sanskrit-lexicon / PWG

Boehtlingk und Roth Sanskrit Wörterbuch, 7 Bände Petersburg 1855-1875
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katha-sarit-sagara link target #70

Closed funderburkjim closed 1 month ago

funderburkjim commented 1 month ago

Steps in creating a link target for kathāsaritsāgara.

Andhrabharati commented 1 month ago


Here is the index file for Katha-sarit-sagara-- Kathasartisagara_index.txt

funderburkjim commented 1 month ago

The displays now work for pwg links.

I made an index. It wIll be interesting to see how it compares to yours.

Am stopping for tonight. Will provide further documentation, corrections tomorrow.

Andhrabharati commented 1 month ago

JFI, MW also has some linkable targets in "Kathās."

funderburkjim commented 1 month ago

Documentation for work so far is here.

Next step to activate link target in displays for other dictionaries besides pwg.

funderburkjim commented 1 month ago

link targets for kss now active for cdsl dictionaries pwg, pw, (pwkvn), sch, and mw. for details, see the readme of this issue (here ) starting at 'Other dictionaries'.


  1. for some reason, in mw, the taranga number is almost always given using roman-numerals
  2. I've noticed a few instances of bad link parameters.
    • Example: hw=kuveDas, <ls>Kathās. lxx, 232.</ls>
    • It would be possible, using the index for kss, to find all such problematic instances.
  3. A slightly different kind of error: the link is present, but the headword is not found in the shloka.
    • I didn't make a note of the example (my bad), but instances of this kind of inconsistency would require manual examination -- thus quite labor intensive, though routine.

I think this issue has probably served its purpose. @Andhrabharati Anything else I need to do before closing issue?

Andhrabharati commented 1 month ago

I've noticed a few instances of bad link parameters.

* Example:  hw=kuveDas,  `<ls>Kathās. lxx, 232.</ls>`

it should be lxxi, 232 (cf. PWG entry) [a print error it is!]

Andhrabharati commented 1 month ago

@funderburkjim Looks this issue (and the issue 71 as well) is closable now!

Which work would you consider next, for linking? And would you be making the "index file" yourself again [as done at kss]?

Andhrabharati commented 1 month ago
  1. for some reason, in mw, the taranga number is almost always given using roman-numerals

It is MW's general principle to have roman number for the "primary section" of the work.

gasyoun commented 1 month ago

link targets for kss now active for cdsl dictionaries pwg, pw, (pwkvn), sch, and mw.

Hurray, we are working on adding the Russian translation of it in parallel

funderburkjim commented 1 month ago

Made correction to MW at kuveDas (see AB comment above)

funderburkjim commented 1 month ago

comparison of index files.

@funderburkjim's basic index has the lines with 4 values, in form 'p t,s1-s2'. There are two files (begin_map_1b.txt and begin_map_2b.txt, corresponding to the two volumes of the downloaded pdfs. The parameters are

AB_index.txt was constructed independently by @Andhrabharati and has 6 fields, entitled

                                From   To
volume  page  Lambaka  Taranga  Verse  Verse

Comparing the two indices:

For our next link-target preparation, I'll make use of AB's index -- probably he can make it with 'external' page numbers.

funderburkjim commented 1 month ago

@gasyoun Took a brief look at your 'parallel corpus'. Very nice! I asked browser to translate from Russian to English, and the result appears good.

Do you plan to have the verses also available in Devanagari?

Noticed a possible small typo: vedavidhirna

What is the source of the verses? (I was looking at MBH) link

funderburkjim commented 1 month ago

Closing issue. Probably will resume the 'mw hierarchy placement of supplement' ( after this vacation with katha-sarit-sagara.

Andhrabharati commented 1 month ago

Noticed a possible small typo: vedavidhirna

What is the source of the verses? (I was looking at MBH) link

This is most likely the digital version of the BORI Critical ed. of MBh.; and this ed. does not match with any of the "traditional" editions that are in use for ages throughout India. And the digital text is also known to contain quite many errors still.

It is more or less comparable to CDSL MW text, that has been "blindly" copied and hosted at innumerable places, in spite of the errors that it contain.

The web is spread with such "erroneous" digital copies all over.

Andhrabharati commented 1 month ago
  • From the AB file, there is no obvious way to compute the pdf page number.

For our next link-target preparation, I'll make use of AB's index -- probably he can make it with 'external' page numbers.

It has been THE practice so far, to have the linked pdf pages to begin with p.1 of the main text, be it the original CDSL lexicons, the earlier linked Westergaard etc, or the recent pdf links starting from Ramayana (Gorresio etc.).

It is just this Jim's KSS work that is having pdf numbering starting with the "front" portion.

Andhrabharati commented 1 month ago

Closing issue. Probably will resume the 'mw hierarchy placement of supplement' (sanskrit-lexicon/MWS#171) after this vacation with katha-sarit-sagara.

Once Jim finishes the hierarchy placement of MW supplement that he has started, I shall takeup my intended work as mentioned at MW repo, thus taking the task towards a "proper closure".

gasyoun commented 3 weeks ago

Do you plan to have the verses also available in Devanagari?

@funderburkjim yes, that should be doable.

What is the source of the verses?

I guess it was the critical edition, if you mean the Mahabharata.

funderburkjim commented 2 days ago

@Andhrabharati What's the next link target for pwg that we should install?

Andhrabharati commented 2 days ago
  • From the AB file, there is no obvious way to compute the pdf page number.

For our next link-target preparation, I'll make use of AB's index -- probably he can make it with 'external' page numbers.

It has been THE practice so far, to have the linked pdf pages to begin with p.1 of the main text, be it the original CDSL lexicons, the earlier linked Westergaard etc, or the recent pdf links starting from Ramayana (Gorresio etc.).

It is just this Jim's KSS work that is having pdf numbering starting with the "front" portion.

Firstly, I was wondering if you are still with the idea of using 'external' page numbers [it appears that you "want" to develop new themes all of a sudden, leaving the 'working models', as noticed in KSS indexing here and then the grouping and other tasks in MW by you], in which case my indexing will be of NO USE to you.

Anyways, it is to inform you that I've done indexing for Manu Deslongchamps, Bhāg. P. [Burnouf], and Śat. Br. [Weber ed.] which complete the works with over 10k citations [As of 2022-02-13] (leaving the Skt. lexical works H., AK. and Med.) and stopped there, though I had intended to do many more.

Probably you may even 'resume' the AK work, which you seem to have started earlier.