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Greek in MW72, part 8 #29

Closed funderburkjim closed 4 years ago

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

This continues the work of #25.

Note on meta-line form

In between Aug 2, 2017, which #25 was constructed, and now, the format of the digitization mw72.txt was changed substantially (to the 'meta-line' form now common to all digitizations).

This causes an extra level of complexity in handling the Greek.

However, I am aiming to make this difference invisible to @jmigliori.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0920 case = 1103, hw = vidAya, page=0920-a

       <>(with abl.).
       <P>.{#vidAya#}¦ {%vidāya, as,%} m. (perhaps not a
211852 <>Sanskṛit word, cf. <g></g>), permission to go away,
       <>dismissal with good wishes.
       <P>.{#vidAra#}¦ {%vi-dāra.%} See under {%vi-dṛī,%} col. 2.
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0921 case = 1104, hw = viDavA, page=0921-b

       <><nsi>duus;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>viduvo;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>wuduwe, wu-</nsi>
       <><nsi>duwa;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>vidova;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>feadhb;</nsi> perhaps Gr.
212155 <><g>ἠΐθεος.</g>] {%--Vidhavā-gāmin, ī,%} m. one who has in-
       <>tercourse with a widow. {%--Vidhavā-dharma, as,%}
       <>m. ‘the duty of widows,’ N. of a section of the
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0941 case = 1105, hw = viS, page=0941-b

       <>{%veśayati, -yitum, avīviśat,%} to cause to enter, &c.:
       <>Desid. {%vivikshati:%} Intens. {%veviśyate, veveshṭi;%} [cf.
216763 <>Zend <nsi>vīś,</nsi> ‘to come;’ Gr. <g>ἵκ-ω, ἱκ-νέ-ο-μαι, ἱκ-αν-ω, ἱκ-έ-τη-ς,</g>
       <P>{%Viviksh, ṭ, ṭ, ṭ,%} or {%ḍ, ḍ, ḍ%} (fr. the Desid.), one

case = 1106, hw = viS, page=0941-b

       <>Desid. {%vivikshati:%} Intens. {%veviśyate, veveshṭi;%} [cf.
       <>Zend <nsi>vīś,</nsi> ‘to come;’ Gr. <g></g>
216764 <><g>ἱκ-τήρ, ἱκ-τήρ, ἱκετή-σιο-ς, ἱκ-ανό-ς, ἴκ-μενο-ς.</g>].
       <P>{%Viviksh, ṭ, ṭ, ṭ,%} or {%ḍ, ḍ, ḍ%} (fr. the Desid.), one
       <>who wishes to enter, (see Vopa-deva III. 151.)

case = 1107, hw = viS, page=0941-b

       <>lord of men, lord of the people, king; epithet of
       <>Agni; [cf. Zend <nsi>viś-paiti;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>wies-patis, wies-</nsi>
216793 <><nsi>patene;</nsi> Mold. <nsi>hospodar;</nsi> (perhaps also) Gr. <g>δεσπότης.</g>
       <><g></g>] {%--Viś-patnī,%} f., Ved. the mistress or protec-
       <>tress of mankind (applied to the fire of attrition).

case = 1108, hw = viS, page=0941-b

       <>Agni; [cf. Zend <nsi>viś-paiti;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>wies-patis, wies-</nsi>
       <><nsi>patene;</nsi> Mold. <nsi>hospodar;</nsi> (perhaps also) Gr. <g></g>
216794 <><g></g>] {%--Viś-patnī,%} f., Ved. the mistress or protec-
       <>tress of mankind (applied to the fire of attrition).
       <P>{%Viśa%} = 2. {%viś%} (at the end of a comp.); ({%am%}), n.

case = 1109, hw = viSAKa, page=0941-c

       <>placed under the regency of a dual divinity, {%Indrāgnī,%}
       <>Indra and Agni; it is probably to be connected with
216896 <>the quadrangle of stars <g>ι, α , β, γ</g> Libræ; see {%nak-%}
       <>{%shatra%}); the cucurbitaceous plant Momordica Cha-
       <>rantia, (in this sense fem. sing.) {%--Viśākha-ja, as,%}
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0952 case = 1110, hw = vihA, page=0952-b

       <>to go apart, (Sāy. {%vi-jihīshva = vi-gaććha,%} Ṛig-
       <>veda V. 78, 5), become expanded, open, gape open
219367 <>(Lat. <nsi>dehisco,</nsi> Gr. <g>χαίνω</g>).
       <P>{%Vi-ha%} (for 2. {%vi-hā%} below), the sky, air (only
       <>used in comps.). {%--Viha-ga, as,%} m. ‘sky-goer,’ a

case = 1111, hw = vihAyas, page=0952-b

       <>{%yukta%}); (perhaps) going quickly, impetuous, spirited,
       <>active; ({%ās, as%}), m. n. the open air, air, space (Gr.
219390 <><g>χάος</g>), sky, atmosphere; ({%ās%}), m. a bird.
       <P>{%Vi-hāyasa, as, am,%} m. n. heaven, sky, atmo-
       <>sphere; ({%as%}), m. a bird.
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0953 case = 1112, hw = vI, page=0953-a

       <>desire or love; to cause to conceive (in this sense
       <>also {%vāpayati%}): Desid. {%vivīshati:%} Intens. {%vevīyate,%}
219562 <>{%vevayīti, veveti,%} (see also {%vevī%}); [cf. Gr. <g>οἴσω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>in-vītus, in-vitare.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%vī, īs, īs, i,%} Ved. going, moving, (according to

case = 1113, hw = vI, page=0953-a

       <>also {%vāpayati%}): Desid. {%vivīshati:%} Intens. {%vevīyate,%}
       <>{%vevayīti, veveti,%} (see also {%vevī%}); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
219563 <><g>οἴαξ, οἰήϊον;</g> Lat. <nsi>in-vītus, in-vitare.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%vī, īs, īs, i,%} Ved. going, moving, (according to
       <>Sāy. {%veḥ = gantryāḥ,%} Ṛig-veda III. 5, 5); pervad-
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0954 case = 1114, hw = vIwi, page=0954-b

       <>with spices and chunam enveloped in a leaf of the
       <>betel plant, betel, Pān; a tie, fastening; [cf. {%vetra,%}
219853 <>{%vetasa;%} cf. also Gr. <g>ἴ-τυ-ς, ἰ-τέα;</g> Lat. <nsi>vi-tex, vitta,</nsi>
       <><nsi>vi-men, vi-ti-s;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>wi-d, wi-da;</nsi> Angl.
       <>Sax. <nsi>widde.</nsi>]

case = 1115, hw = vIDra, page=0954-c

       <P>.{#vIDra#}¦ {%vīdhra, as, ā, am%} (according to Uṇādi-s.
       <>II. 26. fr. rt. {%indh%} with {%vi%}), clear, clean, pure; ({%am%}),
219905 <>n. the sky, atmosphere; wind; fire; [cf. Gr. <g>αἰθρία.</g>]
       <P>.{#vIn#}¦ {%vīn (vi-in),%} cl. 8. P. {%vīnoti,%} &c., Ved.
       <>to cause to go out, drive away, remove, scatter, dis-
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0955 case = 1116, hw = vIra, page=0955-a

