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Greek in MW72, part 9 #30

Closed funderburkjim closed 4 years ago

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

This continues the work of #30.

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1024 case = 1210, hw = SraT, page=1024-a

       <>or infirm: Caus. {%śranthayati, -te, -yitum,%} Aor.
       <>{%aśaśranthat, -ta,%} to cause to loosen, release, &c.;
236017 <>[cf. Gr. <g>κλώθω, κάλαθος;</g> Lat. <nsi>crates, rete, res-tis</nsi>
       <>(for <nsi>ret-tis</nsi>); Goth. <nsi>af-hlathan;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>hla-</nsi>
       <><nsi>dan, hlast;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hladan, hlœst.</nsi>]

case = 1211, hw = SrA, page=1024-b

       <>of Caus. {%śrapyate%} or {%śrāpyate,%} Aor. {%aśrāpi%} or
       <>{%aśrapi:%} Desid. {%śiśrāsati:%} Intens. {%śāśrāyate, śā-%}
236112 <>{%śrāti, śāśreti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>κρίβανος, κρίβανον,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably) <g></g> (perhaps also) <g></g>

case = 1212, hw = SrA, page=1024-b

       <>{%aśrapi:%} Desid. {%śiśrāsati:%} Intens. {%śāśrāyate, śā-%}
       <>{%śrāti, śāśreti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
236113 <><g>κλίβανος, κριβάνη, κράμβος, καρπός, κάρψω,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably) <g></g> (perhaps also) <g></g>
       <><g></g> (according to some also perhaps) <g></g> for

case = 1213, hw = SrA, page=1024-b

       <>{%śrāti, śāśreti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
236114 <><g> κάρδοπος ,</g> (probably) <g>κραῦρος,</g> (perhaps also) <g>κέραμος,</g>
       <><g></g> (according to some also perhaps) <g></g> for
       <><g></g> or <g></g> for <g></g>

case = 1214, hw = SrA, page=1024-b

       <><g></g> (probably) <g></g> (perhaps also) <g></g>
236115 <><g>κέρνον,</g> (according to some also perhaps) <g>ἄρτος</g> for
       <><g></g> or <g></g> for <g></g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>cremare, carbo,</nsi> (probably) <nsi>calere, cinis; cu-</nsi>

case = 1215, hw = SrA, page=1024-b

       <><g></g> (probably) <g></g> (perhaps also) <g></g>
       <><g></g> (according to some also perhaps) <g></g> for
236116 <><g>κάρτος</g> or <g>κράτος, κάγχρυς</g> for <g>κάρχρυς; περκάζω:</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>cremare, carbo,</nsi> (probably) <nsi>calere, cinis; cu-</nsi>
       <><nsi>līna:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hauri, hlaif-s:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>rifi</nsi> (=
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1025 case = 1216, hw = Sri, page=1025-a

       <>{%aśrāyi:%} Caus. {%śrāyayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%aśiśrayat:%}
       <>Desid. {%śiśrayishati, -te,%} and {%śiśrīshati, -te:%} Intens.
236289 <>{%śeśrīyate, śeśrayīti, śeśreti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>κλίνω, κλιτύς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>clî-no, in-clino, clīvus,</nsi> (perhaps)
       <><nsi>clemens:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>hlei-tara,</nsi> ‘a ladder;’ <nsi>hlinian,</nsi>

case = 1217, hw = Sri, page=1025-a

       <>Desid. {%śiśrayishati, -te,%} and {%śiśrīshati, -te:%} Intens.
       <>{%śeśrīyate, śeśrayīti, śeśreti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
236290 <><g>κλισία:</g> Lat. <nsi>clî-no, in-clino, clīvus,</nsi> (perhaps)
       <><nsi>clemens:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>hlei-tara,</nsi> ‘a ladder;’ <nsi>hlinian,</nsi>
       <><nsi>hlinôn, hlinen,</nsi> ‘to lean upon;’ <nsi>obahlinên,</nsi> ‘to

case = 1218, hw = SrI, page=1025-b

       <>Caus. {%śrāyayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%aśiśrayat:%} Desid. {%śi- %}[Page1025-c+ 80]
       <>{%śrīshati, -te:%} Intens. {%śeśrīyate, śeśrayīti, śeśreti;%}
236358 <>[cf. probably Gr. <g>κίρνημι, κεράω, κεράννυμι, κικράω;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>pin-cerna.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%śrita, as, ā, am%} (for 1. see col. 2), Ved. {%= śrīta%}
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1026 case = 1219, hw = Sru, page=1026-c

       <>hear or listen to; to attend to, obey, be obedient to [Page1027-a+ 81]
       <>(with acc.); to wait upon, tend, serve: Intens.
236679 <>{%śośrūyate, śośravīti, śośroti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>κλύ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> ({%= śrudhi%}), <g></g> ({%= śruta%}), <g></g>

case = 1220, hw = Sru, page=1026-c

       <>(with acc.); to wait upon, tend, serve: Intens.
       <>{%śośrūyate, śośravīti, śośroti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
236680 <><g>κλῦ-θι</g> ({%= śrudhi%}), <g>κλυ-τό-ς</g> ({%= śruta%}), <g>κλέ-ος,</g>
       <><g></g> (perhaps also) <g></g> for

case = 1221, hw = Sru, page=1026-c

       <>{%śośrūyate, śośravīti, śośroti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
       <><g></g> ({%= śrudhi%}), <g></g> ({%= śruta%}), <g></g>
236681 <><g>κλε-ί-ω, κλέ-ο-μαι, κλε-ιν-ό-ς, κλει-τό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> (perhaps also) <g></g> for
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>clu-o, clu-e-o, cli-ens, in-clu-tu-s,</nsi>

case = 1222, hw = Sru, page=1026-c

       <><g></g> ({%= śrudhi%}), <g></g> ({%= śruta%}), <g></g>
236682 <><g>ἀ-κρο-ά-ομαι,</g> (perhaps also) <g>κλαίω, κλαύσω, καλέω</g> for
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>clu-o, clu-e-o, cli-ens, in-clu-tu-s,</nsi>
       <><nsi>clamo,</nsi> (probably also) <nsi>aus-cul-to, laudo</nsi> for

case = 1223, hw = Sru, page=1026-c

       <><g></g> (perhaps also) <g></g> for
236683 <><g>κλαϝέω:</g> Lat. <nsi>clu-o, clu-e-o, cli-ens, in-clu-tu-s,</nsi>
       <><nsi>clamo,</nsi> (probably also) <nsi>aus-cul-to, laudo</nsi> for
       <><nsi>claus-do:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hliu-ma, hrotheigs,</nsi> (perhaps)
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1027 case = 1224, hw = SravaRa, page=1027-a

