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Boehtlingk und Roth Sanskrit Wörterbuch, 7 Bände Petersburg 1855-1875
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Prātiśākhya ls references #41

Open funderburkjim opened 2 years ago

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

This issue aims to provide feedback re this comment in #37.

Here is what MW says about Prātiśākhya:

prāti—śākhya n. (fr. -śākham) a treatise on the peculiar euphonic combination and pronunciation of letters which prevails in different Śākhās of the Vedas (there are 4 P° one for the Śākala-śākhā of the RV. ; two for particular Śākhās of the black and white Yajur-vedas, and one for a Śākhā of the AV. ; cf. IW. 149, 150 )

The general objective here is to generate improvements in

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago


There are 9 lines in pwgbib_input pertaining to Prātiśākhya. In the table, the 'count' is the number of instances in pwg.txt of <ls> elements that begin with the abbreviation. E.g. there are 508 instances of <ls>V. PRĀT. in pwg.txt.

count code abbrev tooltip
508 1.031 AV. PRĀT. AV. PRĀT. = PRĀTIŚĀKHYA zum ATHARVAVEDA. Citirt nach Adhyāyaund Sūtra. Hdschr. Siehe ROTH'S Einl. z. NIRUKTA, S. XLVII.
1110 1.264 ṚV. PRĀT. ṚV. PRĀT. oder PRĀTIŚ. = PRĀTIŚĀKHYA zun ṚGVEDA, citirt nach Paṭala und Versen. Hdschr. S. ROTH in der Einl z. NIR. S. XLVII.
714 1.329 VS. PRĀT. VS. PRĀT. = PRĀTIŚĀKHYA zur VĀJASANEYISAM̃HITĀ, citirt nach Adhyāyaund Sūtra. Hdschr. S. ROTH in der Einl. z. NIR. S. XLVI.
131 c.1712 TS. PRĀT. TS. PRĀT. = ? [Cologne Addition]
2 1.289a TAITT. PR. TAITT. PR. = PRĀTIŚĀKHYA zur TAITTIRĪYASAM̃HITĀ. ? [Cologne Addition]
2 c.1402 PRĀTIŚĀKHYA PRĀTIŚĀKHYA = ? [Cologne Addition]

The total is 2785.

In addition to these <ls>abbrev instances, there are 71 other cases where the PRĀT string occurs, but not in the context of the abbreviations above. These generally appear to be cases where the <ls> markup needs revision. The lines of pwg.txt are prat_err.txt

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago


These two appear to be abbreviation variants of the listed abbreviation TAITT. PRĀT.

The simplest solution is to modify pwgbib_input for these two abbreviations, giving each of them the same tooltip as TAITT. PRĀT. (but with the [Cologne addition] remaining).

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

PRĀTIŚ. and PRĀT. abbreviations

The link in #37 noticed an example in pwg.txt like <ls>ṚV.</ls> <ls>PRĀTIŚ. 3, 18.</ls>, where the single reference is wrongly marked as two references. 10 of the 11 <ls>PRĀTIŚ. are like this.

This needs to be corrected to ṚV. PRĀTIŚ. 3, 18.`, and similarly for the others.

Note that we currently have no tooltip for abbreviation ṚV. PRĀTIŚ. We should add an item to pwgbib_input.txt with tooltip identical to that for ṚV. PRĀT.

abbrev =
tooltip = 
ṚV. PRĀT. oder PRĀTIŚ. = PRĀTIŚĀKHYA zun ṚGVEDA, citirt nach Paṭala und Versen. Hdschr. S. ROTH in der Einl z. NIR. S. XLVII.
funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

11th case of PRĀTIŚ.



This is not a specific literary source reference. I think we need take no action here. Leave it marked as <ls>PRĀTIŚ.</ls> with the tooltip as in table above.

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

The total is 2785.