       <>Tibialis; the root of ginger (?); pepper; rice-gruel;
       <>the root of Costus Speciosus; the root of Andropogon
219963 <>Muricatus; [cf. probably Gr. <g>ἥρω-ς, Ἥρα, Ἡρακλῆς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>vir;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vair;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>wer;</nsi>
       <>Lith. <nsi>vyra-s.</nsi>] {%--Vīra-karma, am,%} n., Ved. hero-

case = 1117, hw = vIra, page=0955-a

       <>the root of Costus Speciosus; the root of Andropogon
       <>Muricatus; [cf. probably Gr. <g></g>
219964 <><g>εἰρήν;</g> Lat. <nsi>vir;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vair;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>wer;</nsi>
       <>Lith. <nsi>vyra-s.</nsi>] {%--Vīra-karma, am,%} n., Ved. hero-
       <>forming (seed). {%--Vīra-kīṭa, as,%} m. ‘worm of a

case = 1118, hw = vILu, page=0955-c

       <>firm, (sometimes written {%vīlu%}); ({%u%}), n. anything
       <>strong, a fortified place, stronghold; [cf. according to
220138 <>some Gr. <g></g>] {%--Vīḷu-jambha, as, ā, am,%} Ved.
       <>having strong jaws or teeth, (Sāy. {%= dṛiḍha-danta.%})
       <>{%--Vīḷu-dveshas, ās, ās, as,%} Ved. hating the strong
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0956 case = 1119, hw = vf, page=0956-a

       <>{%shati, -te,%} or {%vivarīshati, -te,%} or {%vuvūrshati, -te:%}
       <>Intens. {%vevrīyate, vovūryate, varvarti;%} [cf. Gr.
220212 <><g>ἐρύω, ἀρνέομαι, ὄρομαι, ὤρα, εὑρίσκω; ἀρά, ἀρείνω,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps Lat. <nsi>aperio, operio,</nsi> probably <nsi>velum,</nsi>

case = 1120, hw = vf, page=0956-a

       <>Intens. {%vevrīyate, vovūryate, varvarti;%} [cf. Gr.
220213 <><g>ἄριστος, ἦρα, βούλομαι, βουλή, βελτίων, βέλτιστος;</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps Lat. <nsi>aperio, operio,</nsi> probably <nsi>velum,</nsi>
       <><nsi>velare; verus, valeo, valor; velle:</nsi> Old Germ.

case = 1121, hw = vf, page=0956-a

220214 <><g></g> perhaps Lat. <nsi>aperio, operio,</nsi> probably <nsi>velum,</nsi>
       <><nsi>velare; verus, valeo, valor; velle:</nsi> Old Germ.
       <><nsi>wara, wâr,</nsi> ‘true;’ <nsi>wari, werna, warnôn, weljan,</nsi>

case = 1122, hw = vfMh, page=0956-b

       <>{%hati, vṛiṉhayati,%} to speak; to shine: Caus. {%vṛiṉ-%}
       <>{%hayati, -yitum,%} to cause to increase, to augment,
220254 <>strengthen, fatten; [cf. Gr. <g>βράχω, βράζω, βράγχος,</g>

case = 1123, hw = vfMh, page=0956-b

       <>{%hayati, -yitum,%} to cause to increase, to augment,
       <>strengthen, fatten; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
220255 <><g>βρόγχος, βρόχθος, (probably also) βράσσω, βρυχάομαι;</g>
       <P>{%Vṛiṉhaṇa, as, ā%} or {%ī, am,%} causing to increase,

case = 1124, hw = vfMh, page=0956-b

       <>strengthen, fatten; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
220256 <><g>ῥόχθος, ὀρεχθέω, ῥαχία, ῥέγχω, ῥόγχος.</g>]
       <P>{%Vṛiṉhaṇa, as, ā%} or {%ī, am,%} causing to increase,
       <>nourishing, fostering, fattening, nutritious; ({%as%}), m.

case = 1125, hw = vfka, page=0956-b

       <>sampelos Hexandra, {%= amba-shṭhā; (ī),%} f. a she-
       <>wolf, (in Ṛig-veda I. 117, 18. the nom. case is
220291 <>{%vṛikīs%}); a kind of plant, {%= pāṭhā;%} [cf. Gr. <g>λύκό-ς;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>lupu-s;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vulf-s;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>wulf;</nsi>
       <>Slav. <nsi>vluk-u;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>vilka-s.</nsi>] {%--Vṛika-karman, ā,%}
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0957 case = 1126, hw = vfj, page=0957-a

       <>to turn aside, divert: Caus. of Intens. {%varīvarja-%}
       <>{%yati,%} Ved. to turn or move in different directions;
220441 <>[cf. Gr. <g>εἵργ-νυ-μι, εἴργ-ω, εἱργ-μό-ς, εἱρκ-τή,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth.
       <><nsi>vrik-a, vruggo:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>reccheo; wurgjan:</nsi>

case = 1127, hw = vfj, page=0957-a

       <>{%yati,%} Ved. to turn or move in different directions;
       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
220442 <><g>Λυ-κόοργο-ς:</g> Goth.
       <><nsi>vrik-a, vruggo:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>reccheo; wurgjan:</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>vring-an; wealc-an,</nsi> ‘to roll;’ (probably
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0958 case = 1128, hw = vfTA, page=0958-b

       <>falsely; wrongly, incorrectly; vain, purposeless, use-
       <>less, fruitless; (if compounded with articles of food,
220765 <>{%vṛithā%} is said to mean ‘hot’); [cf. Gr. <g>ῥεῖα, βρᾶ,</g>
       <><g></g> &c.] {%--Vṛithā-kathā,%} f. idle
       <>talk, nonsense. {%--Vṛithākāra (ºthā-ākº), as,%} m. a

case = 1129, hw = vfTA, page=0958-b

       <>less, fruitless; (if compounded with articles of food,
       <>{%vṛithā%} is said to mean ‘hot’); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
220766 <><g>ῥᾷ, ῥάῐστος, ῥᾴδιος,</g> &c.] {%--Vṛithā-kathā,%} f. idle
       <>talk, nonsense. {%--Vṛithākāra (ºthā-ākº), as,%} m. a
       <>false form, mere appearance, empty show. {%--Vṛithā-%}

case = 1130, hw = vfD, page=0958-c

       <>Desid. {%vivardhishate, vivṛitsati:%} Intens. {%varī-%}
       <>{%vṛidhyate, varīvṛidhīti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>vared, vareda:</nsi>
220834 <>Gr. <g>βάλσ-τη, βλασ-τό-ς, βλαστ-άν-ω, βλωθ-ρό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> (perhaps) Lat.
       <><nsi>grandis:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>valdan, vaur-ts,</nsi> ‘a root:’ Old

case = 1131, hw = vfD, page=0958-c

       <>{%vṛidhyate, varīvṛidhīti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>vared, vareda:</nsi>
       <>Gr. <g></g>
220835 <><g>βραδινός, ῥαδινός, ῥίζα; ἄλσος:</g> (perhaps) Lat.
       <><nsi>grandis:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>valdan, vaur-ts,</nsi> ‘a root:’ Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>uurza:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>waldan, vridian, weald:</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0959 case = 1132, hw = vfz, page=0959-c