       <>in the common list, and presided over by Vishṇu,
       <>whence it is represented by three footsteps contain-
236718 <>ing three stars, {%a,%} <g>α, β,</g> and <g>γ</g> Aquilæ; cf. {%tri-vikrama%});
       <>({%as%}), m. a sort of disease, {%= śroṇa; (ā),%} f. a species
       <>of plant, {%= muṇḍīrikā; (as, ā, am),%} produced in

case = 1225, hw = Sravas, page=1027-a

       <>celebrated, celebrating.
       <P>{%Śravas, as,%} n. the ear; fame, renown, glory [cf.
236751 <>Gr. <g>κλέος</g>]; wealth; a hymn, eulogy; anything
       <>deserving praise, a praiseworthy action, (in the latter
       <>senses chiefly Ved.); food, (Sāy. {%= anna.%})
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1029 case = 1226, hw = SroRi, page=1029-a

       <P>{%Śroṇi, is,%} f. m. (according to Uṇādi-s. IV. 51. fr.
       <>rt. 1. or 2. {%śru%}), the hip and loins, buttocks; a
237191 <>road, way; [cf. Gr. <g>κλόνι-ς, κλόνιο-ν, κλονιστήρ,</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>clûnis, clunaclum;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>szlauni-s;</nsi> Hib.
       <><nsi>slias,</nsi> ‘the thigh, the loins.’] {%--Śroṇi-taṭa, as,%} m.

case = 1227, hw = SlAG, page=1029-b

       <>{%aślāghi,%} to be praised or celebrated or magnified:
       <>Caus. {%ślāghayati, -te, -yitum,%} Aor. {%aśaślāghat,%} to
237252 <>approve, praise, celebrate, congratulate; [cf. Gr. <g>κρήγυον,</g>
       <><g></g> probably <g></g> Hib. <nsi>sleigh,</nsi> ‘adoration;’
       <><nsi>sleachd,</nsi> ‘adoration;’ <nsi>sleachdaim,</nsi> ‘I adore.’]

case = 1228, hw = SlAG, page=1029-b

       <>Caus. {%ślāghayati, -te, -yitum,%} Aor. {%aśaślāghat,%} to
       <>approve, praise, celebrate, congratulate; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
237253 <><g></g> probably <g>κόλαξ:</g> Hib. <nsi>sleigh,</nsi> ‘adoration;’
       <><nsi>sleachd,</nsi> ‘adoration;’ <nsi>sleachdaim,</nsi> ‘I adore.’]
       <P>{%Ślāghana, am,%} n. the act of flattering, praising, &c.

case = 1229, hw = Sliz, page=1029-b

       <>{%ślishat,%} to cause to embrace; to embrace, connect:
       <>Desid. {%śiślikshati:%} Intens. {%śeślishyate, śeśleshṭi;%}
237291 <>[cf. Gr. <g>κλη-ΐς, κλείς, κλει-δός, κλεί-ω:</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>clāvi-s, clau-d-o:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>sliuz-u:</nsi> Slav. <nsi>klju-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ci,</nsi> ‘a key;’ <nsi>kljucati se,</nsi> ‘to agree:’ Hib. <nsi>crios,</nsi> ‘a
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1030 case = 1230, hw = Svan, page=1030-a

       <>Gram. 155. <nsi>a</nsi>), a dog, hound, cur; ({%śunī%}), f. a female
       <>dog, bitch. {%Śvan%} becomes {%śvā%} for {%śva%} in some com-
237434 <>pounds, see below; [cf. Zend <nsi>śpâ;</nsi> Gr. <g>κύ-ων,</g>
       <><g></g> ({%= śunas%}), <g></g> Lat. <nsi>can-i-s</nsi> (for <nsi>cvan-</nsi>
       <><nsi>i-s</nsi>), <nsi>catulus;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hun-d-s;</nsi> Lith. nom. <nsi>szu§,</nsi>

case = 1231, hw = Svan, page=1030-a

       <>dog, bitch. {%Śvan%} becomes {%śvā%} for {%śva%} in some com-
       <>pounds, see below; [cf. Zend <nsi>śpâ;</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
237435 <><g>κυνός</g> ({%= śunas%}), <g>ἁλ-κυών;</g> Lat. <nsi>can-i-s</nsi> (for <nsi>cvan-</nsi>
       <><nsi>i-s</nsi>), <nsi>catulus;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hun-d-s;</nsi> Lith. nom. <nsi>szu§,</nsi>
       <>gen. <nsi>szuns;</nsi> Hib. nom. <nsi>cu,</nsi> gen. and pl. <nsi>coin;</nsi> Russ.

case = 1232, hw = SvaSura, page=1030-c

       <>as a father-in-law, a venerable man; a proper N.;
       <>({%au%}), m. du. a father and mother-in-law; [cf. Zend
237557 <><nsi>qaśura;</nsi> Gr. <g>ἑκυρό-ς</g> for <g>σϝεκυρό-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>socer</nsi>
       <>for <nsi>svecer;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>svaihra;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>svehur;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>sweger, sweor;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>svekru;</nsi> Lith.

case = 1233, hw = SvaSrU, page=1030-c

       <P>{%Śvaśurya, as,%} m. a brother-in-law, wife's brother,
       <>husband's brother; a husband's younger brother.
237564 <P>{%Śvaśrū, ūs,%} f. a mother-in-law; [cf. Gr. <g>ἔκυρα;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>socrus;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>svaihrô;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>suigar;</nsi>
       <>Cambro-Brit. <nsi>çwegyr;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>svekruvi</nsi> or <nsi>svekry;</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1031 case = 1234, hw = Svi, page=1031-a

       <>grow or be prosperous: Desid. {%śiśvayishati:%} Intens.
       <>{%śeśvīyate, śośūyate, śeśvayīti, śeśveti,%} to swell
237689 <>much; [cf. Gr. <g>κυ-έ-ω, κύ-ος, κῦ-μα, κύ-η-μα,</g>

case = 1235, hw = Svi, page=1031-a

       <>{%śeśvīyate, śośūyate, śeśvayīti, śeśveti,%} to swell
       <>much; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
237690 <><g>κύ-αρ, κύ-τ-ος, κοῖ-λο-ς, κοιλ-ία, καυλό-ς, κύ-λο-ν,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably also) <g></g> perhaps also

case = 1236, hw = Svi, page=1031-a

       <>much; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
237691 <><g>ἐγ-κισσάω, κίσσα, κύαμος, κύαθος, κῶνος, κηκίς,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably also) <g></g> perhaps also
       <><g></g> (for <g></g>): Lat. <nsi>in-ci-ens, cu-mu-lu-s,</nsi>

case = 1237, hw = Svi, page=1031-a

237692 <><g>κίκυς,</g> (probably also) <g>κίων, κίω, κινέω,</g> perhaps also
       <><g></g> (for <g></g>): Lat. <nsi>in-ci-ens, cu-mu-lu-s,</nsi>
       <><nsi>cavu-s, cau-li-s, cau-lœ, cœlu-m, ciliu-m, super-</nsi>

case = 1238, hw = Svi, page=1031-a

       <><g></g> (probably also) <g></g> perhaps also
237693 <><g>κό-μη</g> (for <g>κύ-μη</g>): Lat. <nsi>in-ci-ens, cu-mu-lu-s,</nsi>
       <><nsi>cavu-s, cau-li-s, cau-lœ, cœlu-m, ciliu-m, super-</nsi>
       <><nsi>cili-um, cuneus, crescere; coma:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>us-hul-</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1032 case = 1239, hw = Svind, page=1032-b

