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Greek in MW72, part 10 -- the last part #31

Closed funderburkjim closed 4 years ago

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

This continues #30 . And is the last in the series of Greek text in MW72.

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1133 case = 1321, hw = sf, page=1133-c

       <>cording to some {%susūrshati%}): Intens. {%sesrīyate,%}
       <>{%sarsarti,%} (Ved. {%sarsṛite%}); [cf. Zend <nsi>har;</nsi> Gr.
261130 <><g>ὁρ-μή, ὁρμά-ω, ἀφ-ορμή, ὁρμη-τήριο-ν, σάλος,</g>
       <><g></g> (according to some also) <g></g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>salio, salto</nsi> (probably also <nsi>serere</nsi>);

case = 1322, hw = sf, page=1133-c

       <>{%sarsarti,%} (Ved. {%sarsṛite%}); [cf. Zend <nsi>har;</nsi> Gr.
261131 <><g>σάλα, σαλεύω,</g> (according to some also) <g>ἅρμα, ἁρμός,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>salio, salto</nsi> (probably also <nsi>serere</nsi>);
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>saltian, serian.</nsi>]

case = 1323, hw = sf, page=1133-c

       <><g></g> (according to some also) <g></g>
261132 <><g>ὅρμος, ἕρμα;</g> Lat. <nsi>salio, salto</nsi> (probably also <nsi>serere</nsi>);
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>saltian, serian.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Sara, saras,%} &c., see p. 1092.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1134 case = 1324, hw = sfp, page=1134-b

       <>or {%asasarpat,%} to cause to creep, cause to go, &c.:
       <>Desid. {%sisṛipsati:%} Intens. {%sarīsṛipyate, sarīsarpti;%}
261277 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ἕρπ-ω, ἑρπ-ύζ-ω, ἑρπ-ετό-ν, ἕρπ-η(τ)-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> &c.: Lat.
       <><nsi>serp-o, serp-en(t)-s, serp-ula, Pro-serp-ina (?),</nsi>

case = 1325, hw = sfp, page=1134-b

       <>Desid. {%sisṛipsati:%} Intens. {%sarīsṛipyate, sarīsarpti;%}
       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
261278 <><g>Σαρπηδών,</g> (according to some also) <g>ῥέπ-ω,</g> &c.: Lat.
       <><nsi>serp-o, serp-en(t)-s, serp-ula, Pro-serp-ina (?),</nsi>
       <><nsi>rep-o</nsi> (probably for <nsi>srep-o</nsi>): Old Germ. <nsi>slich,</nsi> ‘to
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1135 case = 1326, hw = sev, page=1135-a

       <>Caus. {%sevayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%asishevat,%} to serve,
       <>honour, worship: Desid. {%sisevishate, -ti:%} Intens.
261451 <>{%seshevyate;%} [cf. Gr. <g>σέβομαι;</g> perhaps Goth. <nsi>sai-</nsi>
       <><nsi>vala,</nsi> ‘soul;’ Old Germ. <nsi>sela.</nsi>]
       <P>1. {%sevaka, as, ā, am,%} (for 2. see col. 2), serv-
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1140 case = 1327, hw = skand, page=1140-c

       <>emit (seminal fluid); to omit, neglect; Desid. {%ći-%}
       <>{%skantsati:%} Intens. {%ćanīskadyate, ćanīskanti;%} [cf.
262697 <>Gr. <g>σκάνδ-αλο-ν, σκανδάλη-θρο-ν, σχαστήρ,</g> per-
       <>haps <g></g> Lat. <nsi>scand-o, de-scend-o,</nsi> (ac-
       <>cording to some also) <nsi>scateo;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>skeinnead,</nsi>

case = 1328, hw = skand, page=1140-c

       <>{%skantsati:%} Intens. {%ćanīskadyate, ćanīskanti;%} [cf.
       <>Gr. <g></g> per-
262698 <>haps <g>σκαίρω, σκάζω;</g> Lat. <nsi>scand-o, de-scend-o,</nsi> (ac-
       <>cording to some also) <nsi>scateo;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>skeinnead,</nsi>
       <>‘eruption, gushing forth.’]
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1141 case = 1329, hw = skanDa, page=1141-a

       <>metre; a heron; N. of a poet; {%= bhadrādi%} (accord-
       <>ing to Śabda-k.); ({%ā%}), f. a branch; a creeper; [cf.
262764 <>perhaps Gr. <g>σπάθη:</g> Lat. <nsi>scapula:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>scul-</nsi>
       <><nsi>dor, sculder, scoldr:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>scultra, sculdra,</nsi>
       <><nsi>scultarra:</nsi> Armor. <nsi>skoaz:</nsi> Cambro-Brit. <nsi>ysgwyz;</nsi>

case = 1330, hw = skamB, page=1141-b

       <>impede, restrain, block, obstruct: Caus. {%skabhayati%}
       <>or {%skambhayati%} (Ved. also {%skabhāyati%}), &c., to
262819 <>establish, support; [cf. according to some, Gr. <g>σκῆπτρον,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>scabellum, scam-</nsi>
       <><nsi>num;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>ga-skapjan, ga-skafts;</nsi> Angl. Sax.

case = 1331, hw = skamB, page=1141-b

       <>or {%skambhayati%} (Ved. also {%skabhāyati%}), &c., to
       <>establish, support; [cf. according to some, Gr. <g></g>
262820 <><g>σκήπτω, σκίμπτω;</g> Lat. <nsi>scabellum, scam-</nsi>
       <><nsi>num;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>ga-skapjan, ga-skafts;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>scapen, sceapan, sceaft;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>scafan, sca-</nsi>

case = 1332, hw = sku, page=1141-b

       <>approach: Caus. {%skāvayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%aćuska-%}
       <>{%vat:%} Desid. {%ćuskūshati, -te:%} Intens. {%ćoskūyate%}
262868 <>(Ved. {%ćoshkūyate%}), {%ćoskoti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>σκευ-ή, σκεῦ-ος,</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>ob-scu-ru-s, scu-tu-m, cu-ti-s, corium, cavere,</nsi>

case = 1333, hw = sku, page=1141-b

       <>{%vat:%} Desid. {%ćuskūshati, -te:%} Intens. {%ćoskūyate%}
       <>(Ved. {%ćoshkūyate%}), {%ćoskoti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
262869 <><g>σκευά-ζ-ω, σκῦ-το-ς, κύ-τ-ος, ἐπι-σκύ-νιο-ν:</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>ob-scu-ru-s, scu-tu-m, cu-ti-s, corium, cavere,</nsi>
       <><nsi>cautus, causa:</nsi> probably Angl. Sax. <nsi>scuva, scoh,</nsi>

case = 1334, hw = stan, page=1141-c

       <>{%-yitum,%} Aor. {%atishṭanat%} (or {%atistanat%} according
       <>to some), to cause to resound: Desid. {%tistanishati:%}
262947 <>Intens, {%taṉstanyate, taṉstanti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>στέν-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>tono, tonitru:</nsi>

case = 1335, hw = stan, page=1141-c

       <>to some), to cause to resound: Desid. {%tistanishati:%}
       <>Intens, {%taṉstanyate, taṉstanti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
262948 <><g>στενάχ-ω, στόνο-ς, στένο-μαι, στείνομαι, στενό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>tono, tonitru:</nsi>
       <>Old Norse <nsi>stynija, styn:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>stunôd,</nsi> ‘a

case = 1336, hw = stan, page=1141-c

       <>Intens, {%taṉstanyate, taṉstanti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
262949 <><g>στεινό-ς, στεῖνος, Στέν-τωρ:</g> Lat. <nsi>tono, tonitru:</nsi>
       <>Old Norse <nsi>stynija, styn:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>stunôd,</nsi> ‘a
       <>sigh;’ <nsi>thonar, donar,</nsi> ‘thunder:’ Old Sax. <nsi>thunar:</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1142 case = 1337, hw = stamB, page=1142-b

       <>support; stop, arrest, bring to a stand, suppress, re-
       <>strain: Desid. {%tistambhishati:%} Intens. {%tāstabhyate;%}
263068 <>[cf. Gr. <g>στέμφ-υλο-ν, ἀ-στεμφ-ής, στέμβ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>stupeo,</nsi>
       <><nsi>stipes;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>stamph, stamphon, stab;</nsi>

case = 1338, hw = stamB, page=1142-b

       <>strain: Desid. {%tistambhishati:%} Intens. {%tāstabhyate;%}
       <>[cf. Gr. <g></g>
263069 <><g>στεμβ-άζω, στοβέ-ω, στοβάζ-ω, στείβ-ω;</g> Lat. <nsi>stupeo,</nsi>
       <><nsi>stipes;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>stamph, stamphon, stab;</nsi>
       <>Mod. Germ. <nsi>stampfen;</nsi> Old Norse <nsi>stofn.</nsi>]

case = 1339, hw = stiG, page=1142-c

       <>cend; to assail: Caus. {%steghayati, -yitum,%} Aor.
       <>{%atishṭighat:%} Desid. {%tistighishate%} or {%tisteghishate:%}
263178 <>Intens. {%teshṭighyate, teshṭegdhi;%} [cf. Gr. <g>στείχ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Goth.
       <><nsi>steig-a, staig-a,</nsi> ‘a path:’ Old Germ. <nsi>steg-a,</nsi> ‘an

case = 1340, hw = stiG, page=1142-c

       <>{%atishṭighat:%} Desid. {%tistighishate%} or {%tisteghishate:%}
       <>Intens. {%teshṭighyate, teshṭegdhi;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
263179 <><g>ἔ-στιχ-ον, στίχο-ς, στοῖχο-ς, στιχάο-μαι:</g> Goth.
       <><nsi>steig-a, staig-a,</nsi> ‘a path:’ Old Germ. <nsi>steg-a,</nsi> ‘an
       <>ascent, path:’ Mod. Germ. <nsi>steig-en,</nsi> ‘to rise:’ Slav.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1143 case = 1341, hw = stu, page=1143-a

