [cf. Gr. <g>ἀρείων;</g> Lat. <nsi>melior</nsi> (<nsi>v</nsi> [Page0889-a+ 81]
       <>being changed into <nsi>m</nsi>); Lith. <nsi>wyresnis,</nsi> ‘nobler,
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0889 case = 1056, hw = varuRa, page=0889-a

       <>invoked alone; Varuṇa is one of the oldest of the
       <>Vedic gods, corresponding in name and partly in
204660 <>character to the <g>Οὐρανός</g> of the Greeks, and is
       <>often regarded as the supreme deity, being then
       <>styled ‘king of the gods’ or ‘king of both gods and

case = 1057, hw = varuRa, page=0889-a

       <>haps) the gods generally (so explained by some in
       <>Atharva-veda III. 4, 6); ({%ā%}), f., N. of a river; [cf.
204699 <>Zend <nsi>Varena;</nsi> Gr. <g>Οὐρανό-ς;</g> Hib. <nsi>burne,</nsi> ‘water.’]
       <>{%--Varuṇa-gṛihīta, as, ā, am,%} Ved. seized by Va-
       <>ruṇa, afflicted with disease (especially with dropsy;
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0890 case = 1058, hw = varga, page=0890-b

       <>{%varga,%} the square of five; cf. {%bhinna-vº%}); {%= bala,%}
       <>strength (fr. rt. {%vṛij%} in a sense ‘to be strong,’ see
205002 <>{%vargas;%} cf. {%ūrj;%} cf. also Zend <nsi>verez;</nsi> Gr. <g>ϝἐργάζομαι</g>
       <><g></g>); N. of a country; ({%ā%}), f., N. of an Apsaras;
       <>[cf. probably Lat. <nsi>vulgus.</nsi>] {%--Varga-karman, a,%} n.

case = 1059, hw = varga, page=0890-b

       <>strength (fr. rt. {%vṛij%} in a sense ‘to be strong,’ see
       <>{%vargas;%} cf. {%ūrj;%} cf. also Zend <nsi>verez;</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
205003 <><g></g>); N. of a country; ({%ā%}), f., N. of an Apsaras;
       <>[cf. probably Lat. <nsi>vulgus.</nsi>] {%--Varga-karman, a,%} n.
       <>an operation relating to square numbers. {%--Varga-%}
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0893 case = 1060, hw = varpas, page=0893-a

       <>stratagem, design, scheme; (Sāy.) praise ({%= stotra%});
       <>anything which opposes or wards off ({%= āvaraka,%}
205611 <>{%vāraka%}); [cf. perhaps Gr. <g>μορφή.</g>]
       <P>{%Varpa-ṇīti, is, is, i%} (fr. {%varpa = varpas + nīti%}),
       <>taking a pretended form, acting artfully; (Sāy.)

case = 1061, hw = varza, page=0893-b

       <>reckoned on the west coast from about June to
       <>October); rain; ({%as%}), m., N. of a grammarian;
205714 <>[cf. Gr. <g></g> (Hom. <g>ἐέρσ-η, ἕρσ-η, ἑρσή-εις.</g>)]
       <>{%--Varsha-kara, as, ā%} or {%ī, am,%} making or pro-
       <>ducing rain; ({%as%}), m. a cloud; ({%ī%}), f. a cricket
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0895 case = 1062, hw = vaS, page=0895-b

       <>Desid. {%vivaśishati:%} Intens. {%vāvaśyate, vāvaśīti%}
       <>or {%vāvashṭi,%} to desire very much, love [cf. {%vāva-%}
206177 <>{%śāna%}]; to exult; [cf. Gr. <g>ἑκ-ών, ἀ-έκων, ἕκ-η-τι,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>in-vi-tu-s</nsi> for <nsi>in-vic-(i)-</nsi>

case = 1063, hw = vaS, page=0895-b

       <>or {%vāvashṭi,%} to desire very much, love [cf. {%vāva-%}
       <>{%śāna%}]; to exult; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
206178 <><g>ἕκ-η-λο-ς, εὔκηλος;</g> Lat. <nsi>in-vi-tu-s</nsi> for <nsi>in-vic-(i)-</nsi>
       <P>{%Vaśa, as, ā, am,%} willing, subdued, subject, sub-

