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neuter gender headwords #20

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 1 year ago

drdhaval2785 commented 1 year ago

Trying to find out neuter gender headwords, just like #19 was dedicated to finding out feminine forms.

drdhaval2785 commented 1 year ago
adas¦ {%Pron. (m. {#asO#}, f. {#asO#}, n. {#adaH#})%} That (referring to a thing that is not near); {#adasastu viprakfzwaM#} … {#rUpam#}. {#adas#} is also used in the sense of {#tat#} and as the correlative of {#yat#}; but in this case it must not immediately follow the relative; when it immediately follows the relative, it only expresses ‘{#prasidDi#}’ (For further information on the point, See <ls>K.Pr.</ls>vii. under {#viDeyAvimarSa#}).
anya¦ {%pron. (f. {#nyA#}, n. {#nyat#})%} 1. Other in general, e.g. {#kriyante kawAstvayA mayA'nyESca#}; 2. other than, different from, (with abl. or as the last member of a compound, e.g. {#utTitaM dadfSo'nyacca kabanDeByo na kiYcana#}); 3. extraordinary, {#anyA jagadDitamayI manasaH pravfttiH#} <ls>Bh.V.</ls>i.69, or {#DanyA mfdantEva sA#}.<P>({#anya#}-{#anya#} or {#eka#}-{#anya#} = the one-the other, {#anyaducCfMKalaM satvamanyacCAstraniyaMtritam#} <ls>Sis.</ls>ii.62. The neuter {#anyat#} especially with a following {#ca#} occurs frequently in the sense of ‘besides,’ ‘moreover,’ to connect sentences loosely joined together.)
itara¦ {%a. (f. {#rA#}, n. {#rat#})%} 1. Another; 2. different from, other than, {#itaratApaSatAni#} … {#vitara#} <ls>Ud.</ls> (often used with abl. like {#anya#} q.v.); 3. low, ordinary, {#itara iva pariBUya jYAnaM manmaTena jaqIkftaH#} <ls>Kad.</ls>; 4. the remaining one of the two (in this sense it is often used as the last member of a compound, e.g. {#dakziRetara#}) e.g. {#vijayAyetarAya vE#}. ({#itarataH#} and {#itaratra#} are used in the same senses as {#anyataH#} and {#anyatra#} qq.vv.)
idam¦ {%pron. (m. {#ayam#}, f. {#iyam#}, n. {#idam#})%} 1. This, here, referring to something near the speaker ({#idamastu sannikfzwaM rUpam#}); 2. present, seen; 3. what the speaker has in mind. It often refers to something immediately following, e.g. {#idamanucitamakramaSca puMsAM yat#} … {#jarAsvapi manmaTA vikArAH#} <ls>K.Pr.</ls>vii. It occurs connected with {#yat#}, {#tat#}, {#etat#}, {#adas#} or {#kim#} or a personal pronoun partly to point out anything more distinctly or prominently, partly pleonastically, e.g. {#ayamasO BagavAnuta pARqavaH#}, {#ayamahaM BoH#}.
eka-tama¦ {%a. (f. {#mA#}, n. {#mat#})%} 1. one of many; 2. one.
eka-tara¦ {%a. (f. {#tarA#}, n. {#rat#})%} 1. one of two, either; 2. one of many.
etad¦ {%(I) pron. (m. {#ezaH#}, f. {#ezA#}, n. {#etat#})%} This, as pointing to what is nearest to the speaker (“{#samIpavarti cEtado rUpam#}”). It is sometimes used to give emphasis to the personal pronoun, e.g. {#ezo'haM pralayanarutpracaRqarahaH saMkziptapraTima vizannivAntarIkzam#} <ls>Mv.</ls>v. It often refers to what precedes when it is associated with another pronoun, e.g. {#iti yaduktaM tadetatsarvamaramaRIyam#} <ls>R.G.</ls> It is sometimes used in connection with a relative or correlative clause.
katama¦ {%pron. (f. {#mA#}, n. {#mat#})%} who or which of many, {#api jYAyate katamena digBAgena gataH sa jAlma iti#} <ls>Vikr.</ls>i., {#nageByo yAMtInAM kaTaya tawinInAM katamayA purARAM saMhartuH suraDuni kapardo'Diruruhe#} <ls>G.L.</ls>22, {#aTa katamaM punarkratumaDikftya gAsyAmi#} <ls>Sak.</ls>i., {#katamaM samayamASritya gIyatAm#} <ls>Ve.</ls>i. ({#katama#}, however, is often used as a mere strengthened substitute for {#kim#}.)
katara¦ {%pron. (f. {#rA#}, n. {#rat#})%} Who or which of two, {#nEtadvidmaH kataranno garIyo yadvA jayema yadi vA no jayeyuH#} <ls>Bg.</ls>ii.6. (It is sometimes used in the sense of {#katama#}).
tri¦ {%num. (nom. pl. m. {#trayaH#}, f. {#tisraH#}, n. {#trIRi#})%} Three, {#ta eva hi trayo lokAsta eva traya ASramAH . ta eva hi trayo vedAsta evoktAstrayo'gnayaH#} <ls>M.</ls>ii.230, {#priyatamABirasO tisfBirbaBO#} <ls>R.</ls>ix.18.
yatama¦ {%a. (f. {#mA#}; n. {#mat#})%} Who or which (out of many.)
yatara¦ {%a. (f. {#rA#}; n. {#rat#})%} Which of the two.
vidvas¦ {%(I) a. (f. {#viduzI#}, n. {#vidvat#})%} 1. Knowing, understanding, {#janmino'sya sTitiM vidvA~llakzmImiva calAcalAm#} <ls>Kir.</ls>xi.30, {#tava vidvAnapi tApakAraRam#} <ls>R.</ls>viii.76; 2. learned, wise.
gasyoun commented 1 year ago

Trying to find out neuter gender headwords

Using what regex?