       <>{%astāvi,%} to be praised, &c.: Caus. {%stāvayati,%} Aor.
       <>{%atushṭavat:%} Desid. {%tushṭūshati, -te:%} Intens.
263228 <>{%toshṭūyate, toshṭoti;%} [cf. perhaps Gr. <g>στό-μα,</g>
       <>Æol. <g></g> Goth. <nsi>staua,</nsi> ‘a judge;’ <nsi>stauja,</nsi>
       <>‘to judge.’]

case = 1342, hw = stu, page=1143-a

       <>{%atushṭavat:%} Desid. {%tushṭūshati, -te:%} Intens.
       <>{%toshṭūyate, toshṭoti;%} [cf. perhaps Gr. <g></g>
263229 <>Æol. <g>στύ-μα:</g> Goth. <nsi>staua,</nsi> ‘a judge;’ <nsi>stauja,</nsi>
       <>‘to judge.’]
       <P>{%Stava, as,%} m. praising, celebrating, hymning;

case = 1343, hw = stumB, page=1143-c

       <>1. {%stubh%} above; in native lists written {%stunbh%}), cl.
       <>5. 9. P. {%stubhnoti, stubhnāti,%} to stop; to stupefy; to
263380 <>expel; [cf. Gr. <g>στύφ-ω, στυφελός, στυμνός,</g>
       <><g></g> probably also <g></g>
       <><g></g> perhaps Old Germ. <nsi>stumph, stumbal;</nsi> Angl.

case = 1344, hw = stumB, page=1143-c

       <>5. 9. P. {%stubhnoti, stubhnāti,%} to stop; to stupefy; to
       <>expel; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
263381 <><g>στυφεδανός, τυφεδανός,</g> probably also <g>τυφός,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps Old Germ. <nsi>stumph, stumbal;</nsi> Angl.
       <>Sax. <nsi>stypel, dumb;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>dumb.</nsi>]

case = 1345, hw = stumB, page=1143-c

       <>expel; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
       <><g></g> probably also <g></g>
263382 <><g>τυφώδης;</g> perhaps Old Germ. <nsi>stumph, stumbal;</nsi> Angl.
       <>Sax. <nsi>stypel, dumb;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>dumb.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#stuveyya#}¦ {%stuveyya, stusheyya.%} See col. 2.

case = 1346, hw = stf, page=1143-c

       <>{%shati, -te,%} or {%tistarishati, -te,%} or {%tistarīshati, -te:%}
       <>Intens. {%tāstaryate, testīryate, tāstarti;%} [cf. Zend
263418 <><nsi>śtar, śtair-is:</nsi> Gr. <g>στόρ-νυ-μι, στορέννυ-μι,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>ster-n-o, stra-tu-s, stra-men, stra-mentu-m,</nsi>

case = 1347, hw = stf, page=1143-c

       <>Intens. {%tāstaryate, testīryate, tāstarti;%} [cf. Zend
       <><nsi>śtar, śtair-is:</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
263419 <><g>στρώννυ-μι, στρῶ-μα, στρω-μνή, στρα-τό-ς:</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>ster-n-o, stra-tu-s, stra-men, stra-mentu-m,</nsi>
       <><nsi>toru-s:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>strau-ja:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>strao, betti- </nsi>[Page1144-a+ 73]
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1144 case = 1348, hw = starI, page=1144-a

       <P>{%Starī, īs,%} f. smoke, vapour; a heifer; a barren cow
       <>(acc. c. {%staryam,%} Ṛig-veda I. 118, 20; in this sense
263437 <>probably connected with {%sthira,%} q. v.); [cf. Gr. <g>στεῖρα</g>
       <>(for <g></g>); Lat. <nsi>sterilis;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>stairo.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Starīman, ā,%} m. {%= stariman%} above.

case = 1349, hw = starI, page=1144-a

       <>(acc. c. {%staryam,%} Ṛig-veda I. 118, 20; in this sense
       <>probably connected with {%sthira,%} q. v.); [cf. Gr. <g></g>
263438 <>(for <g>στερια</g>); Lat. <nsi>sterilis;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>stairo.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Starīman, ā,%} m. {%= stariman%} above.
       <P>{%Stīrṇa, as, ā, am,%} spread, covered, strewn; pre-

case = 1350, hw = stIrRa, page=1144-a

       <P>{%Starīman, ā,%} m. {%= stariman%} above.
       <P>{%Stīrṇa, as, ā, am,%} spread, covered, strewn; pre-
263441 <>pared; [cf. Gr. <g>στέρ-νο-ν.</g>] {%--Stīrṇa-barhis, is, is,%}
       <>{%is,%} Ved. one who has spread Kuśa grass.
       <P>2. {%stṛi,%} spreading, covering, clothing, (Sāy. {%= āć-%}

case = 1351, hw = stf, page=1144-a

       <>‘light-strewer, light-scatterer;’ in this sense thought
       <>by some to be for {%astṛi,%} fr. rt. 2. {%as + tṛi;%} cf. Gr.
263448 <><g>ἀστήρ, τεῖρος,</g> Æol. <g>τέῤῤος;</g> Lat. <nsi>stella;</nsi> Goth.
       <><nsi>stairno;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>steorra.</nsi>)
       <P>{%Stṛiṇat, an, atī, at,%} covering, strewing, spread-

case = 1352, hw = sten, page=1144-a

       <>Nom. fr. {%stena%} below; cf. rt. {%stai%}), cl. 10.
       <>P. {%stenayati, atistenat,%} &c., to steal, rob; [cf. Gr.
263470 <><g>στερέω;</g> Goth. <nsi>stil-an,</nsi> ‘to steal;’ Angl. Sax. <nsi>stelan,</nsi>
       <><nsi>stal, stalian, stalu.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Stena, as,%} m. (perhaps to be connected with a

case = 1353, hw = styE, page=1144-b

       <>{%styāyati,%} &c., to be collected into a heap
       <>or mass; to be spread about; to sound; [cf. accord-
263521 <>ing to some, probably Gr. <g>στενός;</g> Lat. <nsi>stipare.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Sti, is,%} m. (according to Sāy. fr. rt. {%styai,%} but cf.
       <>{%upa-sti%}), Ved. a house, dwelling, abode, (Sāy. {%=%}
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1145 case = 1354, hw = sTag, page=1145-a

       <>{%asthagīt,%} &c., to cover, hide, conceal:
       <>Caus. {%sthagayati,%} &c., to cover, veil, hide, make
263708 <>invisible; [cf. Gr. <g>στέγ-ω, στέγ-η, τέγη, στέγος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>teg-o, tec-tu-m,</nsi>
       <><nsi>teg-i-men, teg-ula:</nsi> Old Norse <nsi>thek,</nsi> ‘a roof:’ Old

case = 1355, hw = sTag, page=1145-a

       <>Caus. {%sthagayati,%} &c., to cover, veil, hide, make
       <>invisible; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
263709 <><g>τέγος, στεγ-ανό-ς, στεγ-νό-ς:</g> Lat. <nsi>teg-o, tec-tu-m,</nsi>
       <><nsi>teg-i-men, teg-ula:</nsi> Old Norse <nsi>thek,</nsi> ‘a roof:’ Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>dak-jan:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>theccan, thaca:</nsi> Lith.

case = 1356, hw = sTal, page=1145-b

       <>cause to stand firm, fix firmly: Desid. of Caus.
       <>{%tisthālayishati:%} Desid. {%tisthalishati:%} Intens. {%tā-%}
263753 <>{%sthalyate, tāsthalti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>στέλλ-ω, ἔσταλκα,</g>
       <><g></g>] Lat. <nsi>prœ-</nsi>
       <><nsi>stol-o-r, stul-tu-s, stol-i-du-s (?);</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>stil,</nsi>

case = 1357, hw = sTal, page=1145-b

       <>{%tisthālayishati:%} Desid. {%tisthalishati:%} Intens. {%tā-%}
       <>{%sthalyate, tāsthalti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
263754 <><g>ἐ-στάλη-ν, στόλο-ς, στάλ-ιξ, στελεό-ν;</g>] Lat. <nsi>prœ-</nsi>
       <><nsi>stol-o-r, stul-tu-s, stol-i-du-s (?);</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>stil,</nsi>
       <><nsi>stallan, stellan;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>stelloju,</nsi> ‘I appoint.’]