case = 1064, hw = vazkaya, page=0895-c

       <>to go.
       <P>{%Vashkaya, as,%} m. a one-year-old calf (according
206291 <>to Śākaṭāyana); [cf. {%vaskaya;%} Gr. <g>μὀσχος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>vacca.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Vashkayaṇī%} or {%vashkayiṇī,%} f. a cow that has [Page0896-a+ 78]

case = 1065, hw = vazkaya, page=0895-c

       <P>{%Vashkaya, as,%} m. a one-year-old calf (according
       <>to Śākaṭāyana); [cf. {%vaskaya;%} Gr. <g></g>
206292 <><g>μοσχάς;</g> Lat. <nsi>vacca.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Vashkayaṇī%} or {%vashkayiṇī,%} f. a cow that has [Page0896-a+ 78]
       <>full-grown calves, a cow bearing many calves; [cf.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0896 case = 1066, hw = vas, page=0896-a

       <>dress, dress: Pass. {%vasyate:%} Caus. {%vāsayati, -te:%}
       <>Desid. {%vivasishate:%} Intens. {%vāvasyate, vāvasti;%}
206317 <>[cf. Zend <nsi>vanh, vas-tra;</nsi> Gr. <g>ἕν-νυ-μι </g> (for <g>ϝεσνυμι</g>),
       <><g></g> (= Ved. {%vasman%}), <g></g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>ves-ti-s, vesti-o;</nsi>

case = 1067, hw = vas, page=0896-a

       <>Desid. {%vivasishate:%} Intens. {%vāvasyate, vāvasti;%}
       <>[cf. Zend <nsi>vanh, vas-tra;</nsi> Gr. <g></g> (for <g></g>
206318 <><g>εἶ-μα</g> (= Ved. {%vasman%}), <g>ἱμάτ-ιο-ν, ἔσ-θ-ος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>ves-ti-s, vesti-o;</nsi>
       <>Goth. <nsi>ga-vas-jan, vas-ti;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>werian.</nsi>]

case = 1068, hw = vas, page=0896-a

       <>[cf. Zend <nsi>vanh, vas-tra;</nsi> Gr. <g></g> (for <g></g>
       <><g></g> (= Ved. {%vasman%}), <g></g>
206319 <><g>ἐσ-θ-ή-ς, ἑ-ᾰνό-ς, ἑ-ᾱνό-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>ves-ti-s, vesti-o;</nsi>
       <>Goth. <nsi>ga-vas-jan, vas-ti;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>werian.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Vas%} (at the end of a comp.), wearing.

case = 1069, hw = vas, page=0896-b

       <>habit: Desid. {%vivatsati,%} to wish to dwell: Intens.
       <>{%vāvasyate, vāvasti,%} to remain, be in, be engaged
206402 <>in; [cf. Gr. <g>ἄστυ, ϝάστυ, ἀστεῖο-ς, ἀστό-ς, ἑστία,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably also) <g></g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>Vesta, vesti-bulum, verna,</nsi> (perhaps also) <nsi>vās,</nsi>

case = 1070, hw = vas, page=0896-b

       <>{%vāvasyate, vāvasti,%} to remain, be in, be engaged
       <>in; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
206403 <><g>ὑπερ-ῷον,</g> (probably also) <g>εὐνή, ἰαύω, αὐλή, αὖλις:</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>Vesta, vesti-bulum, verna,</nsi> (perhaps also) <nsi>vās,</nsi>
       <><nsi>vāsum:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>visan, vas</nsi> = Eng. <nsi>was:</nsi> Old Germ.

case = 1071, hw = vasu, page=0896-c

       <>gem, jewel; water; a sort of salt; a yellow kind of
       <>kidney-bean; a medicinal root (commonly called
206531 <>Vṛiddhi; said to be also {%us,%} f.); [cf. Gr. <g>ἐΰς, ἐόων.</g>]
       <>{%--Vasu-karṇa, as,%} m., N. of a Ṛishi with the [Page0897-a+ 81]
       <>patronymic Vāsukra (author of the hymns Ṛig-veda
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0897 case = 1072, hw = vasna, page=0897-b

