sanskrit-lexicon / GreekInSanskrit

Provide missing Greek text for the Cologne digitizations of Sanskrit dictionaries.
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Greek text in PW: open question #8

Closed funderburkjim closed 3 years ago

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

In issue4 , there arose a question which I'm putting here so issue 4 can be closed otherwise.

The question, briefly, is whether a Greek letter should be coded as 2)d)γ) or 2)d)¹g) . In the first case, the γ would be just a normal Greek letter, without further significance. In the second case the Greek letter is coded as ¹g which indicates that it should be treated as a section heading.

This question occurs under under headword jamBaka
on page = 2254-2

@jmigliori points out that he noticed numerous other cases of the Greek text he input which appears similar -- ))) .

I think we need the resolution of this question needs the advice of someone fluent in reading this Sanskrit-German dictionary.

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

@funderburkjim I would leave Greek as Greek. Otherwise we get more trouble. I hardly understand the logic, but still.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

I read German fluently and use it on a daily basis.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

What to do?

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

@jmigliori and @gasyoun Any thoughts on this?

jmigliori commented 3 years ago

@jmigliori and @gasyoun Any thoughts on this?

I agree with @gasyoun about leaving it as Greek

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

Greek it is in pw.txt . e.g. <div n="3">— γ) {%des älteren Bruders%} <ls>BĀLAR.55,206,6.</ls>

So nothing remains to be done here. Closing this issue.