case = 1358, hw = sTA, page=1145-c

       <>(with two acc.): Desid. {%tishṭhāsati, -te:%} Intens.
       <>{%teshṭhīyate, tāsthāti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>hi-stā-mi</nsi> = Sans.
263862 <>{%ti-shṭhā-mi:%} Gr. <g>ἵ-στη-μι, ἔ-στη-ν, στά-σι-ς, στα-μίν,</g>
       <><g></g> (with

case = 1359, hw = sTA, page=1145-c

       <>{%teshṭhīyate, tāsthāti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>hi-stā-mi</nsi> = Sans.
       <>{%ti-shṭhā-mi:%} Gr. <g></g>
263863 <><g>στά-μνο-ς, ἰ-στό-ς, στή-μην, στή-λη, στα-τήρ,</g>
       <><g></g> (with
       <>the Caus. may be compared also, according to some)

case = 1360, hw = sTA, page=1145-c

       <>{%ti-shṭhā-mi:%} Gr. <g></g>
263864 <><g>στα-θ-ερό-ς, στα-θ-μό-ς, στῆ-θ-ο-ς, στε-νό-ς;</g> (with
       <>the Caus. may be compared also, according to some)
       <><g></g> (for <g></g>) <g></g>

case = 1361, hw = sTA, page=1145-c

       <><g></g> (with
       <>the Caus. may be compared also, according to some)
263866 <><g>στέφ-ω</g> (for <g>στεπ-ω</g>), <g>στέμ-μα, στέφ-ος, στέφ-ανο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>st-o, si-st-o, stă-ti-m,</nsi>
       <><nsi>stă-ti-o, Sta-tor, stă-tu-s, stă-tu-o, stă-tua, stā-</nsi>

case = 1362, hw = sTA, page=1145-c

       <>the Caus. may be compared also, according to some)
       <><g></g> (for <g></g>) <g></g>
263867 <><g>στεφ-άνη, τόπ-ο-ς:</g> Lat. <nsi>st-o, si-st-o, stă-ti-m,</nsi>
       <><nsi>stă-ti-o, Sta-tor, stă-tu-s, stă-tu-o, stă-tua, stā-</nsi>
       <><nsi>men, stă-bu-lu-m, stă-bi-li-s;</nsi> (also with the Caus.)
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1146 case = 1363, hw = sTAna, page=1146-a

       <>stituted ‘in place of’ {%han,%} see Pāṇ. I. 1, 49); on
       <>account of, because of; like, resembling, similarly,
263980 <>as; [cf. <g>δύστηνος</g> (i. e. <g>δυσ-στηνος</g>), <g>ἄ-στηνος,</g>
       <><g></g>] {%--Sthāna-ćaṅćalā,%} f.
       <>the plant Ocimum Pilosum {%(= varvarī)%}. {%--Sthāna-%}

case = 1364, hw = sTAna, page=1146-a

       <>account of, because of; like, resembling, similarly,
       <>as; [cf. <g></g> (i. e. <g></g>), <g></g>
263981 <><g>ἀστήν, ἀσταίνω, δυσταίνω.</g>] {%--Sthāna-ćaṅćalā,%} f.
       <>the plant Ocimum Pilosum {%(= varvarī)%}. {%--Sthāna-%}
       <>{%ćintaka, as,%} m. an officer who superintends places
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1147 case = 1365, hw = sTira, page=1147-b

       <>woman; the earth; the shrub Śāla-parṇī; a medi-
       <>cinal root ({%= kākolī%}); the silk-cotton tree; [cf. Gr.
264253 <><g>στερεό-ς, στεῤῤό-ς, στέρι-φο-ς, στερίφη, στεῖρα,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>steri-li-s, stīr-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ia, stilla, stolidus, stultus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>stairo:</nsi> Old

case = 1366, hw = sTira, page=1147-b

       <>cinal root ({%= kākolī%}); the silk-cotton tree; [cf. Gr.
264254 <><g>στήρ-ιγξ, στηρίζ-ω, στελεόν:</g> Lat. <nsi>steri-li-s, stīr-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ia, stilla, stolidus, stultus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>stairo:</nsi> Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>staren, storren, stornen, ga-starken, starh-</nsi>

case = 1367, hw = sTUrin, page=1147-c

       <>bull or draught animal, (Sāy. {%= ekena dhuryeṇa%}
       <>{%yuktam anaḥ,%} Ṛig-veda X. 131, 3); [cf. Zend
264349 <><nsi>staora,</nsi> ‘a beast of burden:’ Gr. <g>ταῦρο-ς:</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>tauru-s:</nsi> Umbr. <nsi>turu:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>stiuri,</nsi> ‘strong;’
       <><nsi>stur,</nsi> ‘large:’ Goth. <nsi>stiur:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>steor, stor:</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1148 case = 1368, hw = snA, page=1148-c

       <>wet; to bathe with tears, weep for (?): Desid. {%si-%}
       <>{%snāsati:%} Intens. {%sāsnāyate, sāsnāti, sāsneti;%} [cf.
264587 <>Gr. <g>νά-ω, νᾶ-μα, να-ρό-ς, νη-ρό-ς, νῆ-αο-ς, νίπτω,</g>
       <><g></g> for <g></g> Lat. <nsi>nâ-re, nâ-s</nsi> (= Sans. {%snāsi%}),
       <><nsi>na-ta-re, na-su-s;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>nadr;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>nœd-</nsi>

case = 1369, hw = snA, page=1148-c

       <>{%snāsati:%} Intens. {%sāsnāyate, sāsnāti, sāsneti;%} [cf.
       <>Gr. <g></g>
264588 <><g>νή-χ-ω</g> for <g>ανή-χ-ω;</g> Lat. <nsi>nâ-re, nâ-s</nsi> (= Sans. {%snāsi%}),
       <><nsi>na-ta-re, na-su-s;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>nadr;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>nœd-</nsi>
       <><nsi>dre, nedre;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>nacho;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>snamhaim,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1149 case = 1370, hw = snAyu, page=1149-b

       <>tendon, muscle (described as {%vāyu-vāhinī-nāḍī,%} ‘a
       <>tubular vessel conveying vital air’); the string of a
264686 <>bow; [cf. probably Gr. <g>νεῦρο-ν, νευρ-ά;</g> Lat. <nsi>ner-</nsi>
       <><nsi>vu-s, nerviœ, nervosus;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>snar-a, snar-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ahha, snuor, narwa;</nsi> Old Sax. <nsi>naru;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>nar-</nsi>

case = 1371, hw = snu, page=1149-c

       <>(according to Vopa-deva): Desid. {%susnūshati:%} In-
       <>tens. {%soshṇūyate, soshṇavīti, soshṇoti;%} [cf. Gr.
264838 <><g>νέ-ω (for σνεϝ-ω), νεύ-σω (for σνεύ-σω), νεῦ-σι-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably also

case = 1372, hw = snu, page=1149-c

       <>tens. {%soshṇūyate, soshṇavīti, soshṇoti;%} [cf. Gr.
264839 <><g>νευ-σ-τήρ, νά-ω (for σναϝ-ω), ἀένα-ο-ς, νᾶ-μα,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably also
       <><g></g> &c., see under 3. {%nau,%} p. 518):

case = 1373, hw = snu, page=1149-c

264840 <><g>νᾱ-ρό-ς, νη-ρό-ς, Νη-ρ-εύ-ς, Νη-ιά-(δ)-ς;</g> (probably also
       <><g></g> &c., see under 3. {%nau,%} p. 518):
       <>Goth. <nsi>snu,</nsi> ‘to go;’ <nsi>sniva, snau, snivum</nsi> (for <nsi>snu-</nsi>

case = 1374, hw = snu, page=1149-c

       <><g></g> (probably also
264841 <><g>ναῦ-ς, ναύ-τη-ς,</g> &c., see under 3. {%nau,%} p. 518):
       <>Goth. <nsi>snu,</nsi> ‘to go;’ <nsi>sniva, snau, snivum</nsi> (for <nsi>snu-</nsi>
       <><nsi>um</nsi>), <nsi>snaivs,</nsi> ‘snow:’ Old Germ. <nsi>sniutan, sniumi,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1150 case = 1375, hw = snuzA, page=1150-a

       <P>.{#snuzA#}¦ {%snushā,%} f. (said to be fr. rt. 1. {%snu%}),
       <>a daughter-in-law; the milk-hedge plant (= 2. {%snuh%});
264873 <>[cf. Gr. <g>νυό-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>nuru-s</nsi> (for <nsi>snusu-s</nsi>); Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>snur;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>snoru;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>snochâ.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#snus#}¦ {%snus,%} cl. 4. P. {%snusyati, susnosha,%}

case = 1376, hw = spaS, page=1150-b

       <>{%spāśayati, -te, -yitum,%} Aor. {%apaspaśat,%} to destroy;
       <>Desid. {%pispaśishati, -te:%} Intens. {%pāspaśyate, pā-%}
264970 <>{%spashṭi;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>śpaś;</nsi> Gr. <g>σκέπ-τ-ο-μαι, σκοπ-ή,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>spec-i-o,</nsi>
       <><nsi>con-spic-i-o, specula, speculum, spec-to;</nsi> Old

case = 1377, hw = spaS, page=1150-b

       <>Desid. {%pispaśishati, -te:%} Intens. {%pāspaśyate, pā-%}
       <>{%spashṭi;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>śpaś;</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
264971 <><g>σκοπιά, σκοπ-ό-ς, ἐπι-σκοπος, σκώψ;</g> Lat. <nsi>spec-i-o,</nsi>
       <><nsi>con-spic-i-o, specula, speculum, spec-to;</nsi> Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>speh-o-m, spāh-i,</nsi> ‘circumspect, prudent.’]
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1151 case = 1378, hw = spfh, page=1151-b