       <>rt. 6. {%vas;%} for 1. see p. 896, col. 2), hire, wages,
       <>price; ({%am%}), n. abiding, dwelling; wealth, substance,
206690 <>thing; wages, hire; death; [cf. Gr. <g>ὦνο-ς</g> (for
       <><g></g>); <g></g> Lat. <nsi>venu-m, ven-eo,</nsi>
       <><nsi>ven-do;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>ven-i-ti, ven-o.</nsi>]

case = 1073, hw = vasna, page=0897-b

       <>price; ({%am%}), n. abiding, dwelling; wealth, substance,
       <>thing; wages, hire; death; [cf. Gr. <g></g> (for
206691 <><g>ϝόσνος</g>); <g>ὠνή, ὠνέ-ο-μαι;</g> Lat. <nsi>venu-m, ven-eo,</nsi>
       <><nsi>ven-do;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>ven-i-ti, ven-o.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Vasnika, as, ī, am,%} relating to hire or price, earn-

case = 1074, hw = vasanta, page=0897-c

       <>{%ṛitu%}); the deified personification of spring; dysentery,
       <>diarrhœa; small-pox; ({%ī%}), f., N. of a particular scale
206712 <>or musical mode; [cf. Gr. <g>ἔαρ;</g> Lat. <nsi>ver;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>vesna.</nsi>]
       <>{%--Vasanta-kāla, as,%} m. the vernal season. {%--Va-%}
       <>{%santa-kusuma, as,%} m. ‘having blossoms in spring,’
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0898 case = 1075, hw = vah, page=0898-a

       <>Caus. {%vāhyate,%} to be caused to bear or carry, to be
       <>made to convey: Desid. {%vivakshati, -te:%} Intens.
206819 <>{%vāvahyate, vāvoḍhi;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ὄχο-ς, ὀχέ-ο-μαι,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>veho, vehi-culu-m, vehe-s, vectura,</nsi>

case = 1076, hw = vah, page=0898-a

       <>made to convey: Desid. {%vivakshati, -te:%} Intens.
       <>{%vāvahyate, vāvoḍhi;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
206820 <><g>ὀχεύ-ω, ὄχη-μα, ὄχ-λο-ς, ὀχ-λέ-ω, ὀχ-ετό-ς, αὐχήν,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>veho, vehi-culu-m, vehe-s, vectura,</nsi>
       <><nsi>via, vexo, vêlu-m</nsi> (for <nsi>veh-lu-m</nsi>), <nsi>uxor,</nsi> probably

case = 1077, hw = vah, page=0898-a

       <>{%vāvahyate, vāvoḍhi;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
206821 <><g>ἄχθος;</g> Lat. <nsi>veho, vehi-culu-m, vehe-s, vectura,</nsi>
       <><nsi>via, vexo, vêlu-m</nsi> (for <nsi>veh-lu-m</nsi>), <nsi>uxor,</nsi> probably
       <><nsi>bajulus;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>ga-vig-an, ga-vag-ja, vêg-s, vig-s;</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0899 case = 1078, hw = vA, page=0899-a

       <>whether or no, see under {%yadi,%} p. 808; {%yad vā,%}
       <>or, or else; {%kiṃ vā,%} whether? {%kiṃ vā--na vā,%} is
207052 <>it--or not? see under {%kim;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ἤ;</g> Lat. <nsi>ve.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#vA#}¦ 2. {%vā%} (according to some originally
       <>{%av + ā,%} cf. <g></g>), cl. 2. P. {%vāti, vavau,%}

case = 1079, hw = vA, page=0899-a

       <>it--or not? see under {%kim;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g> Lat. <nsi>ve.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#vA#}¦ 2. {%vā%} (according to some originally
207054 <>{%av + ā,%} cf. <g>ἄημι</g>), cl. 2. P. {%vāti, vavau,%}
       <>{%vāsyati, avāsīt, vātum,%} to blow (as the wind); to
       <>move, go; to pierce, strike, hurt, injure; cl. 4. P.