So many. The Rigveda one is in a corpus like format, I should play with it, if you could think of links, Jim.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago


These two instances seem to be also (as the 11th PRĀTIŚ case) not specific references. In pwg.txt,

Under headword udaya
<div n="2">— e) 
in den <ls>PRĀTIŚĀKHYA</ls> und ein Mal bei <ls>P. (8. 4, 67)</ls> 
{%das nachfolgende Wort, der nachfolgende Laut%}, = {#para#} 
<ls>P. 8, 4, 67,</ls> 
<ls>Sch. -</ls> <ls>ṚV. PRĀT. 2, 16. 3, 6. 4, 1. 2.</ls> 
{#udaye#} so v. a. {#udaye vatarmAnAH#} {%nachfolgend%} 
<ls>22.</ls> am Ende eines <lex>adj.</lex> comp.: {#ikArodaya#} {%ein%} {#i#} {%zum folgenden Buchstaben habend%} 
<ls>?2, 6. 7. 5, 5. VS. PRĀT. 3, 84. 81. 4, 6. 16. 140. AV. PRĀT. 3, 65. Schol. zu 3, 27.</ls> Häufig am Ende eines <lex>adj.</lex> comp. in der Bed. {%Folge%}: {#dAkzyaM duHKaM suKodayam#} {%Leid, auf das Freude folgt%}, 
<ls>Spr. 5246.</ls> {#dozAH - vyasanodayAH#} {%Missgeschick im Gefolge habend%} 

Under headword anunAsika
<div n="2"> a) von nasal getrübten Vocalen oder Consonanten, wie sie durch gewisse Lautverbindungen entstehen, z. B. das {#la#}, in welches sich {#ma#} und {#na#} vor folgendem {#la#} verwandeln. Diese <is>Anunāsika</is> sollen nach den Vorschriften der 
<ls>PRĀTIŚĀKHYA</ls> mit den vereinigten Organen von Nase und Mund hervorgebracht werden, während die nasalen Consonanten und der <is>Anusvāra</is> nur der Nase zugetheilt werden. {#muKanAsikAkaraRo 'nunAsikaH#} 
<ls>VS. PRĀT. 1, 76.</ls>
{#nakArasya loparePozmaBAve pUrvastatsTAnAdanunAsikaH svaraH#} 
<ls>ṚV. PRĀT. 4, 35. 3.</ls> <ls>AV. PRĀT. 1, 27. 36.</ls> <ls>VS. PRĀT. 4, 3. 13.</ls> <ls>TAITT. PRĀT. 1, 4.</ls> 
{#muKanAsikAvacano 'nunAsikaH#} <ls>P. 1, 1, 8. 3, 2. 6, 1, 126. 8, 3, 2. 4, 57.</ls> 

In contrast to PRĀTIŚ., PRĀTIŚĀKHYA is not even an abbreviation. Thus, we could

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

PRĀT. abbreviation (part 1)

The table above shows 215 of these <ls>PRĀT. in pwg.txt.
First group of subcases which need to be handled separately. PRAT needs to be joined to prior \<ls> in pwg.txt.
The resulting ls abbreviation is already in pwgbib_input.txt.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

VP. PRĀT. ? (Help needed)

There are four cases like the above, but with VP. as the preceding; e.g., <ls>VP.</ls> <ls>PRĀT. 3, 115.</ls> -> <ls>VP. PRĀT. 3, 115.</ls>

These are questionable as VP. is abbreviation for VIṢṆUPURĀṆA; since VIṢṆUPURĀṆA is not part of Vedas, I would not expect there to be a Prātiśākhya for it (based on MW's definition shown above).

The four instances occur under headwords DrajImant, SUGana, sumatIvfD, surAma

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

case under urobfhatI

? Z. 1 lies <ls>ṚV. PRĀT. 16, 32</ls> st. <ls>PRĀT. 16, 7</ls> und füge <ls>Ind. St. 8, 91. 94. 96. 147. 243.</ls> fg. hinzu.

This is within the vol1-5 VN (corrections and additions) appearing at the end of vol. 5.

Clearly, here <ls>PRĀT. is a shortening of ṚV. PRĀT.. We can leave unchanged in pwg.txt.