       <>{%teshāṃ spṛihayāmi,%} I do not envy them; {%kuverāya%}
       <>{%spṛihayati,%} he envies Kuvera): Pass. {%spṛihyate,%} to
265185 <>be desired, &c.; [cf. perhaps Gr. <g>σκέρχομαι;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>spero;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>spulgen.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Spārha, as, ī, am%} (fr. {%spṛihā%}), Ved. wished for,

case = 1379, hw = sPal, page=1151-c

       <>palpitate, beat (= rt. {%sphul,%} q. v.): Caus. {%sphāla-%}
       <>{%yati, -yitum,%} to cause to tremble or shake, &c.;
265286 <>[cf. Gr. <g>σφάλλ-ω, σφάλ-μα, ἀ-σφαλ-ής, σφαλ-ερός;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>fall-o, fal-sus, falla, fallax, fallac-ia;</nsi> Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>fallan;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>pula, pulti,</nsi> ‘to fall.’]
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1152 case = 1380, hw = sPAy, page=1152-a

       <>ginally {%sphāpayati%}), {%-yitum,%} Aor. {%apisphavat%}
       <>(Pāṇ. VII. 3, 11), to cause to grow large, enlarge,
265304 <>augment, increase; [cf. Gr. <g>σπά-ω, σπά-σ-μα, σπα-σ-μό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> (i. e. <g></g>);
       <>Lat. <nsi>spa-ti-um, patere;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>spannan, spa-</nsi>

case = 1381, hw = sPAy, page=1152-a

       <>(Pāṇ. VII. 3, 11), to cause to grow large, enlarge,
       <>augment, increase; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
265305 <><g>ἀ-σπάζομαι, ἀγαπάω</g> (i. e. <g>ἀγαν-σπαω</g>);
       <>Lat. <nsi>spa-ti-um, patere;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>spannan, spa-</nsi>
       <><nsi>nan;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>spanan, spinnan;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>spin-</nsi>

case = 1382, hw = sPAra, page=1152-a

       <>{%sphar%} and 1. {%sphāra%}), swelling, increase, enlargement
       <>({%= vṛiddhi%}); a bubble (in gold &c.); a protuber-
265317 <>ance [cf. Gr. <g>σφαῖρα</g>] ({%as, ā, am%}), large, increased,
       <>expanded, spreading, great; abundant; loud; ({%am%}),
       <>n. much, abundance. {%--Sphārī-bhū,%} cl. 1. P. {%-bha-%}

case = 1383, hw = sPur, page=1152-c

       <>to shine or glitter; to cast: Desid. {%pusphurishati:%}
       <>Intens. {%posphuryate, posphorti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>śpar;</nsi>
265487 <>Gr. <g>σπαίρ-ω, ἀ-σπαίρ-ω,</g> (probably also) <g>σπείρω,</g>
       <><g></g> (probably) Lat. <nsi>sperno;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>spurnan, spura;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>spir-ti, spar-</nsi>

case = 1384, hw = sPur, page=1152-c

       <>Intens. {%posphuryate, posphorti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>śpar;</nsi>
       <>Gr. <g></g> (probably also) <g></g>
265488 <><g>σπέρμα, σποράς, σφυρόν;</g> (probably) Lat. <nsi>sperno;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>spurnan, spura;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>spir-ti, spar-</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1153 case = 1385, hw = smat, page=1153-b

       <>but according to Sāy. a contraction of {%sumat%}), Ved.
       <>well, excellently, (Sāy. {%= su, sumat%}); with, together
265609 <>with (= 2. {%saha;%} cf. Gr. <g>μετά;</g> Mod. Germ. <nsi>mit</nsi>);
       <>constantly, always, (Sāy. {%= nityam.%}) {%--Smat-puran-%}
       <>{%dhi, is,%} m. {%= svarga-kuṭumbī%} (according to Sāy. on

case = 1386, hw = smi, page=1153-b

       <>the Prākṛit {%simisimā-anti%} [see s.v.] is incorrectly
       <>referred to the Intens. of rt. {%smi%}), {%seshmayīti, sesh-%}
265638 <>{%meti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>μεῖ-δ-ος, μεί-δ-η-μα, μει-δ-ά-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> (perhaps also) <g></g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>mi-ru-s, ni-miru-m, mira-ri:</nsi> Old Germ.

case = 1387, hw = smi, page=1153-b

       <>referred to the Intens. of rt. {%smi%}), {%seshmayīti, sesh-%}
       <>{%meti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
265639 <><g>μει-διάω,</g> (perhaps also) <g>σμοιός. μέμφομαι, μῶμος:</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>mi-ru-s, ni-miru-m, mira-ri:</nsi> Old Germ.
       <><nsi>smie-l-en, smie-r-en:</nsi> Eng. <nsi>smile:</nsi> Angl. Sax.

case = 1388, hw = smf, page=1153-c

       <>or long for (in the latter sense only {%smarayati%}):
       <>Desid. {%susmūrshate,%} to wish to recollect: Intens.
265707 <>{%sāsmaryate, sāsmarti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>μέρ-μηρ-α, μέρ-ι-μνα,</g>

case = 1389, hw = smf, page=1153-c

       <>Desid. {%susmūrshate,%} to wish to recollect: Intens.
       <>{%sāsmaryate, sāsmarti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
265708 <><g>μερ-μαίζω, μερμηρ-ίζω, μέρ-μερ-ος, μάρ-τυρ,</g>
       <>(perhaps also) <g></g> &c.:

case = 1390, hw = smf, page=1153-c

       <>{%sāsmaryate, sāsmarti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
265709 <><g>μάρ-τυρ-ο-ς, μάρ-τυ-ς, μαρ-τύρ-ιον, μαρτύρ-ο-μαι,</g>
       <>(perhaps also) <g></g> &c.:
       <>Lat. <nsi>me-mor, memor-ia, memor-ā-re, mor-a, mos,</nsi>

case = 1391, hw = smf, page=1153-c

265710 <>(perhaps also) <g>μέλειν, μέλ-ε-σθαι, μελ-έ-τη,</g> &c.:
       <>Lat. <nsi>me-mor, memor-ia, memor-ā-re, mor-a, mos,</nsi>
       <><nsi>mor-is:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>mêr-j-an,</nsi> ‘to proclaim;’ <nsi>meritha,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1155 case = 1392, hw = syAla, page=1155-a

       <>ceremonies), the brother of a bride, a wife's brother;
       <>the favourite of a king; a proper N.; ({%ī%}), f. a wife's
266043 <>sister, (also written {%śyāla%}); [cf. Gr. <g>ἀέλιοι.</g>]
       <P>.{#syumna#}¦ {%syumna, am,%} n. (a doubtful form,
       <>but probably fr. rt. {%siv;%} cf. {%dyumna,%} fr. rt. 2. {%div,%}

case = 1393, hw = sru, page=1155-c

       <>spill: Desid. of Caus. {%susrāvayishati%} or {%sisrāva-%}
       <>{%yishati:%} Desid. {%susrūshati:%} Intens. {%sosrūyate,%}
266220 <>{%sosroti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>ῥέ-ω (for σρεϝω), ῥεύ-σω, ἐ-ῤῤύη-ν,</g>
       <><g></g> [Page1156-a+ 80]

case = 1394, hw = sru, page=1155-c

       <>{%yishati:%} Desid. {%susrūshati:%} Intens. {%sosrūyate,%}
       <>{%sosroti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
266221 <><g>ῥέ-ος, ῥό-ο-ς, ῥεῦ-μα, ῥο-ή, ῥύ-σι-ς, ῥεῦ-σι-ς, ῥυ-τό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> [Page1156-a+ 80]
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>riv-u-s, Rumo, rumen, Ru-</nsi>

case = 1395, hw = sru, page=1155-c

       <>{%sosroti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
266222 <><g>ῥευσ-τό-ς, ῥέ-ε-θρο-ν, ῥύ-αξ, ῥύ-μη,</g> [Page1156-a+ 80]
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>riv-u-s, Rumo, rumen, Ru-</nsi>
       <><nsi>mina:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>strou-m, sliu-mo,</nsi> ‘quickly;’

case = 1396, hw = sru, page=1155-c

       <><g></g> [Page1156-a+ 80]
266223 <><g>ῥυ-θ-μό-ς, Στρύμων:</g> Lat. <nsi>riv-u-s, Rumo, rumen, Ru-</nsi>
       <><nsi>mina:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>strou-m, sliu-mo,</nsi> ‘quickly;’
       <><nsi>sliumor,</nsi> ‘quicker:’ Mod. Germ. <nsi>schleunig:</nsi> Lith.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1156 case = 1397, hw = sva, page=1156-b

