sanskrit-lexicon / GreekInSanskrit

Provide missing Greek text for the Cologne digitizations of Sanskrit dictionaries.
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Greek text in Wilson Dictionary #3

Closed funderburkjim closed 9 years ago

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Since there are only 19 cases of Greek text in the Wilson dictionary, let's tackle it first.

Jonathan, let's see if the procedure Jason has used for Arabic text works well for you. The issue introductions for some of Jason's cases may provide enough guidance for you to see how to proceed (see first comment in these ArabicInSanskrit issues.)

In Wilson, the placeholder for the Greek text in the digitization is <g></g> but sometimes Thomas has added some off-the-cuff transliteration of Greek, such as <g>a</g> for Greek alpha. (Thomas refers to Thomas Malten, professor at Cologne whose group of Sanskrit typists in south India makes the digitizations). In such cases, just replace the transliteration with the Greek.

The page links will probably be the most useful - they will take you directly to the scanned image of the page containing the Greek. When you know what to type, then you can edit the Issue comment, insert the Greek, and save the update to the comment. This would complete the case represented by the comment.

Don't hesitate to ask questions.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 1 headword= AgrahAyaRI page = 105 linenum = 21020

.²1 The name of a constellation consisting of three stars, one of which 

 Orionis, figured by an antelope's [Page106] head, hence also

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 2 headword= uttaraBAdrapad page = 142 linenum = 28334

.{#uttaraBAdrapad#}¦ f. ({#-d#}) The twenty-seventh lunar mansion, figur
ed by a

couch, and comprehending two stars, of which one is 

.E. {#uttara#} subsequent, and {#BAdrapada#} properly the constellation;
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 3 headword= uttarAzAQA page = 142 linenum = 28412

by an elephant's tooth or a bed, and containing two stars, one of which 

 in Sagittarius.

.E. {#uttara#} subsequent, and {#AzAQA#} the constellation; to distingui
sh it
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 4 headword= uttAnapAda page = 142 linenum = 28451

.²1 A prince, son of SWAYAMBHU the {%Menu.%}

.²2 One of the stars of the little bear, (
 Ursi minoris.)

.{#uttAnapAdaja#}¦ m. ({#-jaH#}) A name of DHRUVA.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 5 headword= tizya page = 378 linenum = 74532

.²1 The eighth {%Nakshatra%} or lunar mansion, an asterism figured by an

and containing three stars, of which one is 

.²2 The month {%Pausha,%} (December-January.)
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 6 headword= DanizWA page = 437 linenum = 86027

.{#DanizWA#}¦ f. ({#-zWA#}) The twenty-fourth {%Nakshatra%} or lunar man

it comprises four stars, apparently 
<g>α β γ</g>
 {%Delphini,%} and

is figured by a drum or tabor.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 7 headword= Druva page = 448 linenum = 88250

.²11 One of the twenty-seven astronomical {%Yo4gas,%} or the {%Yo4ga%} s
tar of

the twelfth lunar asterism, supposed to be 

.²12 A sort of bird: see {#SarAwi.#} n. ({#-vaM#}) [Page449]
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 8 headword= puzya page = 547 linenum = 107695

.{#puzya#}¦ mf. ({#-zyaH-zyA#})

.²1 The eighth lunar asterism, comprising three stars, of which one is 

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 9 headword= pUrvvaPalgunI page = 550 linenum = 108236

{%Phalguni,%} the twelfth {%Nakshatra,%} being termed {%Uttara%} or subs

this asterism figured by a couch contains two stars, one of which is 

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 10 headword= pUrvvAzAQA page = 550 linenum = 108332

{%A'sha4r'ha4,%} and the 20th of the lunar asterisms, containing two sta
rs of

which one is 

.E. {#pUrvva#} first, {#AzAQA#} {%A'sha4r'ha4.%}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 11 headword= maGa page = 631 linenum = 124227

tenth lunar asterism, containing five stars figured by a house, apparent

<g>α. γ. ζ. η.</g>
 {%Leonis:%} it is sometimes considered to be

confined to the plural number ({#maGAH#}). f. ({#-GA-GI#}) A sort of gra
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 12 headword= mfgaSiras page = 670 linenum = 131641