       <>cl. 1. A. {%śvindate, śiśvinde, śvindish-%}
       <>{%yate, śvinditum,%} to be white, become white; to be
237939 <>cold (according to some); [cf. probably Gr. <g>κυδνός,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth. <nsi>hveits, hvaitei;</nsi> Old Germ.
       <><nsi>hwiz, hwaizi, hiza, haiz;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hvit, hvœte.</nsi>]

case = 1240, hw = Svind, page=1032-b

       <>{%yate, śvinditum,%} to be white, become white; to be
       <>cold (according to some); [cf. probably Gr. <g></g>
237940 <><g>κυδρός, κῦδος;</g> Goth. <nsi>hveits, hvaitei;</nsi> Old Germ.
       <><nsi>hwiz, hwaizi, hiza, haiz;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hvit, hvœte.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#SvenI#}¦ {%śvenī,%} fem. of {%śveta,%} q. v.

case = 1241, hw = zaz, page=1032-b

       <>six, {%ańga, darśana, tarka, guṇa, rasa, ṛitu, vajra-%}
       <>{%koṇa, kārttikeya-mukha%}); [cf. Zend <nsi>kshvas;</nsi>
237998 <>Gr. <g>ἕξ, ϝέξ;</g> Lat. <nsi>sex;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>seox, sex, six;</nsi>
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>sehs</nsi> for <nsi>sihs;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>saihs</nsi> for <nsi>sihs;</nsi> [Page1032-c+ 81]
       <>Lith. <nsi>szeszi,</nsi> f. <nsi>szezios;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>sesti, sesty;</nsi> Cambro-
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1033 case = 1242, hw = zazWa, page=1033-c

       <>case; an epithet of Durgā in the form Kātyāyanī or
       <>of one of the 16 divine mothers; [cf. Zend <nsi>kshtva</nsi>
238312 <>for <nsi>kshvasta;</nsi> Gr. <g>ἕκτος;</g> Lat. <nsi>sextus;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>sach-</nsi>
       <><nsi>sta(n);</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>sixta;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>szeszta-s;</nsi> Slav.
       <><nsi>ses-ty;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>seiseadh.</nsi>] {%--Shashṭhādi (ºṭha-ādi),%}
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1034 case = 1243, hw = zWiv, page=1034-b

       <>Desid. {%ṭishṭhevishati%} or {%tishṭhevishati, ṭushṭhyū-%}
       <>{%shati%} or {%tushṭhyūshati:%} Intens. {%ṭeshṭhīvyate%} or
238409 <>{%teshṭhīvyate;%} [cf. probably Gr. <g>σίαλον, σίαλος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>spuo;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>speivan;</nsi> Angl. Sax.

case = 1244, hw = zWiv, page=1034-b

       <>{%shati%} or {%tushṭhyūshati:%} Intens. {%ṭeshṭhīvyate%} or
       <>{%teshṭhīvyate;%} [cf. probably Gr. <g></g>
238410 <><g>στυγέω, στύξ, σπῖλος, σπιλόω, ψύττω, πτύω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>spuo;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>speivan;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>spiwan;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>spīchilla.</nsi>]

case = 1245, hw = zWiv, page=1034-b

       <>{%teshṭhīvyate;%} [cf. probably Gr. <g></g>
238411 <><g>ἐπιφθύζω;</g> Lat. <nsi>spuo;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>speivan;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>spiwan;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>spīchilla.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Shṭhīvana, am,%} n. the act of spitting, ejecting

case = 1246, hw = sa, page=1034-b

       <>lently; {%sa-dharman,%} having similar duties); [cf.
       <>Lith. <nsi>sa</nsi> in <nsi>sa-darbininkas,</nsi> ‘a fellow-worker;’ <nsi>sa-</nsi>
238462 <><nsi>karawis,</nsi> ‘a fellow-soldier:’ Gr. <g>σα</g> in <g>σαφής</g> (cf.
       <><g></g>); <g></g> in some compounds, as in <g></g>
       <><g></g> ({%= sodara%}).]

case = 1247, hw = sa, page=1034-b

       <>Lith. <nsi>sa</nsi> in <nsi>sa-darbininkas,</nsi> ‘a fellow-worker;’ <nsi>sa-</nsi>
       <><nsi>karawis,</nsi> ‘a fellow-soldier:’ Gr. <g></g> in <g></g> (cf.
238463 <><g>φάος, φῶς</g>); <g>ἀ</g> in some compounds, as in <g>ἄλοχος,</g>
       <><g></g> ({%= sodara%}).]
       <P>.{#saM#}¦ {%saṃ,%} ind. See {%sam.%}

case = 1248, hw = sa, page=1034-b

       <><nsi>karawis,</nsi> ‘a fellow-soldier:’ Gr. <g></g> in <g></g> (cf.
       <><g></g>); <g></g> in some compounds, as in <g></g>
238464 <><g>ἄκοιτις, ἀκοίτης, ἀδελφός</g> ({%= sodara%}).]
       <P>.{#saM#}¦ {%saṃ,%} ind. See {%sam.%}
       <P>.{#saMya#}¦ {%saṃ-ya.%} See under {%saṃ-yam%} below.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1036 case = 1249, hw = saMvat, page=1036-c

       <>year of Vikramāditya's era (commencing B. C. 57,
       <>as opposed to a year of the era of Śāli-vāhana, com-
238996 <>monly called Śaka or Śāka, q. v.); [cf. Gr. <g>ἔτος,</g>
       <P>{%Saṃ-vatsara, as,%} m. (according to Uṇādi-s. III. 72.

case = 1250, hw = saMvat, page=1036-c

       <>as opposed to a year of the era of Śāli-vāhana, com-
       <>monly called Śaka or Śāka, q. v.); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
238997 <><g>ἐνιαυτός.</g>]
       <P>{%Saṃ-vatsara, as,%} m. (according to Uṇādi-s. III. 72.
       <>fr. 2. {%saṃ-vas,%} ‘to dwell with,’ because the seasons are
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1044 case = 1251, hw = sakft, page=1044-a

       <>always; [with the former part of this word cf. Lat.
       <><nsi>se, si, sim,</nsi> of the words <nsi>se-mel, si-mul, sim-plex,</nsi>
240619 <>and Gr. <g>ἁ</g> of <g>ἁ-πλοῦς;</g> with the latter part cf. Lith.
       <><nsi>kartas.</nsi>] {%--Sakṛit-praja, as,%} m. ‘having offspring
       <>once,’ a crow. {%--Sakṛit-prayogin, ī, iṇī, i,%} Ved.

case = 1252, hw = sagarBa, page=1044-c

       <>m. ‘having the same womb,’ a brother by the same
       <>father and mother, a brother of whole blood ({%= sa-%}
240769 <>{%hodara;%} cf. Gr. <g>ἀδελφός</g> ({%ā%}), f. a pregnant
       <P>{%Sagarbhya, as,%} m. a brother of whole blood,
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1048 case = 1253, hw = sac, page=1048-c