       <>man, relative, relation, (Manu II. 109); ({%as, am%}),
       <>m. n. property, wealth, riches; (in algebra) plus or
266349 <>affirmative quantity; [cf. Zend <nsi>hva, qa:</nsi> Gr. <g>ἑ, ϝε</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>se, suu-s:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>si-k,</nsi> ‘self;’ <nsi>sves,</nsi> ‘own;’

case = 1398, hw = sva, page=1156-b

       <>m. n. property, wealth, riches; (in algebra) plus or
       <>affirmative quantity; [cf. Zend <nsi>hva, qa:</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
266350 <>(for <g>αϝε</g>), <g>σφέ (οὖ, οἴ, ἕ), ἑ-ό-ς, ὅ-ς, σφ-ό-ς, ἴ-διο-ς:</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>se, suu-s:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>si-k,</nsi> ‘self;’ <nsi>sves,</nsi> ‘own;’
       <><nsi>svesa,</nsi> ‘property;’ <nsi>sei-na</nsi> (for <nsi>svei-na</nsi>), <nsi>sve, svi</nsi> in
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1158 case = 1399, hw = svIya, page=1158-c

       <>one's self, peculiar, characteristic; ({%ā%}), f. one's own
       <>wife, a faithful wife, one solely attached to her own
266929 <>husband; [cf. Gr. <g>ἑός, αφέος, σφός.</g>] {%--Svīyākshara%}
       <>{%(ºya-akº), as,%} m. one's own handwriting or signa-
       <>ture, autograph, (Śabda-k.)
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1159 case = 1400, hw = svad, page=1159-a

       <>taste; to sweeten, make sweet; (according to Vopa-
       <>deva) to cut: Desid. of Caus. {%sisvādayishati;%} [cf.
266986 <>Gr. <g>ἁνο-άν-ω (ἕ-αδ-ο-ν, ἕ-ᾱδ-α), ἥδ-ο-μαι, ἧδ-ος,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>suâ-vi-s</nsi> (for <nsi>suâd-vi-s</nsi>), <nsi>suâd-e-o, suâd-u-s, su-</nsi>

case = 1401, hw = svad, page=1159-a

       <>deva) to cut: Desid. of Caus. {%sisvādayishati;%} [cf.
       <>Gr. <g></g>
266987 <><g>ἡδ-ονή, ἡδ-ύ-ς, ἥδυ-μο-σ, ἄσ-μενο-ς, ἑδ-ανό-ς;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>suâ-vi-s</nsi> (for <nsi>suâd-vi-s</nsi>), <nsi>suâd-e-o, suâd-u-s, su-</nsi>
       <><nsi>âd-a, suâd-êla;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>suti-s;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>suozi,</nsi>

case = 1402, hw = svAdu, page=1159-a

       <>called Jīvaka; a particular perfume or fragrant sub-
       <>stance, {%= gandha-dhūma-ja, su-dhūmya;%} ({%us%} or
267019 <>{%vī%}), f. {%= drākshā,%} a grape; [cf. Gr. <g>ἡδύς;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>suâvis</nsi> (for <nsi>suâdvis</nsi>); Goth. <nsi>suts, sutizo,</nsi> ‘sweeter;’
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>suazi, suozi;</nsi> Mod. Germ. <nsi>süss;</nsi> Angl. [Page1159-b+ 80]

case = 1403, hw = svaDA, page=1159-b

       <>{%dhāstu,%} ‘let there be Svadhā!’ this, according to
       <>Manu III. 252, is the highest benison at a Śrāddha);
267097 <>[cf. according to some Gr. <g>ἔθ-ος, ἦθ-ος, ἠθεῖο-ς, εἴ-ωθ-α,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>suetus;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>sidus;</nsi> Angl.
       <>Sax. <nsi>sidu, siodo.</nsi>] {%--Svadhā-kara, as, ī, am,%} offer-

case = 1404, hw = svaDA, page=1159-b

       <>Manu III. 252, is the highest benison at a Śrāddha);
       <>[cf. according to some Gr. <g></g>
267098 <><g>ἐθ-ίζ-ω;</g> Lat. <nsi>suetus;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>sidus;</nsi> Angl.
       <>Sax. <nsi>sidu, siodo.</nsi>] {%--Svadhā-kara, as, ī, am,%} offer-
       <>ing oblations to deceased ancestors or deified pro-

case = 1405, hw = svap, page=1159-c

       <>Intens. {%soshupyate, sāsvapti,%} (according to Vopa-
       <>deva also) {%sāsvapīti, soshupīti, soshopti;%} [cf. [Page1160-a+ 77]
267180 <>Zend <nsi>qap, qaf-na,</nsi> ‘sleep:’ Gr. <g>ὕπ-νο-ς</g> (for <g>συπ-νο-ς</g>
       <><g></g>): Lat. <nsi>som-nu-s</nsi> (for <nsi>sop-nus</nsi>), <nsi>sop-or, sop-</nsi>
       <><nsi>i-o</nsi> (= Caus. {%svāpayati%}): Old Norse <nsi>svef-n,</nsi> ‘sleep:’

case = 1406, hw = svap, page=1159-c

       <>deva also) {%sāsvapīti, soshupīti, soshopti;%} [cf. [Page1160-a+ 77]
       <>Zend <nsi>qap, qaf-na,</nsi> ‘sleep:’ Gr. <g></g> (for <g></g>
267181 <><g></g>): Lat. <nsi>som-nu-s</nsi> (for <nsi>sop-nus</nsi>), <nsi>sop-or, sop-</nsi>
       <><nsi>i-o</nsi> (= Caus. {%svāpayati%}): Old Norse <nsi>svef-n,</nsi> ‘sleep:’
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>svebjan:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>slêpan:</nsi> Angl. Sax.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1160 case = 1407, hw = svar, page=1160-b

       <>I. 12. enumerated among the {%udaka-nāmāni%}); epi-
       <>thet of Śiva; [cf. Zend <nsi>hvare,</nsi> ‘the sun;’ <nsi>qaretha,</nsi>
267285 <><nsi>qarenanh,</nsi> ‘splendor:’ Gr. <g>Σείρ-ιο-ς, Σείρ, σειρ-ιά-ω,</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>ser-enu-s, sol:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>sauil,</nsi> ‘the sun:’ Old

case = 1408, hw = svar, page=1160-b

       <>thet of Śiva; [cf. Zend <nsi>hvare,</nsi> ‘the sun;’ <nsi>qaretha,</nsi>
       <><nsi>qarenanh,</nsi> ‘splendor:’ Gr. <g></g>
267286 <><g>σειρ-ία-σι-ς, σείρ-ινο-ς, σέλ-ας, σελ-ήνη:</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>ser-enu-s, sol:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>sauil,</nsi> ‘the sun:’ Old
       <>Norse <nsi>sôl:</nsi> Lith. <nsi>saule:</nsi> Slav. <nsi>slŭ-nĭce,</nsi> ‘the sun:’
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1162 case = 1409, hw = svid, page=1162-b

       <>heat: Desid. of Caus. {%sisvedayishati:%} Desid. {%si-%}
       <>{%shvitsati:%} Intens. {%seshvidyate, seshvetti;%} [cf. Gr.
267725 <><g>ἱδ-ί-ω, ἷδος, ἱδ-ρό-ς, ἱδ-ρώ(τ)-ς, σίδηρος;</g> Lat. <nsi>sud-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ā-re, sud-or, sud-ariu-m;</nsi> Old Norse <nsi>sveit-i;</nsi> Old
       <>Germ. <nsi>sveiz;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>sveitan;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>swœtan;</nsi>

case = 1410, hw = svf, page=1162-b

       <>marked with the Svarita accent: Desid. {%sisvarishati%}
       <>or {%susvūrshati:%} Intens. {%sāsvaryate, sāsvarti;%} [cf.
267785 <>Zend <nsi>gar;</nsi> Gr. <g>σῦρ-ιγξ, σῡρίζ-ω, σῡριγ-μό-ς, σύριγ-μα,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>su-sur-ru-s, ab-sur-du-s, sur-</nsi>
       <><nsi>du-s;</nsi> probably Goth. <nsi>svaran;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>swaran, </nsi>[Page1162-c+ 81]

case = 1411, hw = svf, page=1162-b

       <>or {%susvūrshati:%} Intens. {%sāsvaryate, sāsvarti;%} [cf.
       <>Zend <nsi>gar;</nsi> Gr. <g></g>
267786 <><g>ὕραξ, ὕρον;</g> Lat. <nsi>su-sur-ru-s, ab-sur-du-s, sur-</nsi>
       <><nsi>du-s;</nsi> probably Goth. <nsi>svaran;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>swaran, </nsi>[Page1162-c+ 81]
       <><nsi>swerian;</nsi> Slav. <nsi>svir-a-ti, svir-ĕlĭ,</nsi> ‘a pipe;’ Lith.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1163 case = 1412, hw = ha, page=1163-b

       <>116); a vocative particle (corresponding to ‘ho!’
       <>&c.); a particle of reproach or disdain; of laughter;
267971 <>[cf. Gr. <g>γε</g> Dor. <g>γα;</g> (according to some also) Lat.
       <><nsi>hi, ha, ho</nsi> in <nsi>hic, hœc, hoc;</nsi> Goth. prefix <nsi>ga-;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>ge-.</nsi>]

case = 1413, hw = haMsa, page=1163-b

       <>female goose; N. of a courtezan; a kind of metre
       <>(said to consist of twenty-two syllables); [cf. Gr.
268001 <><g>χήν;</g> Lat. <nsi>ans-er;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>gans;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>gos, gandra.</nsi>] {%--Haṉsakākīya, as, ā, am%} (fr.
       <>{%haṉsa-kāka%}), relating to a goose and crow (said of
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1164 case = 1414, hw = had, page=1164-a