The above is a correction under headword urobfhatI.
However, there is no (other) headword. Instead we have

{#urovfhatI#}¦ ({#uras + bf°#}) <lex>f.</lex> N. eines Metrums 
<ls>CHANDAS 5.</ls> <ls>PRĀT. 16, 7.</ls> <ls>COLEBR. Misc. Ess. II, 152.</ls>


This looks to be a print error in PWG, by

We should change L=12499 to 'urobfhatI'.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Case under kAra (homonym 1)

<div n="2">— b) {%Laut, flexionsloses Wort%}, insbes. {%eine Interjection%}: {#akAra#} {%der Laut%} {#a, kakAra#} 
u.s.w. <ls>P. 3, 3, 108, <is>Vārtt</is>. 3.</ls> <ls>PRĀT.</ls> <ls>M. 2, 76. 125.</ls> <ls>R. 3, 43, 35.</ls> {#naHkAra#} 
<ls>ṚV. PRĀT. 8, 21.</ls> {#evakAra#} 
<ls>P. 5, 3, 58,</ls> 
<ls>Sch. 6, 1, 80,</ls> 
<ls>Sch.</ls> {#tukAra#} 
<ls>DURGAD.</ls> zu <ls>VOP. 2, 45.</ls> Vgl. {#oMkAra, PUtkAra, vazawkAra, svaDAkAra, svAhAkAra, hantakAra, hAhAkAra, hiMkAra, hUMkAra#} u. s. w. — Hierher gehören noch folg. Bedd. der Lexicogrr.: 

My guess is that no change is needed here. PRĀT. is being used as abbreviation for PRĀTIŚĀKHYA, with no specific literary source reference.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

6 non-specific <ls>PRĀT.</ls>

These don't need any change in pwg.txt. They are non-specific uses of PRĀT. as an abbreviation for PRĀTIŚĀKHYA. They occur under these headwords: anehas , apnaHsTa , kar (hom 1 Page2-0093) , naS , miTu , vEyAska

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

There remain 43 unexamined cases of <ls>PRĀT. x, y</ls> specific PRĀT. instances.
In pwg.txt, these are all at the beginning of a line. Spot checks show that sometimes the preceding line ends in, for instance, <ls>AV.</ls>, which should be combined with PRĀT. Next step is to examine these 43 cases individually.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

This issue aims to provide feedback re this comment in #37.

Here is what MW says about Prātiśākhya:

prāti—śākhya n. (fr. -śākham) a treatise on the peculiar euphonic combination and pronunciation of letters which prevails in different Śākhās of the Vedas (there are 4 P° one for the Śākala-śākhā of the RV. ; two for particular Śākhās of the black and white Yajur-vedas, and one for a Śākhā of the AV. ; cf. IW. 149, 150 )

@funderburkjim, As I have read somewhere that you wanted to learn more about Sanskrit Language and Literature, thought I should share this piece of info with you.

There exists a Prātiśākhya for Samaveda as well.

Have a look at this-

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

VP. PRĀT. ? (Help needed)

The four instances occur under headwords DrajImant, SUGana, sumatIvfD, surAma

DrajImant: just look at the prev. entry (Draji) SUGana: just look at the prev. entry (SUkfta) sumatIvfD: Look at the full text under the entry- <ls>VS. PRĀT.</ls> <3,96>. %des Gebets sich freuend/% <ls>VS.</ls> <22,12>.<LEND> (this is from my file) [There is no such internal 'proof' (within PWG) for the surAma entry. But it can be seen at]

As you had correctly guessed, these all are not VP. PRĀT., but just VS. PRĀT.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

PRĀT. abbreviation (part 1)

The table above shows 215 of these <ls>PRĀT. in pwg.txt. First group of subcases which need to be handled separately. PRAT needs to be joined to prior in pwg.txt. The resulting ls abbreviation is already in pwgbib_input.txt.

* `<ls>TS.</ls> <ls>PRĀT. ...</ls>`  -> `<ls>TS. PRĀT. ...</ls>`  (147 cases) .

* `<ls>ṚV.</ls><ls>PRĀT. ...</ls>`  -> `<ls>ṚV. PRĀT. ...</ls>`  (4 cases)

* `<ls>AV.</ls><ls>PRĀT. ...</ls>`  -> `<ls>AV. PRĀT. ...</ls>`  (3 cases)

* `<ls>VS.</ls> <ls>PRĀT. ...</ls>` -> `<ls>VS. PRĀT. ...</ls>`  (1 case)

* `<ls>TAITT.</ls> <ls>PRĀT. ...</ls>` -> `<ls>TAITT. PRĀT. ...</ls>`  (2 cases)

I take this as a response to my

You may act on the f2 and M2 cases (reported in this comment) as well.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago


Thanks for researching these. Am changing to VS. and marking as print changes.