       <>(in Naigh. II. 14. {%saćati%} and {%sakshati%} are enume-
       <>rated among the {%gati-karmāṇaḥ%}); to attain, obtain,
241735 <>acquire, gain, accomplish; [cf. Gr. <g>ἕπ-ω, ἕ-σπ-ο-ν,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>sequ-o-r, sec-u-ndu-s, ad-sec-la,</nsi>

case = 1254, hw = sac, page=1048-c

       <>rated among the {%gati-karmāṇaḥ%}); to attain, obtain,
       <>acquire, gain, accomplish; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
241736 <><g>ἕπ-ο-μαι, ἑ-σπ-ό-μην, ἑπ-έ-της, ὅπ-λο-ν, ὁπλότερος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>sequ-o-r, sec-u-ndu-s, ad-sec-la,</nsi>
       <><nsi>sec-to-r, pedis-sequa, soc-iu-s, sec-us, sacer:</nsi> Lith.

case = 1255, hw = sac, page=1048-c

       <>acquire, gain, accomplish; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
241737 <><g>ἑκάς:</g> Lat. <nsi>sequ-o-r, sec-u-ndu-s, ad-sec-la,</nsi>
       <><nsi>sec-to-r, pedis-sequa, soc-iu-s, sec-us, sacer:</nsi> Lith.
       <><nsi>sek-u,</nsi> ‘I follow:’ Hib. <nsi>seichim,</nsi> ‘I follow, pursue;’
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1050 case = 1256, hw = saYj, page=1050-c

       <>to; to cause to be connected or have intercourse
       <>with: Desid. {%sisańkshati:%} Intens. {%sāsajyate, sā-%}
242182 <>{%sańkti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>σάττω, σαγή, σάγμα, σακτός,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably) <g></g>]
       <P>{%Sakta, as, ā, am,%} clung, stuck or attached to,

case = 1257, hw = saYj, page=1050-c

       <>with: Desid. {%sisańkshati:%} Intens. {%sāsajyate, sā-%}
       <>{%sańkti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
242183 <><g>σάκτωρ,</g> (probably) <g>σάκκος, σάκτας.</g>]
       <P>{%Sakta, as, ā, am,%} clung, stuck or attached to,
       <>joined or connected with, in contact with, near at
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1052 case = 1258, hw = sat, page=1052-a

       <>or true, reality, truth; water, (in Naigh. 1. 12. {%sat%}
       <>is enumerated among the {%udaka-nāmāni;%} cf. {%sa-%}
242480 <>{%tīna%}); ({%sat%}), ind. well, rightly, fitly; [cf. Gr. <g>ὤν</g>
       <>(Ion. <g></g> for <g></g>); Lat. <nsi>sens, sent-is,</nsi> in <nsi>prœ-sens,</nsi>
       <><nsi>ab-sens;</nsi> Lith. Nom. m. <nsi>esaṅs,</nsi> f. <nsi>esanti.</nsi>] {%--Sać-%}

case = 1259, hw = sat, page=1052-a

       <>is enumerated among the {%udaka-nāmāni;%} cf. {%sa-%}
       <>{%tīna%}); ({%sat%}), ind. well, rightly, fitly; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
242481 <>(Ion. <g>ἐών</g> for <g>ἐσών</g>); Lat. <nsi>sens, sent-is,</nsi> in <nsi>prœ-sens,</nsi>
       <><nsi>ab-sens;</nsi> Lith. Nom. m. <nsi>esaṅs,</nsi> f. <nsi>esanti.</nsi>] {%--Sać-%}
       <>{%ćarita%} or {%sać-ćaritra, am,%} n. good conduct, good
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1053 case = 1260, hw = satya, page=1053-b

       <>verily, necessarily, (Sāy. {%= avaśyam%}); yes; a par-
       <>ticle of asseveration and interrogation; [cf. Gr.
242790 <><g>ἐτεός.</g>] {%--Satya-karman, ā,%} m., N. of a king.
       <>{%--Satya-kāma, as,%} m. a lover of truth; a proper
       <>N. {%--Satya-kāruṇya-vedin, ī, inī, i,%} possessing
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1054 case = 1261, hw = sad, page=1054-c

       <>to perish, destroy: Desid. {%sishatsati:%} Intens. {%sā-%}
       <>{%sadyate, sāsatti,%} to sit or lie down in an indecent
243082 <>posture; [cf. Gr. <g>ὁδός, οὐδός, ἔδεθλον, ἕδ-ος, ἕζομαι,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>solum, sedeo, sido,</nsi> probably also <nsi>de-</nsi>
       <><nsi>sidero, sella</nsi> (for <nsi>sed-la</nsi>): Goth. <nsi>sat,</nsi> ‘to sit;’ <nsi>satja,</nsi>

case = 1262, hw = sad, page=1054-c

       <>{%sadyate, sāsatti,%} to sit or lie down in an indecent
       <>posture; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
243083 <><g>ἱδρόω:</g> Lat. <nsi>solum, sedeo, sido,</nsi> probably also <nsi>de-</nsi>
       <><nsi>sidero, sella</nsi> (for <nsi>sed-la</nsi>): Goth. <nsi>sat,</nsi> ‘to sit;’ <nsi>satja,</nsi>
       <>‘to place;’ <nsi>sinths, sitan, sitls:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>saz,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1055 case = 1263, hw = sadas, page=1055-a

       <>‘lord of the assembly,’ epithet of Agni); ({%asī%}), n.
       <>du, Ved. heaven and earth ({%= dyāvā-pṛithivī,%}
243140 <>Naigh. III. 30); [cf. Gr. <g>ἕδος.</g>] {%--Sadas-patī,%} m.
       <>du., Ved. ‘lords of the assembly,’ epithet of Indra
       <>and Agni. {%--Sado-gata, as, ā, am,%} gone to the

case = 1264, hw = sadru, page=1055-a

       <>{%tejaska,%} Ṛig-veda 1. 18, 9.)
       <P>{%Sadru, us, us, u%} [cf. {%śadru%}], resting, staying;
243167 <>going, moving; [cf. probably Gr. <g>ἱδρυ</g> in <g>ἱδρύνω.</g>.]
       <P>{%Sanna, as, ā, am,%} sunk down; lying down;
       <>seated, resting; settled down; still, motionless;
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1063 case = 1265, hw = sap, page=1063-c

       <>(Sāy. {%= kṛi%}): Caus. {%sapayati, -yitum,%} to follow,
       <>worship, (Ved. {%sīshapanta = parićaraṇaṃ kur-%}
245103 <>{%vantu%}); [cf. Gr. <g>σέβομαι, σέβας, σεμνός, ἔπομαι;</g>
       <>Goth. <nsi>siponeis,</nsi> ‘a pupil.]
       <P>{%Sapat, an, antī, at,%} honouring, worshipping, fol-

case = 1266, hw = saparya, page=1063-c

       <P>{%Sapat, an, antī, at,%} honouring, worshipping, fol-
       <>lowing; obtaining.
245107 <P>{%Saparya%} (probably fr. a lost noun {%sapas = %} Gr. <g>σέβας,</g>
       <><g></g> cf. {%sabas%}), Nom. P. {%saparyati, -yitum,%} Ved.
       <>to worship, adore, honour, serve, (in Naigh. III. 5.

case = 1267, hw = saparya, page=1063-c

       <>lowing; obtaining.
       <P>{%Saparya%} (probably fr. a lost noun {%sapas = %} Gr. <g></g>
245108 <><g></g> cf. {%sabas%}), Nom. P. {%saparyati, -yitum,%} Ved.
       <>to worship, adore, honour, serve, (in Naigh. III. 5.
       <>{%saparyati%} is enumerated among the {%parićaraṇa-%}
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1064 case = 1268, hw = saptan, page=1064-b

       <>or mystical steps by which heaven is obtained [Ṛig-
       <>veda 1. 72, 6], thrice seven cows, &c.); [cf. Zend
245270 <>{%hapta;%} Gr. <g>ἑπτά;</g> Lat. <nsi>septem;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>sibun;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>seofon;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>septyni, septynios;</nsi> Slav.
       <><nsi>sedmij;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>seacht;</nsi> Cambro-Brit. <nsi>saith;</nsi> Armor.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1065 case = 1269, hw = saptama, page=1065-a

       <>the light half of the month Vaiśākha; {%Jayantī-%}
       <>{%saptamī,%} the seventh day in the light half of the
245465 <>month Māgha); [cf. Zend <nsi>haptatha;</nsi> Gr. <g>ἕβδομος;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>septimus;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>sekma-s</nsi> for <nsi>sepma-s;</nsi> Slav.
       <><nsi>sedmyĭ;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>sibunto(n);</nsi> Hib. <nsi>seachtmad.</nsi>]

case = 1270, hw = sabas, page=1065-c

       <>soft consonants; cf. {%sapas%} under rt. {%sap%}), Ved.
       <>water, heavenly food, nectar, (Sāy. {%= udaka, payas,%}
245564 <>{%amṛita;%} cf. Gr. <g>σέβας,</g> ‘worship’ or ‘the object of
       <>worship.’) {%--Sabar-dugha, as, ā, am,%} Ved. yielding
       <>or granting heavenly food or water, dispensing water.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1066 case = 1271, hw = sam, page=1066-b

       <>nected with 4. {%sa%}], ind. (as a preposition or prefix
       <>to verbs and verbal derivatives opposed to 1. {%vi,%}
245705 <>q. v., and like Gr. <g>σύν,</g> Lat. <nsi>con,</nsi> expressing) with,
       <>together with, along with, together (e. g. {%saṃ-yuj,%}
       <>to join together; {%saṅ-ći,%} to gather together; {%san-%}

case = 1272, hw = sam, page=1066-b

       <>used as a separable preposition with inst. (e. g. {%asṛi-%}
       <>{%jad madhunā sam madhūni,%} Ṛig-veda X. 54, 6);
245720 <>[cf. according to some, Gr. <g>σύν, ξύν;</g> perhaps Lat.
       <><nsi>cum;</nsi> Old Russ. <nsi>sen;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>sū, su.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#sama#}¦ 1. {%sama, as, ā, am%} (probably connected

case = 1273, hw = sama, page=1066-b

       <>position {%sam,%} cf. {%sama-ćodita, sama-raṅjita,%} and
       <>{%sama-gaććhatu%} under {%sań-gam%}); [cf. Zend <nsi>hama:</nsi>
245757 <>Gr. <g>ἅμα, ὁμό-ς, ὁμοῦ, ὁμό-θεν, ὁμό-σε, ὁμο-ῖο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>sim-ia (?), si-</nsi>
       <><nsi>mili-s, simul, simul-tas, simul-ā-re, semel, sem-</nsi>

case = 1274, hw = sama, page=1066-b

       <>{%sama-gaććhatu%} under {%sań-gam%}); [cf. Zend <nsi>hama:</nsi>
       <>Gr. <g></g>
245758 <><g>ὁμοί-ι-ος, ὁμαλό-ς, μία, μέν:</g> Lat. <nsi>sim-ia (?), si-</nsi>
       <><nsi>mili-s, simul, simul-tas, simul-ā-re, semel, sem-</nsi>
       <><nsi>per, singuli:</nsi> Old Lat. <nsi>simītu:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>sama, sama-</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1076 case = 1275, hw = samayA, page=1076-c

       <>senses probably an old inst. of {%sama%}), within, in
       <>the middle, in the midst, betwixt, between, within;
248071 <>near (with acc.); [cf. Gr. <g>ὁμῇ, ὁμοῦ, ὁμῶς;</g> Lat.
       <P>{%Sam-āya, as,%} m. coming towards, arriving at,
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1077 case = 1276, hw = samitA, page=1077-a

       <>Ved. to cause to move or throb, agitate, shake about.
       <P>.{#samitA#}¦ {%samitā,%} f. [cf. {%samīda%}], wheat-flour;
248110 <>[cf. Gr. <g>σεμίδαλις;</g> Lat. <nsi>simila, similago.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#samiti#}¦ 2. {%sam-iti,%} ind. a sacred verse be-
       <>ginning with {%sam.%}
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1092 case = 1277, hw = sara, page=1092-a

       <>tive; ({%as%}), m. going, motion; an arrow [cf. {%śara%}];
       <>the coagulum of curds or milk, cream, (in this sense
251495 <>cf. according to some, Gr. <g>ὀρό-ς, ὀῤῤός, οὐρό-ς;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>seru-m;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>suri-s;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>syru</nsi>); salt (pro-
       <>bably as coming from water, cf. {%sala, sarira, sa-%}

case = 1278, hw = saraRyu, page=1092-b

       <>Sāy. as seven in number); air, wind; a cloud;
       <>water; spring ({%= vasanta%}); fire ({%= Agni%}); [cf.
251543 <>Gr. <g>ἐριννύς.</g>]
       <P>{%Saraṇyū, ūs,%} f., Ved. ‘the fleet-running one,’ N.
       <>of a daughter of Tvashṭṛi, (in Ṛig-veda X. 17, 2.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1093 case = 1279, hw = sarma, page=1093-b

       <P>{%Sarita, am,%} n. {%= salila,%} water.
       <P>{%Sarma, as,%} m. going, running; sky; heaven;
251765 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ὁρμή.</g>]
       <P>.{#saraktagOra#}¦ {%sa-rakta-gaura, as, ā, am,%} being
       <>of a red and whitish colour.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1094 case = 1280, hw = sarpa, page=1094-a

       <>wearing beards); N. of a particular Rudra; ({%ī%}), f. a
       <>female snake; N. of the wife of a Rudra; [cf. Gr.
251950 <><g>ἑρπ-ετό-ν;</g> Lat. <nsi>serpens.</nsi>] {%--Sarpa-ṛishi, is,%} m.
       <>‘serpent-Ṛishi,’ epithet of Arbuda Kādraveya. {%--Sar-%}
       <>{%pa-kańkālikā%} or {%sarpa-kańkālī,%} f. ‘serpent's ske-

case = 1281, hw = sarva, page=1094-c

       <>complete; ({%as%}), m. an epithet of Śiva; of Vishṇu;
       <>of a Muni, ({%sarvam%} is enumerated among the
252065 <>{%udaka-nāmāni%} in Naigh. 1. 12); [cf. Gr. <g>ὅλ-ο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Osk. <nsi>sol-lu-s</nsi> (for <nsi>sol-vu-s</nsi>),
       <>‘whole, sound:’ Lat. <nsi>sar-c-ire, sal-vu-s, sal-u-s,</nsi>

case = 1282, hw = sarva, page=1094-c

       <>of a Muni, ({%sarvam%} is enumerated among the
       <>{%udaka-nāmāni%} in Naigh. 1. 12); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
252066 <><g>ὁλο-ό-ς, οὖλ-ο-ς:</g> Osk. <nsi>sol-lu-s</nsi> (for <nsi>sol-vu-s</nsi>),
       <>‘whole, sound:’ Lat. <nsi>sar-c-ire, sal-vu-s, sal-u-s,</nsi>
       <><nsi>sal-u-ber, sol-u-m, sol-i-du-s, sol-ari, sol-amen,</nsi>

case = 1283, hw = sarva, page=1094-c

       <>Pāṇ. IV. 4, 142), Ved. all prosperity, complete hap-
       <>piness or health; soundness, wholeness; [cf. Gr.
252164 <><g>ὁλό-της;</g> in some passages {%tāti%} is connected by Sāy.
       <>with 2. {%tati,%} p. 361, and is said to mean either
       <>‘the extension of all enjoyments’ or simply ‘sacri-
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1097 case = 1284, hw = sal, page=1097-a

       <P>.{#sal#}¦ {%sal%} (connected with rt. {%sṛi%}), cl. 1.
       <>P. {%salati, sasāla, salitum,%} to go, move;
252634 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ἅλλ-ο-μαι, ἅλμα;</g> Lat. <nsi>salio;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>selu,</nsi>
       <>‘to creep;’ Slav. <nsi>sl-a-ti,</nsi> ‘to send;’ Hib. <nsi>silim,</nsi> ‘I
       <>drop, distil, spit.’]

case = 1285, hw = salila, page=1097-a

       <>or internal acquiescence, (the other three being
       <>{%ambhas, ogha,%} and {%vṛishṭi;%} cf. {%su-pārā%}); a kind
252643 <>of metre; [cf. Gr. <g>σάλος, ἅλς;</g> Lat. <nsi>salum, sal,</nsi>
       <><nsi>saliva;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>sol,</nsi> ‘salt.’] {%--Salila-karman, a,%} n.
       <>a particular funeral rite {%(= salila-kriyā)%}. {%--Salila-%}
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1098 case = 1286, hw = savya, page=1098-b

       <>contrary, backward; ({%as%}), m., N. of an Āńgirasa
       <>(author of the hymns Ṛig-veda 1. 51-57); an epi-
252904 <>thet of Vishṇu; [cf. Gr. <g>σκαιό-ςμ σκαιό-τη-ς, σκαιο-σύνη</g>
       <><g></g> (probably also <g></g>); Lat. <nsi>scœvu-s, scœ-</nsi>
       <><nsi>vitas, scœvola</nsi> (perhaps also <nsi>scauru-s, sinister</nsi>);

case = 1287, hw = savya, page=1098-b

       <>(author of the hymns Ṛig-veda 1. 51-57); an epi-
       <>thet of Vishṇu; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
252905 <><g></g> (probably also <g>σκαῦρο-ς</g>); Lat. <nsi>scœvu-s, scœ-</nsi>
       <><nsi>vitas, scœvola</nsi> (perhaps also <nsi>scauru-s, sinister</nsi>);
       <>Slav. <nsi>sui.</nsi>] {%--Savya-tas,%} ind. from the left side; on
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1099 case = 1288, hw = sasya, page=1099-b

       <P>.{#sasya#}¦ 2. {%sasya, am,%} n. (for 2. {%śasya,%} q. v.;
       <>said to be fr. rt. {%sas%}), corn, grain; fruit; a weapon;
253122 <>[cf. perhaps Gr. <g>εἴα, ἤϊον.</g>] {%--Sasya-kreṇī,%} f. buying
       <>grain. {%--Sasya-prada, as, ā, am,%} yielding corn,
       <>fertile. {%--Sasya-pravṛiddhi, is,%} f. the growth of

case = 1289, hw = sah, page=1099-b

       <>{%sahat:%} Desid. of Caus. {%sisāhayishati%} (Pāṇ. VIII.
       <>3, 62): Desid. {%sisahishate,%} to wish to bear: Intens.
253169 <>{%sāsahyate, sāsoḍhi,%} to resist, defeat; [cf. Gr. <g>ἔχ-ω</g>

case = 1290, hw = sah, page=1099-b

       <>3, 62): Desid. {%sisahishate,%} to wish to bear: Intens.
       <>{%sāsahyate, sāsoḍhi,%} to resist, defeat; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
253170 <><g>for ἕχ-ω (i.e. (σ)έχ-ω), ἕξω, ἑχείης, ἐξῆς, ἔχ-ο-μαι,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably for <g></g>), [Page1099-c+ 81]

case = 1291, hw = sah, page=1099-b

       <>{%sāsahyate, sāsoḍhi,%} to resist, defeat; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
253171 <><g>ἔ-σχο-ν, σχή-σω, ἔ-σχη-κα, σχέ-σι-ς, σχή-μα,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably for <g></g>), [Page1099-c+ 81]
       <><g></g> according to some

case = 1292, hw = sah, page=1099-b

253172 <><g>σχο-λή, σχε-δόν, ἴσχ-ω</g> (probably for <g>σι-σεχ-ω</g>), [Page1099-c+ 81]
       <><g></g> according to some
       <>also Lat. <nsi>sag-ax, sagus, sagio.</nsi>]

case = 1293, hw = sah, page=1099-b

       <><g></g> (probably for <g></g>), [Page1099-c+ 81]
253173 <><g>ἰσχανάω, ἐχ-υρό-ς, ὀχ-υρό-ς;</g> according to some
       <>also Lat. <nsi>sag-ax, sagus, sagio.</nsi>]
       <P>2. {%sah, sāṭ, ṭ, ṭ,%} bearing, enduring, &c. (frequently

case = 1294, hw = sahya, page=1099-c

       <>sula (near Poonah; the Go-dāvarī river rises in this
       <>district); ({%am%}), n. health, convalescence; adequacy;
253261 <>assistance; [cf. according to some, Gr. <g>σάο-ς, σα-ώ-τερο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> per-
       <>haps Lat. <nsi>sa-nu-s;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>ga-sunt;</nsi> Angl. Sax.

case = 1295, hw = sahya, page=1099-c

       <>district); ({%am%}), n. health, convalescence; adequacy;
       <>assistance; [cf. according to some, Gr. <g></g>
253262 <><g>σῶο-ς, σῶς, σω-τήρ, σῶ-κο-ς, σώ-ζ-ω;</g> per-
       <>haps Lat. <nsi>sa-nu-s;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>ga-sunt;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>sund.</nsi>] {%--Sahya-parvata, as,%} or {%sahya-mahībhṛit,%}
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1104 case = 1296, hw = sAD, page=1104-c

       <>to fly, flee: Desid. of Caus. {%sishādhayishati,%} to
       <>desire to accomplish: Desid. {%sishātsati:%} Intens. {%sā-%}
254376 <>{%sādhyate, sāsāddhi;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ἔθ-ος, ἦθ-ος, ἠθεῖο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth. <nsi>sid-u-s,</nsi> ‘a habit;’ <nsi>sidôn,</nsi>
       <>‘to contrive, perform;’ probably <nsi>sandjan, sêlis,</nsi>

case = 1297, hw = sAD, page=1104-c

       <>desire to accomplish: Desid. {%sishātsati:%} Intens. {%sā-%}
       <>{%sādhyate, sāsāddhi;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
254377 <><g>εἴ-ωθ-α, ἐθ-ίζ-ω:</g> Goth. <nsi>sid-u-s,</nsi> ‘a habit;’ <nsi>sidôn,</nsi>
       <>‘to contrive, perform;’ probably <nsi>sandjan, sêlis,</nsi>
       <>‘good;’ <nsi>un-sêlis:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>sendan:</nsi> Old Germ.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1106 case = 1298, hw = sAndra, page=1106-b

       <>smooth, soft, bland; pleasing, agreeable; ({%as%}), m. a
       <>thicket, wood; a heap, cluster; [cf. probably Gr.
254770 <><g>ἁδρός.</g>] {%--Sāndra-kutūhala, as, ā, am,%} having in-
       <>tense curiosity, excited deeply by curiosity. {%--Sān- %}[Page1106-c+ 70]
       <>{%dra-tara, as, ā, am,%} more vehement, increased.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1108 case = 1299, hw = sAmi, page=1108-b

       <>old inst. {%sāmyā%} of {%sāmya;%} cf. {%ādi%} for {%ādya%}), half
       <>(often used in comp. like the English {%semi-;%} cf.
255207 <>{%a-sāmi%}); blamably; [cf. Gr. <g>ἡμι-, ἥμι-συ-ς;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>semi-, semi-s;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>sâmi-</nsi> in <nsi>sâmi-quek,</nsi>
       <>‘half-alive;’ Angl. Sax. <nsi>sâm-</nsi> in <nsi>sâm-boren,</nsi> ‘half-
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1110 case = 1300, hw = sArameya, page=1110-a

       <>of Yama (conjectured by some to have been origin-
       <>ally Indra and Agni); ({%ī%}), f. a female dog, bitch;
255563 <>[cf. probably Gr. <g>Ἑρμείας.</g>] {%--Sārameya-vākya,%}
       <>{%am,%} n. ‘Sārameya's speech,’ N. of the fifty-sixth
       <>chapter of the Uttara-kāṇḍa of the Rāmāyaṇa.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1112 case = 1301, hw = si, page=1112-b

       <>ensnare: Caus. {%sāyayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%asīshayat:%}
       <>Desid. {%sisīshati, -te:%} Intens. {%seshīyate, seshayīti,%}
256109 <>{%sesheti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>hi-ta,</nsi> ‘bound:’ Gr. <g>σει-ρά,</g> [Page1112-c+ 80]
       <><g></g> Old Germ.
       <><nsi>sei-l, sei-d,</nsi> ‘a noose;’ <nsi>sai-to:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>in-sailjan:</nsi>

case = 1302, hw = si, page=1112-b

       <>Desid. {%sisīshati, -te:%} Intens. {%seshīyate, seshayīti,%}
       <>{%sesheti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>hi-ta,</nsi> ‘bound:’ Gr. <g></g> [Page1112-c+ 80]
256110 <><g>ἱ-μά-ς, ἱ-μον-ιά, ἱμάσσ-ω, ἱμάσ-θλη:</g> Old Germ.
       <><nsi>sei-l, sei-d,</nsi> ‘a noose;’ <nsi>sai-to:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>in-sailjan:</nsi>
       <>Old Sax. <nsi>si-mo,</nsi> ‘a bond:’ Angl. Sax. <nsi>sal, sœl,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1113 case = 1303, hw = sic, page=1113-b

       <>{%yitum,%} Aor. {%asīshićat%} or (according to some) {%asī-%}
       <>{%sićat,%} to cause to sprinkle: Desid. {%sisikshati, -te:%}
256278 <>Intens. {%sesićyate, sesekti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ἰκ-μά(δ)-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>stilla</nsi>
       <>(for <nsi>stic-la</nsi>): Old Germ. <nsi>sîh-u, seich,</nsi> ‘urine;’

case = 1304, hw = sic, page=1113-b

       <>{%sićat,%} to cause to sprinkle: Desid. {%sisikshati, -te:%}
       <>Intens. {%sesićyate, sesekti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
256279 <><g>ἰκμα-λέο-ς, ἰκμαίν-ω, ἰκμα-ῖο-ς, στίλη, σίκυς:</g> Lat. <nsi>stilla</nsi>
       <>(for <nsi>stic-la</nsi>): Old Germ. <nsi>sîh-u, seich,</nsi> ‘urine;’
       <><nsi>seihjan, seo, gi-sich:</nsi> Goth. (probably) <nsi>saivs:</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1116 case = 1305, hw = siv, page=1116-b

       <>sewn: Caus. {%sevayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%asīshivat:%}
       <>Desid. {%sisevishati%} or {%sisyūshati:%} Intens. {%seshīv-%}
257024 <>{%yate;%} [cf. Gr. <g>κασ-σύ-ω (κα-τύ-ω), κάσ-σῦ-μα</g>
       <><g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>su-o, su-tu-s, su-tor, su-tura, su-tela, su-b-ula,</nsi>

case = 1306, hw = siv, page=1116-b

       <>Desid. {%sisevishati%} or {%sisyūshati:%} Intens. {%seshīv-%}
       <>{%yate;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
257025 <><g>(κάτ-τυ-μα), καττύ-ς, probably ὑμήν and Ὑμήν:</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>su-o, su-tu-s, su-tor, su-tura, su-tela, su-b-ula,</nsi>
       <><nsi>Con-sus, Con-sualia:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>siu-ja,</nsi> <g></g>

case = 1307, hw = siv, page=1116-b

       <><g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>su-o, su-tu-s, su-tor, su-tura, su-tela, su-b-ula,</nsi>
257027 <><nsi>Con-sus, Con-sualia:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>siu-ja,</nsi> <g>ἐπιῤῤάπτω:</g>
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>siud, sou-m,</nsi> ‘a hem;’ <nsi>sui-la:</nsi> Mod.
       <>Germ. <nsi>seam:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>seam:</nsi> Engl. <nsi>seam:</nsi> Old
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1117 case = 1308, hw = sItya, page=1117-a