       <>charge excrement: Caus. {%hādayati:%} Desid. {%jihat-%}
       <>{%sate:%} Intens. {%jāhadyate, jāhatti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>zad;</nsi> [Page1164-b+ 80]
268165 <>Gr. <g>χέζ-ω (κέ-χοδ-α, χε-σοῦ-μαι), χεσείω, χόδ-ο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Angl. Sax. <nsi>scît-e;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>scîz-u.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Hadana, am,%} n. the act of excretion, evacuation

case = 1415, hw = had, page=1164-a

       <>{%sate:%} Intens. {%jāhadyate, jāhatti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>zad;</nsi> [Page1164-b+ 80]
       <>Gr. <g></g>
268166 <><g>χόδ-ανο-ς;</g> Angl. Sax. <nsi>scît-e;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>scîz-u.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Hadana, am,%} n. the act of excretion, evacuation
       <>(of excrement or ordure).

case = 1416, hw = han, page=1164-b

       <>31), {%jańghanti,%} (Ved. {%[ni-]ghanighnate,%} pres. part.
       <>dat. or according to Sāy. {%= [ni-]hanti,%} Ṛig-veda I.
268211 <>55, 5); [cf. Gr. <g>ἔ-θαν-ον, θάν-ατος, θείν-ω, θνήακω:</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>(fen-d-o), offend-o, defend-o, in-festus:</nsi> Goth.
       <><nsi>dauthus,</nsi> ‘death:’ Angl. Sax. <nsi>deád, deadh, dydan,</nsi>

case = 1417, hw = hanu, page=1164-c

       <>life; a weapon; death, dying; disease, sickness; a
       <>kind of drug; a wanton woman, prostitute; [cf. Gr.
268331 <><g>γένυ-ς, γέν-ειο-ν, γν-άθο-ς, γναθ-μό-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>gen-a;</nsi>
       <>Goth. <nsi>kinnu-s;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>kinni;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>cinn, cyn.</nsi>] {%--Hanu-graha, as,%} m. ‘jaw-seizure,’
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1165 case = 1418, hw = hari, page=1165-c

       <>other authors; a species of the Aty-ashṭi metre; [cf.
       <>Zend <nsi>zairi,</nsi> ‘yellow;’ <nsi>zairina,</nsi> ‘yellowish’ ({%= ha-%}
268551 <>{%riṇa%}): Gr. <g>χλό-η, χλο-ερό-ς, χλω-ρό-ς, χλό-ο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>helus (holus, olus), hel-vu-s, hel-vo-lus,</nsi>
       <><nsi>gilvus:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>grô-j-u, gruo-j-u, grô-ni:</nsi>

case = 1419, hw = hari, page=1165-c

       <>Zend <nsi>zairi,</nsi> ‘yellow;’ <nsi>zairina,</nsi> ‘yellowish’ ({%= ha-%}
       <>{%riṇa%}): Gr. <g></g>
268552 <><g>χολή:</g> Lat. <nsi>helus (holus, olus), hel-vu-s, hel-vo-lus,</nsi>
       <><nsi>gilvus:</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>grô-j-u, gruo-j-u, grô-ni:</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>growan, grœn, grene:</nsi> Slav. <nsi>zel-ige,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1167 case = 1420, hw = harit, page=1167-a

       <>olus Mungo; a lion; the sun; Vishṇu; ({%t%}), m. n.
       <>grass; ({%t%}), f. a quarter, region; a point of the com-
268846 <>pass; turmeric; [cf. according to some, Gr. <g>χάρι-τες,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps Lat. <nsi>viridi-s</nsi> (for <nsi>gviridis</nsi>);
       <>Goth. <nsi>gulth, gras;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>gold, grœs.</nsi>] {%--Ha-%}

case = 1421, hw = harit, page=1167-a

       <>grass; ({%t%}), f. a quarter, region; a point of the com-
       <>pass; turmeric; [cf. according to some, Gr. <g></g>
268847 <><g>χόρτος;</g> perhaps Lat. <nsi>viridi-s</nsi> (for <nsi>gviridis</nsi>);
       <>Goth. <nsi>gulth, gras;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>gold, grœs.</nsi>] {%--Ha-%}
       <>{%rit-parṇa, as, ā, am,%} green-leaved, having green

case = 1422, hw = hary, page=1167-c

       <>{%karmāṇaḥ%}): Caus. {%haryayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%aja-%}
       <>{%haryat:%} Desid. {%jiharyishati:%} Intens. {%jāharyate,%}
268973 <>{%jāharyīti, jāharti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>χαίρω, χαρ-ά, χάρ-μα,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>gra-tu-s, grat-ia</nsi> (Osc. <nsi>her-est, Herentati-s,</nsi> ‘Ve-

case = 1423, hw = hary, page=1167-c

       <>{%haryat:%} Desid. {%jiharyishati:%} Intens. {%jāharyate,%}
       <>{%jāharyīti, jāharti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
268974 <><g>χάρι-ς, χαρίζομαι, χαρί-εις, γέλως, γελάω:</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>gra-tu-s, grat-ia</nsi> (Osc. <nsi>her-est, Herentati-s,</nsi> ‘Ve-
       <>nus:’ Umbr. <nsi>heriest</nsi>): Goth. <nsi>faihu-gair-n-s,</nsi> ‘ava-
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1168 case = 1424, hw = has, page=1168-b

       <>provoke laughter: Desid. {%jihasishati:%} Intens. {%jā-%}
       <>{%hasyate, jāhasti,%} to laugh immoderately; [cf. per-
269187 <>haps Gr. <g>τω-θεία, τω-θάζω;</g> probably Lat. <nsi>histrio.</nsi>] [Page1168-c+ 80]
       <P>2. {%has,%} Ved. laughter, joy; brightness, brilliance.
       <>{%--Has-kartṛi, tā, trī, tṛi,%} Ved. causing joy or

case = 1425, hw = hasta, page=1168-c

       <>the constellation Corvus); ({%am%}), n. a pair of leather
       <>bellows; ({%e%}), ind. in hand, in one's possession; [cf.
269258 <>Gr. <g>χανδ-άν-ω (ἔ-χαδ-ον, κέ-χανδ-α, χείσομαι</g>);
       <>Lat. <nsi>pre-hend-o, hed-era (?) ;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>bi-git-an,</nsi>
       <><nsi>handu;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>gitan</nsi> (= Eng. <nsi>get</nsi>), <nsi>hand.</nsi>]
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1169 case = 1426, hw = hA, page=1169-c

       <>{%ahāyi:%} Caus. {%hāpayati, -te, -yitum,%} Aor. {%ajīha-%}
       <>{%pat, -ta,%} to cause to go: Desid. {%jihāsate:%} Intens.
269467 <>{%jāhāyate, jāhāti, jāheti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>χα-ίν-ω, χά-σκ-ω,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>hi-sc-o, hi-o, hia-tus;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>gî-ê-m, gin-ê-m,</nsi>

case = 1427, hw = hA, page=1169-c

       <>{%pat, -ta,%} to cause to go: Desid. {%jihāsate:%} Intens.
       <>{%jāhāyate, jāhāti, jāheti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
269468 <><g>χάσμα, χά-ος, χή-μη, χάσις, χαλάω;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>hi-sc-o, hi-o, hia-tus;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>gî-ê-m, gin-ê-m,</nsi>
       <><nsi>gein-o-m;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>ginan, cinan, geonan, gyn-</nsi>

case = 1428, hw = hA, page=1169-c

       <>to lose or want; to neglect, omit, decline; to lose:
       <>Desid. {%jihāsati,%} to wish to leave, &c.: Intens. {%je-%}
269505 <>{%hīyate, jāheti, jāhāti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>χῆ-ρο-ς, χήρα,</g>
       <><g></g> [Page1170-a+ 81]
       <>Lat. <nsi>habeo (?);</nsi> Goth. <nsi>haba, habais, gaidv, giban;</nsi>

case = 1429, hw = hA, page=1169-c

       <>Desid. {%jihāsati,%} to wish to leave, &c.: Intens. {%je-%}
       <>{%hīyate, jāheti, jāhāti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
269506 <><g>χηρεύ-ω, χηρό-ω, χωρίς, χωρίζω, χῆτος, χατέω;</g> [Page1170-a+ 81]
       <>Lat. <nsi>habeo (?);</nsi> Goth. <nsi>haba, habais, gaidv, giban;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>gifan, gafol, gœfel, gif;</nsi> Eng. <nsi>if.</nsi>]
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1171 case = 1430, hw = hi, page=1171-a

       <>{%ajīhayat:%} Desid. of Caus. {%jighāpayishati:%} Desid.
       <>{%jighīshati:%} Intens. {%jeghīyate, jeghayīti, jegheti;%}
269761 <>[cf. perhaps Gr. <g>κίω;</g> Lat. <nsi>cieo.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Haya, hayana.%} See p. 1165, cols. 2, 3.
       <P>1. {%hita, as, ā, am%} (for 2. see p. 1172), sent,
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1172 case = 1431, hw = hibuka, page=1172-b

