sanskrit-lexicon / PWK

Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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pw scans for vn #107

Closed funderburkjim closed 3 months ago

funderburkjim commented 3 months ago

Recall that the VN portion of the pwk dictionary at Cologne currently appears in two places:

When displaying an entry in 'pw' for an entry with a VN portion, there is a hyperlink to the corresponding scanned image. This link does not work properly.

For example, consider the link to 1-283-a under अगति


Clicking this link displays the first page of pw, not page 1-283:

funderburkjim commented 3 months ago

how the target url is derived

When the link at '1-283-a' is clicked, the display uses the 'pdffiles.txt' table to derive the name of the image file . The corresponding line is n1283:pw1-283N.png but the program is looking for a line in pdffiles.txt starting with 1-283, not n1283.

A change (in csl-websanlexicon repository) to pdffiles.txt replaces n1283:pw1-283N.png with 1-283:pw1-283N.png (and similarly for other VN pages).

This change (when the displays for pw are recomputed) solves the problem:
