Closed drdhaval2785 closed 2 years ago
00276 <b> -अनीक (changed into अणीक) <b> अग्र-अनीक (changed into अणीक) <+> अग्रानीक (changed into अणीक) #-m.n. $--the front of an army, vanguard. 34
00869 <b> -ओष्ठ (forming अधरोष्ठ) <b> अधर-ओष्ठ (forming अधरोष्ठ) <+> अधरौष्ठ (forming अधरोष्ठ) #-m. $--the lower lip, उमामुखे बिम्बफलाधरोष्ठे /K.S./ii.67. 54
06182 <b> -अयन (changed into अयण) <b> उत्तर-अयन (changed into अयण) <+> उत्तरायन (changed into अयण) #-n. $--the progress of the sun to the north, /Bg./viii.24, /Mall./ on /K.S./iii.25. 79
06191 <b> -ओष्ठ (forming either उत्तरोष्ठ or उत्तरौष्ठ) <b> उत्तर-ओष्ठ (forming either उत्तरोष्ठ or उत्तरौष्ठ) <+> उत्तरौष्ठ (forming either उत्तरोष्ठ or उत्तरौष्ठ) #-m. $--the upper lip. 17
29471 <b> -ओष्ठ (forming महोष्ठ) <b> महा-ओष्ठ (forming महोष्ठ) <+> महोष्ठ (forming महोष्ठ) #-(I) a. $--having large lips. 21
These information is grammatical information. So sending them from headword to the grammatical section, and incorporating the suggested details in the parsed headword.
ईदृक्ष a. (f. क्षी), ईदृश a. (f. शी)
This poses a different kind of parsing problem.
All corrected
Mainly having some additional parenthetic information.