       <>{%hinvitum,%} to satisfy, please, exhilarate.
       <P>.{#hinvAna#}¦ {%hinvāna.%} See under rt. 2. {%hi.%}
270094 <P>.{#hibuka#}¦ {%hibuka, am,%} n. (= <g>ὑπογείον</g>), epithet
       <>of the fourth Lagna or astrological sign, fourth
       <>house ({%= pātāla,%} p. 563).

case = 1432, hw = hima, page=1172-b

       <>(of cooling properties, {%= padma-kāshṭha%}); fresh
       <>butter; tin; a pearl; a lotus; [cf. Zend <nsi>zjao, zim,</nsi>
270116 <><nsi>zima,</nsi> ‘winter:’ Gr. <g>χι-ών (χίον-ος), δύσ-χιμο-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>hiem-s, hibernu-s</nsi> (for <nsi>himer-</nsi>

case = 1433, hw = hima, page=1172-b

       <>butter; tin; a pearl; a lotus; [cf. Zend <nsi>zjao, zim,</nsi>
       <><nsi>zima,</nsi> ‘winter:’ Gr. <g></g>
270117 <><g>χεῖ-μα, χειμάζω, χειμαίνω, χίμεθλο-ν, χειμών,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>hiem-s, hibernu-s</nsi> (for <nsi>himer-</nsi>
       <><nsi>nus</nsi>): Slav. <nsi>zima,</nsi> ‘winter:’ Lith. <nsi>zema, zemini-s:</nsi>

case = 1434, hw = hima, page=1172-b

       <><nsi>zima,</nsi> ‘winter:’ Gr. <g></g>
270118 <><g>χειμερινό-ς:</g> Lat. <nsi>hiem-s, hibernu-s</nsi> (for <nsi>himer-</nsi>
       <><nsi>nus</nsi>): Slav. <nsi>zima,</nsi> ‘winter:’ Lith. <nsi>zema, zemini-s:</nsi>
       <>Hib. <nsi>geimhre, geimhrith, geimhreadh,</nsi> ‘winter;’
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1174 case = 1435, hw = hu, page=1174-a

       <>or giggling).
       <P>.{#hu#}¦ {%hu%} (probably connected with rt. 1. {%dhū%}
270487 <>= Gr. <g>θύω;</g> in some forms identical with rt.
       <>{%hve%}), cl. 3. P. (Ved. also A.) {%juhoti%} (1st du. {%juhu-%}
       <>{%vas%} or {%juhvas,%} 3rd pl. {%juhvati%}); Impf. {%ajuhot%} (3rd

case = 1436, hw = hu, page=1174-a

       <>make to sacrifice, cause to honour with oblations:
       <>Desid. {%juhūshati:%} Intens. {%johūyate, johavīti, jo-%}
270513 <>{%hoti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>χέ-ω (χεύ-σω), χύ-μα, χεῦ-μα,</g> [Page1174-b+ 76]
       <><g></g> Lat.
       <><nsi>fo-n(t)-s, fu-ti-s, ec-fû-ti-o, re-fû-to, con-fû-to, fu-</nsi>

case = 1437, hw = hu, page=1174-a

       <>Desid. {%juhūshati:%} Intens. {%johūyate, johavīti, jo-%}
       <>{%hoti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g> [Page1174-b+ 76]
270514 <><g>χύ-σι-ς, χο-ή, χό-ο-ς, χυ-μό-ς, χυ-λό-ς, χύ-τρα;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>fo-n(t)-s, fu-ti-s, ec-fû-ti-o, re-fû-to, con-fû-to, fu-</nsi>
       <><nsi>nd-o, fû-ti-li-s;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>giu-t-a;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>geotan.</nsi>]

case = 1438, hw = hurC, page=1174-c

       <>{%juhūrćha, hūrćhitum,%} to be crooked, go crookedly;
       <>to be crooked or dishonest in conduct, deceive; [cf.
270604 <>Gr. <g>λοξός;</g> (probably) Lat. <nsi>quercus, ob-liquus;</nsi>
       <>Goth. <nsi>vraiqs.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Hur, hūr%} (a Kvip formation fr. rt. {%hurćh;%} gen.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1175 case = 1439, hw = hf, page=1175-a

       <>{%jehrīyate, jarharīti, jariharīti, jarīharīti, jar-%}
       <>{%harti, jariharti, jarīharti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>zar;</nsi> Gr.
270688 <><g>χείρ, εὐ-χερ-ής, χέρ-ης, χράομαι, κίχρημι,</g> (accord-
       <>ing to some also perhaps) <g></g> (for <g></g>),
       <><g></g> Old Lat. <nsi>hir;</nsi> Lat. <nsi>heru-s, hera, her-e(d)-s,</nsi>

case = 1440, hw = hf, page=1175-a

       <>{%harti, jariharti, jarīharti;%} [cf. Zend <nsi>zar;</nsi> Gr.
       <><g></g> (accord-
270689 <>ing to some also perhaps) <g>αἴρω, αἱρέω</g> (for <g>χαίρω</g>),
       <><g></g> Old Lat. <nsi>hir;</nsi> Lat. <nsi>heru-s, hera, her-e(d)-s,</nsi>
       <>(perhaps also) <nsi>co-hors,</nsi> (according to some also per-

case = 1441, hw = hf, page=1175-a

       <><g></g> (accord-
       <>ing to some also perhaps) <g></g> (for <g></g>),
270690 <><g>ἀγείρω;</g> Old Lat. <nsi>hir;</nsi> Lat. <nsi>heru-s, hera, her-e(d)-s,</nsi>
       <>(perhaps also) <nsi>co-hors,</nsi> (according to some also per-
       <>haps) <nsi>gero;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>geiro, gairon, gairnjan;</nsi> Angl.

case = 1442, hw = hfRIya, page=1175-c

       <P>{%Hṛiṇiyā,%} f. {%= hṛiṇīyā%} below.
       <P>{%Hṛiṇīya,%} Nom. A. {%hṛiṇīyate,%} &c., to be angry;
270856 <>to be ashamed; [cf. Gr. <g>χολή;</g> Lat. <nsi>fel, bilis;</nsi>
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>galla;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>gealla.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Hṛiṇīyamāna, as, ā, am,%} Ved. being angry.

case = 1443, hw = hfd, page=1175-c

       <>and feeling; the interior of the body, breast, chest,
       <>bosom; the interior or essence of anything; [cf.
270871 <>Gr. <g>κῆρ, κέαρ, καρδ-ία, κραδ-ίη;</g> Lat. <nsi>cor (cord-is),</nsi>
       <>dimin. <nsi>cor-culum, cordatus, vêcors;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hairt-o;</nsi>
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>herza;</nsi> Mod. Germ. <nsi>Herz;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1176 case = 1444, hw = hfdaya, page=1176-a

       <>the body, breast, chest, bosom; the interior or centre
       <>or essence of anything; true or divine knowledge;
270923 <>the Veda; science; [cf. Gr. <g>καρδία,</g> &c.; Hib. <nsi>croi-</nsi>
       <><nsi>dhe, cridhe,</nsi> ‘the heart.’] {%--Hṛidaya-kampa, as,%}
       <>m. tremor or throb of the heart, palpitation. {%--Hṛi-%}

case = 1445, hw = hfz, page=1176-b

       <>{%shishati:%} Intens. {%jarīhṛishyate, jarharshṭi,%} &c.,
       <>to rejoice very much, be exceedingly elated; [cf. Gr.
271005 <><g>φρίσσω, φρίξ,</g> (perhaps also) <g>χέρσος, χήρ;</g> Lat.
       <><nsi>horreo, Hersilia;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>burst;</nsi> Angl. Sax.
       <><nsi>byrst, bristl, forst, frost, frysan, a-grisan, gerst,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1177 case = 1446, hw = heli, page=1177-c

       <>a horse-dealer, horse-seller.
       <P>.{#heli#}¦ 2. {%heli, is,%} m. (probably borrowed fr.
271330 <>Gr. <g>ἥλιος</g>), the sun.
       <P>.{#helu#}¦ {%helu,%} N. of a village in Kaśmīra.
       <>{%--Helu-grāma, as,%} m. the village Helu. {%--Helu-%}

case = 1447, hw = hez, page=1177-c

       <>{%jiheshe, heshitum,%} to neigh (as a horse),
       <>whinny; to make any inarticulate sound, bray, roar;
271340 <>[cf. Gr. <g>γίννος;</g> Lat. <nsi>hinnio</nsi> (for <nsi>hisnio</nsi>), <nsi>hin-</nsi>
       <P>{%Hesha, as,%} m. neighing; a neigh, braying, roaring.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1178 case = 1448, hw = horA, page=1178-c

       <>butter. {%--Haumya-dhānya, am,%} n. sacrificial grain,
271569 <P>.{#horA#}¦ {%horā,%} f. (borrowed fr. Gr. <g>ὥρα</g>), the
       <>rising of a zodiacal sign; part of the duration of a
       <>sign; an hour; a mark, line; a particular scientific
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1179 case = 1449, hw = hnu, page=1179-a

