sanskrit-lexicon / GreekInSanskrit

Provide missing Greek text for the Cologne digitizations of Sanskrit dictionaries.
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MW questions #43

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 2 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 2 years ago

While handling file given by @Andhrabharati , I came across the following differences. The suggestion of digitization by AB seems to be fine to me visually. Presently the text is shown as '*᾿αμιτροχάτης'. Whereas, suggested reading is '᾿Aμιτροχάτης'. Somewhat like capitalization of Greek. I am not sure about conventions of Greek.

<s>अमि/त्र—घात</s> ¦ <lex>m.</lex> (= <lang n="greek">*᾿αμιτροχάτης</lang>) <ab>N.</ab> of <s1 slp1="bindusAra">Bindusāra</s1> (the son of <s1 slp1="candragupta">Candragupta</s1>). <info lex="m"/>
Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

My first suggestion is to go by the book content; and in case of any doubt, to consult the Greek expert @jmigliori, who is always helpful!

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Probably, I might've used the English Capital letters, being similar to the Greek capitals; guess it is appropriate to change those to Greek letters.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

The suggested correction (᾿Aμιτροχάτης) is there in mw now; so the issue can be closed now.