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

PRĀTIŚĀKHYA is not even an abbreviation. Thus, we could

Still it's not a usual word as well.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

In my working, all such are "treated" as "literary sources" (ls), whether occurring in abbr. form or in full form.

And the person names (writers/compilers/translators/editors/...) are treated as "authors", and are part of the literary stuff.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

work finished

In addition to changes noted above, considerable time was spent refining the 'ls' markup, so references to the various pratishakyas will be linkable if and when we develop a link target.

The f6c648f link above shows the actual changes made to the pwg.txt digitization.

A precursor to this diff, is the file changes.txt which was applied (via to the prior version of pwg.txt to get the revised version.

A couple of changes were made to the ls tooltip file for pwg; see commit.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Help wanted

An attempt was made to get a list of cases that appear problematic; there are 27 of these in changes_todo.txt.

Request others to examine these todo cases, with an eye to

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

What is refining the 'ls' markup?

By this phrase is primarily intended dealing with multiple references; see the examples of inferred references in recent work with Rig Veda reference in pwg.

Very similar ideas apply here with the various pratishakya literary source references.

For all of these pratishakya references, the number of parameters was taken to be 2 (in contrast to 3 parameters for pwg). Many examples are found in changes.txt (see link above). For instance

; <L>64487<pc>5-1021<k1>aBiprAya {ṚV. PRĀT. 1}
; ṚV. PRĀT. 4, 28. 14, 11.  STATUS=OK
629747 old <ls>ṚV. PRĀT. 4, 28. 14, 11.</ls> {%Erscheinung, Phantom%}: {#tatra divyAnaBiprAyAndadarSa#} 
629747 new <ls>ṚV. PRĀT. 4, 28.</ls> <ls n="ṚV. PRĀT.">14, 11.</ls> {%Erscheinung, Phantom%}: {#tatra divyAnaBiprAyAndadarSa#} 


; <L>69747<pc>5-1254<k1>karaRa {ṚV. PRĀT. 1}
; ṚV. PRĀT. 1, 10. 14  STATUS=M
664617 old <ls>Schol.</ls> zu <ls>ṚV. PRĀT. 1, 10. 14</ls> und {#nAmakaraRa#} . 
664617 new <ls>Schol.</ls> zu <ls>ṚV. PRĀT. 1, 10.</ls> <ls n="ṚV. PRĀT. 1,">14.</ls> und {#nAmakaraRa#} . 

And there are many similar and even more lengthy strings of references to be found in changes.txt.


Currently we have no linkable target for ṚV. PRĀT. , AV. PRĀT. , TS. PRĀT., and VS. PRĀT. So the added markup for these inferred references has no significant impact on the displays for PWG.

However, when such linkable target(s) become available, this added markup will make the displays more robust in that the displays will be able to provide separate links for the inferred references. These added links are already available for RV due to the previous work with RV.

tech note

The Python program can be adapted for similar markup enhancement for other literary sources for pwg. The main markup enhancement is done in the remark_pwg function of

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

link targets (HELP WANTED)

The only possible link target I found was one for RV. PRAT:

I don't know how to map pwg references to pages in this text.

For instance, what page contains <ls>ṚV. PRĀT. 1, 10.</ls> ?

Does anyone have link targets for the other pratishakyas?

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

I should play with it, if you could think of links, Jim.

@gasyoun maybe you could examine how the pwg RV PRAT links map to the pages of the archive org document mentioned above. If we could find the key to the mapping, @sanskritisampada could fill in the details.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

link targets (HELP WANTED)

The only possible link target I found was one for RV. PRAT:

I don't know how to map pwg references to pages in this text.

For instance, what page contains <ls>ṚV. PRĀT. 1, 10.</ls> ?

Does anyone have link targets for the other pratishakyas?

See these- and you will get few links under each title. You can select one of them as per your liking.

[I had already given the link for Samaveda Pratisakhya earlier, in case it is needed any time.]

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

RV PRAT links map to the pages of the archive org document mentioned above

@funderburkjim I'm a big fan of

and you will get few links under each title. You can select one of them as per your liking.

@Andhrabharati what is your choice in each of the cases, what exact PDF?