       <>{%yati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%avavarshat, avīvṛishat,%} to
       <>cause to rain, &c.: Desid. {%vivarshishati:%} Intens.
221069 <>{%varīvṛishyate, varīvarshṭi,%} &c.; [cf. Gr. <g>ἔρσ-η</g>
       <>(Hom. <g></g>), <g></g>].
       <P>{%Vṛisha, as,%} m. a rainer, sprinkler, (Sāy. {%= sećaka%});

case = 1133, hw = vfz, page=0959-c

       <>cause to rain, &c.: Desid. {%vivarshishati:%} Intens.
       <>{%varīvṛishyate, varīvarshṭi,%} &c.; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
221070 <>(Hom. <g>ἐέρσ-η</g>), <g>ἕρσ-η, ἑρσή-ει-ς, βρέχ-ω.</g>].
       <P>{%Vṛisha, as,%} m. a rainer, sprinkler, (Sāy. {%= sećaka%});
       <>a bull; the sign of the zodiac Taurus; the bull of
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0960 case = 1134, hw = vfzRi, page=0960-c

       <>tribe or family (descendants of Vṛishṇi and relations
       <>of Kṛishṇa); N. of a class of Kshatriyas and Vaiśyas;
221351 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ἀρνός, ἀρνειός, ῥήν, ἕρσαι, ἔριφος.</g>]. {%--Vṛi-%}
       <>{%shṇi-garbha, as,%} m. ‘born in the family of Vṛishṇi,’
       <>epithet of Kṛishṇa. {%--Vṛishṇi-mat, ān,%} m., N. of a
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0962 case = 1135, hw = ve, page=0962-b

       <>{%yati%}), {%-te, (ūyayati):%} Desid. {%vivāsati, -te, (ūyi-%}
       <>{%yishate):%} Intens. {%vāvāyate, vāvāti%} or {%vāveti;%} [cf.
221760 <>Gr. <g>ἤ-τριον, ὀθόνη,</g> (probably also) <g>ὀπέας, ἠπητής;</g> [Page0962-c+ 78]
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>viere, vimen, vitta:</nsi> Old Germ.
       <><nsi>wât, weban:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>wœd, wefan, wœfels,</nsi>

case = 1136, hw = ve, page=0962-b

       <>{%yishate):%} Intens. {%vāvāyate, vāvāti%} or {%vāveti;%} [cf.
       <>Gr. <g></g> (probably also) <g></g> [Page0962-c+ 78]
221761 <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>viere, vimen, vitta:</nsi> Old Germ.
       <><nsi>wât, weban:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>wœd, wefan, wœfels,</nsi>
       <><nsi>weft, windan:</nsi> Lith. <nsi>u-dis,</nsi> ‘texture’ (= 2. <nsi>ūti</nsi>);
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0963 case = 1137, hw = vetasa, page=0963-b

       <P>{%Vetasa, as, ī,%} m. f. the ratan, Calamus Rotang;
       <>({%as%}), m. the citron (Citrus Medica); N. of Agni;
221934 <>N. of a city; [cf. Gr. <g>ἴ-τυ-ς, ἰ-τέα, οἶσος, οἶνος;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>vi-tex, vi-ti-s;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>wida;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>widhig.</nsi>] {%--Vetasa-pattra, am,%} n. the leaf of the

case = 1138, hw = veda, page=0963-c

       <P>.{#veTileha#}¦ {%vethileha,%} N. of a place.
       <P>.{#veda#}¦ {%veda, as,%} m. (fr. rt. 1. {%vid;%} cf. Gr.
222004 <><g>οἶδα</g> fr. <g>ιδ,</g> Lat. <nsi>video</nsi> fr. {%vid,%} Goth. <nsi>vait,</nsi> Lith.
       <><nsi>weizd</nsi>), knowing, knowledge; ‘the true knowledge,
       <>divine knowledge,’ N. of certain celebrated works
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0966 case = 1139, hw = ven, page=0966-a

       <>to play on an instrument: Caus. {%venayati, -yitum,%}
       <>Aor. {%avivenat:%} Desid. {%vivenishati, -te:%} Intens. {%ve-%}
222585 <>{%venyate, veventi;%} [cf. Gr. <g>αἰνέω, αἴνη.</g>]
       <P>{%Vena, as,%} m., Ved. a friend, lover, (according to
       <>Sāy. on Ṛig-veda VIII. 63, 1 = {%kānta%}); a knower,

case = 1140, hw = vel, page=0966-b

       <>cl. 1. P. {%velati%} or {%vellati,%} &c., to go,
       <>move; to shake about, tremble, move about, move
222644 <>round; to be wanton; [cf. perhaps Gr. <g>εἴλω, ελύω;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>volvo;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>wuoljan;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>valvjan;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>willian, wœltan.</nsi>]

case = 1141, hw = veSa, page=0966-b

       <>veda IV. 3, 13); dress, apparel; ornament, decora-
       <>tion [cf. {%vesha%}]; disguise, masquerade; [cf. Gr.
222709 <><g>οἶκο-ς, οἰκά-α;</g> Lat. <nsi>vicu-s, vic-inu-s;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>veihs;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>wic.</nsi>] {%--Veśa-dāna, as,%} m. the sunflower
       <>{%(= sūrya-śobhā)%}. {%--Veśa-dhārin, ī,%} m. ‘wearing a

case = 1142, hw = veSi, page=0966-c

       <>{%śanta%}); fire.
       <P>{%Veśasa%} in {%yajṅa-veśasa,%} q. v.
222722 <P>{%Veśi,%} in astronomy = <g>φάσις.</g>
       <P>{%Veśin, ī, inī, i,%} having a dress, dressed, assuming
       <>a particular dress or form; [cf. {%sarva-vº.%}]
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0973 case = 1143, hw = vyaT, page=0973-c