       <P>{%Sītya, as, ā, am,%} measured out by furrows,
       <>ploughed, tilled [cf. {%śītya%}]; ({%am%}), n. rice, corn, grain;
257134 <>[cf. probably Gr. <g>σῖτος.</g>]
       <P>.{#sItInaka#}¦ {%sītīnaka, as,%} m. {%= satīnaka,%} pease,

case = 1309, hw = su, page=1117-b

       <>{%vat%} (according to some {%asīshavat%}): Desid. of Caus.
       <>{%sushāvayishati:%} Desid. {%susūshati:%} Intens. {%soshū-%}
257277 <>{%yate;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ὕ-ω, ὑ-ε-τό-ς;</g> Umbr. <nsi>savitu.</nsi>] [Page1117-c+ 80]
       <P>1. {%sut, t, t, t,%} extracting juice, pouring out, sprinkling,
       <>making libations, (see {%pra-sut, madhu-shut%}); ({%t%}),

case = 1310, hw = su, page=1117-c

       <>Caus. {%sushāvayishati:%} Desid. {%susūshati, -te:%} In-
       <>tens. {%soshūyate, soshavīti, soshoti;%} [cf. Zend
257372 <><nsi>hunu,</nsi> ‘a son;’ Gr. <g>υἱός, ὑατέρα</g> = Lat. <nsi>uterus;</nsi> Goth.
       <><nsi>su-nu-s;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>sy-nu;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>su-nu-s,</nsi> ‘a son.’]
       <P>2. {%sut, t, t, t,%} begetting, generating, engendering.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1118 case = 1311, hw = sUnu, page=1118-b

       <>of the hymn Ṛig-veda X. 176 (having the patro-
       <>nymic Ārbhava); ({%us, ūs%}), f. a daughter; [cf. Zend
257454 <><nsi>hunu;</nsi> Gr. <g>υἱός;</g> Goth. <nsi>sunus,</nsi> ‘a son;’ Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>sunu;</nsi> Mod. Germ. <nsi>sohn,</nsi> &c.; see col. 1.]
       <P>{%Sūvan, ā, arī, a,%} Ved. bearing children, generat-

case = 1312, hw = su, page=1118-b

       <P>.{#su#}¦ 5. {%su,%} ind. (thought by some to be a
       <>shortened form of {%vasu,%} q. v.; opposed to
257462 <>{%dus,%} q. v., and corresponding to Gr. <g>εὖ;</g> in the Veda
       <>liable to become {%shu,%} see Ṛig-veda I. 36, 13, I. 112,
       <>1, Pāṇ. VIII. 3, 107; and to lengthen a preceding

case = 1313, hw = su, page=1118-b

       <>verb); according to native authorities this prefix may
       <>also imply {%anu-mati,%} ‘assent;’ {%sam-ṛiddhi,%} ‘pros-
257475 <>perity;’ {%kṛiććhra,%} ‘distress;’ [cf. Gr. <g>εὖ:</g> Cambro-
       <>Brit. <nsi>hu, hy, he:</nsi> Armor. <nsi>he:</nsi> Hib. <nsi>so, soailce,</nsi> ‘a
       <>good fashion, good manners;’ <nsi>sucridh,</nsi> ‘easy,’ {%= su-%}

case = 1314, hw = su, page=1118-b

       <>a Śrāddha; [cf. {%śraushaṭ.%}] {%--Suśruta-saṃhitā,%} f. [Page1125-b+ 81]
       <>Su-śruta's system of medicine. {%--Su-śroṇi, is, is,%} or {%ī,%}
259139 <>{%i,%} having beautiful hips, <g>καλλίπυγος;</g> ({%is%}), f., N.
       <>of a goddess. {%--Su-śrotu, us, us, u,%} Ved. well or
       <>altogether hearing, (Sāy. {%= saṃyak śrotṛi,%} Ṛig-veda
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1128 case = 1315, hw = sunaPA, page=1128-a

       <P>.{#suDeza#}¦ {%sudhesha,%} N. of a country.
       <P>.{#sunanda#}¦ {%su-nanda,%} &c. See p. 1121, col. 1.
259797 <P>.{#sunaPA#}¦ {%sunaphā,%} f. (= Gr. <g>συναφή;</g> cf.
       <>{%anaphā%}), a particular conjunction of the planets.
       <>{%--Sunaphā-yoga, as,%} m. the above conjunction.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1129 case = 1316, hw = suruNga, page=1129-c

       <P>.{#surIka#}¦ {%surīka, as,%} m., N. of a poet.
       <P>.{#suruNga#}¦ {%suruńga, as,%} m. a kind of tree, Hy-
260165 <>peranthera Morunga; ({%ā%}), f. (probably from Gr. <g>σύπιγξ</g>
       <><g></g>), a hole made underground for military pur-
       <>poses, a hole dug through the walls of a building for

case = 1317, hw = suruNga, page=1129-c

       <P>.{#suruNga#}¦ {%suruńga, as,%} m. a kind of tree, Hy-
       <>peranthera Morunga; ({%ā%}), f. (probably from Gr. <g></g>
260166 <><g></g>), a hole made underground for military pur-
       <>poses, a hole dug through the walls of a building for
       <>the purpose of house-breaking; a mine, excavation,
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1130 case = 1318, hw = sUkara, page=1130-b

       <>hog, pig; a sort of deer (the hog-deer); a potter;
       <>({%ī%}), f. a sow; a sort of moss, Lycopodium Imbrica-
260336 <>tum; [cf. Gr. <g>σῦς, ὖς;</g> Lat. <nsi>sus;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>suga;</nsi>
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>sū;</nsi> Mod. Germ. <nsi>sau.</nsi>] {%--Sūkara-%}
       <>{%kanda, as,%} m., N. of a plant.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1132 case = 1319, hw = sUd, page=1132-a

       <>to pour out, effuse; to eject; to assent, agree, pro-
       <>mise: Desid. {%susūdishate:%} Intens. {%sosūdyate, so-%}
260712 <>{%sūtti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>συδ in παν-συδίῃ, πασ-συδί;</g> Lett.
       <><nsi>saudêt,</nsi> ‘to destroy.’]
       <P>2. {%sūd, t, t, t,%} Ved. flowing, distilling, pouring

case = 1320, hw = sUrya, page=1132-c

       <>hymn about the marriage of Sūryā ({%= sūryā-sūkta,%}
       <>q. v.); a new bride; a drug; the colocynth or
260927 <>bitter gourd; [cf. Gr. <g>ἥλιος;</g> Lat. <nsi>sol;</nsi> Goth.
       <><nsi>sunna, sunno, sanil;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>sunna, sunne,</nsi>
       <><nsi>sun.</nsi>] {%--Sūrya-kamala, am,%} n. the sunflower, [Page1133-a+ 81]
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

@jmigliori These are ready for you.

jmigliori commented 4 years ago

These are all set. Cases 1267 and 1317 are the second halves of hyphenated words.

gasyoun commented 4 years ago

These are all set

MW72 Greek finalised - this is a milestone. Thanks!

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

These now installed in mw72 digitization.