.{#mfgaSiras#}¦ n. ({#-raH#}) The fifth lunar mansion, containing three 

one of which is 
 ORIONIS, and figured by an antelope's head, whence its

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 13 headword= revatI page = 710 linenum = 139280

.²2 The last of the {%Nakshatras%} or lunar asterisms, containing thirty

stars, figured by a tabor; one of the stars is 

.²3 One of the {%Ma4tri12s%} or energies of the gods.
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 14 headword= rohin page = 712 linenum = 139757

.²1 The fourth lunar asterism, figured by a wheeled carriage, and contai

five stars, probably, 
<g>α β γ δ ε</g>
 {%Tauri;%} in mythology, the asterism is

personified as one of the daughters of {%Daksha,%} and wives of the moon
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 15 headword= viSAKa page = 786 linenum = 154162

.²4 A spindle. f. ({#-KA#}) The sixteenth lunar asterism, figured by a f

and containing four, or according to some, two stars, one of which is 
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 16 headword= SataBizA page = 828 linenum = 162075

.{#SataBizA#}¦ f. ({#-zA#}) The twenty-fifth of the {%Nakshatras%} or lu

mansions, containing 100 stars, one of which is 

.E. {#Sata#} a hundred, {#Bizaj#} to cure, aff. {#qa;#} requiring many
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 17 headword= SravaRa page = 862 linenum = 168711

.²2 Dripping, oozing. mf. ({#-RaH-RA#}) The twenty-third of the lunar as

represented by three footsteps, and containing three stars or 
<g>α, β</g>

<g>γ</g> {%Aquilæ.%}
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 18 headword= SravaRa page = 862 linenum = 168712

represented by three footsteps, and containing three stars or <g>α, β</g
> and


.E. {#Sru#} to hear, &c., aff. {#lyuw#} or {#yuc;#} or {#SravaRA#} the a
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

case = 19 headword= hasta page = 972 linenum = 190465

.²3 The thirteenth lunar asterism, designated by a hand, and containing 

stars, one of which is 

.²4 A head of hair, or abundance of hair.
jmigliori commented 9 years ago

All set. I also noticed some Latin transcription errors, namely “oe” instead of “æ” at the end of some of those star names. Additionally, Case 15 had a Greek κ encoded as a k, so I rewrote that, and Cases 17 and 18 refer to the same entry.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Re 'oe' to 'ae': Good to mention those. I found those in cases 2,17 (and same in 18) and changed.
Also changed the κ. In future cases where there is some 'extra' correction that needs to be made, make some additional visible comment so I'll be sure to notice the extra correction, such as

 {%Aquilæ.%}    EXTRA: oe -> æ

Also a comment like you made to doubly alert me to the presence of such extras.

FYI: The way I process your corrections is to take a file made of of 'old/new' pairs from the digitization for each case; initially the 'new' is same as old. I copy/paste from your correction here to correct the 'new' case. For example:

; Greek text case 0017: headword=SravaRa, page=862 (168711)
168711 old represented by three footsteps, and containing three stars or <g>a, b</g> and
168711 new represented by three footsteps, and containing three stars or <g>α, β</g> and

Then, once I'm done transferring your changes, a program incorporates the changes into the digitization of Wilson.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

These corrections are now installed. If you click on one of the headword links above, you should see the Greek text.

This task now completed for Wilson. I'll start a similar issue for another dictionary.

You seem to adapt to this format quite readily. Does the format need any adjustments from your perspective, or is it ok for me to continue with this format for subsequent dictionaries?

jmigliori commented 9 years ago

This format seems pretty good. Bring on the next one.

On Apr 17, 2015, at 2:59 PM, funderburkjim wrote:

These corrections are now installed. If you click on one of the headword links above, you should see the Greek text.

This task now completed for Wilson. I'll start a similar issue for another dictionary.

You seem to adapt to this format quite readily. Does the format need any adjustments from your perspective, or is it ok for me to continue with this format for subsequent dictionaries?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@jmigliori I give you my thanks. I do not know your background, but happy to see you around.