       <>baffle; to frighten; to lead or turn away: Desid.
       <>{%vivyathishate:%} Intens. {%vāvyathyate, vāvyatti;%} [cf.
224313 <>Goth. <nsi>vithon;</nsi> (perhaps also) Gr. <g>ὄθη, ὄθομαι, ὠθέω,</g>
       <P>{%Vyathaka, as, ikā, am,%} inflicting pain, paining,

case = 1144, hw = vyaT, page=0973-c

       <>{%vivyathishate:%} Intens. {%vāvyathyate, vāvyatti;%} [cf.
       <>Goth. <nsi>vithon;</nsi> (perhaps also) Gr. <g></g>
224314 <><g>ἐνοσί-χθων, ἔννοσις.</g>]
       <P>{%Vyathaka, as, ikā, am,%} inflicting pain, paining,
       <>causing pain, torturing, painful; distressing, afflict-
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0974 case = 1145, hw = vyaD, page=0974-a

       <>{%dhayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%avivyadhat:%} Desid. {%vivyat-%}
       <>{%sati:%} Intens. {%vevidhyate, vāvyaddhi%} (?); [cf. per-
224363 <>haps Gr. <g>ϝεθ in ἄεθλος.</g>]
       <P>{%Viddha, as, ā, am,%} pierced, perforated, wounded,
       <>&c. See p. 920, col. 2.
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0983 case = 1146, hw = vye, page=0983-b

       <>{%avyāsīt, avyāsta, vyātum,%} to cover, conceal, clothe:
       <>Caus. {%vyāyayati:%} Desid. {%vivyāsati, -te:%} Intens. {%ve-%}
226527 <>{%vīyate, vāvyeti%} or {%vāvyāti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ἱ in ἱμάτιον.</g>]
       <P>3. {%vīta, as, ā, am%} (for 1. and 2. {%vīta%} see p. 953,
       <>col. 2), covered, clothed, put on, worn. {%--Vīta-sū-%}

case = 1147, hw = vraj, page=0983-c

       <>to prepare, decorate: Desid. {%vivrajishati:%} Intens.
       <>{%vāvrajyate, vāvrakti,%} to go crookedly; [cf. Gr.
226595 <><g>ϝέργον;</g> Goth. <nsi>vrikan, vrakja, waurkjau;</nsi> Angl.
       <>Sax. <nsi>wrecan;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>rehhan, wreh.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Vraja, as,%} m. a road; a flock, herd, multitude,
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0984 case = 1148, hw = vraRa, page=0984-a

       <P>{%Vraṇa, as, am,%} m. n. a wound, sore, ulcer, boil,
       <>bruise, tumor; a fracture, scar, rent (see {%a-vº,%} cf. Manu
226645 <>II. 47); [cf. Gr. <g>οὐλή</g> (i. e. <g>ϝολνη</g>), <g>ἄπ-ελος;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>vulnus.</nsi>] {%--Vraṇa-kṛit, t, t, t,%} making a sore,
       <>wounding, ulcerating; corroding; ({%t%}), m. the mark-

case = 1149, hw = vrata, page=0984-a

       <>action, agency, doing, work, deed; a design, plan;
       <>eating, in {%payo-vrata,%} q. v.; [cf. probably Gr.
226683 <><g>ἑορτή.</g>] {%--Vrata-kalpadruma, am,%} n., N. of a
       <>work by Ratnākara. {%--Vrata-ćaryā,%} f. the practice of
       <>religious vows; ({%as%}), m. a religious student. {%--Vrata-%}

case = 1150, hw = vrand, page=0984-b

       <>{%-te,%} &c., (probably) to soften; to become soft, ({%avra-%}
       <>{%danta vīlitety api nigamo bhavati,%} Nirukta V.
226754 <>16); [cf. Gr. <g>βραδύ.</g>]
       <P>{%Vrandin, ī, inī, i,%} Ved. reduced to a state of
       <>softness or mildness; tamed, subdued, (or according

case = 1151, hw = vraSc, page=0984-b

       <>Caus. {%vraśćayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%avivraśćat:%} Desid.
       <>{%vivraśćishati%} and {%vivrakshati:%} Intens. {%varīvṛi-%}
226768 <>{%śćyate, varīvṛiśćīti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ἔλκος, ῥάκος, λακίς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>lacerare, ulcus.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Vṛikṇa, as, ā, am,%} cut, torn, &c. See s. v.

case = 1152, hw = vraSc, page=0984-b

       <>{%vivraśćishati%} and {%vivrakshati:%} Intens. {%varīvṛi-%}
       <>{%śćyate, varīvṛiśćīti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
226769 <><g>λακερός;</g> Lat. <nsi>lacerare, ulcus.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Vṛikṇa, as, ā, am,%} cut, torn, &c. See s. v.
       <P>{%Vṛiśćat, an, atī%} or {%antī, at,%} cutting, lacerating,

case = 1153, hw = vrADat, page=0984-c

       <>kind of pres. part. connected with rt. 1. {%vṛidh%}), Ved.
       <>great, mighty, (Sāy. {%= mahat,%} Ṛig-veda IV. 32, 3;
226828 <>cf. Gr. <g>βλωθ-ρός.</g>) {%--Vrādhan-tama, as, ā, am,%}
       <>greatest, most eminent, (Sāy. {%= pravṛiddha-tama,%}
       <>Ṛig-veda I. 150, 3.)
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0987 case = 1154, hw = Sakft, page=0987-b

       <>of some cases is {%śakan,%} following the analogy of {%ya-%}
       <>{%kṛit,%} q. v.), excrement, ordure, feces, dung, cow-
227498 <>dung; [cf. Gr. <g>σκώρ</g> (gen. <g>σκατ-ός</g>), <g>σκωρ-ία,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>sterc-us, ster-qui-liniu-m;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>skearn;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>spai-skuldrs,</nsi> ‘spittle;’ Slav. <nsi>skvri-</nsi>

case = 1155, hw = Sakft, page=0987-b

       <>{%kṛit,%} q. v.), excrement, ordure, feces, dung, cow-
       <>dung; [cf. Gr. <g></g> (gen. <g></g>), <g></g>
227499 <><g>σκέπ-βολος;</g> Lat. <nsi>sterc-us, ster-qui-liniu-m;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>skearn;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>spai-skuldrs,</nsi> ‘spittle;’ Slav. <nsi>skvri-</nsi>
       <><nsi>na, skar-edovati.</nsi>] {%--Śakṛit-kara, as, ī, am,%} dung-
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0988 case = 1156, hw = SaNKa, page=0988-b

