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citations ending in 'a', continue part 2 #21

Open funderburkjim opened 5 years ago

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

This deals with the rest of the nominals ending in 'a', not yet handled in #17.

There are 7599 entries in lexnorm-all2 to be dealt with.

No new declension models are involved; we are rather dealing with interpreting the lexnorm gender information so as to construct a model and the appropriate stem based on the citation spelling and the lexnorm information.

The part of the lexnorms that requires interpretation is almost always the feminine; a very few involve the use of the word as an indeclineable. Most interpretations are identical with interpretations we've seen elsewhere (i.e., replace the last character with another character). The reason for waiting until now to do this interpretation is so that all the implied declension algorithms for these cases have been covered.

For instance. consider DArmika m:f#I:n which implies 3 declension tables:

Almost all the model-stem interpretations are just as simple as this example.

Also, several of these forms occur with the MW annotation of 'ifc' (at the end of compounds), or 'ibc' (in the beginning of compounds); these annotations are ignored, and the declension tables are constructed as usual.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

lexnorm = m:f#A:n

For nominals ending in 'a', the specification m:f#A:n is identical to m:f:n. To describe symbolically, let the citation spelling be designated as Xa. Then we have three implied model,stem declension specifications:

There are 3073 such cases.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

lexnorm = m:f#I:n

For nominals ending in 'a', to describe symbolically, the specification m:f#I:n , let the citation spelling be designated as Xa. Then we have three implied model,stem declension specifications:

There are 2737 such cases.

The cases with this and the previous lexnorm total 5810 cases, or 76% of the 7599 cases.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

The remaining (7599 - 5810) = 1789 lexnorm varieties occur in various shapes and with much lower frequencies.

There are 1181 cases where lexnorm

For example, one entry for vAma has lexnorm of m:f#A:f#I:n

2. vāma mf(ī or ā)n.  lovely, dear, pleasant, agreeable, fair, beautiful, splendid, noble,

And one entry for arha has lexnorm of f#A:n

arha f(ā). or (āṇi) n. pl. worship,

These are both examples of these 1181 cases.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

f#ikA and f#akA

There are 403 cases where lexnorm

For instance, there are 334 cases with lexnorm of m:f#ikA:n. For instance, aMSaka

 aṃśaka mf(ikā)n. (ifc.) forming part. 

interpretation of f#ikA for nominals ending in aka or ika

The model is f_A . Represent the citation as XY (where Y = aka (the most common) or ika (only 2 examples) ). Then the stem replaces Y with ikA, so stem = XikA.

For example, aṃśaka f#ikA yields the model-stem of f_A, aṃśikā.

The two examples for citations ending in ika and having f#ikA as part of lexnorm are:

dvārika  N. of one of the Sun's 18 attendants, L.  (f(ikā). See dvāraka).
śṛṅgika m. or f. (only ifc. f(ikā). ) a kind of missile or catapult, 
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

models mfn_a3

One other subgroup of lexnorms for nominals ending in 'a' are those where lexnorm

This group represents 110 cases of our 7599, which have been put into a file model_mfn_a3, which includes the resulting stem.

The reason for individually identifying this subgroup is that it seems odd for a nominal ending in 'a' to have only feminines in the lexnorm specification. I've looked at a few of these in comparison to the underlying MW text, and the few examined looked ok. But I think all should be examined for accuracy of interpretation when time permits.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

models mfn_a4

The other subgroup represents 48 lexnorm records, and have been written to a file model_mfn_a4.

This subgroup contains nominals ending 'a' and having a lexnorm specification with

The deduction of the stem for these odd feminine specifications is quirky. For instance

26544   Arya    Arya    m:f#A:f#ArI:n   f#ArI   ArI
  Using lexnorm component f#ArI for Arya leads to model=f_I, stem=ArI

And the interpretation of a few indeclineables is odd:

120693  paSca   paSca   m:f:n:ind   ind paSca
 ODD because usually an indeclineable from a nominal ending in 'a' is the accusative, instrumental,
          or some other case . e.g. 'agram' (accusative) is an indeclinable formed from 'agra'.

So the model_mfn_a4 list should be re-examined individually when time and ability permit.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

remaining nominals ending in 'a'

There are 47 remaining nominals ending in 'a' whose lexnorm has not yet been interpreted.

I'm not sure what the model for feminine should be. Some possibilities:

  1. f_I, but with just one irregularity in nominative singular a-durmaṅgalīḥ
  2. or with more differences from nadI
    • DI f. intellect - see Deshpande, p. 149, which is same as Huet
    • lakzmI

Any suggestions for declension of a-durmaṅgala in feminine??

gasyoun commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure what the model for feminine should be

It's fine. See v10.085.43 adurmaṅgalīḥ patilokam ā viśa śaṃ no bhava dvipade śaṃ catuṣpade

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

It's fine.

Good to track down reference. Maybe this is the only instance of adurmaṅgala found in literature. If this is the only instance, of 'adurmaṅgala`, then we could justify using declension model f_I (like nadI), except for adurmaṅgalīḥ in the nominative singular.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

6 other nominals with f#ikA

The usual stem-derivation for f#ikA nominals ending in 'a' was described above. The assumption there was that the citation ended in 'aka' or 'ika'.

In addition, there are 6 nominals with the f#ikA designation which end in 'a', but not in 'aka' or 'ika'. In these cases, the feminine stem is derived by replacing the final 'a' with 'ikA'.