case = 1080, hw = vA, page=0899-a

       <>to favour, honour, worship (Naigh. III. 5); to be
       <>favourable or kind towards; to bestow, grant; [cf.
207068 <>Zend vā: Gr. <g>.α-ω, ἄ-ος, ἄη-μι, ἀή-τη-ς, ἄ-ελλα,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably

case = 1081, hw = vA, page=0899-a

       <>favourable or kind towards; to bestow, grant; [cf.
       <>Zend vā: Gr. <g></g>
207069 <><g>αὔ-ρα, ἀ-ήρ, ἀ-ΐ-σθ-ω, ἀά-ζ-ω, ἆσθ-μα, μετέωρος,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably
       <>also) <g></g> ({%= ātman%}), <g></g> Lat.

case = 1082, hw = vA, page=0899-a

       <>Zend vā: Gr. <g></g>
207070 <><g>ἀείρω, ἄρδην, ἀρτάω, ἀορτήρ, αἰωρέω</g> (probably
       <>also) <g></g> ({%= ātman%}), <g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>ven-tu-s, a-er,</nsi> probably also <nsi>vanus, vapor</nsi> (fr. the

case = 1083, hw = vA, page=0899-a

       <><g></g> (probably
207071 <>also) <g>αὐλός, οὖρος; ἀϋτμήν</g> ({%= ātman%}), <g>ἀτμή:</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>ven-tu-s, a-er,</nsi> probably also <nsi>vanus, vapor</nsi> (fr. the
       <>Caus.): Goth. <nsi>vaian, vind-s:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>wa-dal,</nsi>

case = 1084, hw = vAta, page=0899-a

       <>or air as one of the humors of the body; morbid
       <>affection of the windy humor, rheumatism, gout,
207085 <>inflammation of the joints; [cf. Gr. <g>ἐτώσιος;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>ventus;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vinds;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>wind, weder;</nsi>
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>weder.</nsi>] {%--Vāta-karman, a,%} n. breaking
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0900 case = 1085, hw = vAGat, page=0900-a

       <P>.{#vAGat#}¦ {%vāghat, t,%} m. (according to some fr.
       <>rt. 1. {%vah,%} probably Pres. part. of a lost rt. {%vāgh%} = Lat.
207301 <><nsi>vāgire,</nsi> Gr. <g>εὔχομαι</g>), Ved. praying; a priest (ac-
       <>cording to Naigh. III. 18 {%= ṛitvij%}); {%= medhāvin%}
       <>(Naigh. III. 15); a horse, (Sāy. {%= vāhaka = aśva%}).

case = 1086, hw = vAc, page=0900-b

       <>is called the mother of the Vedas and wife of Indra;
       <>cf. Taittirīya-Br. II. 8, 8, 5, Śatapatha-Br. VII. 5, 2,
207328 <>52); [cf. Lat. <nsi>voc-s;</nsi> Gr. <g>ὄπ-ς.</g>] {%--Vāk-kalaha,%}
       <>{%am,%} n. ‘speech-strife,’ quarrel, dispute. {%--Vāk-kīra,%}
       <>{%as,%} m. a wife's brother, (said to be fr. {%vāć,%} speech,
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0904 case = 1087, hw = vAr, page=0904-b

       <P>.{#vAr#}¦ {%vār, r,%} n. (fr. rt. {%vṛi%}), water; [cf. {%va-%}
208313 <>{%ruṇa:%} cf. also Zend {%vāra,%} ‘rain:’ Gr. <g>οὖρο-ν,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps
       <>also <g></g> Lat. <nsi>ur-ina, urin-a-ri, urina-</nsi>

case = 1088, hw = vAr, page=0904-b

       <P>.{#vAr#}¦ {%vār, r,%} n. (fr. rt. {%vṛi%}), water; [cf. {%va-%}
       <>{%ruṇa:%} cf. also Zend {%vāra,%} ‘rain:’ Gr. <g></g>
208314 <><g>οὐρ-έ-ω, οὐρ-ί-α, οὐράνη, οὐρή-θρα, οὔρη-μα,</g> perhaps
       <>also <g></g> Lat. <nsi>ur-ina, urin-a-ri, urina-</nsi>
       <><nsi>tor, urceus, urna; mare;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>mari:</nsi>