       <>of the author of the hymn Ṛig-veda X. 15 (having
       <>the patronymic Yāmāyana); of one of the six minor
227735 <>Dvīpas; ({%ās%}), m. pl., N. of a Gotra; [cf. Gr. <g>κόγχος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>concha.</nsi>] {%--Śań-%}
       <>{%kha-karṇī,%} f. a kind of poison; [cf. {%mahā-paṅća-%}

case = 1157, hw = SaNKa, page=0988-b

       <>the patronymic Yāmāyana); of one of the six minor
       <>Dvīpas; ({%ās%}), m. pl., N. of a Gotra; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
227736 <><g>κόγχη, κόλχος, κόχλος, κάλχη;</g> Lat. <nsi>concha.</nsi>] {%--Śań-%}
       <>{%kha-karṇī,%} f. a kind of poison; [cf. {%mahā-paṅća-%}
       <>{%visha.%}] {%--Śańkha-kāra%} or {%śańkha-kāraka, as,%} m.
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0989 case = 1158, hw = SaRa, page=0989-b

       <>kind of hemp (commonly called Bengal Śaṇ; also
       <>Crotolaria Juncea); an arrow, (in this sense perhaps
227897 <>connected with {%śara%}); [cf. Gr. <g>κάνναβις;</g> Lat. <nsi>can-</nsi>
       <><nsi>nabis;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>kanápe†;</nsi> Russ. <nsi>kanopla;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>ca-</nsi>
       <><nsi>naib;</nsi> Old Iceland. <nsi>hanp;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hœnep;</nsi>

case = 1159, hw = Sata, page=0989-b

       <>a hundred (used in comp., e. g. {%dvi-śatī,%} two hundred;
       <>{%daśa-śatī,%} ten hundred); ({%as, ī, am%}), the hundredth [Page0989-c+ 81]
227966 <>(so used against Pāṇ. V. 2, 57); [cf. Gr. <g>ἑ-κατόν</g>
       <>(fr. <g></g> ‘one,’ and <g></g> {%= śata%}); Lat. <nsi>centum;</nsi>
       <>Goth. <nsi>hund;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hund;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>szimta-s;</nsi>

case = 1160, hw = Sata, page=0989-b

       <>{%daśa-śatī,%} ten hundred); ({%as, ī, am%}), the hundredth [Page0989-c+ 81]
       <>(so used against Pāṇ. V. 2, 57); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
227967 <>(fr. <g>ἑ=ἕν,</g> ‘one,’ and <g>κατο</g> {%= śata%}); Lat. <nsi>centum;</nsi>
       <>Goth. <nsi>hund;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hund;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>szimta-s;</nsi>
       <>Slav. <nsi>sto;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>céat:</nsi> Cambro-Brit. <nsi>cant;</nsi> Armor.

case = 1161, hw = Sata, page=0989-b

       <>or honoured by a hundred sacrifices,’ epithet of Indra
       <>(a hundred Aśva-medhas elevating the sacrificer to the
227980 <>rank of Indra; cf. Gr. <g>ἑκατομβαῖος</g>). {%--Śata-khaṇ-%}
       <>{%ḍa, am,%} n. ‘hundred-pieced,’ gold. {%--Śatakhaṇḍa-%}
       <>{%maya, as, ī, am,%} consisting of a hundred pieces;

case = 1162, hw = Sata, page=0989-b

       <>‘requiring a hundred physicians,’ N. of one of the
       <>Nakshatras or lunar mansions containing 100 stars,
228137 <>one of which is <g>λ</g> Aquarii, (this Nakshatra is gene-
       <>rally placed twenty-fifth on the list, and is said to
       <>require innumerable physicians, because Dhanvantari
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0991 case = 1163, hw = Satru, page=0991-a

       <>conqueror; an enemy, foe, adversary; an antagonist, [Page0991-b+ 80]
       <>a political rival or hostile neighbouring king; [cf.
228366 <>Gr. <g>ἔχθος, ἐκθρός, ὀχθέω;</g> Lat. <nsi>hod</nsi> in <nsi>odisse,</nsi>
       <><nsi>hostis;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hats;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hate, hete.</nsi>] {%--Śa-%}
       <>{%truṃ-saha, as, ā, am,%} bearing or patient with an

case = 1164, hw = Sap, page=0991-c

       <>one is sworn); to conjure: Desid. {%śiśapsati, -te:%} In-
       <>tens. {%śāśapyate%} (according to Vopa-deva XX. 8. also
228514 <>{%śaṉśapyate%}), {%śāśapti;%} [cf. perhaps Gr. <g>κόμπος.</g>]
       <P>{%Śapa, as,%} m. an imprecation, curse, cursing; an
       <>oath; a corpse, (for {%śava,%} q. v.)
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0992 case = 1165, hw = Sam, page=0992-c

       <>{%śiśamishati:%} Intens. {%śaṉśamyate, śaṉśanti,%} to be
       <>entirely appeased, become tranquil; to cease; [cf. Gr.
228736 <><g>κάμνω, αιδηρο-κμής, κημός:</g> Old Germ. <nsi>chamo.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Śanta(= śānta?),%} see Vopa-deva VII. 31.
       <P>{%Śanti(= śānti?),%} see Vopa-deva VII. 31.
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0993 case = 1166, hw = SambUka, page=0993-c

       <>ćandra); the edge of the frontal protuberance of an
       <>elephant; N. of a Daitya; a proper N.; {%= ghońga%}
228961 <>(according to Śabda-k.); [cf. Gr. <g>σαμβύκη.</g>]
       <P>{%Śambū-putra, as,%} m. a proper N.
       <P>.{#SamBa#}¦ {%śambha, as,%} m. (said to be fr. 2. {%śam%}

case = 1167, hw = Saya, page=0993-c

       <>abuse, imprecation; (according to Śabda-k.) {%= paṇa;%}
       <>{%(ā),%} f., Ved. a place of rest or repose, [cf. {%sayyā;%}
228986 <>cf. also Gr. <g>ὀρέσ-κοιος.</g>]
       <P>{%Śayaṇḍa, as, ī, am,%} sleeping, asleep, sleepy;
       <>({%as%}), m., N. of a place. {%--Śayaṇḍa-bhakta, as,%}
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0994 case = 1168, hw = Saru, page=0994-b

       <P>{%Śaru, us,%} m. (according to others f.), an arrow,
       <>dart; any weapon; the thunderbolt of Indra [cf.
229127 <>Gr. <g>κεραυνός</g>]; the weapon of the Maruts; anger,
       <>passion; N. of a son of Vasu-deva; a proper N.
       <>(Ved.); [cf. Goth. <nsi>hairus.</nsi>]

case = 1169, hw = SaraBa, page=0994-c

       <>N. of a monkey in Rāma's army; a camel; a grass-
       <>hopper [cf. {%śalabha%}]; a locust; [cf. perhaps Gr.
229227 <><g>κάραβος;</g> Angl. Sax. <nsi>crabba.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#Sarayu#}¦ {%śarayu, us,%} or {%śarayū, ūs,%} f. (more cor-
       <>rectly written {%sarayu,%} q. v.), the Saryu or Saryū river. [Page0995-a+ 74]
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0995 case = 1170, hw = SarkarA, page=0995-b

