sanskrit-lexicon / PWG

Boehtlingk und Roth Sanskrit Wörterbuch, 7 Bände Petersburg 1855-1875
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PWG Bibliography Cleaning #22

Open funderburkjim opened 7 years ago

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Issue #20 describes a good first step in matching the literary source references of the PWG dictionary with those literary sources mentioned in the PWG bibliography sections.

There remains the task of improving the matching.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago


You are finding some of the non-matches. Great. That's what needs to be done.

There is no definite procedure set up to integrate your results. We'll have to develop one or more.

adding a new entry to pwgbib.txt

pwgbib.txt is the file. For the 'Sp.' case, it seems we need to add an entry to pwgbib.

Here's the last line of that file:

4.018 <HI code="WEBER, Nax.">WEBER, Nax. = WEBER, Die vedischen Nachrichten von den Naxatra<lb>(Mondstationen). Berlin, 1860. 1862.

We need to add a similarly formatted line, with three parts:

So, the procedure you would follow is to add one or more such lines to pwgbib.txt.

Then, when you've done several, notify me. I'll have to go through some installation procedure.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Verz. d. Oxf. H.

You found this in PWK.

It can be handled similarly to 'Sp.'. Now, we could just include this in the same 'X' volume. Or, we could choose to think that since it is in PWK bilbiography, we should consider this as separate category, which we might indicate by using the 'K' volume. I don't have a preference.

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

'S.' and 'Z.' - You've found that these are not names of works. I think these should be classified, for now at least, as 'improper references'; this will defer consideration of them until a later time. For now our focus should be on the 'proper references'. This reclassification will be accomplished by me making a change to one of the programs. You don't need to do anything further.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago


<ls>Sp. 519, Z. 35. fgg.</ls>
<ls>57. 135. VIKR. 12. Spr. 2475.</ls> 


  1. Sp. in PWG is equal to Spr. in PWK. Where to note such a concordance?
  2. How to clean out the out of fg., ), and similar dirt?
  3. Where is Spr. II? Not yet found in XML, remember it was around, only where?
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Spr. II? The most comprehensive place to look is in the 'abbrvlist.txt' file. This file has ALL the <ls> entries, in text order, without adjustments,

Sp. (PWG) == Spr (PWK) WHere to note?

We don't have a place thus far. Why don't you make a file named something like 'pwg_pwk_bib.txt` in the 'abbrvwork' directory; and enter such correspondences in that file.

How to clear out 'fgg. '

Not sure. You could possibly make an annotated list of such things as you notice them; maybe put in a file with some suggestive name.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

Ǵjot. im Çkdr. Ind. St. Ii, 259. 278. 282. instead of Ind. St. Ii must be Ind. St. II.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago


I guess Sp. in PWG stands for Spalte, not for Spr. (Spruch)

For example, pl. see this page from Vol.6 of PWG Verbesserungen PWG Theil 6.pdf

Also I see that Sp. is used after Spr. in the text many times, corroborating my view.

And almost throughout the work the Sp. is followed by a Z. (indicating the line within that Sp.) number.

[Though I am not conversant with German language at all, I have just gathered a minimal knowledge in it for a week before looking into the PWG data (for necessary action).]

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

As I understand-- when the work under citation has no columns, S. (Seite) [Eng. page] with a line (Z. - Zeile) number is used [and the columns in them, if any, by the letters a, b, c, ...] and when the work is with columns having their own numbers [like PWG itself; another such work immediately coming to my mind is A Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages by RL Turner], Sp. (Spalte) [Eng. column] is used.

Pl. correct me if my understanding is wrong.

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

I guess Sp. in PWG stands for Spalte, not for Spr. (Spruch)


Pl. correct me if my understanding is wrong.

No correction needed, you nailed it.

gasyoun commented 2 years ago


Bedeutung (= English meaning) for Bed. might not be that obvious. Do we have a list of general German words used as abbreviations @funderburkjim ?

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Not a full list, but a major portion of it, as existing in PWG, was already made (marked) long back and posted recently.

@gasyoun may wish to expand them, if he really has some time (I actually mean "interest").

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

INDR. 5, 41 missing @funderburkjim


gasyoun commented 2 years ago

@funderburkjim where to add the missing abbreviations, so they show up - like acc. = Accusativ.


Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

You may start "filling" the bigger ab file by me (above), or continue updating the pwab_input.txt file by Jim (in the csl_pywork repo).

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

continue updating the pwab_input.txt file by Jim (in the csl_pywork repo).

There are issues above it as well.

<ls>H. an.</ls> <ls>MED.</ls> creates a double space. Should we replace it with <ls>H. an.</ls><ls>MED.</ls>?


H. an. Med. -> H. an. Med.

Replace double space --> single space @funderburkjim

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

@thomasincambodia what does the Z. stand for? Zeile?

f) Z. 5. fg. गरीयसी so v. a. sehr ehrenvoll Pañcat. I, 418

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

Verz. D. Oxf. H. 255,b, N. 5.258,b,19.

The N. is a source similar to H.?


maltenth commented 2 years ago

Z. = Zeile = line

fg. = folgende = following

v. a. = vor allem = above all

Andhrabharati commented 5 months ago

Verz. D. Oxf. H. 255,b, N. 5.258,b,19.

The N. is a source similar to H.?



The N. denotes the Notes (Footnote) number (it is not a title of any work, like H.)--


And the Verz. D. Oxf. H. 255,b, N. 5.258,b,19. indicates two links 255,b, N. 5. & 258,b,19. [there has to be a space after N. 5.!] image

Andhrabharati commented 5 months ago


I had posted the Verz. D. Oxf. H. long back for pdf-linking, in one of the issues.

It is the easiest work to link (no need for any index as such) and also one of the major cited work in PWG (in the 12th position from the top).

You might like to take up this work, as a small detour activity sometime.

funderburkjim commented 5 months ago

I had posted the Verz. D. Oxf. H. long back for pdf-linking,

Perhaps you would post the pdf download reference here.

Andhrabharati commented 5 months ago


This is the post that has the link.

Incidentally you may see the last statement in the above post; what do you interpret from it?

It just means that I had NOT ONLY finished the work as mentioned at another post, BUT ALSO collected the sources (scans etc.), in just about 2 months time (May-Jul 2021), the exercise that has been happening for over 9 years (2015-2024) [in a haphazard manner] and still far far away from the goal at CDSL!

Andhrabharati commented 5 months ago

And I had suggested taking this up, while you were on the pdf linking activity about 2 yrs ago.

funderburkjim commented 5 months ago

From the last few days, there are 15+ Github posts from @Andhrabharati requesting my attention. The number of similar but older posts is unknown, but likely greater than 0.