case = 1089, hw = vAr, page=0904-b

       <>{%ruṇa:%} cf. also Zend {%vāra,%} ‘rain:’ Gr. <g></g>
       <><g></g> perhaps
208315 <>also <g>ὑρτήρ, ὕρχη:</g> Lat. <nsi>ur-ina, urin-a-ri, urina-</nsi>
       <><nsi>tor, urceus, urna; mare;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>mari:</nsi>
       <>Slav. <nsi>more;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>burn,</nsi> ‘water;’ <nsi>fairge,</nsi> ‘ocean;’

case = 1090, hw = vAra, page=0904-c

       <>ranthes Aspera ({%= kubja%}); the opposite bank of a
       <>river or of the sea, (for {%pāra%}); ({%am%}), n. a vessel for
208357 <>holding spirituous liquor; [cf. Gr. <g>ἦρα:</g> Hib. <nsi>vair,</nsi>
       <>‘an hour, time;’ <nsi>air uairibh,</nsi> ‘sometimes;’ Cambro-
       <>Brit. <nsi>aur;</nsi> Old Island. <nsi>var</nsi> in <nsi>tvis-var,</nsi> ‘twice;’
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0908 case = 1091, hw = vi, page=0908-c

       <>cording to Sāy.); epithet of the Soma; of a sacri-
       <>ficer; the eye (?); heaven (?); the region of the [Page0909-a+ 75]
209326 <>wind (?); [cf. Zend <nsi>vi;</nsi> Gr. <g>οἰ-ωνό-ς, αἰ-ε-τό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>avis, ovum;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>ei;</nsi> Angl.
       <>Sax. <nsi>œg.</nsi>] --1. {%vi-gata, am,%} n. (for 2. see under {%vi-%}

case = 1092, hw = vi, page=0908-c

       <>ficer; the eye (?); heaven (?); the region of the [Page0909-a+ 75]
       <>wind (?); [cf. Zend <nsi>vi;</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
209327 <><g>ὤϊον, ὠόν;</g> Lat. <nsi>avis, ovum;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>ei;</nsi> Angl.
       <>Sax. <nsi>œg.</nsi>] --1. {%vi-gata, am,%} n. (for 2. see under {%vi-%}
       <>{%gam%}), the flight of birds. {%--1. vi-ććhāya, am,%} n.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0909 case = 1093, hw = viMSati, page=0909-a

       <>fr. {%dvi-daśati,%} ‘two tens’), twenty, a score; ({%tī%}), f.
       <>du. two twenties; ({%tayas%}), f. pl. many twenties;
209335 <>[cf. Gr. <g>εἴκατι, εἴκοαι</g> (Lacon. <g>βείκατι</g>); Lat. <nsi>vi-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ginti;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>fichead;</nsi> Cambro-Brit. <nsi>ugaint.</nsi>] {%--Viṉ-%}
       <>{%śatika, as, ā%} or {%ī, am,%} worth twenty, produced
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0913 case = 1094, hw = vic, page=0913-b

       <>of (with inst.); to discriminate, discern, judge: Pass.
       <>{%vićyate,%} Aor. {%aveći:%} Caus. {%većayati,%} Aor. {%avīvićat:%}
210379 <>Desid. {%vivikshati;%} [cf. Gr. <g>εἴκω,</g> (perhaps also)
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>vito</nsi> for <nsi>vic-(i)-to,</nsi> (according
       <>to some also) <nsi>vinco, vicis, invicem, vicissim;</nsi> Old

case = 1095, hw = vic, page=0913-b

       <>{%vićyate,%} Aor. {%aveći:%} Caus. {%većayati,%} Aor. {%avīvićat:%}
       <>Desid. {%vivikshati;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g> (perhaps also)
210380 <><g>ἑκάς, ἴχ-ν-ος;</g> Lat. <nsi>vito</nsi> for <nsi>vic-(i)-to,</nsi> (according
       <>to some also) <nsi>vinco, vicis, invicem, vicissim;</nsi> Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>wichan,</nsi> (perhaps also) <nsi>wehsal;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0915 case = 1096, hw = viC, page=0915-a

