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stem model f_U and declension #10

Open funderburkjim opened 5 years ago

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

feminine nouns ending in 'U'

This list is derived from lexnorm-all2 by the simple filter: a) key1 ends in long vowel 'U' b) lexnorm is precisely 'f' (there are no cases where lexnorm is precisely 'f#U')

There are a few citations where 'f#U' appears as one of several alternatives; these cases will be handled by a later filter.

There are 310 distinct such cases, listed in file nominals/inputs/f_u1.txt.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

endings for f_U model

The endings used for the f_U declension algorithm are:

Case S D P
Nominative UH vO vaH
Accusative Um vO UH
Instrumental vA UByAm UBiH
Dative vE UByAm UByaH
Ablative vAH UByAm UByaH
Genitive vAH voH UnAm
Locative vAm voH Uzu
Vocative u vO vaH
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

Base for f_U model

We assume that the stem (last pada of key2) already ends in 'U'. The base then is formed by removing the final 'U'.

For example, the base for 'vaDU' is vaD.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

f_U declension algorithm

The declension algorithm for feminine nouns ending in 'U' is procedurally the same as that for masculine nouns ending in 'a', with the exception of using the f_U endings.

Here is a summary of the procedure.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

example vaDU

Note that nR sandhi has no application in this example.

Case S D P
Nominative vaD + UH = vaDUH vaD + vO = vaDvO vaD + vaH = vaDvaH
Accusative vaD + Um = vaDUm vaD + vO = vaDvO vaD + UH = vaDUH
Instrumental vaD + vA = vaDvA vaD + UByAm = vaDUByAm vaD + UBiH = vaDUBiH
Dative vaD + vE = vaDvE vaD + UByAm = vaDUByAm vaD + UByaH = vaDUByaH
Ablative vaD + vAH = vaDvAH vaD + UByAm = vaDUByAm vaD + UByaH = vaDUByaH
Genitive vaD + vAH = vaDvAH vaD + voH = vaDvoH vaD + UnAm = vaDUnAm
Locative vaD + vAm = vaDvAm vaD + voH = vaDvoH vaD + Uzu = vaDUzu
Vocative vaD + u = vaDu vaD + vO = vaDvO vaD + vaH = vaDvaH
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

Example karzU

The feminine noun karzU (a furrow) is declined as follows; note Genitive Plural where nR sandhi has an impact.

Case S D P
Nominative karz + UH = karzUH karz + vO = karzvO karz + vaH = karzvaH
Accusative karz + Um = karzUm karz + vO = karzvO karz + UH = karzUH
Instrumental karz + vA = karzvA karz + UByAm = karzUByAm karz + UBiH = karzUBiH
Dative karz + vE = karzvE karz + UByAm = karzUByAm karz + UByaH = karzUByaH
Ablative karz + vAH = karzvAH karz + UByAm = karzUByAm karz + UByaH = karzUByaH
Genitive karz + vAH = karzvAH karz + voH = karzvoH karz + UnAm = karzUnAm -> karzURAm
Locative karz + vAm = karzvAm karz + voH = karzvoH karz + Uzu = karzUzu
Vocative karz + u = karzu karz + vO = karzvO karz + vaH = karzvaH
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

Irregular declensions not handled yet.

Remarks regarding f_I irregulars apply for the f_U model.

For example BU as a feminine (meaning the act of becoming or arising) is irregular.
Huet's BU f. declension recognizes some, perhaps all, of the irregularities but also differs in some spots with Kale on p. 43-4.