       <>{%kara%}]; gravelly mould; a soil abounding in stony
       <>or gritty fragments; granulated or candied sugar,
229328 <>brown sugar; gravel (the disease); [cf. Gr. <g>κρόκη,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>calx, calculus, saccharum.</nsi>] {%--Śarkara-jā,%} f. ({%śar-%}

case = 1171, hw = SarkarA, page=0995-b

       <>or gritty fragments; granulated or candied sugar,
       <>brown sugar; gravel (the disease); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
229329 <><g>κροκάλη, κάχληξ, χάλιξ, σάκχαρ, σάκχαρον;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>calx, calculus, saccharum.</nsi>] {%--Śarkara-jā,%} f. ({%śar-%}
       <>{%kara%} for {%śarkarā%}), clayed or candied sugar. {%--Śar-%}

case = 1172, hw = Sarvara, page=0995-c

       <>to some modern scholars); a woman; epithet of
       <>the eighth year of Jupiter's cycle; [cf. probably Gr.
229425 <><g>Κέρβερος.</g>.] {%--Śarvarī-dīpaka, as,%} m. ‘lamp of
       <>night,’ epithet of the moon.
       <P>{%Śarvarā,%} f., Ved. {%= śarvarī%} (according to some).
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0996 case = 1173, hw = Salya, page=0996-a

       <>(as an arrow, thorn, splinter); a bone; sin, crime;
       <>poison; difficulty, embarrassment, distress; abuse,
229490 <>defamation; [cf. Gr. <g>κῆλα;</g> Hib. <nsi>cail,</nsi> ‘a spear.’]
       <>{%--Śalya-kaṇṭha, as,%} m. ‘quill-throated,’ a porcu-
       <>pine. {%--Śalya-kriyā,%} f. the extraction of thorns or

case = 1174, hw = Savala, page=0996-c

       <>two four-eyed watch-dogs of Yama; the word {%śa-%}
       <>{%bala%} being thought by some to be a corruption
229622 <>of {%śarvara%} or {%śarbara%} = <g>Κέρβερος</g>); diversified,
       <>varied, divided into various parts; articulate, imi-
       <>tative; ({%as%}), m. a variegated colour; ({%ā%} or {%ī%}), f. a
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0997 case = 1175, hw = SaSvat, page=0997-b

       <>({%atī%}), f., N. of a woman belonging to the family of
       <>Ańgiras (authoress of Ṛig-veda VIII. 1, 34); [cf.
229792 <>Gr. <g>πᾶς</g> for <g>ἅπας.</g>] {%--Śaśvać-ćhānti, is,%} f. (for
       <>{%śaśvat-śānti%}), everlasting peace or tranquillity,
       <>eternal rest. {%--Śaśvat-tama, as, ā, am,%} Ved. most
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 0999 case = 1176, hw = SARa, page=0999-c

       <P>.{#SARa#}¦ 1. {%śāṇa, as, ī,%} m. f. (fr. rt. {%śo%}), a
       <>whetstone, grindstone; touchstone [cf. {%śāna%}]; a saw;
230353 <>[cf. Gr. <g>κῶνο-ς, κωνίο-ν, κωνί-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>cuneu-s;</nsi> Engl.
       <><nsi>hone;</nsi> Old Norse <nsi>hein;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hœnan.</nsi>] {%--Śāṇā-%}
       <>{%jīva (ºṇa-ājº), as,%} m. ‘living by a whetstone,’ an
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1002 case = 1177, hw = SArdUla, page=1002-a

       <>of the Atidhṛiti metre, (see below); ({%ās%}), m. pl., N.
       <>of a Śākhā or school of the Sāma-veda; [cf. perhaps
230903 <>Gr. <g>πάρδος</g> (for <g>κάρδος</g>), <g>πάρδαλις;</g> Lat. <nsi>pardus,</nsi>
       <><nsi>pardalis;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>pardas.</nsi>] {%--Śārdūla-ćarman, a,%}
       <>n. a tiger's skin. {%--Śārdūla-mṛiga-sevita, as, ā,%}
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1004 case = 1178, hw = Si, page=1004-a

       <>attentive: Caus. {%śāyayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%aśīśayat:%}
       <>Desid. {%śiśīshati, -te:%} Intens. {%śeśīyate, śeśayīti,%}
231386 <>{%śeśeti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>κί-ω, κί-νυ-μαι, κἰνέ-ω;</g> Lat. <nsi>ci-o,</nsi>
       <><nsi>ci-e-o, ci-tu-s, excito, incito;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>koja.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%śi, is,%} m. an epithet of Śiva; auspiciousness,
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1006 case = 1179, hw = Siras, page=1006-a

       <>pan); highest point, pinnacle, acme; the fore part,
       <>front; the van of an army; chief, principal; [cf.
231849 <>Zend <nsi>śara, śāranh;</nsi> Gr. <g>κάρα, κάρ, κάρη-νο-ν,</g> [Page1006-b+ 79]
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>cere-bru-m, cere-bru-m, cer-vix, cra-</nsi>
       <><nsi>nium,</nsi> perhaps <nsi>calva;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hvair-n-ei, haurn;</nsi>

case = 1180, hw = Siras, page=1006-a

       <>front; the van of an army; chief, principal; [cf.
       <>Zend <nsi>śara, śāranh;</nsi> Gr. <g></g> [Page1006-b+ 79]
231850 <><g>κρανίο-ν, κέρας;</g> Lat. <nsi>cere-bru-m, cere-bru-m, cer-vix, cra-</nsi>
       <><nsi>nium,</nsi> perhaps <nsi>calva;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hvair-n-ei, haurn;</nsi>
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>hirni, horn;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hœrnes;</nsi> Lith.
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1009 case = 1181, hw = SI, page=1009-c