       <>to go, approach; cl. 10. P. {%viććhayati, -yitum,%} to
       <>speak; to shine [cf. {%viśna%}]: Intens. {%veviććhīti;%} [cf.
210736 <>Gr. <g>οἰχνέω, οἴχομαι.</g>]
       <P>.{#vij#}¦ 1. {%vij,%} cl. 7. P. {%vinakti, viveja, vi-%}
       <>{%jishyati, avijīt,%} cl. 6. A. (usually with

case = 1097, hw = vij, page=0915-a

       <>{%yati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%avīvijat,%} to terrify, frighten:
       <>Desid. {%vivijishati:%} Intens. {%vevijyate, vevekti,%} to
210750 <>shake or tremble violently; [cf. probably Gr. <g>ἀΐσσω;</g>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>wicelian, wince.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Vigna, as, ā, am,%} shaken, trembling, agitated,
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

page = 0918 case = 1098, hw = vid, page=0918-a

       <>{%dishati, -te, vivitsati, -te,%} to desire to know, strive
       <>to know; to wish to find or discover: Intens. {%vevid-%}
211490 <>{%yate, vevetti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ἴδ-ο-ν, εἶδ-ο-ν</g> (i. e. <g>ἔϝιδον</g>),
       <><g></g> ({%= veda%}), <g></g>

case = 1099, hw = vid, page=0918-a

       <>to know; to wish to find or discover: Intens. {%vevid-%}
       <>{%yate, vevetti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g> (i. e. <g></g>),
211491 <><g>εἴδ-ο-μαι, οἶδ-α</g> ({%= veda%}), <g>εἶδ-ος. εἴδ-ωλο-ν, ἴνδαλμα,</g>

case = 1100, hw = vid, page=0918-a

       <>{%yate, vevetti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g> (i. e. <g></g>),
       <><g></g> ({%= veda%}), <g></g>
211492 <><g>ἀ-ειδ-ής, ἀ-ίδη-ς, ἄ-ῐστ-ο-ς, είδ-ώς, ἴδ-μην, ἴστωρ,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>vid-eo, visu-s</nsi> (Umbr. <nsi>virs-e-</nsi>

case = 1101, hw = vid, page=0918-a

       <><g></g> ({%= veda%}), <g></g>
211493 <><g>ἰστορ-έ-ω, ἴδ-ρι-ς, ἰνδ-άλλομαι, ὕδνης, ὕδω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>vid-eo, visu-s</nsi> (Umbr. <nsi>virs-e-</nsi>
       <><nsi>to</nsi>), <nsi>vis-o, vi-tru-m:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vait, un-vit-i,</nsi> ‘igno-

case = 1102, hw = vid, page=0918-a

211494 <><g>ὑδέω, ἀείδω:</g> Lat. <nsi>vid-eo, visu-s</nsi> (Umbr. <nsi>virs-e-</nsi>
       <><nsi>to</nsi>), <nsi>vis-o, vi-tru-m:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vait, un-vit-i,</nsi> ‘igno-
       <>rance;’ <nsi>vit-an, far-veit-l, vitôth, in-veitan, veit-</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Above is the next batch of cases. There are 108 cases, over 33 pages.

@jmigliori These are now ready for you.

Incidentally, the end is in sight for mw72 greek: According to current count, there are 1463 cases, So about 3+ batches after this batch.

gasyoun commented 5 years ago

@jmigliori are you lost for now or forever?

jmigliori commented 5 years ago

@jmigliori are you lost for now or forever?

Hi there! I’ve been traveling a lot this summer, and haven’t been able to chip away at these like usually try to. I finished these up this morning. I’d like to finish up MW72 then I should probably step back from the project because of time limitations—though I’d still be around to answer any short Greek-related questions.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

@jmigliori Lives 👍

It's been so long since I've thought of this That I've forgotten how it goes. Iis the next step for me to prepare an issue 'Greek in MW72, part 8' for you. Is that right?

gasyoun commented 5 years ago

Iis the next step for me to prepare an issue 'Greek in MW72, part 8' for you. Is that right?

If above Greek is on board, seems so. Jonathan, good to see you traveled home safe, we need you.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

These now installed in current mw72 digitization.