sanskrit-lexicon / PWG

Boehtlingk und Roth Sanskrit Wörterbuch, 7 Bände Petersburg 1855-1875
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Sch. missing markup #35

Open funderburkjim opened 3 years ago

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

This discusses further one of the points made in #33.

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

957 changes made to pwg.txt in csl-orig (The commit).

For details and methodology, see

In particular, note the changes_todo.txt, where the remaining 152 unmarked 'Sch.' instances are shown -- just waiting for someone's attention to improve the markup.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

remaining 152 unmarked 'Sch.' instances are shown -- just waiting for someone's attention to improve the markup.

So instead of

; TODO Case 1: (reason = Sch. unmarked)
; <L>669<pc>1-0050<k1>aNga<k2>a/Nga<h>2
5616 old <ls>an. 2, 30</ls> <ls>?(sg.). MED. g. 2. P. 2, 4, 62, Sch. 4, 2, 81, Sch. 125, Sch. VOP. 7, 14.</ls> {#ga\nDAri^Byo\ mUja^va\dByo 'Nge^Byo ma\gaDe^ByaH#} 
5616 new <ls>an. 2, 30</ls> <ls>?(sg.). MED. g. 2. P. 2, 4, 62, Sch. 4, 2, 81, Sch. 125, Sch. VOP. 7, 14.</ls> {#ga\nDAri^Byo\ mUja^va\dByo 'Nge^Byo ma\gaDe^ByaH#} 

I should manually make it:

; TODO Case 1: (reason = Sch. unmarked)
; <L>669<pc>1-0050<k1>aNga<k2>a/Nga<h>2
5616 old <ls>an. 2, 30</ls> <ls>?(sg.). MED. g. 2. P. 2, 4, 62, Sch. 4, 2, 81, Sch. 125, Sch. VOP. 7, 14.</ls> {#ga\nDAri^Byo\ mUja^va\dByo 'Nge^Byo ma\gaDe^ByaH#} 
5616 new <ls>an. 2, 30</ls> <ls>?(sg.). MED. g. 2. P. 2, 4, 62, <ls>Sch</ls>. 4, 2, 81, <ls>Sch</ls>. 125, <ls>Sch</ls>. VOP. 7, 14.</ls> {#ga\nDAri^Byo\ mUja^va\dByo 'Nge^Byo ma\gaDe^ByaH#} 

right? Can't understand how to make the <ls>Sch</ls>. 125, <ls>Sch</ls>. VOP. 7, 14. logical, but still, now it's even worse.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

Unlinked, but should be linked @funderburkjim :


gasyoun commented 3 years ago


In the tooltip what does #u# stand for?

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

#U# is an SLP1 coding of Devanagari ऊ.

The tooltip is now changed: image

tech notes

Change pwgauth/pwgbib_input.txt. See Commit.

Refer to scanned images from which the tooltips were digitized. See

In particular the scanned page:

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

Re krOYca ls markup:

Here is the digitization from pwg.txt:

{#krOYca/#}¦ (von {#kruYca#}) 
<ls>?<is>Kār</is>. zu P. 4, 1, 120.</ls> 
<div n="1"> 1) <lex>m.</lex> 
<div n="2"> a) = {#kruYc, kruYca#} {%Brachvogel%} <is>gaṇa</is> {#prajYAdi#} zu 
<ls>P. 5, 4, 38.</ls> 
<ls>AK. 2, 5, 22.</ls> 
<ls>TRIK. 3, 3, 74.</ls> 
<ls>H. 1329.</ls> 
<ls>an. 2, 57.</ls> 
<ls>MED. k. 4.</ls> <ls>TS. 5, 5, 12, 1.</ls> {#krOYcaM hatvA trihAyanam (vatsaM dadyAt)#} 
<ls>M. 11, 134.</ls> {#kArpAsatAntavaM#} ({#hftvA#}) {#krOYcaH#} ({#jAyate#}) 
<ls>12, 64.</ls> <ls>N. (BOPP) 12, 113.</ls> <ls>R. 1, 2, 12.</ls> {#tAmraSIrza#} 
<ls>?15. 3, 20, 19. SUŚR. 1, 24, 8. 205, 12. 2, 54, 4. 246, 4. ṚT. 4, 8. Verz. d. B. H. No. 897.</ls> Emblem des 5ten <is>Arhant's</is> der gegenwärtigen <is>Avasarpiṇī</is> 
<ls>H. 47.</ls> {#krOYcI (krOYcA#} 
<ls>JAṬĀDH.</ls> im <ls>ŚKDR.</ls> <ls>H.</ls> <ls>?1329,Sch.</ls>)

@gasyoun Will leave to you to change the markup in light of pwgbib_input.txt.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

U# is an SLP1 coding of Devanagari ऊ.

Oh, got it, so not many cases, only 3 of them around.

Will leave to you to change the markup in light of pwgbib_input.txt.

For just one entry? Every issue noted there is a mass regex issue. So not sure I understood your right.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago


Several links blended in one without a reason @funderburkjim