       <>lie down, put down, throw down; to throw, put; [Page1010-a+ 79]
       <>to allow to rest: Desid. {%śiśayishate:%} Intens. {%śā-%}
232721 <>{%śayyate, śeśayīti, śeśeti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>κεῖ-μαι</g> (<g>κεῖσαι</g>
       <>{%= śeshe,%} <g></g> {%= śete%}); <g></g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>qui-e-s, qui-e-sc-o, civi-s:</nsi>

case = 1182, hw = SI, page=1009-c

       <>to allow to rest: Desid. {%śiśayishate:%} Intens. {%śā-%}
       <>{%śayyate, śeśayīti, śeśeti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g> (<g></g>
232722 <>{%= śeshe,%} <g>κεῖται</g> {%= śete%}); <g>κοί-τη, κοι-μά-ω, κῶ-μο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>qui-e-s, qui-e-sc-o, civi-s:</nsi>
       <>Goth. <nsi>hai-m-s, he-thyô, haithi, heiwa,</nsi> ‘house,’ in

case = 1183, hw = SI, page=1009-c

       <>{%śayyate, śeśayīti, śeśeti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g> (<g></g>
       <>{%= śeshe,%} <g></g> {%= śete%}); <g></g>
232723 <><g>κῶμα, κώ-μη:</g> Lat. <nsi>qui-e-s, qui-e-sc-o, civi-s:</nsi>
       <>Goth. <nsi>hai-m-s, he-thyô, haithi, heiwa,</nsi> ‘house,’ in
       <>comp. <nsi>heiva-franja:</nsi> Old Island. <nsi>hei-mr,</nsi> ‘house:’
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1010 case = 1184, hw = SIGra, page=1010-a

       <>king; ({%ā%}), f., N. of a river; a particular plant, {%=%}
       <>{%dantī; (am),%} ind. quickly, rapidly, swiftly; [cf. Gr.
232754 <><g>κιχάνω;</g> Angl. Sax. <nsi>higian.</nsi>] {%--Śighra-karman,%}
       <>{%a,%} n. (in astronomy) the calculation of the conjunc-
       <>tion (of a planet). {%--Śighra-kārin, ī, iṇī, i,%} acting
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1013 case = 1185, hw = SuW, page=1013-c

       <>lame; to be impeded or obstructed; to resist; cl.
       <>10. P. {%śoṭhayati, -yitum,%} to be lazy or idle; to
233590 <>be dull or slow; [cf. Gr. <g>κωλός.</g>.]
       <P>{%Śoṭha, as, ā, am,%} foolish; idle, lazy; wicked,
       <>low; ({%as%}), m. a fool, blockhead; a sluggard, idler;

case = 1186, hw = SuD, page=1013-c

       <>to make clear, explain; to examine, investigate:
       <>Desid. {%śuśutsati:%} Intens. {%śośudhyate, śośoddhi;%}
233647 <>[cf. Gr. <g>καθ-αρό-ς, καθαίρ-ω, κάθαρσις, Κασταλία;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>cas-tu-s</nsi> for <nsi>cad-tu-s;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>heitar;</nsi>
       <>Slav. <nsi>cistu;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>cuidh,</nsi> ‘clean, pure.’]
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1015 case = 1187, hw = SuB, page=1015-a

       <>to shine (?): Desid. {%śuśobhishate, -ti,%} or {%śuśubhi-%}
       <>{%shate, -ti:%} Intens. {%śośubhyate, śośobdhi,%} to shine
233919 <>intensely; [cf. Gr. <g>κομψός, κομ-μός, κομέω;</g> Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>sūbar,</nsi> ‘pure;’ Mod. Germ. <nsi>sauber;</nsi> Lith.

case = 1188, hw = SumB, page=1015-c

       <>{%subh, sumbh%}): Caus. A., Ved. {%śubhayate, -yitum,%}
       <>to decorate one's self, to shine; [cf. probably Gr.
234130 <><g>κομψός.</g>]
       <P>{%Śumbhana, as, ī, am,%} Ved. shining, brilliant.
       <P>{%Śumbhamāna, as, ā, am,%} Ved. decorating, adorn-
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1016 case = 1189, hw = Suz, page=1016-b

       <>wither, parch; to emaciate; to destroy; to extinguish:
       <>Desid. {%śuśukshati:%} Intens. {%śośushyate, śośoshṭi;%}
234240 <>[cf. Zend <nsi>hushka:</nsi> Gr. <g>σαυαρός, σαυσαρισμός,</g>
       <><g></g> ({%= śushka%}), <g></g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>siccus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>siuk,</nsi>

case = 1190, hw = Suz, page=1016-b

       <>Desid. {%śuśukshati:%} Intens. {%śośushyate, śośoshṭi;%}
       <>[cf. Zend <nsi>hushka:</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
234241 <><g>σαυκός</g> ({%= śushka%}), <g>σαυχμός, αὐχμός, σαχνός,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>siccus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>siuk,</nsi>
       <><nsi>sauht:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>siuh, siuchi, siuhjan, suht:</nsi>

case = 1191, hw = Suz, page=1016-b

       <>[cf. Zend <nsi>hushka:</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
       <><g></g> ({%= śushka%}), <g></g>
234242 <><g>αὔω, αὖος, αὐστηρός:</g> Lat. <nsi>siccus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>siuk,</nsi>
       <><nsi>sauht:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>siuh, siuchi, siuhjan, suht:</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>seoc, seac, sioc, sic, suht:</nsi> Slav. <nsi>such,</nsi>

case = 1192, hw = Suzi, page=1016-b

       <P>{%Śushi, is,%} f. drying; a hole, chasm; the hollow
234252 <>or groove in the fang of a snake; [cf. Gr. <g>κυσό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>cun-nu-s;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>kuszy-s.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Śushira, as, ā, am,%} full of holes or crevices

case = 1193, hw = Suzi, page=1016-b

       <P>{%Śushi, is,%} f. drying; a hole, chasm; the hollow
       <>or groove in the fang of a snake; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
234253 <><g>κυσ-θό-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>cun-nu-s;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>kuszy-s.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Śushira, as, ā, am,%} full of holes or crevices
       <>(caused by drying), perforated, bored, pierced, full

case = 1194, hw = SUkara, page=1016-c

       <>{%sūkara%}), a hog, pig; N. of a Naraka; ({%ī%}), f. a
       <>sow; a kind of moss, Lycopodium Imbricatum; [cf.
234356 <>Gr. <g>αῦς, ὗς;</g> Old Germ. <nsi>sū;</nsi> Mod. Germ. <nsi>sau.</nsi>]
       <>{%--Śūkara-kanda, as,%} m. ‘hog's root,’ a kind of
       <>bulbous plant {%(= vārāhī-kanda)%}. {%--Śūkara-daṉsh-%}
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1017 case = 1195, hw = SUnya, page=1017-b

