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Boehtlingk und Roth Sanskrit Wörterbuch, 7 Bände Petersburg 1855-1875
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Bombay edition for Ramayana #60

Open funderburkjim opened 2 years ago

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

In #57, the need for a link target for (a/the) Bombay edition of Ramayana was established. This issue is opened to track progress in (a) finding publicly available pdfs for this edition (b) Mapping the verses to the pdf pages (c) accessing the mapped pages as link targets in PWG display.

Help is requested, especially regarding (a) and (b)

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

Help is requested, especially regarding (a) and (b)

S.O.S. @Andhrabharati

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

You may give the Parab ed. Ramayana (2 volumes) to Jim, @gasyoun, which is equally good and popular (easily accessible); the NS books always retain a good standard, and I presume that their 1888 ed. is an improvised revision of the 1864 ed., as per Herman Jacobi (1893).

If it is accepted, probably I can do the mapping work for its Uttarakanda.

Andhrabharati commented 5 months ago

Here is the snippet from 1859 Bomb. ed. of Ramayana

Ramayana Ganapat-Krishanji ed  (1859)

with transcript in modern style-- हरेस्तनूजः खलुरेव दंडेवासी महादेव इति द्विजन्मा ॥ श्रीकृष्णकारुण्यबलादहेदं हंता विदग्धोऽपि चकार शुद्धं ॥ १ ॥ गोविंदस्य तनूज स्तात्याशास्त्री सहायतां तस्य ॥ खेडकरोपाभिख्यो वीध्रीकर्तुं विधत्तेऽस्म ॥ २ ॥

श्रीवैकुंठविराजमानकमलाकांतावनीदैवत प्रोत्फुल्लच्चरणारविंदमकरंदास्वादनेंदिंदिरः ॥ निष्णातो गणपत्यभिख्य इति यः कृष्णाभिधस्यात्मजो मुद्रायंत्रनिकाय्य उज्ज्वलतरस्तस्यास्ति हृद्यः सतां ॥

मुंबानगर्यामदसीयपुत्रो यः कानुनामा समुदे बुधानां ॥ मुद्राक्षरै स्तत्र जगत्पवित्रं वाल्मीकिरामायणमंकतेऽस्म ॥

वसुंधरासिंधुरसिंधुशुद्धरुङ्मिते (1781) तु सिद्धार्थकनाम्निवत्सरे ॥ मासे शुचौ मेचकपंचमीतिथौ संपूर्णमासीदिदमादृतं सतां ॥

श्रीशं वंदे ॥ [1781 S.S. = 1859 A.D.]

This is the one that was referred to at my earlier post


[The Vol.1 has bāla, ayodhyā (pp. 351); Vol.2 has āraṇya, kiṣkindhā, sundara (pp. 376) & Vol.3 has yuddha, uttara (pp. 410)]

And here is the 1795 S.S. (= 1873 A.D.) ed. from the same publishers-- image


---------------------------------- @gasyoun how do you feel looking at this?

Andhrabharati commented 5 months ago

Probably, now it might be somewhat easier for you, to trace these and proceed further!!