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nominals ending in 'in' and declension #30

Open funderburkjim opened 5 years ago

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

There are 6722 nominal citations in lexnorm-all2 which end in 'in'.

The stem generation results in models m_in, n_in, and f_in_I.

See next comment for discussion of f_in_I.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

feminine stem generation

The feminine stem is generated by adding a long 'I' to the citation form, but with one additional twist. For example, feminine stem for 'gAmin' is 'gAminI'.

The twist involves the need to apply nR sandhi. For instance, feminine stem of 'kArin' starts as 'kArinI', but then nR sandhi application changes this to 'kAriRI'.

As in the declension algorithms, here also we use the pada structure to determine the impact of nR sandhi.
For instance, the feminine of agra-gAmin is taken to be agra-gAminI, since the 'r' in 'agra' is not in the final pada, and hence does not play a role.

Since the pada-structure is determined indirectly from the MW markup, there can be the possibility that a different pada structure is appropriate for our declension purposes. As example, 'akzamin' . From lexnorm-all2, this is 'a-kza-min'; and from this the feminine would be 'akzaminI', since the 'z' is not in last pada.

But this 'a-kza-min' pada structure should be 'a-kzamin' (kzamin = patient, a-kzamin = not patient). And with this pada structure, the feminine stem is 'a-kzamiRI'.

a list to examine

To examine possible additional cases like a-kza-min, where we need to change pada structure in lexnorm-all2 to correctly determine the feminine stem, I made a list of potential questionable feminine stems for nominals endin in 'in'.

There are only 114 cases listed. These are cases where

I hope @SergeA and/or @drdhaval2785 will take a look at this list with an eye towards finding cases like 'a-kza-min'.

I'm particularly suspicious of the cases where we have the 'in' form of a prefixed verb. For instance 'nir-vahin', 'pari-kampin', etc.

When we get more inputs on these, I'll change the pada structure in lexnorm-all2 cases for a-kza-min and similar cases.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

comment on model name 'f_in_I'

Once the feminine stem is generated, it is declined just like other common nominals ending in 'I', like nadI. So we could say the model is 'f_I', like it is for nadI. I have used 'f_in_I' just for the purpose of being able to readily identify that the feminine stem comes from a nominal ending in 'in'. So f_in_I is merely an alias for f_I, as far as the declension algorithm is concerned.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

endings for m_in model

Antoine and Deshpande consider the declension of nominals ending in 'in' to fall in the category of 'nouns with two stems'. The explanation of Kale is similar, although he does not use the 'two stem' terminology. This two-stem theory is used in order to derive the inflected forms from a fairly general set of endings, along with a method of deriving a 'strong' and 'weak' stem, and an indication of which endings should be combined with the strong and weak stems.

By contrast, the algorithm used here uses only one stem (obtained by dropping the final 'in' from the citation form), and embeds the variations in the table of endings. This seems similar in spirit to Bucknell's approach, which favors paradigm tables.

Case S D P
Nominative I inO inaH
Accusative inam inO inaH
Instrumental inA iByAm iBiH
Dative ine iByAm iByaH
Ablative inaH iByAm iByaH
Genitive inaH inoH inAm
Locative ini inoH izu
Vocative in inO inaH
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

endings for n_in model

Case S D P
Nominative i inI Ini
Accusative i inI Ini
Instrumental inA iByAm iBiH
Dative ine iByAm iByaH
Ablative inaH iByAm iByaH
Genitive inaH inoH inAm
Locative ini inoH izu
Vocative i/in inI Ini

These endings are the same as masculine in cases 3-7.

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

base for m_in, n_in models

Obtain the base by dropping the final 'in'.

m_in, n_in declension algorithms

Completely analogous to vowel-ending declension algorithms. In brief:

funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

Example balin with m_in model

Case S D P
Nominative bal + I = balI bal + inO = balinO bal + inaH = balinaH
Accusative bal + inam = balinam bal + inO = balinO bal + inaH = balinaH
Instrumental bal + inA = balinA bal + iByAm = baliByAm bal + iBiH = baliBiH
Dative bal + ine = baline bal + iByAm = baliByAm bal + iByaH = baliByaH
Ablative bal + inaH = balinaH bal + iByAm = baliByAm bal + iByaH = baliByaH
Genitive bal + inaH = balinaH bal + inoH = balinoH bal + inAm = balinAm
Locative bal + ini = balini bal + inoH = balinoH bal + izu = balizu
Vocative bal + in = balin bal + inO = balinO bal + inaH = balinaH
funderburkjim commented 5 years ago

Example cArin with n_in model

Case S D P
Nominative cAr + i = cAri cAr + inI = cArinI -> cAriRI cAr + Ini = cArIni -> cArIRi
Accusative cAr + i = cAri cAr + inI = cArinI -> cAriRI cAr + Ini = cArIni -> cArIRi
Instrumental cAr + inA = cArinA -> cAriRA cAr + iByAm = cAriByAm cAr + iBiH = cAriBiH
Dative cAr + ine = cArine -> cAriRe cAr + iByAm = cAriByAm cAr + iByaH = cAriByaH
Ablative cAr + inaH = cArinaH -> cAriRaH cAr + iByAm = cAriByAm cAr + iByaH = cAriByaH
Genitive cAr + inaH = cArinaH -> cAriRaH cAr + inoH = cArinoH -> cAriRoH cAr + inAm = cArinAm -> cAriRAm
Locative cAr + ini = cArini -> cAriRi cAr + inoH = cArinoH -> cAriRoH cAr + izu = cArizu
Vocative cAr + i/in = cAri/cArin cAr + inI = cArinI -> cAriRI cAr + Ini = cArIni -> cArIRi