sanskrit-lexicon / PWG

Boehtlingk und Roth Sanskrit Wörterbuch, 7 Bände Petersburg 1855-1875
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Cologne server speed #2

Closed funderburkjim closed 9 years ago

funderburkjim commented 10 years ago

During the download of from sanskit-lexicon server, the speed was very slow: only about 20-30 kB/sec; so it took about 30 minutes to download this 45 MB file. According to a couple of 'internet speed tests' (point-to-point in United States), my download speed shows close to the rated speed of 3Mbs (approx. 300kB/sec?).
I have thought the Cologne server seemed at various times during the past couple of weeks, and had passed it off as being a temporary phenomenon.

I wonder if people in other parts of the world are seeing a slowness when downloading or accessing pages (such as pdf scan images) from Cologne sanskrit-lexicon server. Let me know if you have any data on this question.

gasyoun commented 10 years ago

PDFs of single images load ok. PDF of whole books load very slow, but that is not a huge issue. They load, that is what matters. What is bad that there a few broken links - that is the only real issue.