       <>nonentity, (one of the principles of Bauddha meta-
       <>physics); N. of Brahma; ({%ā%}), f. a hollow reed; a
234484 <>barren woman; the prickly pear; [cf. Gr. <g>κενός,</g>
       <><g></g> Æol. <g></g>] {%--Śūnya-geha, am,%} n. an
       <>empty house. {%--Śūnya-tā,%} f. or {%śūnya-tva, am,%}

case = 1196, hw = SUnya, page=1017-b

       <>physics); N. of Brahma; ({%ā%}), f. a hollow reed; a
       <>barren woman; the prickly pear; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
234485 <><g>κενεός;</g> Æol. <g>κέννος.</g>] {%--Śūnya-geha, am,%} n. an
       <>empty house. {%--Śūnya-tā,%} f. or {%śūnya-tva, am,%}
       <>n. emptiness, voidness, vacuity, non-existence, un-

case = 1197, hw = SUra, page=1017-b

       <>{%= ćitraka; = lakuća; = masūra; (ās),%} m. pl.,
       <>N. of a tribe inhabiting Bhārata-varsha; [cf. Zend
234527 <><nsi>śūra;</nsi> Gr. <g>κῦρ-ος, κυρό-ω, κύριος, κοίρανος, κοῦρος</g>
       <><g></g>] {%--Śūra-kīṭa, as,%} m. ‘warrior-insect,’ an in-
       <>ferior hero. {%--Śūra-grāma, as, ā, am,%} Ved. having

case = 1198, hw = SUra, page=1017-b

       <>N. of a tribe inhabiting Bhārata-varsha; [cf. Zend
       <><nsi>śūra;</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
234528 <><g>κόρος.</g>] {%--Śūra-kīṭa, as,%} m. ‘warrior-insect,’ an in-
       <>ferior hero. {%--Śūra-grāma, as, ā, am,%} Ved. having
       <>a multitude of heroes. {%--Śūra-tara, as, ā, am,%}
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1018 case = 1199, hw = SfgAla, page=1018-b

       <>a jackal.
       <P>.{#SfgAla#}¦ {%śṛigāla, as,%} m. (etymology doubt-
234698 <>ful, but cf. Gr. <g>κραγέτης;</g> perhaps connected with
       <>rt. {%śṛī;%} sometimes written {%sṛigāla%}), a jackal; a
       <>rogue, cheat; a coward, poltroon; an ill-natured or

case = 1200, hw = SfNga, page=1018-b

       <>parts of India, on occasions of drought, earthen
       <>images are said to be made and supplicated for rain);
234752 <>[cf. Gr. <g>κέρας;</g> Lat. <nsi>cornu;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>haurn;</nsi> Angl.
       <>Sax. <nsi>horn.</nsi>] {%--Śṛińga-kanda, as,%} m. a kind of
       <>plant {%(= śṛińgāṭaka)%}. {%--Śṛińga-giri, is,%} m., N.
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1019 case = 1201, hw = SF, page=1019-a

       <>{%yati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%aśīśarat:%} Desid. {%śiśarishati%}
       <>or {%śiśarīshati%} or {%śiśīrshati:%} Intens. {%śeśīryate,%}
234910 <>{%śāśarti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>śūra:</nsi> Gr. <g>κείρω, κορ-μός,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably) <g></g> Lat.

case = 1202, hw = SF, page=1019-a

       <>or {%śiśarīshati%} or {%śiśīrshati:%} Intens. {%śeśīryate,%}
       <>{%śāśarti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>śūra:</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
234911 <><g>κέρμα, κουρά, κουρεύ-ς, κεραΐζω, κέρασ, κεραός,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably) <g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>cur-tu-s</nsi> (Sabin. <nsi>curi-s</nsi>); <nsi>cornu, cervus; clava,</nsi>

case = 1203, hw = SF, page=1019-a

       <>{%śāśarti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>śūra:</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
234912 <><g>κλάω, κλῆρος, κολαβός,</g> (probably) <g>κορύνη:</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>cur-tu-s</nsi> (Sabin. <nsi>curi-s</nsi>); <nsi>cornu, cervus; clava,</nsi>
       <><nsi>quiris,</nsi> (probably) <nsi>in-columis:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hair-u-s,</nsi> ‘a
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1021 case = 1204, hw = So, page=1021-a

       <>pare, attenuate, make thin or small; Pass. {%śāyate:%}
       <>Caus. {%śāyayati:%} Desid. {%śiśāsati:%} Intens. {%śāśāyate;%}
235320 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ἀκή, ἀκμή, .ακρος, ἀκόνη, ἄκων, ἀκωκή,</g>
       <><g></g> (i. e. <g></g>), <g></g>

case = 1205, hw = So, page=1021-a

       <>Caus. {%śāyayati:%} Desid. {%śiśāsati:%} Intens. {%śāśāyate;%}
       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
235321 <><g>ἀκρέμων, ἀκριβήςσ, ὄκρις, ἄκανος, ἄκανθα, ἄκορνα,</g>
       <><g></g> (i. e. <g></g>), <g></g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>acies, acus, acer, acidus,</nsi>

case = 1206, hw = So, page=1021-a

       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
235322 <><g>ὀξύς</g> (i. e. <g>ὀκ+τυ</g>), <g>ὄξος, ἄχωρ, ἄχορον, ἄχερδος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>acies, acus, acer, acidus,</nsi>
       <><nsi>aculeus, catus</nsi> (= {%śāta%}), <nsi>cos, cautes, citus</nsi> (= {%śita%}),

case = 1207, hw = So, page=1021-a

       <><g></g> (i. e. <g></g>), <g></g>
235323 <><g>αἰχμή, κῶνος:</g> Lat. <nsi>acies, acus, acer, acidus,</nsi>
       <><nsi>aculeus, catus</nsi> (= {%śāta%}), <nsi>cos, cautes, citus</nsi> (= {%śita%}),
       <><nsi>cuneus, cacu-men,</nsi> (probably also) <nsi>cio, cieo:</nsi> Goth.
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

page = 1023 case = 1208, hw = SyAma, page=1023-a

       <>thet of the river Yamunā or Jumnā; the seed of
       <>the lotus, {%= padma-vīja; (am),%} n. black pepper;
235807 <>sea-salt; [cf. Gr. <g>κύανο-ς;</g> Lith. <nsi>sze†mas;</nsi> Hib.
       <><nsi>ciar,</nsi> ‘dark-brown, black.’] {%--Śyāma-kaṇṭha, as,%}
       <>m. ‘black-throated, blue-throated,’ a peacock; a

case = 1209, hw = SyAla, page=1023-b

       <P>.{#SyAla#}¦ {%śyāla, as,%} m. (also written {%syāla%}),
       <>a wife's brother, brother-in-law; a proper N.; ({%ī%}),
235882 <>f. a wife's sister; [cf. Gr. <g>ἀέλιοι, εἰλιόνες.</g>] {%--Śyāla-%}
       <>{%nāman, ā,%} &c., called after the name of a brother-
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

@jmigliori -- I think the above is what you need for next batch. Let me know if there is a problem anywhere.

gasyoun commented 5 years ago

Good to see in a few years there might be and end of the Greek story.

jmigliori commented 5 years ago

These are all done. Case 1103 is Arabic script and cases 1108 and 1121 are the second halves of hyphenated words from the previous lines.

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

These now installed in mw72 digitization.