       <>{%nāvi:%} Caus. {%hnāvayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%ajuhnavat:%}
       <>Desid. {%juhnūshate:%} Intens. {%johnūyate, johnoti;%}
271622 <>[cf. Gr. <g>ἀνα-νεύω, νεύω, νυστάζω, νυθός;</g> Lat. <nsi>ab-</nsi>
       <><nsi>nuo, nuto, gnavus, navo, i-gnavis, se-gnis, niti,</nsi>
       <><nsi>nicto, con-niveo;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hneivan, hnaivs;</nsi> Old

case = 1450, hw = hyas, page=1179-a

       <>sitions are prefixed).
       <P>.{#hyas#}¦ {%hyas,%} ind. (perhaps fr. 5. {%ha + dyas%}),
271643 <>yesterday; [cf. Gr. <g>χθές, ἐ-χθές, χθιζό-ς,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>heri, hes-ternu-s;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>gistra-dagis;</nsi>
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>gester,</nsi> ‘yesterday.’] {%--Hyo-bhava, as,%}

case = 1451, hw = hyas, page=1179-a

       <P>.{#hyas#}¦ {%hyas,%} ind. (perhaps fr. 5. {%ha + dyas%}),
       <>yesterday; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
271644 <><g>χθεσ-ινό-ς;</g> Lat. <nsi>heri, hes-ternu-s;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>gistra-dagis;</nsi>
       <>Old Germ. <nsi>gester,</nsi> ‘yesterday.’] {%--Hyo-bhava, as,%}
       <>{%ā, am,%} what happened yesterday.

case = 1452, hw = hrasva, page=1179-b

       <>{%(am),%} n. a particular short measure; a kind of
       <>vegetable ({%= gaura-suvarṇa%}); green or black sul-
271691 <>phate of iron; [cf. Gr. <g>χέρηϊ, χερείων, χείρων,</g>
       <><g></g> perhaps Lat. <nsi>brevis.</nsi>] {%--Hrasva-kuśa,%}
       <>{%as,%} m. short Kuśa grass, white Kuśa grass. {%--Hrasva-%}

case = 1453, hw = hrasva, page=1179-b

       <>vegetable ({%= gaura-suvarṇa%}); green or black sul-
       <>phate of iron; [cf. Gr. <g></g>
271692 <><g>χείριστος;</g> perhaps Lat. <nsi>brevis.</nsi>] {%--Hrasva-kuśa,%}
       <>{%as,%} m. short Kuśa grass, white Kuśa grass. {%--Hrasva-%}
       <>{%garbha, as,%} m. Kuśa grass. {%--Hrasva-gavedhukā,%}

case = 1454, hw = hrAd, page=1179-b

       <>{%jahrāde, hrāditum,%} to sound (as a drum or other
       <>musical instrument); to roar (as water, thunder);
271733 <>[cf. Zend <nsi>zrād;</nsi> Gr. <g>χλάζω, κέ-χλαδα,</g> probably
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>grando, grandinat;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>grêtan;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>grœtan.</nsi>]

case = 1455, hw = hrAd, page=1179-b

       <>musical instrument); to roar (as water, thunder);
       <>[cf. Zend <nsi>zrād;</nsi> Gr. <g></g> probably
271734 <><g>χάλαζα;</g> Lat. <nsi>grando, grandinat;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>grêtan;</nsi>
       <>Angl. Sax. <nsi>grœtan.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Hrāda, as,%} m. noise, sound; N. of a son of

case = 1456, hw = hrez, page=1179-c

       <>whinny; to creep, go [cf. rt. 1. {%presh%}]: Caus. {%hresha- %}[Page1180-a+ 43]
       <>{%yati,%} &c., to make to neigh, to neigh; [cf. Gr.
271824 <><g>χρό-μη, χρεμέθω, χρεμίζω:</g> Old Germ. <nsi>hros;</nsi> Mod.
       <>Germ. <nsi>Ross;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hors.</nsi>]
       <P>{%Hreshā,%} f. neighing (of a horse), whinnying.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1180 case = 1457, hw = hlAd, page=1180-a

       <>instrument): Caus. {%hlādayati, -yitum,%} Aor. {%ajihla-%}
       <>{%dat,%} to make glad, gladden, exhilarate, delight; [cf.
271846 <>Gr. <g>κέχλαδα, καχλάζω, </g> perhaps also <g>γῆθος, γηθέω;</g>
       <>Lat. <nsi>gaudeo;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>glat;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>glœd,</nsi>
       <><nsi>glad, gladian;</nsi> Eng. <nsi>glad;</nsi> Hib. <nsi>gairdim,</nsi> ‘I re-

case = 1458, hw = hlIku, page=1180-b

       <>modesty ({%= hrīkā%}).
       <P>{%Hlīku, us, us, u (= hrīku),%} ashamed, modest;
271870 <>({%us%}), m. lac ({%= jatu%}); tin; [cf. Gr. <g>χαλ-κό-ς;</g> Slav.
       <><nsi>zel-e-zo;</nsi> Lith. <nsi>gel-e-zi-s.</nsi>]
       <P>.{#hlez#}¦ {%hlesh,%} another form of rt. {%hresh.%}

case = 1459, hw = hvf, page=1180-b

       <>to eat: Caus. {%hvārayati,%} &c., to make crooked,
       <>bend, curve; to hurt, injure: Desid. {%juhvūrshati:%}
271889 <>Intens. {%jāhvaryate, jāhvarti;%} [cf. Gr. <g>κυπτός,</g>
       <><g></g> Lat. <nsi>curvus, varus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hvair-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ban:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hwearfian, hwerfa, hweorfan,</nsi>

case = 1460, hw = hvf, page=1180-b

       <>bend, curve; to hurt, injure: Desid. {%juhvūrshati:%}
       <>Intens. {%jāhvaryate, jāhvarti;%} [cf. Gr. <g></g>
271890 <><g>κύρβεις, ἐρέφω:</g> Lat. <nsi>curvus, varus:</nsi> Goth. <nsi>hvair-</nsi>
       <><nsi>ban:</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hwearfian, hwerfa, hweorfan,</nsi>
       <><nsi>hwealf, hwealfa:</nsi> Hib. <nsi>fiar,</nsi> ‘crooked;’ <nsi>fiaraim,</nsi>

case = 1461, hw = hve, page=1180-b

       <>Intens. {%johūyate, johavīti, johoti%} (Impf. {%ajohavīt,%}
       <>3rd pl. {%ajohavuḥ,%} Pres. part. {%johuvat%}), to call on,
271926 <>invoke; [cf. according to some, Gr. <g>βοή, βοάω,</g> pro-
       <>bably <g></g> Lat. <nsi>re-boare,</nsi> perhaps <nsi>voveo, vo-</nsi>
       <><nsi>tum;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vôpjan;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>hweion, hrôfu,</nsi>

case = 1462, hw = hve, page=1180-b

       <>3rd pl. {%ajohavuḥ,%} Pres. part. {%johuvat%}), to call on,
       <>invoke; [cf. according to some, Gr. <g></g> pro-
271927 <>bably <g>ἀΰω, ἰωή;</g> Lat. <nsi>re-boare,</nsi> perhaps <nsi>voveo, vo-</nsi>
       <><nsi>tum;</nsi> Goth. <nsi>vôpjan;</nsi> Old Germ. <nsi>hweion, hrôfu,</nsi>
       <><nsi>ruafu;</nsi> Mod. Germ. <nsi>Rufe;</nsi> Angl. Sax. <nsi>hweop,</nsi>
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

page = 1183 case = 1463, hw = jani, page=1183-c

       <>{%ā, ā, a,%} insensible, void of sensation, calm, placid,
       <>cool (said of the moon).
272645 <P>{%Jani%} or {%janī;%} add--cf. Gr. <g>γυνή.</g>
       <P>{%Jala-śarkarā,%} f. ‘water-gravel,’ hail.
       <P>{%Jātī,%} f. a kind of jasmine.
funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

@jmigliori These are ready for you. This is the last batch in mw72 👍

jmigliori commented 4 years ago

These are all done. Case 1406 is the second half of a hyphenated word from the previous line.

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

@jmigliori Thank you for completing these. I've not yet installed these, and one or two minor questions may arise during installation.

But, Basically, you are done now.

jmigliori commented 4 years ago

Hard to believe it’s finally done! I’m sorry I didn’t have the chance to finish it sooner. I’ll certainly be around if any questions or issues pop up.

On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 6:37 PM funderburkjim wrote:

@jmigliori Thank you for completing these. I've not yet installed these, and one or two minor questions may arise during installation.

But, Basically, you are done now.

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gasyoun commented 4 years ago

I’ll certainly be around if any questions or issues pop up.

16 out of 34 Dictionaries have Greek. 1 is off now thanks to you.

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

@jmigliori Looking at all the issues in this GreekInSanskrit repository, I believe you are responsible for adding Greek text not only in MW72 but also in

Is this the complete list ?

jmigliori commented 4 years ago

Looks like it

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 7:20 PM funderburkjim wrote:

@jmigliori Looking at all the issues in this GreekInSanskrit repository, I believe you are responsible for adding Greek text not only in MW72 but also in

  • WIL
  • PW
  • PWG
  • MD
  • CAE

Is this the complete list ?

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funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

These now installed in mw72 digitization.

This should finish all steps required for installing Jonathan's Greek text.